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Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem

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Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/22/2021 12:45:36 PM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 5/22/2021
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Hi, in my game, I try to attack a carrier with 12 F/A-18 F in a ASuW strike mission, each carries 4 HarpoonII+, the flight size is 4. Only the carrier is selected as mission target.
But I always found that only the first group would fire the missile while the rest two groups would just follow the missile instead of launch all missile at planned launch point.
I did some search and found that this may because the two groups consider the first salvo is enough to destroy the target so they just follow and if the first salvo didn't finish the job, until then they would open fire. I did test in editor and found this may be the reason. Any time I delete the first salvo, a group would fire their salvo.
The problem is, to penetrate a carrier escort's air defence, all missile should be launched at once to saturate the AA capacity, if missile is separated into three salvo, they would be shot down with ease.
I also found some posts claiming this is mission WRA or ROE related. I tried to set the WRA for Harpoon to "use all weapons against target", and Fuel/Ordnance option in mission editor to "expend/jettison A/G ordnance at max range for maximum...."(it's not fully displayed for me). But still get the same behavior.
Any one knows how to make my attack wave behaves as I expected, and release ALL missile at once to the target?
Post #: 1
RE: Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/22/2021 1:18:59 PM   


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Your weapons WRA for the Harpoon likely needs to be adjusted.

Click on the doctrine button for the units or mission. Click the Weapons Release Authorization (WRA) tab at the top. A list of your weapons will appear with various settings relating to the shooter and targets. Notice that each has a default value but its changeable. Change those values to match the firing parameters you want.

This looks more complicated than it is. I'd check out Pat Gatcomb's tutorials. He does a better than job than any forum post could.


Attachment (1)

(in reply to JoshuaAstray)
Post #: 2
RE: Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/22/2021 2:25:10 PM   


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Thank you for you reply, I know this and as I said, I've already set these values to "all weapons against target", which seems not working for me.
I've uploaded screen shots of my mission configuration. Please check if I got some other problems.

Attachment (2)

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 3
RE: Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/22/2021 3:43:56 PM   


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OK I got it, I misunderstood shooter per salvo. After set shooter per salvo to "Fire weapons from enough units......" I seems get all weapon released as expected.

(in reply to JoshuaAstray)
Post #: 4
RE: Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/22/2021 3:45:53 PM   


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Could you post this save game? Would help others see what you're seeing. If turns out to be a bug, you'll need to do that anyways for the devs to address it.



(in reply to JoshuaAstray)
Post #: 5
RE: Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/27/2021 2:46:56 PM   


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Hi, I can confirm this is not a bug but a WRA mistake. See my attached screenshots and you will find the "shooter per salvo" is set to 4 units, which causing this behavior. Change this to "Fire weapons from enough units" will fix this behavior and all missiles would launch just as expected.
Still, if you need a save to clarify this problem, I would happy to attach one

(in reply to BDukes)
Post #: 6
RE: Saturated attack w/ Strike mission problem - 5/27/2021 5:31:09 PM   


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ORIGINAL: JoshuaAstray

Hi, I can confirm this is not a bug but a WRA mistake. See my attached screenshots and you will find the "shooter per salvo" is set to 4 units, which causing this behavior. Change this to "Fire weapons from enough units" will fix this behavior and all missiles would launch just as expected.
Still, if you need a save to clarify this problem, I would happy to attach one

Nope no worries. I misunderstood your last. Glad it worked out


(in reply to JoshuaAstray)
Post #: 7
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