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RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Axis) v Fracas (Soviet)

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RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 10/18/2021 6:32:22 PM   


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What's von Reichenau doing there? Retaining command of 6th Army from the dead?

(he died of a heart attack in early 1942)

We need every man we can get in the Wermacht! Heart attacks have been put on hold.

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Post #: 31
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 10/18/2021 7:13:33 PM   


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I love the pockets, you are an absolute madman. I guess this helps show that it is a good idea to go for small pockets and make sure you can actually hold them (if possible).

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Post #: 32
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 10/18/2021 7:22:37 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Beethoven1

I love the pockets, you are an absolute madman. I guess this helps show that it is a good idea to go for small pockets and make sure you can actually hold them (if possible).

Yes, if nothing else then it shows that in 42 you absolutely cannot go for large scale encirclements like in 41. Even in 41 it's very dubious.

Perhaps better compared to wite1, where I believe such things were more common.

I admit to feeling disheartened, but the highwater mark is at 632. Not unobtainable for the soviets certainly, but so long as I don't suffer a catastrophic injury in the next few turns I'll have the forces necessary, with luck, to manage a steady retreat as we creep into 43.

< Message edited by RedJohn -- 10/18/2021 7:24:31 PM >

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Post #: 33
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 10/22/2021 9:18:40 AM   


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The game has sort of stalled at this point I suppose. I'm slightly pushing in some places, but east of tula has stopped dead in it's tracks.

Too much depth for the Soviets! And I think I wasted my original offensive.

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Post #: 34
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 10/22/2021 9:50:51 AM   


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The game has sort of stalled at this point I suppose. I'm slightly pushing in some places, but east of tula has stopped dead in it's tracks.

Too much depth for the Soviets! And I think I wasted my original offensive.

That is a lie. Final victory lies just around the corner.

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Post #: 35
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/1/2021 12:14:12 AM   


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This game is still going on, as are my other ones, I've just been really busy and forget to take screenshots.

3 Turns ago we did seize Moscow, however, after it was left relatively undefended.

Since then AGC is facing total collapse under relentless Soviet assault.

But hey, we seized Moscow for a turn!

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Post #: 36
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/1/2021 12:15:14 AM   


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Our tanks are not looking so good, however...

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Post #: 37
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/1/2021 12:15:56 AM   


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We just do not have enough counters on the map.

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Post #: 38
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/1/2021 12:16:41 AM   


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OOB Turn 66.

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Post #: 39
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/1/2021 12:18:06 AM   


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And the front.

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Post #: 40
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/1/2021 9:40:56 AM   

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Bitter sweet getting pushed out of Moscow. I assume this means that the NSS is gone. Does that not give you any hope?

Is it possible to show how flushed out your rail network is in Sep 1942?

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Post #: 41
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/6/2021 11:41:16 PM   


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Showed Hardradi on discord. Basically everything except Ukraine is fully repaired.

Front as of turn 74.

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Post #: 42
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/6/2021 11:42:19 PM   


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We've made far more progress to Leningrad than I could ever have hoped for. It seems removing Moscow as a NSS has crippled Soviet supply in the area.

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Post #: 43
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/6/2021 11:43:25 PM   


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Things have been brutal, as usual, since the last update - but we made a huge pocket just as heavy mud hit close to Orel.

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Post #: 44
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/6/2021 11:44:47 PM   


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A large number of Guards formations were removed just on the eve of Winter. According to Fracas, it was a large enough blow that he doesn't believe anything decisive can happen this winter.

But, it is winter still.

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Post #: 45
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/6/2021 11:47:15 PM   


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We've killed so many men. So many tanks... But Fracas still has, and I quote "3500 T34s, 2500 lights and 2000 heavy's".

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Post #: 46
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/6/2021 11:48:54 PM   


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OOB as of November 15th, 1942.

May God have mercy on the souls of those who have died in this accursed War in the East. (2). (TM)

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Post #: 47
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/7/2021 10:40:07 AM   

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We've made far more progress to Leningrad than I could ever have hoped for. It seems removing Moscow as a NSS has crippled Soviet supply in the area.


I suspect that alone will win you the game, if you are forced to rely on the December 44 test (ie the Soviets must meet the HWM or lose).

At a guess he'll hit real problems on a Minsk-Kiev line as his NSS will be back on the Volga?


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Post #: 48
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/7/2021 12:30:13 PM   


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In addition to taking the NSS at Moscow, Bread has also seems to have done a pretty good job of keeping the Red Army at a manageable size. Barely more than 5 million on the map at this point doesn't seem bad at all.

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Post #: 49
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 11/7/2021 2:56:34 PM   


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ORIGINAL: loki100



We've made far more progress to Leningrad than I could ever have hoped for. It seems removing Moscow as a NSS has crippled Soviet supply in the area.


I suspect that alone will win you the game, if you are forced to rely on the December 44 test (ie the Soviets must meet the HWM or lose).

At a guess he'll hit real problems on a Minsk-Kiev line as his NSS will be back on the Volga?

Possibly! It's also possible I just generally collapse. Superdepot usage should be critical for him I think as he starts planning his offensives.

We'll see I suppose.

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Post #: 50
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/8/2021 10:09:33 PM   


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The game continues.

In the early hours of January 3rd, 1943, the 246th Infantry Division, following a major battle on the outskirts of Leningrad involving the 69th, 98th, and 11th Infantry Divisions, routs the Leningrad Garrison and successfully seizes the City for the German Reich.

But then of course retreats a hex because despite being able to take the city hex, we do not have the movement to occupy it unless we temporarily motorize a unit.

Temp motorisation I think is not banned, I forget, and I am debating whether it is worth it to use it (thus allowing the Soviets the same ability, as it is only fair) in order to garrison the city.

EDIT: And then my game crashed!

< Message edited by RedJohn -- 12/8/2021 10:13:25 PM >

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Post #: 51
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:14:16 AM   


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A view of the North on January 10th, 1943. Every unit here is in excellent supply, and of course Leningrad was seized so things are looking good in this area.

2 Motorised divisions were sent North a turn ago to prepare for a surprise push to the lake, but then Leningrad fell and they've now been used to reinforce south of Lake Ilmen as a Soviet corps pushed a tile with help from artillery.

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Post #: 52
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:16:25 AM   


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A view of Centre-North. After the Moskow blitz, this area has been extremely quiet.

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Post #: 53
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:18:48 AM   


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This has been where the most action has been happening. Despite our kneecapping of a number of vital guards formations in this area, the Soviets have responded in force by amassing many corps of different kinds. We have barely any time to refit formations before they're thrown back into the fray.

I hope that the 1943 manpower boosts do much to alleviate the issues I face.

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Post #: 54
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:21:41 AM   


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A number of attacks have also forced the evacuation of Rostov. I was under the mistaken impression that the VP bonus was to be granted during it's 1943 capture date, but I forgot the soviets seized it historically much earlier, just to lose it again. D'oh.

The abandonment of the city should help soviet logistics though, but it also offers a lovely shortening of the line.

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Post #: 55
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:24:00 AM   


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The accursed fortress of Yalta still holds strong, and many tens of thousands of men are still occupying it. Unfortunately this necessitates the holding up of many divisions. I hope to bring the full might of the airforce when weather clears up to thoroughly isolate and starve them out.

We of course abandoned any of our gains near the Caucasus to a much more defensible 2 hexes. All of the Crimean ports are fortified to ward off invasion.

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< Message edited by RedJohn -- 12/15/2021 8:25:05 AM >

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Post #: 56
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:26:41 AM   


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Over 1 million Axis soldiers are permanently lost, with another million being disabled.

To date the Red Army has suffered close to 9 million casualties, 6.5 of them being permanent.

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Post #: 57
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:27:55 AM   


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The air losses. Neither of us really used the air war to it's maximum extent - Fracas wasn't even doing mass ground bombing until a few turns ago when I told him he might as well, as it's what I do as the Soviets.

Accordingly though, we have lost very little aircraft in the grand scheme.

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Post #: 58
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:29:09 AM   


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We have around 4000 aircraft in the pool, waiting for deployment. If only I could build new units!

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Post #: 59
RE: "I have no idea what I'm doing" Bread (Ax... - 12/15/2021 8:30:16 AM   


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This is NOT how the air graph should look, I think, but clearly my ace strategy to ignore the air entirely has resulted in us reaching 10,000 total aircraft.

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