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The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (Soviet)

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The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (Soviet) - 12/3/2021 6:01:23 PM   

Posts: 3219
Joined: 6/24/2017
From: Germany
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We are playing VtB with the latest patch (1.02.06). I had the honor to battle Gunnulf in WitW and we had a really good time but we have not had any matches in WitE 2 yet. We are both new to the scenario so we will see how this goes.

Only one house rule: Only 1 motorized unit at a time (to be announced to the opposing player). Unit motorized cannot be Rifle Corps type.

Mods being used are the followings:

-GeneralsMap 0.5.3:
-COREd War in the East 2:
-WitE 2 Image Library (Axis Leaders):
-Darojax Soviet Unit Insignia Addon v1.11:
-jlbhungs Counter mod for HQs, Fortified Zones, Airborne and Marine units (inspired by Hardradi): post 10.

Would recommend the mods to anyone that plays the game, they add flavor to it and make the game a lot prettier to look at. This AAR will be updated in real time so I have asked Gunnulf to not read until we complete it.

Situation Report:

Soviets have achieved massive breakthroughs all along the front of Army Group Center and Army Group A. Warsaw and Krakow have fallen, the Soviets have formed two big pockets and have cut off a few straggling units. Kurland is quiet while a Soviet offensive has started north of Budapest, seeking to breakthrough to the Slovakian plains. At the start of the week, 277.000 men are encircled.

North and Center:


Soviet attacks have wreaked havoc in our lines. Out of 124 attacks, only 6 were held (5%). 20th Panzer Division fighting in Hungary proves itself against 3 Soviet Mechanized Corps, destroying 117 enemy AFVs. In other sectors however, our formations have been hit hard. Excluding Fortified Zones and SUs, 20 divisions and 99 regiments for a total of 119 units are depleted or understrength. Under such circumstances, we are left with the only option of combining formations together (merging) to make them combat capable or immediate disbandment to make manpower available for other formations.

20th Panzer Division prevails:

Manpower reserves are very thin. Only around 33.000 men are available as replacements and only about 20.000 are raised each week. The Hungarians have basically no replacements at all, only 1.600 men.

Here are two examples of units that are completely depleted:

Due to everything mentioned above it is impossible to form a cohesive front line at the moment. We lack the units to do so. The plan is to withdraw slowly while maintaining a defensive screen until proper reinforcements can arrive. It is vital to deny important rail hubs such as Posen (Poznan) and Breslau to the enemy while holding on to fuel refineries as long as possible.

Main rail lines leading to Berlin:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator
Post #: 1
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/3/2021 6:30:42 PM   

Posts: 3219
Joined: 6/24/2017
From: Germany
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Reorganizing the LW:

Our airfields and air groups are put at risk due to the fast Soviet advance. Therefore as of the early morning hours, all air groups and support personel have been ordered to pull back to the rear as part of a major reorganization effort:

-Luftflotte 1 supporting the Kurland pocket (Army Group North): 177 fighters and 92 bombers. This is the smallest formation of all of them since Kurland is expected to be a quiet sector.

-LW Kdo Ostpreußen (Luftflotte 6), supporting 3rd Panzer Army fighting in Konigsberg, 333 fighters and 166 bombers.
-Fliegerkorps II (Luftflotte 6)supporting Army Group Center: 362 fighters and 271 bombers.

-Fliegerkorps VIII (Luftflotte 6) supporting Army Group A: 285 fighters and 452 bombers.

-Fliegerkorps I (Luftflotte 4) supporting Army Group South: 483 fighters and 317 bombers. Fliegerkorps I has complete access to the transport fleet that has now deployed to Vienna and surroundings (264 transport planes). Their job will be to keep Budapest supplied so as to prolong the siege as much as possible.

Fliegerkorps I has also received heavy reinforcements in terms of tactical bombers and fighters to help break the Soviet offensive developing north of Budapest. Once the front in the Center stabilizes, we will transfer more air assets to assist our ground troops here, however due to the fluid situation right now, these assets would just be wasted there.

Air groups have been set to not fly unless the weather clears. Trained pilots have been earmarked for the fighter and fighter bomber squadrons.

Reorganized LW:

AGN Report: Kurland

The enemy launched only 1 attack in the sector, causing heavy losses to the 12th LW Division and the reacting 12th Panzer Division which lost 2/3 of its tanks in the battle. The 21st LW Division nearby has been merged with the 12th LW Division to bring them up to strength. In general, the forces in Kurland are the strongest, divisional TOEs are at around 75% and morale and experience of the units is good. In total, Army Group North has around 370.000 men to its disposal.

The plan in Kurland is to undertake a slow and orderly withdrawal/evacuation. The Kriegsmarine does not have enough assets to allow for a full evacuation but every unit that we ship out will help defend the Oder line. This week, the 11th and 121st IDs were evacuated together with the headquarters of the II Corps for a total of around 17k men. These units have been moved to Danzig and the II Corps is now in charge of the cities defense.

Gameplay mechanics:

Since this is a large sea evacuation, it is necessary to know the rules that make this kind of stuff possible. The manual sections 24.1 and 24.3 are very valuable to help you understand how the system works and to help you plan your moves. Here is some info to keep in mind:

For unit transport you need troop ships which have a capacity of 1.000 tons per ship. The Axis have 8 troop ships in the Baltic Sea, meaning around 8.000 tons can be moved a week. Once a ship has been used for a move, it is removed from the pool for that turn. To know how many tons a unit would use simply go to their unit detail screen and check the transport cost section. The first number indicates transport cost by sea/rail. For example: To move the 2 IDs and the HQ 7.000 tons (7 ships) were used.

The costs are much higher if you are moving armored formations due to their much heavier equipment. For example: The 11th SS Panzergrenadier Division has been split into regiments to enable its evacuation since the costs for a single regiment are 3.700 tons, meaning next week only 2 regiments will be able to evacuate.

The next part is also really important: Loading units into ships and unloading at a port. Two formulas to keep in mind:

-Cost for loading a unit is calculated as follows: 50-(capacity/7.5).
-Cost for unloading a unit into port is: 150-(capacity/1.5).
You can see the capacity of the port when in naval transport mode.

So for the example: the 121st ID reaches the port of Liepaja and has 173 SMP left. Port capacity is 30 so the cost the unit will pay is as follows: 50-(30/7.5) =46. Now it has 127 SMP left and is moved by ship to Gdynia (capacity 74) and has 108 SMP left. It unloads there paying this cost: 150-(74/1.5) =101. It now has 7 SMPs left and 0 MPs.


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 2
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/3/2021 6:50:13 PM   

Posts: 3219
Joined: 6/24/2017
From: Germany
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Army Group Center

Army Group Center sector before:

Army Group Center sector after:

Three holds in the sector of the 3rd Panzer Army. Soviet attacks against East Prussia have isolated 2 IDs and 1 Infantry Regiment. These units have been merged into the 561st Volksgrenadier Division which has been ordered to break out to the east. What remains of the 3rd Panzer Army has been ordered to pull back to East Prussia and defend Konigsberg. XXVIII Corps has orders to defend Festung Memel. For their heroic defense against the 90th Rifle Corps, the 551st Volksgrenadier Division has been temporarily motorized, allowing it to reach Konigsberg safely.

Heroic defense:

The 4th Army has taken the brunt of the Soviet attack, multiple units have been routed and only exist on paper. 8 divisions have been trapped in the pocket of Grajewo. Only the presence of 2 regiments of the 18th Panzergrenadier division allowed us to reestablish a connection to these forces. However due to the narrow corridor, no infantry units can be evacuated so these units are lost. They have now been concentrated under the command of the VI Corps and ordered to defend their positions at all costs. We hope to tie up some of the Soviet forces in the area. In the pocket are 65.700 men, 1.041 guns and 72 AFVs.

The rest of the 4th Army has pulled back to the Vistula and has formed a screen on the river, which has not fully frozen yet. II Corps (with 2 attached divisions) has been shipped to Danzig and Gdynia to reinforce the army. What remains of the 2nd Army has been ordered on the Vistula and on the sector north of Posen (Poznan). Here only a thin screen could be formed as there is a considerable lack of units. Many of the regiments in the area are not even combat ready.

The 9th Army has ceased existing. By the end of the week, it musters only 1 combat ready panzer regiment and 1 unready Volksgrenadier Division. Its formations have been smashed and the rest have been trapped in the Radom pocket (50.000 men, 710 guns and 116 AFVs). The army has been pulled west of the Oder to reform and absorb arriving reserves. To close the gap formed by the destruction of the 9th Army, the 6th SS Panzer Army has been rushed to the area. The army is composed of 4 strong mobile divisions: L.A.H SS Panzer Division and 12th SS Panzer Division arriving from the reserve as well as the Fallschirm HG Nr.1 Panzer Division and the Brandenburg Panzergrenadier Division which were spared from the Soviet onslaught. These forces are tasked with slowing down a strong enemy push between Breslau and Posen. The Brandenburg Panzergrenadier Division is in good spirits after smashing the 1st Polish Mechanized Brigade north of Vistula.

9th Army remains:

Torun-Poznan sector:

Von Sauckens Panzergrenadiers maul the 1st Polish Mechanized Brigade:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 3
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/3/2021 9:04:43 PM   

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Army Group A

Army Group A has also taken a severe beating with multiple formations being routed or shattered. The Soviets have taken Krakow and are now only 20 miles away from Katowice which is an important logistics hub. With the Soviet push towards Krakow threatening the flank of the 17th Army and the 1st Panzer Army as well as mounting pressure from the 4th Ukrainian Front, orders have been given for the 17th Army to begin a slow withdrawal west.

Meanwhile the 4th Panzer Army has set up a defensive line in and around Katowice. It is important that the Synthetic Fuel plants in the area are defended as long as possible. We expect heavy fighting in this sector next week and the Army has been beefed with AA and AT assets. Reinforcements are on their way!

Army Group A start of the week:

Army Group A end of the week:

Army Group South

8th Army sector relatively quiet with few Soviet attacks that have pushed us back. Frontline is holding strong however.

The enemy has launched a strong attack north of Budapest and is pressing towards Bratislava. Due to the terrain in the area, it is of utmost importance that this advance is checked as soon as possible. To do so, we have ordered a temporary stop to the offensive to relieve Budapest as the armored formations are needed to close the gap. The situation has been stabilized for now but more troops are needed here in order to prevent a complete breakthrough.

The Soviets have tightened the noose around Budapest after a successful attack on Budaors. There are around 73.000 men defending the Hungarian capital and the airlift to the city has begun. 366 tons have been dropped this week but the units need 500 tons. More transport groups have been deployed in the sector and we hope to reach the 500 mark next week.

AGS start of the week:

AGS after movement:

Full frontline after movement:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 4
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/3/2021 9:24:23 PM   

Posts: 3219
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From: Germany
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The losses have been heavy: 82.000 men KIA or captured and 45.600 men wounded. Around 5.200 guns and 1.900 AFVs lost. The Soviets have 53.000 men KIA.

Our air losses are negligible, some losses from airbases bein overrun and operational losses when resupplying Budapest but the Soviets have taken heavy losses in the air: around 1.200 aircraft.

Disbanding and manpower:

As stated before, the shortage of manpower is one of the biggest issues we are facing. A lot of units have been merged to bring others up to strength. Other units that were completely depleted have been disbanded. At the end of the week 5 Infantry divisions, 3 armor regiments and 45 infantry regiments have been wiped off the OOB. That is the equivalent of 21 divisions. As a result of these changes, an additional 17.000 men are available to use as replacements.

The changes also make it easier to replace formations. At the start of the week, around 6.900 Rifle Squads were needed to bring all formations to full strength. At the end of the week that number is around 5.000.

To make it easier to funnel manpower to the formations that need it the most, caps have been imposed on every formation. Most Infantry units have been capped at 65% TOE while mobile formations are capped at 75-85. HQs have been capped at 60%.




< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/3/2021 9:28:25 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 5
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/4/2021 4:20:53 AM   


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From: Denmark-Norway
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Perhaps the more fascinating aspects of WITE, the last stand from the Vistula to Berlin. Look forward to seeing how this campaign develops!


The more difficult the scenario, the more rewarding it is to upset the inevitable assumed outcome.

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 6
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/5/2021 12:30:41 AM   

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HQs have been capped at 60%.

YUK, but I understand why. But the rolls :(....

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 7
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/5/2021 10:56:23 AM   

Posts: 3219
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From: Germany
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@Shiverspite: Thank you, hope you enjoy it!

@HLYA: I know, but not much can be done about it. I just received T3 and the manpower situation is worse than I though. I had panzergrenadier regiments, stacked with HQs, on level 4 supply priority on depots loaded with freight that got no replacements at all. Almost all HQs start at around 60% TOE anyway so...

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/5/2021 3:49:16 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to HardLuckYetAgain)
Post #: 8
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/5/2021 10:15:17 PM   

Posts: 571
Joined: 2/9/2011
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Looks grim. The number of Soviet OOB compared to yours is terrifying.

Nice to see some of Late War equipment showing up. Looking forward to more.

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 9
T3: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/7/2021 7:01:38 PM   

Posts: 3219
Joined: 6/24/2017
From: Germany
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T3: January 27th 1945


Kurland is quiet except for the air battles going on over the coast of Ventspils. The Soviet 15th Air Army and Baltic Fleet Air Command are attempting to close the shipping lanes to the port thus denying our forces some much needed supply. They have their work cut out for them as JG 54 has been flying sorties all week and our fighters have managed to inflict heavy losses to the enemy, 114 enemy planes have been shot down and the shipping lanes are still under our control. It seems that the Soviets are preparing for an attack towards the port as they have conducted air recon around the sector and our intelligence has picked up a significant Soviet force build up in the sector too. As a result, 1 panzer regiment and 1 infantry regiment have been diverted to the sector.

The 2 regiments of the 11th SS Panzergrenadier Division have been evacuated to Danzig, the last regiment will evacuate next week too. The enemy has loosened the ring around the Festung Memel. It does not seem like the Soviets are preparing for an attack yet but this could very well be fake hope. Without proper recon in the area we cannot determine whether the main Soviet force is moving south or has been pulled to the rear to prepare for the attack.

AGN after moves:

Air battles over Ventspils:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to Hardradi)
Post #: 10
RE: T3: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/7/2021 7:21:49 PM   

Posts: 3219
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Soviet spearheads led by the 29th Tank Corps and 8th Mechanized Corps have reached the Baltic Sea, taken Elbing and cut off the land connection to East Prussia. The 3rd Panzer Army will have to be supplied by sea from now on. Defenses in front of the city have been strengthened by tightening the perimeter. Multiple units are in dire need of replacements if they are to defend against the strong Soviet forces that are now making contact with the defensive ring around Konigsberg.

The only hold of the week achieved on the Vistula by the Danzig Fortress Division, holding back a Soviet attack by the 8th Mechanized Corps. A second organized attack by the 29th Tank Corps threw them back with heavy loses, however. With the mouth of the Vistula frozen solid we have taken defensive positions along the river and in Danzig, which has now become frontline city.

AGC sector before:

Danzig Fortress Division:

East Prussia after moves:

Further to the south, the situation is more favorable: the Soviets have yet to make contact along the Vistula and the river has not frozen yet (Ice level 6, will be level 7 in Soviet turn) so it is still an obstacle, at least for another week. 4th Army positions have been reinforced by fresh units arriving from Pomerania. The Grajewo pocket has not been attacked yet and the encircled forces are slowly running out of supplies. Could be that the enemy cannot spare any forces to mop up the strong pocket, which is a positive sign.

2nd Army sector has received reinforcements too and have pulled back slightly since the terrain is not very favorable to the defenders here. TG 1 moved to Berlin to be able to supply Poznan if it gets cut off. 11th SS Panzer Army (Green) has been moved to the area to reinforce the positions. Lodz is also still under our control even though isolated. The Soviet 4th NKPS is right outside of the city waiting to repair the rail line coming from Warsaw.

Poznan sector before:

Vistula sector after moves:

Poznan sector after moves:

The partially reformed 9th Army has been put in defensive positions around Breslau, with the I Panzer Corps covering its left flank and the Großdeutschland Panzer Corps covering its right flank. II SS Panzer Corps (Bright Red) with the elite Das Reich and 9th SS Panzer Division have arrived from the west and are being held in reserve between Poznan and Breslau. Both Festungen have a defensive CV of 93 and a dedicated full strength division attached to them. It is vital that we hold these key locations as long as possible.

Soviets have almost completely cleared the Radom pocket, only the 10th Panzergrenadier Division remains in the city. The clean up operation has tied up 7 Rifle Corps and 3 Breakthrough Artillery divisions which is good news.

Central sector before:

Central sector after:

Army Group Center positions after German moves:

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/7/2021 8:43:51 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 11
RE: T3: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/7/2021 9:15:16 PM   

Posts: 3219
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From: Germany
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Army Group A

Heaviest fighting of the week has taken place in the Army Group A sector hitting the 4th Panzer Army and the 17th Army. Instead of pushing east in strength, STAVKA has diverted a good portion of its armored formations to the south taking the mountain passes in the Tatra mountains. This will make an evacuation of whatever forces we have left in the area very difficult and threatens to roll the flank of the 8th Army. Our forces have been pulled back slightly and units have been ordered to take defensive positions in order to slow down enemy armored formations. The two corps of the 1st Panzer Army are as good as gone. The Soviets might be able to close the pocket next week but we intend to frustrate their advances.

In the 4th Panzer Army sector the enemy has not taken neither Katowice nor the synthetic fuel plants at Blechhammer. Stubborn German defense and the diversion of Soviet mobile reserves elsewhere has only allowed the enemy to advance a mere 20 miles in the span of one week. Many units have paid the ultimate price however. One example would be the 2 regiments of the 17th Panzer division that have been completely depleted and have ceased to exist. Reinforcements are being rushed to the area and VIII Fliegerkorps has been ordered to fly ground support sorties regardless of the bad weather. The Soviets need to be slowed down somehow. More reinforcements are expected, but at the current rate we cannot keep up with the losses. Last week a full Corps was completely annihilated.

AGA before German moves:

17th Panzer smashed by the 1st Ukranian Front:

Three artillery divisions took a massive toll.

17th Panzer after the battle:

XI Corps almost completely wiped out:

AGA after German moves:


The 8th Army finds itself in a precarious position as its rear operational area is exposed. It will need to slowly disengage the enemy and conduct a withdrawal through bad terrain, as there are no reserves available for them. The mountain regiments are showing their worth however, their expertise in mountain warfare and traversing such difficult terrain has bought us time to pull back our forces.

The Soviets launched 2 good attacks in the 6th Army sector last week, throwing back one Infantry Division and one Panzer Division which were in good defensive positions. Both units have taken heavy losses especially in AFVs, with the 1st Panzer Division having lost 83% of its tanks.

Forced to retreat in Hungary:

66 tanks lost out of 80. At the start of the week, only 14 tanks were left.

As Soviet forces are preparing for a strong push towards Bratislava counterattacks were ordered by General Balck commanding the 6th Army in order to keep the Soviets in check. IV SS Panzer Corps has thrown back 3 Corps massing for an attack towards Bratislava while the III Panzer Corps has retaken the positions lost last week after a strong counterattack smashed the 9th Rifle Corps. The air support from Luftflotte 4 provided crucial assistance in the attacks.

Soviet force concentration:

4th Mechanized Corps seems to be depleted due to very low CV and the fact that it did not participate in battle.

IV SS Panzer Corps smashes 23rd Tank Corps but pays a heavy price for it:

Heavy tank losses and one of our Infantry Divisions has become unready but we manage to disrupt a Soviet build up.

III Panzer Corps annihilates 135th Rifle Corps with the help of Luftflotte 4:

Luftflotte 4 silences Soviet artillery allowing for the panzers to advance quickly and cause heavy losses to the enemy.

Soviet situation around Budapest has also changed. IX SS Corps defending the city reports that the enemy has brought up weak Romanian Divisions to hold the cordon around the Hungarian capital and seems like the Soviets are not preparing for a major assault yet. Luftflotte 4 does well on their promise and delivers 600 tonnes of supplies by airlift this week. The Soviets are not contesting the skies either. Two SS Cavalry divisions in the city have been merged into the 8th SS Cavalry division and the same fate has befallen the 2 Hungarian Infantry divisions in the city. Both units are now at 100% TOE.

8th SS Cavalry Division Maria Theresa reinforced:


10th Hungarian Infantry Division reinforced:

The enemy has grown daring in the sector of the 2nd Panzer Army as well as a Soviet attack threw back an Infantry Division. A quick counterattack by local units retakes the lost ground and sends the 299th Rifle Division reeling to the rear.

The LW silences Soviet artillery.

Southern Front overview:

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/7/2021 9:17:13 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 12
RE: T3: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/7/2021 9:28:37 PM   

Posts: 3219
Joined: 6/24/2017
From: Germany
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Ground Losses:

60.000 irrecoverable losses for our side as well as 523 AFVs lost.

More disbands and mergers this week:

8 Infantry regiments gone from the OOB.

Air Losses:

Losses starting to build up as the LW is getting active.

OKH report on replacements:

The OKH is really concerned with the low rates of replacements being assigned to Eastern Front divisions especially considering the situation we are in. The fact that other Theaters have priority on receiving replacements is worrying but not much can be done about it. German ground forces in the East pulled only 10.000 men from the pool last week, around 15.000 men have been pulled due to the LW reorganization. In the next few weeks the situation should start to stabilize and most manpower should go to ground forces unless other major reorganizations are to happen.

We are still missing around 34.000 riflemen in our formations. A considerable drop from the 50.000 of last week. Notice that even with the capped TOEs, the shortages are very high.

Manpower pool at around 42.000 men:



AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 13
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/7/2021 9:30:01 PM   

Posts: 3219
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From: Germany
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ORIGINAL: Hardradi

Looks grim. The number of Soviet OOB compared to yours is terrifying.

Nice to see some of Late War equipment showing up. Looking forward to more.

Yeah pretty grim situation overall but am enjoying the scenario a lot. Quite interesting to play the late war scenario. Stay tuned for more!


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to Hardradi)
Post #: 14
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/8/2021 1:33:55 AM   


Posts: 3693
Joined: 10/5/2010
From: Italy
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Not a scenario I'd be ever inclined to play, so kudos to you!
I feel the German National Morale is way too low too - it may be '45 but Germans are worse than Russians in '41!

On the other hand the Luftwaffe is impressive for the stage of the war!

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 15
RE: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/11/2021 7:27:45 AM   

Posts: 3219
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From: Germany
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Not a scenario I'd be ever inclined to play, so kudos to you!
I feel the German National Morale is way too low too - it may be '45 but Germans are worse than Russians in '41!

On the other hand the Luftwaffe is impressive for the stage of the war!

The morale gets lowered by the first event in the campaign and yes I do feel that 50 is a bit too low for January 1945 but thats the cards I was dealt. It doesnt affect you that much however, since most of the units are above that.

The LW is okay, nothing special. On T4 we had a lot of air combat and they performed as you would expect them to in 1945. Plenty of losses especially where they do not have the fighter numbers to outmatch the Soviets.

Thanks for tuning in!


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 16
T4: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/11/2021 1:23:02 PM   

Posts: 3219
Joined: 6/24/2017
From: Germany
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T4, February 3rd 1945


Soviet build up picked up in the 18th Army sector but no ground combat in Kurland yet. Heavy air combat continues over Ventspils and the Soviets managed to prevent cargo ships from accessing the port last week but the LW dominated during our turn. Two more regiments evacuated from Kurland this week. Another 2 regiments will follow next week.

Army Group Vistula

3rd Panzer, 4th and 2nd Army have been subordinated to the newly formed Army Group Vistula.

Memel has fallen to a strong Soviet attack after heavy fighting. 6 Rifle Corps, 3 Rifle divisions and 4 artillery divisions took place in the assault. XXVIII Corps has retreated over the Kurische Nehrung and its units are pretty beat up.

209.000 Soviet troops attacking Festung Memel:

Soviet infantry is pouring into East Prussia now and it feels like the calm before the storm. Eight Rifle Corps as well as the 2nd Guards Tank Corps in front of Koenigsberg but there is no doubt that the main striking force is being held in the rear building up their combat strength.

East Prussia defenses:

3rd Panzer Army received much needed replacements this week, 9.200 men assigned to the forces defending the East Prussian capital. In total 146.000 men are defending East Prussia as part of the 3rd Panzer Army.

Soviet cleanup of the Grajewo pocket almost complete, only 2 divisions remain in the pocket. The lone 561st Volksgrenadier Division in the north has also surrendered. The Vistula line has not been attacked yet and our units are continuing to build fortifications in preparation for the fighting that is sure to follow. Both the 4th and 2nd Army reinforce their positions on the river.

Vistula defensive line (4th and 2nd Army) at the end of the week:


Soviet vanguards of the 5th Shock Army and 2nd Guards Tank Army have made contact with our line in front of Posen. 11th SS Panzer Army (green) now deployed in force around the city and has been reinforced with new units. Lodz falls to a strong Soviet attack. The 337th Volksgrenadier Division and Luftflotte 6 did all they could.

Heavy tank battles in front of Breslau as armored and mechanized corps from the Soviet 1st Guards Tank Army, 3rd Guards and 8th Guards Armies have clashed with elements of the Grossdeutschland and I SS Panzer Corps. 210 AFVs lost on our side and multiple armored regiments have been completely destroyed. The Soviets are now 40 miles from the city. 9th Army has been reactivated and tasked with the defense of Breslau and surroundings. II SS Panzer Corps committed to the front line.

Front before:

Battle of Lodz:

Battle of Radom:

Posen after:

Battles in front of Breslau:

Breslau after:

Front after:

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/11/2021 1:24:50 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

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RE: T4: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/11/2021 4:35:40 PM   

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Soviet forces launched a series of attacks in the AGA sector. Katowice and Beuthen both taken after heavy fighting. Multiple regiments have been completely annihilated and only exist on paper. Heavy fighting in the 1st Panzer Army sector too, the Soviets are making strong pressure here as well.

As the Soviet Rifle Corps have already caught up with the armor there is a frightening concentration of enemy forces in the sector. Reinforcements have been brought up to the area fast, including the 21st Panzer Division, 10th SS Panzer Division and 9th Panzer Division at almost full TOE. Whatever is left of the 1st Panzer Army is slowly pulling out of the mountains and moving west.

Army Group A sector start of the week:

Army Group A sector after German moves:


Soviets made 3 successful attacks in the sector of Army Group South. No attacks against Budapest yet, but the Soviets are probably building up for a large scale attack that is bound to hit soon. 13th Panzer Division in the city has been merged into the Feldherrnhalle Nr.1 Panzer Division, bringing them at full strength. 623 tonnes delivered to the city this week.

At the start of the week:

After German moves:

Feldherrnhalle Nr.1 Panzer Division after infusing with the 13th Panzer Division:

South overview:

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/11/2021 4:36:52 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

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RE: T4: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/11/2021 5:16:18 PM   

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Due to the heavy fighting as well as the pocket clearing, losses have been high this week: 96.000 men KIA or MIA as well as around 500 AFVs lost.

Very heavy losses in the air as the LW has been flying Ground Support sorties all week, 335 operational losses and 219 pilots lost but a lot of Soviet planes shut down, the enemy lost 850 planes due to air combat and 683 pilots were either captured or killed.

Replacements this week finally made it where they were needed. 80.000 men deployed in the field.

Weather next week is predicted to be heavy rain which means heavy mud is expected along the front. This does not impede Soviet mobility much because of the good infrastructure but it does however have 2 upsides:

1) Attacking CV is cut down by 50% in good roads and the effects are worse for average roads.
2) Frozen rivers will start to thaw allowing us to use them as obstacles again.

Weather played a key role in planning the defensive line for the turn. Lets hope it will be enough to prevent the enemy from any major breakthroughs.


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

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Post #: 19
T5: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/14/2021 1:07:07 PM   

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T5, 10th of February, 1945


Blizzard in Kurland and no activity in the sector. The last 2 regiments of the 4th Panzer Division have been evacuated to Danzig, making the unit whole again. 14th Panzer Division is also preparing for evacuation as well. Once this unit has left, the Kriegsmarine has orders to start evacuating Infantry Divisions from Kurland.

Army Group Vistula

The Soviet assault on East Prussia has begun at full strength and the whole outside defensive ring has been obliterated. The Soviets have captured Heiligenbeil, Labiau and Neuhausen and are pressing from the Kurische and Frische Nehrung. 16 Infantry Corps (of which 11 are guards), 3 Tank Corps and 2 Artillery Divisions took part in the assault. What formations were left from the 3rd Panzer Army have been combined together and moved into Koengisberg. 3 Infantry and 2 mechanized divisions (75.000 men in total) are protecting the capital of East Prussia while another division is protecting the port of Pillau.

Given the force that the Soviets have dedicated to taking Koenigsberg, it would be a miracle if the fortress can hold for two weeks.

East Prussia start of the week:

Defensive Ring battles:

East Prussia after:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 20
RE: T5: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/14/2021 3:30:57 PM   

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Heavy fighting taking place on the Vistula line as well. Soviet Rifle Corps have caught up with the armored spearheads, which have managed to cross the Vistula 40 miles south of Danzig. The Soviets have a 20 mile long corridor but only 10 mile (1 hex) wide. 5 Armored/Mechanized Corps as well as 1 Cavalry Corps have crossed the river and are in position to roll the flank of the 4th and 2nd Army.

4th Army has received orders to fortify the positions around the Soviet breach. The terrain in the sector is helpful due to the heavy woods. 4th Panzer Division coming straight from the ships in Danzig has been rushed to the front. Heavy fighting is expected here next week so additional AT formations have been attached to the 4th Army. 2nd Army holding on the Vistula while its XVIII Mnt Corps has pulled back to the hilly terrain behind the Netze.

4th and 2nd Army positions start of the week:

4th and 2nd Army positions after German moves:

Vistula crossing battle:


Soviet forward forces have reached Posen, 2 Cavalry Corps are now just 20 miles away from the city. 11th SS Panzer Army launches 2 powerful counterattacks, mauling both cavalry corps. The LW again proves its worth, tactical bombers silence Soviet artillery and deny the enemy ease of movement. The rebuild Warsaw Grenadier Division enters Posen to assist the city defense.

Posen before (11th SS Panzer Army in green):

Posen after (11th SS Panzer Army in yellow):

German counterattacks on Soviet Guard Cavalry Corps:


Soviet forces now 20 miles away from Breslau. II Panzer Corps counterattacks and mauls the 8th Guards Mechanized Corps with LW support. Heavy fighting in the Army Group A sector as the Soviets are cutting through our units like butter. Many formations depleted and only exist on paper. Army Group A commander has been dismissed for poor performance, General Krebs takes his place. 3 Soviet Tank Corps have broken through the mountain passes in Slovakia and threaten to cut off connection to the forces fighting in the North Carpathians.

General pull back of 20 miles in the sector, too many Rifle Corps catching up with the enemy armor now, need to give some ground. Blechhammer Süd, Cosel and Ostrava had to be abandoned even though they have vital fuel refineries that are needed for the war effort. Pull back in the Carpathians as well. Multiple formations are completely depleted so Armored and infantry reserves moving from Prague to the sector. The situation should be stable for next week at least.

Breslau and AGA sector at the start of the week:

II SS Panzer Corps mauls 8th Guards Mechanized Corps:

Breslau and AGA sector at the end of the week:

Leader dismissal:

Army Group A has been taking a beating non stop for the last 5 weeks as the record shows.

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/14/2021 3:52:18 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 21
RE: T5: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/14/2021 3:47:15 PM   

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6th Army stops cold an attack at Imely but fails to hold back a strong Soviet attack west of Budapest. The ground has been retaken after a counterattack by the IV SS Panzer Corps and I Cavalry Corps. 2nd Guards Mechanized Corps losses 71 AFVs in the process and will probably be out of combat for at least two weeks.

The Soviet assault on Budapest has started and heavy fighting was recorded all over the week. IX SS Mnt Corps manages to hold on, but fort has been reduced to level 2. The Soviets lose 18.4000 men as well as around 700 guns in the heavy fighting. 601 tonnes of supplies brought into the besieged city by the LW. The defenders can probably hold on for at least a week.

6th Army sector start of the week:


Very heavy fighting in Budapest:

6th Army end of the week:

Front overview end of the week:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

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Post #: 22
RE: T5: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/14/2021 3:58:31 PM   

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Losses and events:

Around 59.000 irrecoverable losses this week for both sides, together with 601 AFVs for the Axis and 1.204 for the Soviets. Since the start of the Soviet offensive on January 12th, the Axis have taken almost 300.000 irrecoverable casualties!

Ground Support comes with a price:

Combat intensity increasing in the West:

Weather for next turn seems like will continue to be heavy rainy in the north, translating to heavy mud and snowy in the south.

< Message edited by xhoel -- 12/14/2021 4:00:08 PM >


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 23
T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnulf (S... - 12/18/2021 1:36:45 PM   

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T6, 17th February 1945.

Garrison in Italy dropped from 90 to 88 last turn so we take a penalty from missing requirements. Italian Campaign advances:

Army Group Vistula

Soviet forces have broken into the Sambian peninsula and have attacked Koenigsberg in force. Both attacks were repulsed with heavy casualties but the fort level has dropped from 5 to 3 and the defending forces are in bad shape. Around 50.000 men still holding out in Koenigsberg. LW Kdo Ostpreussen has been mauled while fighting to support the besieged 3rd Panzer Army. The enemy has managed to expand their bridgehead over the Vistula which now spans 60 miles. Heavy fighting all along the 4th Army front. 2nd Army mostly spared by Soviet attacks as the infantry is catching up.

Army Group Vistula before:

Battle for the Vistula crossing:

1st Battle of Koenigsberg:

2nd Battle of Koenigsberg:

Very weird odds in these two battles. Maybe a bug?

Due to the difficult situation, evacuations of the 14th Panzer Division from Kurland have been put on hold. Instead the 551st Volksgrenadier Division has been evacuated from Pillau to Danzig and has joined the citys defense. The 30th ID from Kurland has been evacuated to Stettin. Two further divisions in Koenigsberg merged to bring them up to strength. The city will most likely fall next week.

A difficult decision was made at the HQ of Army Group Vistula in Falkenburg this week: Both the 4th and 2nd Army have been ordered to hold their positions on the river in order to slow the Soviets down until Koenigsberg falls. Once the Soviets have taken Koenigsberg, the Army Group is to fall back to the Pomeranian Wall and make their stand there. LW Kdo Ostpreussen has been evacuated from East Prussia and its decimated air groups been sent to Berlin and Prague for R&R. JG 1 and JG 51 have taken huge losses and will need to be rebuild before they can be combat ready again.

Army Group Vistula end of the week:

JG 1 and JG 51 badly mauled:


Soviet forces have broken through the Posen defensive line and the city is more or less surrounded. 2 divisions with a strength of around 20.000 men under the command of the X SS Corps are garrisoned in the Festung and can hopefully hold out for a week or two. In front of Breslau the 9th SS Panzer Division has been decimated by Soviet Rifle Corps and has been sent to Prague for refreshment.

Due to the very open terrain in and around Posen, the 11st SS Panzer Army has been ordered to pull back and hold their ground just in front of the Warthe-Oder defensive line. The same has been ordered to the 9th Army defending the Breslau sector. The open ground here as well as the lack of formations means that even in a fortified position the Soviets can still break through now that their Rifle Corps have caught up with the armor.

Army Group Center before:

X SS Corps defending Posen:

9th SS Panzer Division beaten back:

11th SS Panzer Army after:

Breslau sector after:


The Soviets have captured Ostrava and have expanded their bridgehead south of the city. Many units here have been routed and are depleted. 2 holds marked in the sector however. Soviet forces keep making pressure in the mountain area.

To avoid getting their flank rolled, the 4th Panzer Army has had to abandon the cities of Brieg and Oppeln. The strength of the enemy here means that ground needs to be given slowly. XI SS Panzer Corps (bright red) now deployed in full strength to contain the Soviet bridghead and a German couterattack by the 2 divisions mauls the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps. In the mountains the retreat is almost complete as the 17th Army and the 8th Army are pulling back from their last positions on the salient. 1 Hungarian Infantry Division has been left back unfortunately.

AGA before:


AGA after:


Both Soviet attacks in the south have been stopped at the very last moment. 4th SS Panzergrenadier Division prevails against 3 Soviet Corps while the second Soviet assault on Budapest fails again with heavy losses. Fort level has dropped to 1 and the city will probably fall next week. Luftflotte 4 diligently delivers 601 tonnes of supplies again.

Intelligence indicated that the heavily beaten 4th Guards Mechanized Corps is exposed in front of the IV SS Panzer Corps and a strong counterattack by 2 Panzer Divisions hits them hard and forces them to conduct a hasty retreat to the rear.

AGS before:

4th SS Panzergrenadier division vs 3 Soviet Corps:

2nd Battle of Budapest:


AGS after:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 24
RE: T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/18/2021 1:44:54 PM   

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Ground Losses

Relatively light losses this week for us but very heavy for the Soviets: 35.000 men irrecoverable vs 57.000.

Heavy air losses as well, the LW is set to rest for next week and specific formations have recieved priority for replacements.

Weather will continue to be heavy rain in northern Germany next turn which is positive:

Front overview:


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 25
RE: T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/18/2021 2:14:55 PM   


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I think -1 odds indicate that there's at least one attacker unit (likely more) depleted.

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RE: T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/18/2021 3:14:59 PM   


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Updating to a latest patch might help you defending xhoel ! Nice AAR.

< Message edited by Stamb -- 12/18/2021 3:15:32 PM >

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Post #: 27
RE: T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/18/2021 4:12:00 PM   

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@Jango32: Interesting, didnt know that, are you sure thats the case?

@Stamb: Thank you, I switched to the latest patch today but the Soviet T6 was run under 08. So Im guessing starting from Axis T7 and on we will play with the latest patch.


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

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Post #: 28
RE: T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/18/2021 4:16:44 PM   


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I am not sure, just something I noticed in one instance of a SP test where I decided to hasty attack a city hex that had some actual defense in it. My odds in the battle showed up as negative, and when looking at the regiment it was at 0/40 TOE I think in depleted mode.

You could perhaps ask your opponent if he has any depleted units which participated in the Koenigsberg attack.

< Message edited by Jango32 -- 12/18/2021 4:17:20 PM >

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RE: T6: The Oder must hold! VtB: xhoel (Axis) vs Gunnul... - 12/18/2021 4:19:17 PM   

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Will do, thanks for mentioning it!


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