Posts: 25
Joined: 5/2/2005 Status: offline
I don't think I've introduced myself yet, sooo... H'lo! I'm the JVega. I am an 18 years old Icelandic gamergal-type and wannabe history buff. I'm a lifelong newbie when it comes to Steel Panthers, as I can remember playing that when I was too young to realize that what I was playing was a deep wargame; rather than a bunch of objects that moved around, made noises and exploded to my amusement. The only change over the years is that I've learnt is this: Steel Panthers is not for the kiddies, because they tend to kick my ass in it. And that's pretty much it. I've gotten better at not being killed by the enemy, at the cost of being much better at killing my own guys with my artillery or one of my "foolproof" plans. As they say, no plan survives first contact. Well, neither do my men. My playing style: I prefer playing against human opponents with a bit of 'roleplay' involved, if you can call it that. Agreeing on special victory conditions, making small PBEM 'campaigns', agree on that the one that holds a certain place on the map at the end wins (no matter the score)... stuff like that. I prefer playing small scale stuff. 1000-2000 points, heavy on infantry and elites, with artillery and AFV purely as support. In fact, the two best games I've ever played were firstly a 800 point battle between Norwegian rebels and the Norwegian army (around a small town and the hills around it) and a 1500(ish?) battle between the SS and the Rangers for the contol of a small town and the road leading to it. Anything above 3000 points means I lose by default. :P Anyway, that's all. 'lo!