Adnan Meshuggi
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Joined: 8/2/2001 Status: offline
Well, the 6month-Stopper was very serious for german war developping in 1940 (after the fall of paris).... in 1941 germany spent more money for marmor for hitlers building palns in "hreat berlin" as for ammo... for the comments of a certain allied fanboy, ignoring them is better as discussing.... for the interested people, the russians recived the "nene" rr-engine in 1947 or 48 and developted (with drawing from the ta182) their own jet fighters.... for the me262 impact on ww2... these jets could have come not earlier as Autum 43, but at this time the germans had have many more good pilots (fighter pilots) to use em.... even if they had ahave 200 ready planes in january 44, they could have END the bombing, but not winning the war. Why ? Because with 200 jets (with say 20mm Cannons instead of MK108 30mm cannons), ignoring the RM4-Missiles (the germans had ready since End of 43 but ignored untill the very end, developted by some chechan engeneers (to not forget the brain behind this weapon)) they could easy shot down one bomber per mission (because the germans lacked good bomberkilling planes with enough speed in 43... the me109 was to light armed and the FW190A-Series lacked the performance at high levels.... But do you remember the schweinfurt raid ? If the americans had lost in dezember 43 in one big strike say 200+ bombers, they would have stopped strategic bombing at day... and this means that the germans have time to recover AND to fight easier targets at the channel.... For the german subs... it is strange that the "schnorchel" was in use since 1940 by the dutch, and the germans had such boats but ignored the use of the schnorchel.... for the XXIer boats... they could have in combat 1 year earlier and this means zero superiority for allied asw.... the speed to seek subs is 10 or less in rough sea (and the northern atlantic was seldom calm), the form of the sub made them difficult to find, it could dive even deeper as the VIIer boats, had a larger range and better conditions and with the schnorchel had no need to dive up.... so all these planes, equipped with the Mark IX Radar (or inferior - also any Radar untill early 1945) does not find the schnorchel.... so they can´t find the subs... with these subs outside, the allied losses increase again - this means they need more support ships, hit lesser subs (this means, more surviving subs, better trained and more experienced crews = better sucsess in the next mission, etc...) and have generally a larger problem. For the Jet discussion and the question why bomber me262 are inferior to fighter me262.... well, maybe you try it next time on you own.... sit in a passenger jet and ask the pilot if he could win a dogfight in a real war ? Bomber pilots had no knowledge about fighter war and viceversa... the higher speed of the me262... well, sure its crusing speed was just 500 miles an hour - made it impossible to hit anything with bombs... but the crews of these planes also were useless in a dogfight.... just sit an b52pilot in an f15 or f16.... i bet in a dogfight (no missles) he will perform great against say aegyptian mig21.... or nor ? how should he know what to do... even the iraqi airforce would nail him in seconds.... For the bombing war, Galland wanted the big hit - if hitler had given him this chance, it would have went bad for the allies.... because they had a lot pilots and bombers, but if 700 or more fighters had attacked say 300 bombers, undefended (if Galland had got his chance in 43) or even in early 44, the moral of the crews would have been destroyed (as the Schweinfurt and Ploesti raids showed...) You are not really concentrated if you loose 30% of your wings at every flight.... For the p80... i just wait for numbers (not from the allied fanboy) for its performance in Summer 44. We had this discussion about the night fighters and mr. fanboy showed the numbers of a 1946 recon plane. I really am interest in these datas... because all datas i found speak about the 1946-version... and this one could use german knowledge.... also, if we compare the p80 with the me262 i have 2 questions... 1.) what changes if the p80 had been in service in 1944... it lacked range... so it could not protect the allied bombers 2.) what chance (if we would ignore 1.) have the p80 to stop the me262 to shot down a few bombers and escape ? For the tank comparisation.... strangely, nearly any american tank crew disagrees with mdiehl.... also any combat results and records shows different results....but if he would use a m36, i happily would kill him with my jagdpanther Fun aside, this does not mean that these weapons could have changed the rsult of the war, but it seems silly to me that with all this superior stuff the allied (western) troops were so slow (really lazy, aren´t they ?) Oh, and Apollo, you meant the mg42 - not the mg38. right ? Wasn´t the m60 the try to copy it ? and the result sucked and was inferior ? Why not just copying...the russians never had such problems, if one weapon system was good, they copied it. (oh, the germans did the same, the panther (my pov: best tank of ww2) was the german copy of the t34... And yes, i would also like to play the japanese after 43.... but i also belive you could win the war (at last in the game)... if you hold the right defence line, kill all american carriers and battleships with small own losses and avoid bombing of the homeland, you win - right ? In real life, the americans just would build 50 carriers more.... problem solved. But in the game, they will not recive them ?
Don't tickle yourself with some moralist crap thinking we have some sort of obligation to help these people. We're there for our self-interest, and anything we do to be 'nice' should be considered a courtesy dweebespit