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Joined: 6/7/2001 From: Zagreb, Croatia Status: offline
Hi all, quote:
ORIGINAL: Hard Sarge got to disagree here also off the top of my head, the first that comes to mind is the 4th FG changeing to the P-51 also, there were units that would bring in one or two of the newer plane type, to be flown by all hands, while the stock pile was being built up for there change over a number of GE units would change models as they came in, how many times do you see a JG that the Staffels are flying different planes so I do not think a "large" exp drop is needed (alot of times what we see in unit from the PTO and what not, when they were pulled out of the line for R@R and refit, would then be giving new plane types, for training and working up, but they would of been out of the line anyway) The problem here is that in WitP the aircraft change would be done at front lines while, historically, it was almost always done in rear areas (with notable exceptions). quote:
ORIGINAL: mikemike Apollo 11, I respectfully disagree. You are probably thinking about modern aircraft where the changeover can easily take several months even for an experienced pilot (they have to learn all the new systems, mainly - their former aircraft will have been 1-2 generations earlier). With WWII aircraft, there wouldn´t be nearly that much of a difficulty. If you can believe Scott Crossfield´s autobiography, all he needed to switch from the Hellcat to the Corsair was a single familiarization flight. German fighter pilots switched frequently between types without a lot of adversarial effects. BTW, I voted for no PP penalty for switching the upgrade path. If there is any penalty at all, it should be for re-equipping a unit, EVERYTIME. Re-equipment planes have to be produced, assigned, transported to the receiving unit etc. It's not just modern jets that are sophisticated and require long transition. How can anyone think that following changes (from current WitP v1.40 upgrade scheme for Allies) do not require long transition time: P-39D -> P38G B-18A -> B-17C B-17E -> B-24J Those aircraft are so different that no one can expect that same pilot (or crew) who flew older aircraft can jump into new one and fly with same skill and same efficiency in matter of days (and we have exactly this situation in WitP)... quote:
ORIGINAL: Kid You guys must have forgot. When you upgrade, all the aircraft are in a not ready state (I'm at work and can't get the ture term). The time it takes to get the new aircraft into a ready state represents the pilots getting use to the new model. This was our answer to the experiance issue. I do not see this changing. The days in WitP required for all new aircraft to repair when there is aircraft switch are just days and not weeks and months that would historically be accurate time wise for such change. Can someone post real data about historical aircraft changes for Allied fighter and/or bomber groups? Leo "Apollo11"
Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance! A & B: WitW, WitE, WbtS, GGWaW, GGWaW2-AWD, HttR, CotA, BftB, CF P: UV, WitP, WitP-AE