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Joined: 4/29/2000 From: Greenwood, Indiana Status: offline
So far the overwhelming majority are saying it is too high... 85% to 14% so far...but Flashfyre brought up something that we need Mike Wood to possibly give us the definate answer to... Flashfyre said.... "Folks, I think we are mixing up different aspects of this problem: 1. The Spotting issue. 2. The Searching issue. 3. The Op Fire issue. 4. The tank-killing issue. The Spotting result is determined by a number of factors and modifiers, such as Experience, Suppression, Visibility, Terrain, Movement, type of unit, and so on. All these come together to provide a basic "chance to see" an enemy unit. This is the area Mike seems to have made his change in. The Searching setting, as I understand it, applies its percentage to the basic "chance to see". At 100%, a unit spots at its normal base. Over 100% adds a bonus to the spot chance, making it easier to see units. Under 100% subtracts from the base chance by an amount equal to the difference between the Searching setting and 100%; at 60% the base chance is reduced by 40% of its value. EG: Spot chance is 82; at 60% Searching, the chance is reduced to 49.2%, due to a loss of 32.8 points. I don't believe any change has been made to this routine. The Op Fire issue seems to be the real culprit here. A unit can spot an enemy unit and not fire at it; usually because the target is out of range or the spotting unit has no weapon capable of engaging it. Op Fire occurs because an enemy unit performs one of the "trigger" actions, like moving in LOS, loading/unloading in LOS, firing at a unit, etc. In the case of tanks, they seem to be taking their OP Fire shots at everything that moves within 2 hexes, because they 1) have spotted the units and 2) are armed with weapons that can engage them. I can understand a tank "seeing" a moving enemy foot unit within 100 meters of it, but to wheel and fire at more than one does seem to be extremely unlikely. There is also the point of modifiers to any Op Fire because of movement; are any of them being applied to these tanks for "moving" multiple times in the same hex? With regards to tank-killing, I don't think the actual assault/attack routines have been affected, only the possible modifiers to a unit's base chance to perform an assault. As stated in the manual, Infantry Panic was introduced to represent the chance of foot units who do not possess weapons capable of effectively destroying a tank retreating in the face of an armoured attack, as was typical in the early years of the conflict. The revised Experience/Morale ratings certainly have something to do with this, but not the actual chance to make the assault. We all have noticed that tanks now spot moving infantry within 2 hexes regardless of Size or type, and they also seem to spot stationary infantry in buildings within 2 hexes. We also have noticed that these same tanks will perform Op Fire against any and all of these units, even spinning in place to engage multiple units from different directions. These issues have appeared apparently as a result of the revised Spotting routine Mike wrote for increasing the chance of Spotting at 0-1 hexes. I think the real question is: Is this a Spotting problem, or an Op Fire problem, and how can it be fixed? a. If it is a Spotting problem, can a fix be done that reduces the tank Op Fire issue, and still retain some increase in close-range spotting? b. If it is an Op Fire problem, can a fix be done that retains the Spotting increase, but changes the op fire routine for vehicles to reduce the number or frequency of these op fire attacks?