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Aggressors Dev Diary #11 - The show has just begun

Aggressors Dev Diary #11 - The show has just begun

Posted: Friday, October 5, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

It has now been more than a month since Aggressors was released. We've already released three big updates since then, and we are proud to say that just a minor portion of the changes were bugfixes. We would like to thank our beta testers who did an incredible job during the long beta testing phase with helping us identifying and fixing almost all technical issues.


Armored Brigade Trailer and Gameplay Reveal

Armored Brigade Trailer and Gameplay Reveal

Posted: Friday, October 5, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

“An unbreakable union of free republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand!” - National Anthem of the Soviet Union

Western Europe is on the brink of a direct confrontation with the Warsaw Pact. Diplomatic relations have worsened to a level never witnessed before. Rumors of intensive military exercises conducted by Soviet officials in many Eastern countries have finally convinced NATO members about the reality of a quick escalation.

The clock is ticking. Are you ready to do your part?


Aggressors - Dev Stream - Customization

Aggressors - Dev Stream - Customization

Posted: Thursday, October 4, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

There's going to be a new Aggressors dev stream tomorrow!

Pavel, lead designer of the game, will focus on the degree of customization you can experience in Aggressors, as well as speak at length about his design choices behind the UI. 

As the other dev streams in the past this will be a great occasion to hear straight from the devs and get an insight on how the game was designed. You will also be able to speak with them and ask them anything you'd like!


Armored Brigade Dev Diary#3 - Night Time Operations

Armored Brigade Dev Diary#3 - Night Time Operations

Posted: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

Night-time operations present extreme challenges. Intensive and rigorous, constant combat takes its toll on front-line soldiers; they crave sleep, fatigue is increased, concentration levels fall. At the same time soldiers need to be alert, alive to the threat that could be just moments away. One obstacle might stand in the way, the rules of engagement are different; it’s pitch black – anything can happen and will. 
However, the night-vision equipment dramatically enhances capability in murky world of night-time operations, providing significant tactical benefits for armed troops. It can support all types of operations from reconnaissance and contact with the enemy to supporting retreat and delay operations. 
This was especially the case when forward-looking-infrared (FLIR) weapon sights (aka thermal) were introduced in the late 1970s. This technology provided soldier



Posted: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 by Matrix Support

Hi all, 
We are currently renovating our logistic processes regarding our physical orders. Our intent is to improve the overall customer experience and to make life easier for everyone. 
Unfortunately, this means that we are in a transition period during which physical versions won't be available until this is resolved. 


Panzer Corps 2 - Dev Diary #4

Panzer Corps 2 - Dev Diary #4

Posted: Thursday, September 27, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

In the previous dev diaries, we have talked a lot about new features and mechanics we are implementing in Panzer Corps 2. But what about the core game mechanics which have always been a fundamental part of the game? Will they remain the same, or will they change in the sequel? In this issue of the dev diary, we’ll discuss how some of the core mechanics are going to be transformed.


Field of Flory II  Rise of Persia is out

Field of Flory II Rise of Persia is out

Posted: Thursday, September 27, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

The earth will crumble at the sound of trumpets. The Cradle of Civilization will witness the blood of thousands of warriors ready to die for their Kings and their Gods.

Kingdoms rise and fall, only the echoes of their glory remain.

Rise of Persia - the fourth DLC in the Field of Glory II series - is available, bringing players back to 681 BC. 


Aggressors - Dev Stream - Country Management

Aggressors - Dev Stream - Country Management

Posted: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

Another friday is approaching, and Pavel from Kubat Software, lead designer of Aggressors: Ancient Rome, will once again return to Twitch for more live streaming!


Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #11 'New Frontiers'

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #11 'New Frontiers'

Posted: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

“I’d feel a lot better if you were over here, ‘Lena. I don’t like you out there on that dinky tub.”

Helena smiled, and held the old radio closer. “Then next time hire a competent quartermaster, and I won’t have to ride your supply ship.” The little jab felt good. Working with Sam like this, on something this important, was better. Even if it meant being cooped up in the radio control room of some research ship, while her big sister headed the CIC of an Artemis battlestar.

For all of their years in service, this was the first time the Agathon sisters had worked together.

Sam had always been traveling somewhere, doing classified operations for some organisation or other. And since Cain had transferred to Daidalos, Helena hadn’t had a chance to go planetside back home, let alone visit her nephew on Tauron. She wondered how little Zach was doing.


Desert War Version 1.0.2 is now available

Desert War Version 1.0.2 is now available

Posted: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

Hi everybody! 
Desert War has been updated to version 1.0.2! This update brings many changes and improvements so be sure to check the full Changelog here


Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise out on October 11th!

Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise out on October 11th!

Posted: Monday, September 24, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

Recent frictions over the Kuril Islands seem to have bolstered the extremists in Tokyo and Moscow alike and now Russian and Japanese forces are mobilizing!  

Our team dispatched in the area has just sent a news report on the situation


Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Updates incoming...

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Updates incoming...

Posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

We have great news for all Gladius fans!

The team got some vacation and they are now back at work, really busy finalizing some exciting features.


Aggressors - Dev Stream - Home Politics

Aggressors - Dev Stream - Home Politics

Posted: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

After last week's break due to Home of Wargamers, we are ready to continue with our weekly series of Aggressors Dev Streams!


Rise of Persia will come with a free update (Praetorian Guard and Peltasts incoming)

Rise of Persia will come with a free update (Praetorian Guard and Peltasts incoming)

Posted: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

Rise of Persia – the upcoming DLC for Field of Glory II – won’t just feature a tremendous collection of Army Lists from the factions of the period. As always, the DLC’s release will come with a free update improving many elements of the entire franchise, ranging from gameplay mechanics to AI behaviour.

But this time, the update is way juicier than ever. Some of you have asked about the lack of any direct reference to Praetorian Guard units and Peltasts in any Army Lists available. Well, your requests have been answered.


Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach - Sandbox Campaign Update!

Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach - Sandbox Campaign Update!

Posted: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

We have a surprise for all Sanctus Reach fans today.

It's been a while since the last major update, but the developers from Straylight Studio have not been idle. They have been secretly at work on behalf of the Emperor of Mankind, toiling silently on a secret project... which we are releasing today.


Afghanistan '11: Royal Marines is out!

Afghanistan '11: Royal Marines is out!

Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

Royal Marines, the first expansion for Afghanistan '11, is now out on PC and iOS!


Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #10 'Hostile Environments'

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #10 'Hostile Environments'

Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

I cant do that, Lucinda. You understand why I need you here.

Arthur McKennelly was sincere, soft, and perhaps the only person in the Admiralty Lucinda Cain could foster a kind thought for. He strolled the hallways of Daidalos like a kindly uncle, sharing smiles and half salutes to the personnel they passed. Even the overbearing presence of Ragnars storm clouds couldnt shake his good nature. Cain wanted nothing more right now than to knock him to the floor. One right hook ought to do it.

Tell me where Sarkis is,she said.


Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise announced

Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise announced

Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

An almost forgotten conflict is on the brink of erupting dramatically. The dispute over the Kuril Islands, claimed by the Japanese but held by Moscow since the end of WWII, is turning hot again thanks to an increased presence of nationalists and populists on both governments.

The JGSDF has traditionally been concentrated in Hokkaido already, but airborne and amphibious units have moved there, ostensibly for exercises. 


Aggressors - Dev Stream - Military Command

Aggressors - Dev Stream - Military Command

Posted: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 by Alberto Casulini

This Friday we are going to start the first stream of a series of developer streams for Aggressors: Ancient Rome.

The lead designer himself, Pavel Kubat, is going to stream Aggressors live, focussing every time on a different aspect of the game.


Field of Glory II Rise of Persia will be out on September 27th

Field of Glory II Rise of Persia will be out on September 27th

Posted: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 by Daniele Meneghini

Empires might rise and fall, but their legacy stands forever. Are you ready to fight for the glory of the Old Gods?

If so, mark the date as Rise of Persia, the latest DLC in the Field of Glory II franchise, will be released on September 27th!


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