
Forge of Freedom: The American Civil War 1861-1865

Product Info

Forge of Freedom: The American Civil War 1861-1865 combines grand strategy with battlefield tactics in one game, putting you in command at every level of the Civil War, from the mobilization of your nation’s resources to the control of individual brigades during the fury of battle.  Relive the days of America’s greatest struggle: a time of blood, smoke, and glory.

Forge of Freedom is packed with historical detail.  Control the careers of more than 1,000 generals – every general of the Civil War era.  Equip your units with one of more than 50 types of period firearms and artillery.  Field armies containing the Iron Brigade, the Orphan Brigade or 100 other legendary units.  Choose your units’ standards from a collection of over 700 authentic flags.  Allocate resources toward research in order to gain improved technology and logistical support in five different areas of research.  Engage in diplomacy with European powers and in domestic politics with historically accurate state governors.  Command your navy to hunt blockade runners, blockade ports, launch amphibious assaults, and bombard forts. Customize your brigades by adding personnel and equipment: train sharpshooters and Zouaves, equip reconnaissance balloons and horse artillery, deploy raiders and scouts, manage engineers and signal corps, and much more! 

Forge of Freedom allows you to customize the game rules: play with just the amount of complexity that you enjoy.  The turn-based game structure allows you to play at your own pace.  Battles can be resolved quickly or fought on a detailed battle map using a comprehensive system that models fatigue, morale, supply, facing, formation, time of day, reinforcements, command-and-control, weather, and even battlefield smoke. 

Forge of Freedom is a unique game combining strategy and tactics in one design to offer you the chance to grab the reins of history.

Check out this great introductory video on Forge of Freedom to see how much this game has to offer:

Download the full resolution video here.

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  • Over 700 authentic flags to customize unit standards
  • Over 1,000 historical generals at your command.
  • Control the Iron Brigade, the Orphan Brigade or 100 other legendary units
  • 50 types of period firearms and artillery
  • Train sharpshooters, equip reconnaissance balloons and host of other personal and equipment to customize your brigades.
  • Chose between detailed and quick combat to resolve battles.
  • Challenging AI
  • Customizable complexity

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The Wargamer Review
"Forge of Freedom was unquestionably developed by people with a rare love for historical based wargaming. The folks at Western Civilization Software put forth extreme effort in researching 1860s economic, diplomatic, and military systems and transformed all that raw data into a venerable piece of gaming software."

Review of "Forge of Freedom" on GamersInfo.net
On the whole, I was pleased with playing the game as it encompassed more then just a single battle but the whole aspect of the war in general.

Gamesquad.com Review
9 / 10 - Forge of Freedom is the best and most complete game of the American Civil War on the market.


Forge of Freedom: The American Civil War 1861-1865

Release Date: 29 NOV 2006

Language: English
Genre: Tactical, Strategic
Turns: Turn-Based WEGO
Complexity: Intermediate
Period: Civil War

Western Civilization Software

Product Specs

  • Theatre: America
  • Unit Scale: Squad, Brigade
  • Players: 1-2
  • AI: Yes
  • PBEM: Yes
  • File Size: 635mb
  • Download Time:
  • - 56K Modem: 25hr 11min
  • - DSL or Satelite: 82min
  • - High Speed: 16min
  • Version: 1.10.10
  • Manual: PDF E-Book, Printed - Black & White
  • Editor: No

Product Requirements :
    Minimum System Requirements
    Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
    500 MHz CPU
    1GB RAM (512MB for low animation)
    32 MB Video Card, DirectX 7 Compatible
    Sound Card (Windows XP Compatible)
    1GB Hard Drive space
    DirectX 7+
    Adobe Flash Player 8+ (for intro screen only)

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Forge of Freedom Introductory Trailer

(click to view)


The Readers' Choice Awards - Game of the Year


John Tiller's Battleground Civil War

John Tiller's Battleground Civil War

Release Date: 8 NOV 2007

Relive the brilliance and excitement of John Tillers classic Civil War games in this updated compilation, John Tillers Battleground Civil War. Included in the compilation are the original titles that gave the Battleground battle system the fame that has endured over years and years of play. Gamers can refight famous battles like Shiloh, Antietam, Bull Run, and Gettysburg with the fantastic realism and intuitive interface many fans of John Tillers gaming systems have come to expect and love.

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Digital Express Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it) and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Standard Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed grayscale manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.
Collector's Edition: This edition comes with a full color printed box, full color printed CD (with your order number and serial number printed on it), a Printed full color manual and a PDF E-Book indexed manual.