Buck Beach
Posts: 1973
Joined: 6/25/2000 From: Upland,CA,USA Status: offline
ORIGINAL: el cid again The manual says merchant ships and warships both cost 3 HI points each. Can this be changed so it is cheaper to build a merchant ship - or more expensive to build a warship? There are many and various new data fields extant in AE that inform and define the parameters used in the game engine. Any reliance on the “names” and “effects” of the old WiTP data fields is misdirected, and will result in potentially fatal entanglements for the unfortunate. WiTP is a computer wargame, it is a simulation, it is not a recreation. It is a commercial gaming product devised for enjoyment and that is the basis of the engine. We may tweak it, here & there, but certain fundamental principals hold. There are multiple new fields that inform things like building cost, repair cost, conversion cost, upgrade cost, damage control parameters, and they are each, and independently variable, and controlled by editor values and hard coded data value tables resident in the executable code. I am unable to give looks under the hood, but the values were developed by reference, by persons having a specific expertise in these matters. There will be substantial differentiation between merchant vessels and commissioned vesels on the same design. However, the differentiation parameters will not necessarily relate to WiTP. They will be AE exclusive. They will depend on USN and shipyard records, where appropriate, and on established USN doctrinal imperitives, where data is unavailable. Man you are completely full of yourself and your importance, even to the extent of jumping WITP sub forums. Also, your childish attempts of "I know something you don't know" relating to your new found information about merchant shipbuilding and to keep it, if you will, secretly to the CHS mod-builders shows exactly what kind of person you are and why I feel your position on the AE team should be reconsidered. Of course, this is only one man's not so humble opinion.