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RE: Oleg's German supermen

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RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/14/2011 4:33:01 PM   


Posts: 7192
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If Pieter says he considers them feeble and/or unsuccessful I'll just politely smile and go about my business. I think those attacks might have hurt his ego more than his forces

My ego? Why would they hurt my ego? What did you think I expected? I expected heavy counterattacks starting in the first few turns, and I was thus surprised that none of those materialized. My frustration at his counterattacks was not due to the counterattacks themselves, but due to the fact that the critical ones would not have worked without the odds modifier, as well as the fact that I see rather serious problems with retreat attrition.

If 100k Soviets fighting 20k Germans results in 5000-7000 dead Soviets and maybe 100 primarily disabled Germans in one battle, and in ~1500 dead Soviets and ~1500 dead/disabled Germans in the next, solely because the Germans retreated, I'd say the retreat attrition system/the final resolving moments of a battle have serious issues. As I see it, retreat attrition is (much) too high and regular battle casualties are too low.

Anyway, I've kind of had it with talking to you Oleg, as since release I've been hoping you would actually make a point based on an argument, instead of ranting about something and then saying "I meant it in a sarcastic way" after you've called a number of people names over a period of several days. Should you at some point decide to man up, I'd still be more than happy to show you just how "super" your German supermen are in a game with you as the Axis and me as the Soviets. Until that point, I'll just leave you to your own fantasies and focus my attention on the people actually trying to improve WitE, instead of the people wasting my time.


SSG tester
WitE Alpha tester
Panzer Corps Beta tester
Unity of Command scenario designer

(in reply to karonagames)
Post #: 61
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/14/2011 4:47:31 PM   

Posts: 8231
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From: on a mountain in Idaho
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Well, Mr Glantz does talk about panzer divisions getting routed in 1941 in this talk, so I think he knows the soviets were capable of doing it.

I'm glad you put that up there Bob. I haven't seen that video yet.


(in reply to karonagames)
Post #: 62
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/14/2011 5:09:44 PM   


Posts: 324
Joined: 7/24/2001
From: Oslo, Norway
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ORIGINAL: randallw

The Soviet median experience is above 30 but definitely below 40.  As I mention in another thread, this is like 1 German being worth 2 Soviets.

Actually - and the manual states this indirectly - morale is more important than experience. There are numerous reasons for this, among one is that experience builds up automatically to the morale of the unit, so morale is the deciding factor between the two.

I suspect you would be better off to compare morale more than compare experience.

(in reply to randallw)
Post #: 63
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/14/2011 6:41:58 PM   


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Those morale numbers won't be much different from the experience numbers.

(in reply to color)
Post #: 64
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:33:03 AM   


Posts: 324
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From: Oslo, Norway
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ORIGINAL: randallw

Those morale numbers won't be much different from the experience numbers.

My observation from playing the russians is that new units get around 50 morale from the go, but the experience takes time to built up, it's usually begins in the low 30s.

So it would seem that comparing morale is something that would generally shift the balance in the favour of the russians.

(in reply to randallw)
Post #: 65
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 9:30:42 AM   


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New units are based, with some randomish adjustment, on national morale; Soviet national morale for 1941 is 40.  Even in 1945 the German national morale is higher than the Soviets.

(in reply to color)
Post #: 66
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 11:00:58 AM   


Posts: 470
Joined: 10/22/2001
From: Palma de Mallorca
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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko


I can point it out to Oleg 100 times, maybe 1000 times, but he will still refuse to see that the Germans are not really supermen, that the Soviets can make counterattacks when they concentrate forces (the key problem is lack of force concentration, not the quality of Soviet units per se) and that you can pretty easily make more counterattacks than historical. He's dogmatically attached to his perspective, nothing will change it.

Maybe in your hands vs notenome they were not supermen. In the hands of the right player they are. Germans have all the supermen tools at their disposal, but of course, if they are "sub-optimally" lead you will never see how superman-y they really are.

For starters, check, for example a very short AAR (more of a report than full AAR) of the Emir's game vs myself. Then check ACR vs myself, or Senno vs myself. I was Soviet in all of those games. Looking at the AARs you might think that Sovs were played by 2 very different people - a complete retard vs Emir, and a Gari Kasparov-like genius vs ACR. In fact neither is true, it was just good old me in all those games: solid Soviet player, but not Darth Vader.

What was different, was the way German player played, ie used his summer supermen.

Emir rolled over me, never giving me a chance to take a breath let alone counter attack. I wasn't "playing" that game, I was merely watching him. Vs Senno, yes, I can counterattack. If he parks a <6 CV units near my concentration, hey... I'd be fool not to use that 1:1 modifier So what looks like a "good Soviet player" is in fact just a guy doing his best to punish mistakes of his opponent. If the opponent is short on mistakes, there is nothing to punish.

And another point. Most accounts of Typhoon note that German units pre-blizzard were in pretty beaten up shape, spent and exhausted, with TOEs down to 50%, 40%, even 30%. How many times have you seen that in WITE? Germans usually get to blizz period with their divisional TOEs over 80% without problem. Of course, then there's this Godzilla blizzard monster to take care of that, with some contrived modifiers to make Sov supermen and all that, but we discussed it already...

Oleg, if I understand you correctly, you reasoning is as follows:

1. "As I, Oleg, won against 2ACR, I am a decent Soviet player"
2. "As I, Oleg, was badly defeated by Emil, that means that Soviets are doomed (because I am a decent player)"

Ok, yesterday I won against my wife playing chess, with the Black pieces. Therefore I am a decent chess player.
Today, playing with the black pieces, I have lost against Kasparov. That means that chess is broken (because I am a decent player), and White are Ubermenschen.

Well, there is another possibility. Perhaps I don't have the ability to stop Kasparov.... Perhaps I am not Kramnik.

Please note that this is a criticism of this specific argumentation, not about "supermanism" in general. I have not enough data on that to have an informed opinion. But you have read threads about how horribly the game is flawed because Germans cannot break through those impenetrable Russian Forts built please don't consider the supermanism a self-evident truth.

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 67
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 12:27:07 PM   

Posts: 419
Joined: 3/29/2004
From: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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ORIGINAL: alfonso

Oleg, if I understand you correctly, you reasoning is as follows:

1. "As I, Oleg, won against 2ACR, I am a decent Soviet player"
2. "As I, Oleg, was badly defeated by Emil, that means that Soviets are doomed (because I am a decent player)"

Ok, yesterday I won against my wife playing chess, with the Black pieces. Therefore I am a decent chess player.
Today, playing with the black pieces, I have lost against Kasparov. That means that chess is broken (because I am a decent player), and White are Ubermenschen.

First, there is interesting tendency for some people on this forum to change my name from Emir to Emil. Not that I am offended or something, but I wonder why?

Second, regarding your chess game analogy, I think more propriate example of Oleg reasoning will be situation like this:

White (Axis) is to move. There is possibility for mate in three turns (summer campagin). If white player (Axis) know what to do, black player (Soviets) can't do anything to stop him. Hence:

a) Some white players will be able to achieve mate in three turns. In this case they will win but not because black is good or bad player.
b) Some white players will not be able to achieve mate in three turns. In this case they will losse but, again, not because black is good or bad player.

In both cases, achievement of white player doesn't depend of black player ability, but it solely depends of white player (un)proficiency.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Emir Agic -- 3/15/2011 12:48:52 PM >

(in reply to alfonso)
Post #: 68
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 1:29:41 PM   


Posts: 470
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From: Palma de Mallorca
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ORIGINAL: alfonso

Oleg, if I understand you correctly, you reasoning is as follows:

1. "As I, Oleg, won against 2ACR, I am a decent Soviet player"
2. "As I, Oleg, was badly defeated by Emil, that means that Soviets are doomed (because I am a decent player)"

Ok, yesterday I won against my wife playing chess, with the Black pieces. Therefore I am a decent chess player.
Today, playing with the black pieces, I have lost against Kasparov. That means that chess is broken (because I am a decent player), and White are Ubermenschen.

First, there is interesting tendency for some people on this forum to change my name from Emir to Emil. Not that I am offended or something, but I wonder why?

Second, regarding your chess game analogy, I think more propriate example of Oleg reasoning will be situation like this:

White (Axis) is to move. There is possibility for mate in three turns (summer campagin). If white player (Axis) know what to do, black player (Soviets) can't do anything to stop him. Hence:

a) Some white players will be able to achieve mate in three turns. In this case they will win but not because black is good or bad player.
b) Some white players will not be able to achieve mate in three turns. In this case they will losse but, again, not because black is good or bad player.

In both cases, achievement of white player doesn't depend of black player ability, but it solely depends of white player (un)proficiency.

Well, if someone thinks that WITE is like a mate in 3 problem, which a computer could solve in less than one second, I would say that such an extraordinary afirmation needs extraordinary evidence.

I apologize, Emir, because of my confussion with your name.

(PD: as a matter of fact, if your example is a chess game, Black is lost even if White fails to find the mate in 3. But I get your point...)

(in reply to Emx77)
Post #: 69
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 1:47:02 PM   

Posts: 419
Joined: 3/29/2004
From: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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ORIGINAL: alfonso

Well, if someone thinks that WITE is like a mate in 3 problem, which a computer could solve in less than one second, I would say that such an extraordinary afirmation needs extraordinary evidence.

No one said that. It's just more appropriate simplified example for conveying "supermen" problem using chess analogy.


ORIGINAL: alfonso

(PD: as a matter of fact, if your example is a chess game, Black is lost even if White fails to find the mate in 3. But I get your point...)

Well, in WitE it wouldn't be the case, because on turn 4 (blizzard) all black pawns will be transformed to rooks, knights and bishops, and all white figures will became pawns.

< Message edited by Emir Agic -- 3/15/2011 3:33:33 PM >

(in reply to alfonso)
Post #: 70
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 3:04:58 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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ORIGINAL: alfonso

Oleg, if I understand you correctly, you reasoning is as follows:

1. "As I, Oleg, won against 2ACR, I am a decent Soviet player"
2. "As I, Oleg, was badly defeated by Emil, that means that Soviets are doomed (because I am a decent player)"

Ok, yesterday I won against my wife playing chess, with the Black pieces. Therefore I am a decent chess player.
Today, playing with the black pieces, I have lost against Kasparov. That means that chess is broken (because I am a decent player), and White are Ubermenschen.

Well, there is another possibility. Perhaps I don't have the ability to stop Kasparov.... Perhaps I am not Kramnik.

Please note that this is a criticism of this specific argumentation, not about "supermanism" in general. I have not enough data on that to have an informed opinion. But you have read threads about how horribly the game is flawed because Germans cannot break through those impenetrable Russian Forts built please don't consider the supermanism a self-evident truth.

Emir gave you a pretty decent explanation. How good of a player I, or anyone else is, simply cannot be judged from observing one's summer performance as Soviet. Forces at your disposal are so feeble, so pathetic, almost nothing can be judged from one's play as summer Soviet. Against a very good German you will be reduced to merely observing his moves. Against a timid German, you will form a solid line and appear to be very strong player, but it's not you being strong, it's probably more thanks to him being timid. I don't take much credit for putting 1 CV unit somewhere and letting it build fort just because German player was too timid to kill that unit before it ever got there I don't take credit for stopping him. He stopped himself more than I stopped him. I merely helped him see his mistakes if you will.

The only thing we can judge by observing, say, Oct 41 situation, is how good was the GERMAN player.

That was my point.

BTW same goes for Soviets. The only way to properly judge Sov player performance is when he is on the attack.

It kinda makes sense in a IGO UGO game. You have one WEEK, TONS of MPs to spend at your pleasure, while the opponent stays frozen in place. In every IGO UGO game only the attacking side really "plays" the game, the defender tries to predict and anticipate what will the attacker will do in his next phase, but it's hard to react to attacker moves when your units are frozen during the attacker play

So part of it is just IGO UGO mechanics, however, what I call supermanism just skews this aspect of "game for the attacker" even further. That's why periods when one side has HUGE, artificially induced advantages, are particulary bad for IGO UGO game (worse than real time or WEGO games). In WITE we have two periods with HUGE advantages for one side in the first 9 months of the 41 GC.

< Message edited by Oleg Mastruko -- 3/15/2011 3:06:31 PM >

(in reply to alfonso)
Post #: 71
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 3:19:47 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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And another thing, I think most of you need an experience of playing a REAL GOOD German player in PBEM. Until you play a real German expert, and there are only a few currently in this community, you have no idea what Germans can really do, and how frustrating and helpless Soviets feel. Most of you never played real expert German in PBEM.

When you play a timid German, and you appear to stop him, it's easy to imagine you're being a "defensive genius" or something. It's most probably not you being defensive genius, just him being too timid. Go play Emir, or James or PDH and then see how much of a defensive genius you really are

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 72
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 3:21:26 PM   


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. Should you at some point decide to man up, I'd still be more than happy to show you just how "super" your German supermen are in a game with you as the Axis and me as the Soviets. Until that point, I'll just leave you to your own fantasies and focus my attention on the people actually trying to improve WitE, instead of the people wasting my time.


Don't see how one can prove the Axis are supermen by playing as the Sovs.....

(in reply to ComradeP)
Post #: 73
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 3:52:19 PM   

Posts: 8231
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From: on a mountain in Idaho
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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko

And another thing, I think most of you need an experience of playing a REAL GOOD German player in PBEM. Until you play a real German expert, and there are only a few currently in this community, you have no idea what Germans can really do, and how frustrating and helpless Soviets feel. Most of you never played real expert German in PBEM.

When you play a timid German, and you appear to stop him, it's easy to imagine you're being a "defensive genius" or something. It's most probably not you being defensive genius, just him being too timid. Go play Emir, or James or PDH and then see how much of a defensive genius you really are

Well a very good German player should be whooping on a Soviet player of less skill. On the other hand a very good Soviet player will whoop on a German player of less skill, even in 41 prior to the blizzard.

Two players of equal skill, from my experience, it boils down to who makes the fewer mistakes. Germans obviously have the advantage in the summer of 41, as they historically did and should be pushing the Soviets back. As the late summer ensues and fall occurs, the Soviets should be picking up steam and slowing the German war machine and come blizzard set them back as they did historically.

This pretty much occurs in every aar I've seen and every game I've played as long as the players don't quit too early. The degree of how far one side or the other pushes is pretty much based on the skill of the players. There is a lot involved to this game and if a player takes the time to learn all the various mechanics and apply them will most likely overcome an opponent that does not. Of course each side makes mistakes and the German player in 41 can ill afford too many of these if he plans on trying to take Moscow, Leningrad, and Rostov.


(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 74
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 4:13:16 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
Joined: 10/21/2000
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ORIGINAL: Aurelian

Should you at some point decide to man up, I'd still be more than happy to show you just how "super" your German supermen are in a game with you as the Axis and me as the Soviets. Until that point, I'll just leave you to your own fantasies and focus my attention on the people actually trying to improve WitE, instead of the people wasting my time.

Don't see how one can prove the Axis are supermen by playing as the Sovs.....

Logically what you say makes perfect sense, Pieter and Aurelian. However I never claimed I am expert German player (or expert player of any side). In fact I claimed the contrary, that I am merely decent player even when you might think otherwise by looking at the map

You people need an experience of playing expert German to see to which degree an expert can (ab)use German might in this game. I don't feel I can provide the services of expert German player - yet. In the meantime, go find an expert German, be abused by him and come back to tell us about your esperience

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 75
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 4:15:30 PM   
Adnan Meshuggi


Posts: 2220
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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko

And another thing, I think most of you need an experience of playing a REAL GOOD German player in PBEM. Until you play a real German expert, and there are only a few currently in this community, you have no idea what Germans can really do, and how frustrating and helpless Soviets feel. Most of you never played real expert German in PBEM.

When you play a timid German, and you appear to stop him, it's easy to imagine you're being a "defensive genius" or something. It's most probably not you being defensive genius, just him being too timid. Go play Emir, or James or PDH and then see how much of a defensive genius you really are

Well a very good German player should be whooping on a Soviet player of less skill. On the other hand a very good Soviet player will whoop on a German player of less skill, even in 41 prior to the blizzard.

Two players of equal skill, from my experience, it boils down to who makes the fewer mistakes. Germans obviously have the advantage in the summer of 41, as they historically did and should be pushing the Soviets back. As the late summer ensues and fall occurs, the Soviets should be picking up steam and slowing the German war machine and come blizzard set them back as they did historically.

This pretty much occurs in every aar I've seen and every game I've played as long as the players don't quit too early. The degree of how far one side or the other pushes is pretty much based on the skill of the players. There is a lot involved to this game and if a player takes the time to learn all the various mechanics and apply them will most likely overcome an opponent that does not. Of course each side makes mistakes and the German player in 41 can ill afford too many of these if he plans on trying to take Moscow, Leningrad, and Rostov.

Thank you for posting

A question:
i read the aars, but i can´t follow your results.
my conclusions:
in summer 41 the axis can do a lot great things to push the russians, but with winter it doesn´t matter cause nothing counts. the russian can and will crush the axis defence line and throw back the axis with so high costs that the capability to come back in 42 for the axis (as they did) is not longer existing.

So - basically you are right about the axis summer advance (and untill blizzard it seems to work (even if some finetuning should slow down the axis advance a bit, if the russian player is better)), but with blizzard the histoical axis capabilities are gone. Also for 42.

Even very good axis player get kicked around by "average" russian players - so even russian side-players say it is singlesided in a pbem.

I hope, you and the other guys here will fix it, so i can order it. Mentally preordered i have, but this is - for me the no-go-problem. Maybe we find some (at the other side) in later parts of the game, but in the moment the blizzardthing sounds to serious for me.

Oh, i bet i will be a bad axis/russian player for a long time, but that doesn´t matter. Knowing it doesen´t matter ist the problem - so why should i try if it is use- and senseless, cause blizzard ruins it anyway.

(in reply to Sabre21)
Post #: 76
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 6:08:32 PM   


Posts: 470
Joined: 10/22/2001
From: Palma de Mallorca
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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko

In WITE we have two periods with HUGE advantages for one side in the first 9 months of the 41 GC.

Maybe that could be related to what happened during the real war....

Halder, July 1941: "The war is won"
Halder, January 1942: "Oh, my God, this is terrible".

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 77
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 6:51:17 PM   

Posts: 8231
Joined: 4/27/2001
From: on a mountain in Idaho
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ORIGINAL: Adnan Meshuggi




ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko

And another thing, I think most of you need an experience of playing a REAL GOOD German player in PBEM. Until you play a real German expert, and there are only a few currently in this community, you have no idea what Germans can really do, and how frustrating and helpless Soviets feel. Most of you never played real expert German in PBEM.

When you play a timid German, and you appear to stop him, it's easy to imagine you're being a "defensive genius" or something. It's most probably not you being defensive genius, just him being too timid. Go play Emir, or James or PDH and then see how much of a defensive genius you really are

Well a very good German player should be whooping on a Soviet player of less skill. On the other hand a very good Soviet player will whoop on a German player of less skill, even in 41 prior to the blizzard.

Two players of equal skill, from my experience, it boils down to who makes the fewer mistakes. Germans obviously have the advantage in the summer of 41, as they historically did and should be pushing the Soviets back. As the late summer ensues and fall occurs, the Soviets should be picking up steam and slowing the German war machine and come blizzard set them back as they did historically.

This pretty much occurs in every aar I've seen and every game I've played as long as the players don't quit too early. The degree of how far one side or the other pushes is pretty much based on the skill of the players. There is a lot involved to this game and if a player takes the time to learn all the various mechanics and apply them will most likely overcome an opponent that does not. Of course each side makes mistakes and the German player in 41 can ill afford too many of these if he plans on trying to take Moscow, Leningrad, and Rostov.

Thank you for posting

A question:
i read the aars, but i can´t follow your results.
my conclusions:
in summer 41 the axis can do a lot great things to push the russians, but with winter it doesn´t matter cause nothing counts. the russian can and will crush the axis defence line and throw back the axis with so high costs that the capability to come back in 42 for the axis (as they did) is not longer existing.

So - basically you are right about the axis summer advance (and untill blizzard it seems to work (even if some finetuning should slow down the axis advance a bit, if the russian player is better)), but with blizzard the histoical axis capabilities are gone. Also for 42.

Even very good axis player get kicked around by "average" russian players - so even russian side-players say it is singlesided in a pbem.

I hope, you and the other guys here will fix it, so i can order it. Mentally preordered i have, but this is - for me the no-go-problem. Maybe we find some (at the other side) in later parts of the game, but in the moment the blizzardthing sounds to serious for me.

Oh, i bet i will be a bad axis/russian player for a long time, but that doesn´t matter. Knowing it doesen´t matter ist the problem - so why should i try if it is use- and senseless, cause blizzard ruins it anyway.

Well the Germans were in pretty tough shape by the end of November, primarily from a logistics perspective and were already suffering some pretty severe frostbite even prior to the Soviet counteroffensive. According to Guderian, once the Soviets began their attacks, the Germans started to get pushed back all along the front, and this is just in december prior to him getting relieved. He did make mention that they counterattacked when possible and in some cases were able to hold their ground, but in most cases they failed.

The point here being is that don't expect the Germans to stand up too well to a major Soviet offensive in the blizzard. How well though is still an ongoing debate on the tester forum and is getting tweaked and is constantly being looked at thanks to a lot of the input we have recived here on the public forum. It does take time to test it all out and we go thru testers pretty fast.



(in reply to Adnan Meshuggi)
Post #: 78
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 7:39:12 PM   


Posts: 3916
Joined: 2/26/2007
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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko


ORIGINAL: Aurelian

Should you at some point decide to man up, I'd still be more than happy to show you just how "super" your German supermen are in a game with you as the Axis and me as the Soviets. Until that point, I'll just leave you to your own fantasies and focus my attention on the people actually trying to improve WitE, instead of the people wasting my time.

Don't see how one can prove the Axis are supermen by playing as the Sovs.....

Logically what you say makes perfect sense, Pieter and Aurelian. However I never claimed I am expert German player (or expert player of any side). In fact I claimed the contrary, that I am merely decent player even when you might think otherwise by looking at the map

You people need an experience of playing expert German to see to which degree an expert can (ab)use German might in this game. I don't feel I can provide the services of expert German player - yet. In the meantime, go find an expert German, be abused by him and come back to tell us about your esperience

One does not need to be an "expert" player if his army is made of supermen. As for being "abused", I lost twice as the Soviets. Not because the Axis were supermen, but because I played very badly.

Here's the thing. It is very, very, easy to claim that the Axis are supermen. But that is all it is, a claim. And until you step up and prove it, by playing ComradeP, (His experience at playing is meaningless as you claim that the Axis are supermen.), then that is all it would remain. A claim.

And starting to look like an empty one.

< Message edited by Aurelian -- 3/15/2011 7:44:49 PM >

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 79
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 7:57:01 PM   
Adnan Meshuggi


Posts: 2220
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ORIGINAL: Adnan Meshuggi




ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko

And another thing, I think most of you need an experience of playing a REAL GOOD German player in PBEM. Until you play a real German expert, and there are only a few currently in this community, you have no idea what Germans can really do, and how frustrating and helpless Soviets feel. Most of you never played real expert German in PBEM.

When you play a timid German, and you appear to stop him, it's easy to imagine you're being a "defensive genius" or something. It's most probably not you being defensive genius, just him being too timid. Go play Emir, or James or PDH and then see how much of a defensive genius you really are

Well a very good German player should be whooping on a Soviet player of less skill. On the other hand a very good Soviet player will whoop on a German player of less skill, even in 41 prior to the blizzard.

Two players of equal skill, from my experience, it boils down to who makes the fewer mistakes. Germans obviously have the advantage in the summer of 41, as they historically did and should be pushing the Soviets back. As the late summer ensues and fall occurs, the Soviets should be picking up steam and slowing the German war machine and come blizzard set them back as they did historically.

This pretty much occurs in every aar I've seen and every game I've played as long as the players don't quit too early. The degree of how far one side or the other pushes is pretty much based on the skill of the players. There is a lot involved to this game and if a player takes the time to learn all the various mechanics and apply them will most likely overcome an opponent that does not. Of course each side makes mistakes and the German player in 41 can ill afford too many of these if he plans on trying to take Moscow, Leningrad, and Rostov.

Thank you for posting

A question:
i read the aars, but i can´t follow your results.
my conclusions:
in summer 41 the axis can do a lot great things to push the russians, but with winter it doesn´t matter cause nothing counts. the russian can and will crush the axis defence line and throw back the axis with so high costs that the capability to come back in 42 for the axis (as they did) is not longer existing.

So - basically you are right about the axis summer advance (and untill blizzard it seems to work (even if some finetuning should slow down the axis advance a bit, if the russian player is better)), but with blizzard the histoical axis capabilities are gone. Also for 42.

Even very good axis player get kicked around by "average" russian players - so even russian side-players say it is singlesided in a pbem.

I hope, you and the other guys here will fix it, so i can order it. Mentally preordered i have, but this is - for me the no-go-problem. Maybe we find some (at the other side) in later parts of the game, but in the moment the blizzardthing sounds to serious for me.

Oh, i bet i will be a bad axis/russian player for a long time, but that doesn´t matter. Knowing it doesen´t matter ist the problem - so why should i try if it is use- and senseless, cause blizzard ruins it anyway.

Well the Germans were in pretty tough shape by the end of November, primarily from a logistics perspective and were already suffering some pretty severe frostbite even prior to the Soviet counteroffensive. According to Guderian, once the Soviets began their attacks, the Germans started to get pushed back all along the front, and this is just in december prior to him getting relieved. He did make mention that they counterattacked when possible and in some cases were able to hold their ground, but in most cases they failed.

The point here being is that don't expect the Germans to stand up too well to a major Soviet offensive in the blizzard. How well though is still an ongoing debate on the tester forum and is getting tweaked and is constantly being looked at thanks to a lot of the input we have recived here on the public forum. It does take time to test it all out and we go thru testers pretty fast.


First of all, i know Matrix since 2000 and i have deep respect for the work you and all the others (as programmer, developer, Mod or game designer or playtester) do.
So my comments are not meant evil or bad.

You are right, if you say the historical germans (weard down by the russian defense) were really exhausted in november/december 1941.

They also had to go back because they had forget to stop at some point

But that is history (and the russians had lost so many troops)
in the game, you can avoid these mistakes but still get kicked around by Mr.average soviet guy.
even, if you are way better as the historical germans, have lost less troops and so on.

so my opinion is, the axis should perform much better in blizzard (for many things), if they achieved a "better as historical" result (say Leningrad conquered, low losses, great TOE, short frontline and enough reserve units behind it).

I agree also that to achieve such a result you need to perform great.
Like i agree that the russian player, if playing good, should be better as historical, too.
In the moment both things seem to happen to seldom (or for the axis in blizzard, never)

Maybe the axis supply situation is to good, also the chance of really coordinated russian attacks in 41 need some limitations?

If you left the offical main campagins but make a change so you can do (with the same troops) these described things and then blizzard is tamed down, this would be great.

I bet we will find other "big bugs" later on, not only against the axis but also against the russians.

But i have hope - as long people like you post your statements. With em is hope, without is just "madness" :)

(in reply to Sabre21)
Post #: 80
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:02:03 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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ORIGINAL: Aurelian
One does not need to be an "expert" player if his srmy is made of supermen. As for being "abused", I lost twice as the Soviets. Not because the Axis were supermen, but because I played very badly.

Here's the thing. It is very, very, easy to claim that the Axis are supermen. But that is all it is, a claim. And until you step up and prove it, by playing ComradeP, (His experience at playing is meaningless as you claim that the Axis are supermen.), then that is all it would remain. A claim.

An empty one at that.

Aurelian you seem to be hell bent on turning this into a flame and I have no idea why. Pieter is sometimes like that too, but he seems to calm down as fast as he boils up and is generally calm and reasonable guy

It's OK if you consider what I said or think an "empty claim" but it's not OK if you fail to understand or misinterpret what I said. So let me clarify one more time.


One does not need to be an "expert" player if his srmy is made of supermen.

I call Germans in summer 41 "supermen" simply because I like that term and is very convenient in getting the idea accross pretty fast. They are overpowered and too invulnerable for my taste. They don't suffer enough fatigue, TOE, supply, morale problems as they, IMO, should. They are not the kind of supermen where you can just click one button and let them go. They do require lots of skill to be used properly, but when used properly, and with lots of skill, they are nigh on unstoppable. Like a Jedi lightsabre. Will this analogy help you understand? In my hands it's a light stick. In hands of a Jedi it's a weapon capable of defeating army of clones or whatever. But Jedi sabres should belong to SF kiddie movies, not realistic wargames. I guess it's not a good analogy because in SW Jedi is overpowered, not the sabre itself. In WITE the sabre (Germans) is overpowered but still require skilled player to show how really overpowered they are.

In hands of expert player they make the game completely one sided, in any case too one sided for MY taste. They can make the game so ridicolously one sided and as to make it almost unplayable for Soviet. That's my opinion, and that's pretty superman-y to me.

What's so hard to understand in the above paragraphs? If you disagree - fine. Just let the matter drop. No need to misinterpret my words or make it seem like you don't understand what I want to say or I am speaking Klingon.

(I always feel I have to add Soviets have their supermen etc phase, but their phase requires almost no skill to be used, so it's perhaps even more dangerous for the world stability )

< Message edited by Oleg Mastruko -- 3/15/2011 8:05:40 PM >

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 81
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:25:41 PM   


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There's a difference between trying to start a flame war, and trying to get you to actually prove your argument, which is what Aurelian, others and me are trying to do. I get frustrated because you dodge the bullet and your opinion changes with the majority view, which again illustrates how hollow it is.

Currently, you have an opinion, not an argument, and present it like an argument. The fact that you're a big fan of using hyperbole just shows how hollow your "argument"/opinion is. If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network. I don't come here to be confronted by the same kind of simplemindedness.


SSG tester
WitE Alpha tester
Panzer Corps Beta tester
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(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 82
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:38:08 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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There's a difference between trying to start a flame war, and trying to get you to actually prove your argument, which is what Aurelian, others and me are trying to do. I get frustrated because you dodge the bullet and your opinion changes with the majority view, which again illustrates how hollow it is.

Currently, you have an opinion, not an argument, and present it like an argument. The fact that you're a big fan of using hyperbole just shows how hollow your "argument"/opinion is. If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network. I don't come here to be confronted by the same kind of simplemindedness.

Everything we all post here is an "opinion", this or that side is too strong, swamps or forests provide too much of a bonus, forts build too fast or too slow, someone doesn't like the interface or the color of German counters.... and we all argue that our stance is correct. What for you makes a key difference between "opinion" and "argument"?

If someone thinks forts build too fast it's his opinion and it's his right to have an opinion. Where do you see a problem? The only way to turn the opinion about building forts into what you call an "argument" would be to get division of Soviets build something for a week in real world. Even then it would be hard to judge is the result of their work a fort level 1 or level 2? And if the result of their work is "2", how much should it influence combat results?

My opinion on some issues is well known. Some of it is shared by others (that blizzard effects are overpowered is almost universally shared opnion), some of it is not-so-shared by others. I would however disagree I sway with the majority view, but if you think so, then so be it. There is nothing bad per se, even if it's true.

So, basically, reason why some people can't stand me is because I write more forum posts than they think I should be writing or I am using "hyperbole"? Pretty lame.

(in reply to ComradeP)
Post #: 83
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:47:41 PM   


Posts: 1033
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"If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network."

Watch what you say, you pinko cheese eating surrender monkey eurofag. Fox news is the bomb. Glenn Beck tells it like it is. FACT.

I once watched European tv, and it was all "blah, blah, compromise, blah, dialogue, blah blah, debate" SCREW THAT!!!! Cut to the chase man! I want someone telling me LIKE IT IS!!! European news is only slightly less pointless than the UN.

You must either be from France, or somewhere else where they eat the back legs off amphibians. 

(in reply to ComradeP)
Post #: 84
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:52:23 PM   


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Some thoughtful analysis would be nice. Not hyperbole.

I am outlining the steps I take to prep the assault, breakthrough and exploitation. It has helped me improve my game, I think. I don't see supermen though. I hope to in the next game.

But the game is 'fun" at least, and you have a myriad of choices.

No pressure on the turn though. Take your time.


ORIGINAL: squatter

"If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network."

Watch what you say, you pinko cheese eating surrender monkey eurofag. Fox news is the bomb. Glenn Beck tells it like it is. FACT.

I once watched European tv, and it was all "blah, blah, compromise, blah, dialogue, blah blah, debate" SCREW THAT!!!! Cut to the chase man! I want someone telling me LIKE IT IS!!! European news is only slightly less pointless than the UN.

You must either be from France, or somewhere else where they eat the back legs off amphibians.

The "Stereotypical American" strikes again.

< Message edited by Senno -- 3/15/2011 9:00:09 PM >

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 85
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 8:53:15 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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ORIGINAL: squatter

"If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network."

Watch what you say, you pinko cheese eating surrender monkey eurofag. Fox news is the bomb. Glenn Beck tells it like it is. FACT.

I once watched European tv, and it was all "blah, blah, compromise, blah, dialogue, blah blah, debate" SCREW THAT!!!! Cut to the chase man! I want someone telling me LIKE IT IS!!! European news is only slightly less pointless than the UN.

You must either be from France, or somewhere else where they eat the back legs off amphibians. 

(in reply to squatter)
Post #: 86
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 9:01:56 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko


ORIGINAL: squatter

"If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network."

Watch what you say, you pinko cheese eating surrender monkey eurofag. Fox news is the bomb. Glenn Beck tells it like it is. FACT.

I once watched European tv, and it was all "blah, blah, compromise, blah, dialogue, blah blah, debate" SCREW THAT!!!! Cut to the chase man! I want someone telling me LIKE IT IS!!! European news is only slightly less pointless than the UN.

You must either be from France, or somewhere else where they eat the back legs off amphibians. 

Oleg, do you take Squatter seriously?

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 87
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 9:17:49 PM   


Posts: 7192
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"If I want opinions reinforced by hyperbole being turned into arguments, I'll watch some American news network."

Watch what you say, you pinko cheese eating surrender monkey eurofag. Fox news is the bomb. Glenn Beck tells it like it is. FACT.

I once watched European tv, and it was all "blah, blah, compromise, blah, dialogue, blah blah, debate" SCREW THAT!!!! Cut to the chase man! I want someone telling me LIKE IT IS!!! European news is only slightly less pointless than the UN.

You must either be from France, or somewhere else where they eat the back legs off amphibians.

Indeed, the stereotypical "everybody in Europe is a socialist"-type American strikes again. Considering the number of floods my country and my countrymen have faced, I'm sometimes surprised that we Dutchmen are not amphibians ourselves.


What for you makes a key difference between "opinion" and "argument"?

Opinion: the Germans are overpowered.
Argument: the in-game Germans are overpowered compared to their historical counterparts because they face fewer supply problems and get more replacements.
Factual statement that can be used in an argument: historically the Germans got X amount of replacements, in the game they get Y.

< Message edited by ComradeP -- 3/15/2011 9:18:47 PM >


SSG tester
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(in reply to Senno)
Post #: 88
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 9:36:18 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

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Oleg, do you take Squatter seriously?

I did my best to try to take him seriously but "amphibians" gave him away

(in reply to Senno)
Post #: 89
RE: Oleg's German supermen - 3/15/2011 9:39:18 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko




Oleg, do you take Squatter seriously?

I did my best to try to take him seriously but "amphibians" gave him away


(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
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