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RE: OT - They got Osama

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RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/2/2011 10:24:42 PM   
Kwik E Mart

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What I find intresting is what they are NOT saying. They used SEAL team six, which is the hostage rescue team (equivalent to the Army's Delta force). Also, despite it being a SEAL team, that evacted to the USS Carl Vinson , the op used BLACKHAWK helicopters. That means US Army. (The USN uses Seahawks, the USAF uses Night Hawks and Pave Hawks, the USMC doesn't use that type at all).

Could The 160th SOAR have been used? Or some other unit ? I notice that in the photo the wreckage is painted OD, which suggests US Army. Anybody else pick up anything?

the Chucky Vee!!! my one and only disassociated sea tour! ...i was on board when Clinton tossed the wreath into Pearl Harbor to commemerate the 50th VJ day...also aboard when Clinton decided to send a few gift wrapped Tomahawks Saddam's way...ah, memories...


Kirk Lazarus: I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!
Ron Swanson: Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.

(in reply to AW1Steve)
Post #: 61
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 12:11:34 AM   

Posts: 908
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From: Malta
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Congrats to american SF they did the job and they did it cleanly.

A you tube video i found regarding the operation :

Bin laden mission and aftereffects

Hope he enjoys his virgins

(in reply to AW1Steve)
Post #: 62
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:13:30 AM   

Posts: 3634
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From: Mosquito Bite, Texas
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First thing I did tonight when I got home was to pour a nice glass of sipping whiskey and toast the United States Navy.  This ol'e ground pounder is proud of you!  I love the Seals and all the support troops involved.  Well planned and executed op.  Very nice guys.  Very nice.

I fed the dog tonight knowing that around the world Osama is feeding the fish.  Need another whiskey.  I'm going to toast the fish,too.


Occasionally, and randomly, problems and solutions collide. The probability of these collisions is inversely related to the number of committees working on the solutions. -- Me.

(in reply to chesmart)
Post #: 63
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:35:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: bjmorgan

I fed the dog tonight knowing that around the world Osama is feeding the fish.  Need another whiskey.  I'm going to toast the fish,too.

I hope he enjoys his 72 sturgeons (feeding on his carcass).

(in reply to morganbj)
Post #: 64
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:47:36 AM   
LST Express

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You guys are terrible!


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Post #: 65
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 5:05:08 AM   


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"The idea behind Desert One wasn't a bad one-they just picked a bad site and had some miscommunication in execution and withdrawal strategies. :

Since then an Australian company has developed a portable helicopter landing pad that suppresses the sand so you won't get the engine intake problems they ran into.

They now sell small versions to use at your campsite so you won't track sand into your tent or RV.


fair winds,

(in reply to LST Express)
Post #: 66
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 5:22:13 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Shellshock

This is the second time today that the sight of Shellshock's Avatar has stopped me in my tracks. There's something about that it Ethel Merman auditioning for Tora Tora Tora or is it the love child of Phyllis Diller and Chickenboy?

(in reply to Shellshock)
Post #: 67
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 9:02:38 AM   

Posts: 9847
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From: Finland/Israel
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I must say it was good day yesterday...had to pop '"few'" cold ones

Says a lot about OBL that he tried to use his wife as human shield...but definitely no out of character. Loathsome creature and world is better without him. 


"To meaningless French Idealism, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality...we answer with German Realism, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery" -Prince von Bülov, 1870-

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 68
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 9:42:36 AM   


Posts: 100
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From: Tehran
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World seems to be quite surprised why americans are celebrating. Why not? They have been taught to think OBL as their biggest enemy. I believe OBL is only stronger now, like Ben Kenobi in Star Wars. RIP Osama. He was a great warrior defending Afganistan against Soviet Union. Now he was old and only an icon and americans decided now would be good time to play Osama card to give something to american people. Or did Obama need that victory?

Gongrats to americans for achieving "some kind of victory"!

(in reply to Sardaukar)
Post #: 69
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 10:20:24 AM   

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ORIGINAL: henhute6

World seems to be quite surprised why americans are celebrating. Why not? They have been taught to think OBL as their biggest enemy. I believe OBL is only stronger now, like Ben Kenobi in Star Wars. RIP Osama. He was a great warrior defending Afganistan against Soviet Union. Now he was old and only an icon and americans decided now would be good time to play Osama card to give something to american people. Or did Obama need that victory?

Gongrats to americans for achieving "some kind of victory"!

It's a shame that Erik doesn't allow profanity here in the forums. He had this coming for a really long time. My only hope is that the fish have found a way to his cold carcass. That way, he'd be good for at least something.


After 16 years, Civ II still has me in it's clutches LOL!!!
Now CIV IV has me in it's evil clutches!

(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 70
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 10:26:07 AM   

Posts: 4776
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From: Vienna, Austria
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I do not think its surprising.

OBL had to be hunted down, if only to bring him to justice. He was the mastermind behind
the only successful terrorist attack in this scale on US soil that originated beyond US borders.

To be honest, it put a smile on my face too. He did not deserve to live after what he initiated.

What happens now with Al Q and the "global war against terrorism" is another story and has absolutely
nothing to do with OBL being dead or alive. He was already out of the command chain long ago because it was his
only hope to survive the hunt.


(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 71
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 12:26:45 PM   

Posts: 908
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From: Malta
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         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did. (either Muslim, Christian or any other religion)
Thats why most of the moderate world including the muslim world call them TERRORISTS.They are nobodys  heroes except to people who are like them.
Personally I do not like that term  because in the case of Osama Bin Laden it is too good and if I had to write in Arabic on these forums what I think I would get Banned.

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 72
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 12:49:07 PM   


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From: Tehran
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ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

(in reply to chesmart)
Post #: 73
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:02:28 PM   

Posts: 24520
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From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: henhute6


ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to mine. No, this is not the end of the 'international war on terrorism' but it was an important step to delete the figurehead of this international movement.

Regardless whether your prophecies of 'hoax' are correct (I believe otherwise), one has to admire the skill, audacity and planning of the operators that carried out the raid. First class professionalism all the way.


(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 74
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:21:06 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: Sardaukar

Says a lot about OBL that he tried to use his wife as human shield...

Aw, cut the guy some slack. It was only one of his wives. He had lots of others!



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to Sardaukar)
Post #: 75
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:24:51 PM   

Posts: 18715
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From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: henhute6

World seems to be quite surprised why americans are celebrating. Why not? They have been taught to think OBL as their biggest enemy. I believe OBL is only stronger now, like Ben Kenobi in Star Wars. RIP Osama. He was a great warrior defending Afganistan against Soviet Union. Now he was old and only an icon and a mass murdererand americans decided now would be good time to play Osama card to give something to american people. Or did Obama need that victory?

Gongrats to americans for achieving "some kind of victory"!

Fixed that for you.

Jealous much?

ETA: Forgot to start with, "Hey guys, watch me feed the troll!"

< Message edited by USS America -- 5/3/2011 1:25:31 PM >



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 76
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:28:07 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: henhute6


ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

Beyond hope...... <iggy!>



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 77
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:28:17 PM   

Posts: 3634
Joined: 8/12/2007
From: Mosquito Bite, Texas
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ORIGINAL: henhute6


ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

So, you're ok with the killing of innocent people at work? Interesting. And you think that it is not as bad as having died from a peanut allergy. Very interesting.

But, it takes a lot of apologists for people like UBL to survive in the world. You, my friend, are one of them.

Time for another whisky.

<Exiting thread for good.>


Occasionally, and randomly, problems and solutions collide. The probability of these collisions is inversely related to the number of committees working on the solutions. -- Me.

(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 78
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:46:05 PM   

Posts: 4776
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From: Vienna, Austria
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LoBaron, just a suggestion, but you should never argue with an idiot. Innocent bystanders can't tell the difference.


(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 79
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:49:01 PM   

Posts: 18715
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LoBaron, just a suggestion, but you should never argue with an idiot. Innocent bystanders can't tell the difference.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 80
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 1:59:10 PM   

Posts: 2236
Joined: 1/3/2006
From: niflheim
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ORIGINAL: henhute6


ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

It is and it stinks. I don't doubt that he's dead, the question is only.. when did he die? Yesterday? I doubt.


(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 81
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:03:19 PM   

Posts: 18715
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From: Graham, NC, USA
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"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to Telumar)
Post #: 82
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:12:32 PM   

Posts: 2236
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(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 83
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:26:16 PM   

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LoBaron, just a suggestion, but you should never argue with an idiot. Innocent bystanders can't tell the difference.

Not only that....they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 84
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:29:12 PM   

Posts: 533
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ORIGINAL: henhute6

This whole thing is just a great hoax.

Been seeing a lot of sour grapes along these lines from the Finns on other boards lately. They seeme disappointed or annoyed that Bin Laden is no more.

(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 85
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:29:54 PM   


Posts: 4040
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From: Grand Forks, ND
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ORIGINAL: henhute6


ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

Sounds like someone needs to go further north and get a Lapp dance.


This is one Czech that doesn't bounce.

(in reply to henhute6)
Post #: 86
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:35:12 PM   

Posts: 24520
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From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: Schanilec


ORIGINAL: henhute6


ORIGINAL: che200


         Heroes do not kill innocent people on the scale Bin laden did.

And terrorists don't kill innocent people on the scale that nations do. Even peanut allergy or coal plant pollution kill much more than terrorism. But hey, let them celebrate killing their former ally. This whole thing is just a great hoax.

Sounds like someone needs to go further north and get a Lapp dance.

That, dude, was one of the worst puns I've ever heard in my life.

Atta boy.


(in reply to Schanilec)
Post #: 87
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:45:14 PM   


Posts: 100
Joined: 1/8/2002
From: Tehran
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Don't feed the trolls in this off topic. Trolls have a strong feeling that they are the "good guys". War criminals are not war criminals if they are the "good guys", like Kissinger, George W Bush, Wolfowitz. Osama is not even in the same league because his kill list is too small.

(in reply to Telumar)
Post #: 88
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:49:11 PM   

Posts: 1461
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Eye for an eye -

- tooth for a tooth.

All the same.

That circle never ends the good way.

Of course, Mr. Bin Laden was someone who simply had to die, but there are many more, and far worse ones, still out there. In this case, getting rid of the body ASAP was of course a must. How the American people reacted to the event, however, is a different thing... Someone compare to photos of Talibans & CO. at 11/09/2001.


(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 89
RE: OT - They got Osama - 5/3/2011 2:54:32 PM   

Posts: 1461
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Sry the double post but..


ORIGINAL: henhute6

Don't feed the trolls in this off topic. Trolls have a strong feeling that they are the "good guys". War criminals are not war criminals if they are the "good guys", like Kissinger, George W Bush, Wolfowitz. Osama is not even in the same league because his kill list is too small.

Maybe you should have then understood to not post at the tone you did in the topic this happens to be.

Lähinnä huvitti jenkkilän juhlinta. Niiden asenne ei ainakaan auta, ja sitten ihmetellään että miksi kaikki vihaa niitä. Sataprosenttisesti itseaiheutettua, ja artistihan maksaa...


(in reply to henhute6)
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