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RE: 15 FEB 42

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> After Action Reports >> RE: 15 FEB 42 Page: <<   < prev  15 16 [17] 18 19   next >   >>
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RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/16/2012 3:49:40 AM   

Posts: 2194
Joined: 12/21/2001
From: Upstate SC
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As for PM's AF, I used B-17s because I don't have any medium bombers right now, but have no intention of permantly basing B-17s there as of yet. Priority for PM is forts until the invasion bonus expires. Until then, it is vulnerable (we can't secure it, just make it costly until then). One we get some medium bombers in SWPAC (with a replacement rate that is), the AF can sustain them at current level.


"Life is tough, it's even tougher when you're stupid" -SGT John M. Stryker, USMC

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Post #: 481
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/16/2012 9:55:59 PM   

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From: Christiana, TN
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Great, just wanted to make sure we had a plan! I figure it would be better to note something and my partners already have accounted for it instead of not saying anything and they not seeing it!

(in reply to denisonh)
Post #: 482
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/17/2012 12:45:30 AM   

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And it it greatly appreciated partner! Wish I had that kind of help in my solo games.......

ORIGINAL: nashvillen

Great, just wanted to make sure we had a plan! I figure it would be better to note something and my partners already have accounted for it instead of not saying anything and they not seeing it!


"Life is tough, it's even tougher when you're stupid" -SGT John M. Stryker, USMC

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Post #: 483
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/25/2012 3:03:48 AM   

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20 FEB 42


154th FA loading at Seattle for transport to Dutch Harbor.

Alameda’s search aircraft are not working as a full squadron. Something noted, no “V” value there! DOH! Moving Base Force from Stockton, with no aircraft to maintain to Alameda. Also, it needed to be set to receive replacements to get to full strength.

TF172, which transported some units from the Canal Zone is moving to San Fran for use there. It is some 14-16 kt transports and cargo ships.

3rd/102nd Inf BN moves from LA to San Fran to join the other part of its unit there for transport to the south pacific. We can either combine them or keep them as separate sub units for small garrison duties as we see fit.


Nothing to do here.


TF112 is almost unloaded at Sitka and will then become amphibious and load 106th BF for Suva, along with some Seaplane tenders.

Turned off the stockpile at Anchorage as it is hording supply and fuel too much.


Supply run to Wake is four days out and, so far, undetected. Keeping fingers crossed.


Supply and fuel TF for Pago Pago decieded to leave without unloading. Turned them around and sent back.

We have two xAPs at Pago Pago that can move some units at Pago Pago around if we need to, otherwise then will join up with the Pago Pago resupply force to return to the west coast. Jeff, let me know what you want to do with them.


TF 99 split up to finish unloading at Townsville, so it can reload as an amphib for more men and equipment for PM, Noumea, and Suva.

DDs come out of refit for the Lexington TF. Two cruisers are 2 and 3 days out. Once they are done this TF can join the others and another can rotate back to Sydney to do the same. This TF will have just over 4000 AAA when we are done compared to 2500-3100 with the others.


Nothing to do here.


Nothing to do here.

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Post #: 484
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/28/2012 12:31:34 AM   

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21 FEB 42


96th Cst AA Rgt needs assignment. It is in San Franscisco along with the 255th USN Base Force.

54th Coastal Art Rgt is doing no good at Ft Ord as it is not an invadable hex. Moving it to San Francisco. I leaves in 876 days and can help protect San Francisco.

S-42 arrives in San Diego. Her captain is very poor (55 Naval/28 Aggress) and is replaced with L.H. Chappell (69 Naval/66 Agress) for 3 PP. She is loaded up and sent to Pearl for deeper deployment at a base that gets her closer to the action.


Nothing to do here.


Nothing to do here.


Nothing to do here.


Reported CVE, CA, CS, 3xCL, 2xPG, TK (according to reports) with 36 fighters, 106 bombers, and 17 auxes. Suggest we move the CV TFs slightly north to be within one day of striking anything within two hexes of PM (101,142 for example). This will keep us out of range if it is the KB, but let us strike a baby KB decisively if further recon shows it to be worthwhile. Just my opinion.

Harvey, I am sure you see this, but TFs 314 and 294 need to turn away from PM. They are 10/10 on spotting and will be targets for the Japanese if they continue on to PM.

TF99 turned around to return to Townsville to pick up 1st Marine and 210 Cst AA Rgt for Noumea/Suva respectfully. It will be an amphib force to help unload better with the large transports.

New units at Bora Bora (2/198th Cst AA Bn, 2nd/102nd Inf Bn) are set to rest until a TF gets there to pick them up.

AV and 3xDMS to move supplies from Tahiti to Bora Bora as it does not have enough at this time.

Planning on loading the 134th USN BF from Pago Pago to Noumea as soon as lift is assembled. Let me know if you want to do different. This will give us Radar, V36 and 31+ Naval Support for Noumea.


DDs Blue and Eliot have joined TF Lexington in Sydney. Two more days and Louisville will be ready to join and the TF can rotate out with another CVTF.


Infiltration into the Suchow plain is started. One unit has moved without apparent Japanese movement. Will see if it can penetrate further. Try to harass supply/rail lines or just make a general nuisance of it.


Nothing to do here.

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 485
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 1:38:55 AM   

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From: Christiana, TN
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22 FEB 42


30th Field AA Bn arrives in Seattle, it will be on the next run of the transport TF for the NOPAC area to go to Dutch Harbor.

124th BF arrives in Alameda, already there are 10 PBYs searching. Expanding their search radius to take into account more aircraft searching.

VMSB-141 arrives in San Diego, filled out with new pilots for Dive Bombing school. Standard training regimen applied.

94th Field AA Bn arrives at Eastern USA, sent to San Francisco.

20th Pursuit group disbanded in San Francisco after pilots stripped.

71st OG/17th OS arrives in San Francisco, standard training applied.

xAK Alcoa Polaris arrives at LA, we need more small xAPs, so I am putting her into the shipyard to convert to a C1 USAT xAP (1660 Troop/1800 Cargo) with only 4820 tons, which will get into size 1 ports.

Looking around for other C1-A’s available for this conversion. Found one in San Francisco. Converting that one also. Will cull others out of current convoys when possible.


Nothing to do here.


SS Tuna is set to return to Seattle for shipyard repairs. She is set to auto-disband and is at cruise speed.

TF112 loading 106th USN BF for Suva from Sitka via Pearl Harbor and Christmas Is.


Nothing to do here.


Looks like PM is next on the menu. Harvey, again, I am sure you have seen this, but we need to change all the LCUs at PM to combat.

This is interesting, all four Japanese TFs are moving NE. Maybe they are just building up Terapo.

Maybe we should move to within 6 hexes of Terapo and see what we can do? For today, maybe 95,136? This will keep us out of Betty range from Rabaul and out of seven hexes of Terapo. But allow us to position a strike tomorrow or run away if we need to. I am open for opinions! (First try at putting a map in my reports!)

Units of the 49th PG and the 22nd BG are about 10 days away from Noumea enroute to Brisbane. Do we want to leave anything at Noumea for defense there? 49th PG has P40Es


Nothing to do here.


Sian gets some more ENGs to help build defenses and the HQs and support units from Loyang get to a road and are set to go to Sian to rebuild there.


Nothing to do here.

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 486
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 2:10:45 AM   

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Moved USN CVs to within 6 hexes from Port Morseby. Only Fighters and DBs will be able to make it, as the Devastators have a max range of 5.

This puts us out of Betty range from Rabaul, but we're 13 hexes from Madang, which is a lvl 4 AF.. not sure if they have an air HQ there though.

Have a SAG of 3 CAs and 4 DDs trailing the carriers as well as a ASW escort.. our fourth CV is in Brisbane refitting, a couple days out. They will not be available for the defense of PM at this time, but it will be a fresh, beefed up AA, group to arrive shortly to rotate with another CV group.


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

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Post #: 487
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 3:55:34 AM   

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From: Christiana, TN
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BTW, I like the Greenshot screen capture software. Very basic and not overly complicated.

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 488
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 3:13:33 PM   

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Early reports of a major carrier action near Port Moresby combined with a multi division invasion of same...

More as we digest the reports coming in.

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 489
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 4:13:16 PM   

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Ok, So our first major carrier battle. <deep breath>

We did better than I anticipated, but we only fought three CVs and one CS. Granted the Shokaku class CV is a very nice CV, but the Hiryu's only carry 3/4 of the planes. With proper handling even extremely damaged Japanese CVs can make it a moderate distance to repairs. Their problem is the closest repair facilities are at Truk (minimal), Hong Kong (moderate), or at Singapore (moderate). With enough naval support a ship can be patched up enough to make a longer trip and they might have that at Darwin by now.

Looks like the damage is this to their major units:

CV Shokaku 7 bomb hits with one critical
CV Soryu 3 bomb hits
CV Hiryu 4 bomb hits with one critical
BB Yamashiro 35 bomb hits
CS Chitose 7 bomb hits

Most of these are Dauntless 1000 pounders. But it should be noted one of the A24s got a 1000 pounder on the CA Tone! Speaking of smaller ships, quite a bit of damage was done to them in a combination of secondary attacks when the capitals where already engaged or by other things such as mines or CD guns. 5xDDs with a couple sunk took at least one bomb hit (a 1000 lb bomb will severely damage a DD, let alone more than one). CA Maya took a mine and 3 bomb hits, CA Tone took 4 bomb hits, and CL Abukuma took a torp. None of them were critical hits, but damage is damage.

More than likely, any surviving CVs will have over 50% damage and be unable to conduct air operations. This is critical for them.

Now, our damage...

Unfortunately we lost the Saratoga, but it looks most of her air wing has joined the defenses at PM. Glad we have the extra air support there now! The damage to CA New Orleans might just be enough that she doesn't make it back to Sydney. CA Chicago took one bomb hit and might just still be battle worthy, depending on the damage. She should be able to make it back to Pearl at least with an escort without an issue. CL Honolulu is sunk. and DD Cummings took a bomb hit, but it was only a 250 Kg one. She might be OK, but will defiantly need some yard time. The Enterprise took a single non critical damage torpedo. I have seen CVs take a single torp and have just over 10 points of flotation damage and I have seen them have 30+ flotation damage depending on the roll. We will just have to see. She may end up joining Chicago on a trip to Pearl.

The good news is the Lexington's escort group will be complete this next day and she can sail for the Coral Sea. Enterprise should be still capable of air operations. Saratoga's air wing is still active at PM. They don't have any air cover to speak of over their invasion force. Tomorrow should be an interesting day!

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 490
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 4:53:57 PM   

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Took a fine tooth comb through the reports, and this is what I have come up with.

Allied Ships
CV Saratoga, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
CV Enterprise, Torpedo hits 1
CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Chicago, Bomb hits 1
CL Honolulu, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
DD Cummings, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-3A Wildcat: 4 destroyed
F4F-3 Wildcat: 7 destroyed
P-40E Warhawk: 2 destroyed
SBD-2 Dauntless: 1 destroyed
SBD-3 Dauntless: 8 destroyed, 14 damaged
A-24 Banshee: 2 destroyed, 3 damaged
Hudson I: 1 damaged
TBD-1 Devastator: 8 destroyed, 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 7 (one critical), heavy fires, heavy damage
CV Hiryu, Bomb hits 6 (one critical), heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Yamashiro, Bomb hits 28, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, on fire
CA Tone, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
CA Maya, Mine hits 1, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
CS Chitose, Bomb hits 8, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Abukuma, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Arare, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Hamakaze, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Shiranui, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
DD Natsugumo, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage, and is sunk
DMS W-13, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed
D3A1 Val: 7 destroyed, 8 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 3 destroyed, 10 damaged

< Message edited by jeffk3510 -- 11/30/2012 4:54:43 PM >


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

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Post #: 491
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 4:56:52 PM   

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They did manage to get 750+AV ashore at Port Morseby during the turn according to the land battle at the end of the turn.


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

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Post #: 492
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 5:01:49 PM   

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I bet the Japanese lose Shokaku and Yamashiro [from fires]. What did you mean by "critical hits" - Ammo or Fuel Storage Explosions? Of the two ASE does more damage than a FSE in my experience.

Truk is better than a minimal repair base because it has a Naval HQ there and possibly ARs. Rabaul also is likely to have ARs. If my carrier was heavily damaged I would put into Rabaul first to disband and put out fires, then repair System damage down below 25% before moving on. He can always fly in more fighters to try and shield the damaged ships. If your recons shows major units disbanded in port you might consider a bombardment mission with fast BBs and cruisers accompanied by DMSs to clear a path.

At PM, your cruiser TF should be able to handle any warships still there - all those IJN cruisers will be in bad shape.

Go get 'em, tiger!

< Message edited by BBfanboy -- 11/30/2012 5:03:44 PM >


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

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Post #: 493
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 5:15:56 PM   

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That is what they're there for (the SAGs).

As per the damage..... I'll need to re watch the report, but I can't remember if it was ASE or FSE... and if I recall correctly, yes, there was heavy fires and heavy damage indicators.

As Mike points out, they might not be able to provide air cover now if their CVs are over 50% damaged...They still have Betties at Rabaul if we plan on sending in SAGs to mop up the area but, I think we can stick around for another round, and we have another CV group coming up fresh from a refit at Sydney (or Brisbane, can't remember where she is at). I doubt she will be there in time to impact anything, but we still have a strong CV presence in the area.

If they move the damaged ships to Rabaul, there are 1/2 dozen subs in the area if the have to go around the Mline Bay route...or back through Horn Isl straights, there are just as many.

I like the results, but I wouldn't mind bagging a few CVs.. HOWEVER, they now have a ton of AV at Port Moresby. That, I failed to prevent..


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

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Post #: 494
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 5:21:54 PM   

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Thank you for following and the comments BTW

Much appreciated.


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 495
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 11/30/2012 6:56:55 PM   

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From: Christiana, TN
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Agreed on the comments. All are welcome except our opponents!

I am enjoying the logistic side of things and giving Jeff and Harvey advice from a JFB perspective.


(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 496
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/2/2012 3:39:08 AM   

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We are anxiously waiting on our part of the turn back to see what our damage is. Another reason I like being a JFB!

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 497
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/2/2012 8:32:38 AM   


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ORIGINAL: nashvillen

We are anxiously waiting on our part of the turn back to see what our damage is. Another reason I like being a JFB!

Yea I hate when you get back the combat turn and then have to wait HOURS or DAYS before you get the rest of the turn to see what the damage was.

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 498
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/2/2012 2:13:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rjopel


ORIGINAL: nashvillen

We are anxiously waiting on our part of the turn back to see what our damage is. Another reason I like being a JFB!

Yea I hate when you get back the combat turn and then have to wait HOURS or DAYS before you get the rest of the turn to see what the damage was.


(in reply to rjopel)
Post #: 499
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/3/2012 6:10:01 PM   

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<<Edit: So, everyone can see what is going on, here are some images to go with the post.>>

Thoughts on Air Group management after Battle of Coral Sea (and other things):

They have lost 54 Vals, 21 Kates, and 15 Zeros. I am guessing the longer range of the Kates and Zeros let them get to bases. There were 27/18/18 Vals on the Shokaku/Soyru/Hiryu at the beginning of the game. I expect that didn't change. So, it sounds like two of the three carriers have sunk, and the other is either crippled or nearly so. Leaving the Yorktown to rule the sea.

We can disband VS-3/1 to combine it with VB-3/1 to give us another 16 active/ 9 damaged aircraft group. We can then transfer that unit to the Yorktown. We can also transfer VF-3/1 to the Yorktown to give her another six Wildcats. This will bring the Yorktown up to 92 aircraft, a full complement! Look at the image below to see the results.

Enterprise has to go to Sydney; she is over 50 points in damage. Not going to sink if we keep her TF on cruise. Let her repair there for a bit then send her to Pearl to finish. It is too much for Sydney to handle and it will keep Sydney’s capacity open for other damage as it occurs.

The New Orleans is on fire (39) and if they don’t get that under control she will sink. If they get it under control and she can make Sydney, we might be able to patch her up enough to get her to Pearl or even the West Coast eventually, but either way, she is out of the war for at least six months if not sunk.

As for the Saratoga’s other escorts, I say send them to Sydney to refit and rearm to be ready to escort the Hornet when she arrives. The refit should coincide with Hornet’s arrival nicely. 15-20 days for the refits, 15 days for the Hornet to arrive in Sydney.

Sub Deployments:

We have eight Mk14 equipped boats and three S Boats in the area. I suggest we deploy them in a layered cordon with the most concentrated on the entrance into the Torres Strait. See the attached move file for the layering affect starting at just west of PM and ending just west of the Torres Strait.

Not doing my usual report, but didn’t mess with the SCTFs.

Lexington Group: Set her airgroups to standard carrier ops with only searches from escorts at this time. Replaced Asroia’s search aircraft with Kingfishers. Set her for full speed to 96,141, will probably be too late to do anything, but you never know. It will take her 3.5 days to get there. She can refuel from the AOs once she gets there. There is AOs at Brisbane, I have set them to reload fuel and move to 96,141 to meet this TF once it arrives on station.

Yorktown group: Set Escort Search aircraft to cover from 340 to 080 at five hexes, and VS-5 for 20% search from 350 to040. This should cover the “escape” zone well once the Yorktown as moved into position.

All of my other stuff is taken care off. Jeff, please review to make sure I got everything.

< Message edited by nashvillen -- 12/3/2012 6:33:17 PM >

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Post #: 500
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/4/2012 4:30:33 AM   

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From: Kansas
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ORIGINAL: rjopel


ORIGINAL: nashvillen

We are anxiously waiting on our part of the turn back to see what our damage is. Another reason I like being a JFB!

Yea I hate when you get back the combat turn and then have to wait HOURS or DAYS before you get the rest of the turn to see what the damage was.

Too.Much.Work.At.Work to wait!!


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

(in reply to rjopel)
Post #: 501
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/4/2012 4:35:43 AM   

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From: Kansas
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I bet the Japanese lose Shokaku and Yamashiro [from fires]. What did you mean by "critical hits" - Ammo or Fuel Storage Explosions? Of the two ASE does more damage than a FSE in my experience.

Truk is better than a minimal repair base because it has a Naval HQ there and possibly ARs. Rabaul also is likely to have ARs. If my carrier was heavily damaged I would put into Rabaul first to disband and put out fires, then repair System damage down below 25% before moving on. He can always fly in more fighters to try and shield the damaged ships. If your recons shows major units disbanded in port you might consider a bombardment mission with fast BBs and cruisers accompanied by DMSs to clear a path.

At PM, your cruiser TF should be able to handle any warships still there - all those IJN cruisers will be in bad shape.

Go get 'em, tiger!

It is showing a Kaga class CV showing up as sunk.. but looking at Air losses, as you can see in Mike's posts, we have come to the conclusion that two CVs are sunk and their third will more than likely be sunk this turn along with the Yamashiro if our bombs hit their mark. They will more than likely hug the coast so their diverted fighters can LRCAP from Madang (only AF in range that can conduct fighter ops). Yorktown with 92 AC will be 6 hexes from entire Torres Strait, as well as the TBs left at PM...Saratogas's DB and Fighters that are not being worked on were flown back to Yorktown, as Mike mentioned.. Harvey and I have sent in our respective SAGs (Harvey strengthened mine for me before sending off).

Anxiously awaiting the turn again.

I wouldn't mind saying we took on a portion of the KB in Feb of 42 and lived to tell about it, with all three of their CVs under the waves.

They will now have to decide where to commit forces. India or Auz, they now cannot do both IMO.

< Message edited by jeffk3510 -- 12/4/2012 4:37:06 AM >


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 502
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/4/2012 5:40:53 AM   

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From: Christiana, TN
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"Audentes fortuna iuvat"-Latin for Fortune favors the bold.

We hope that is true this turn as we are going to hit them while they are down and clean up what is left in the NW Coral Sea. Now, if they have more carriers screaming through the Torres strait we might now be as successful as we wish, otherwise we should clean up on every Japanese ship in this area. This will strand one full division and 2/3rd of another.

The turn is away, time will tell... Let the biting of fingernails commence!

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 503
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/5/2012 7:13:02 PM   

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Initial reports show that we did catch transports trying to offload at Port Moresby. The damaged CA Maya was there also. She was sunk along with six xAKs in two different engagements. Weather was bad, so everything was at very close range (2-6k yards). Heavily damaged were a TB and three more xAKs. My experience as a JFB tells me these will most likely sink. This leaves three more xAKs with some damage and their fate is unknown. Some of the shore guns had also traded shell hits with some the xAKs when they started unloading for the night. This will also compound the damage taken.

Reports from several submarine captains are that they got lots of hits on fleeing Japanese shipping (PB, 2x(xAK)), but no explosions. The Captain of the Pollack got so pissed he surfaced and put some shells into one xAK without sinking it before he had to break off.

The Yorktown's air groups did not fly on this day. We are figuring it was the weather as there were lots of rain storms in the area. She will still be in position for next turn if her detection is not too high.

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 504
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/7/2012 5:01:39 PM   

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Horrible storms in the Horn Island Port Moresby area, and that is why the Yorktown's airgroup stayed put.

The turn will be sent back on Sunday when Harvey is back to do his portion.

It looks like we'll move the Yorktown into position to strike this turn and next, as there are still a lot of enemy ships in the area.


Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 505
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/9/2012 12:48:38 AM   

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Here is my part of the next turn. It is delayed as one of our team is out of town and unable to process his part.

24 FEB 42


197th and 96th AA 3/102 Inf Bn and 255th USN Base Force loading at San Francisco on TF16. They will be delivered to Pago Pago and then we can figure out where they will go from there.

SS-46 arrives in San Diego, her current captain is E.R. Crawford (Naval 55, Aggress 27), replacing her with A.Montgomery (Naval 67, Aggress 63) for 3 PP. Sending her to Pearl as a jump off point for points further South and West.

A speed 3 convoy (60 days to Sydney) is forming at LA with 77,400 supply. 17 cargo, 1 escort.


xAK at Cristobal, sent through canal to disband at Balboa. Three more due over 10 days. That will make enough to form up on an escort and send to LA.


Nothing to do here.


Midway is going to be a sub base for us. Yes, we know it needs a lot of improvement, but with the Japanese not attacking this direction, we can afford to build it up. To that end, the 804th EAB will be moving from Pearl to Midway for her E92 to lend a hand in building that base.


xAK with full supplies (3200) broken off of the TF waiting to unload at Pago Pago and sent to Bora Bora to supply the unit there until we can pull it off of that rock and use in on a more front line location.

The Lexington TF went 15 hexes in one day. Going to send her one more day at Full speed to just East of Cooktown. We will need to keep the tankers close as her TF will be thirsty after this. She will then be in Jeff’s hands as we put them into the battle area. I am, also, going to set her dive bombers to ground attack and a target of PM since they will be within seven hexes of PM and might get there in time to help a bit.


Nothing to do here.


Nothing to do here.


Nothing to do here.

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 506
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/9/2012 1:13:02 AM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
Status: offline
Lex can handle two days at full speed but any escorting DDs will refuel from her or other large ships before the second day is done. You cannot count on another 15 hexs.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 507
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/9/2012 1:24:02 AM   

Posts: 3836
Joined: 7/3/2006
From: Christiana, TN
Status: offline
What if we put the TF on do not refuel? Will it make the 15 again? I have never been in a position where a full speed run would be meaningful. This is new to me.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 508
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/9/2012 12:31:49 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
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I believe "Do not Refuel" only applies to port visits. I am pretty sure that if the DDs get desperate the TF will buddy-transfer fuel. If they don't do this and the DDs run out of fuel the TF will only move one hex afterward. Ships without fuel are sitting ducks in battle. Carriers low on fuel may not seek battle either since they need fuel to launch strikes.

Check the fuel % of your DDs - if they still have 60% or more after the first Full Speed run, they may be OK for the second day. Less than that is sure to slow them up when they refuel at the 10% level. Also assess the risk of being just short of your desired position on the second run. Does that leave you in a vulnerable position? Is the possible gain worth it?


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 509
RE: 15 FEB 42 - 12/14/2012 9:49:35 PM   

Posts: 3836
Joined: 7/3/2006
From: Christiana, TN
Status: offline
25 FEB 42


Two Clemson DDs start conversion to APDs at San Francisco.

Two Tankers and an AO are escorted to LA from San Francisco to join up with like uints there. The Escort will then bring transports back to San Francisco.


xAK moved from Cristobal to Balboa.


Nothing to do here.


Nothing to do here.


Took Lexington TF off of Full Speed and replenished her internally. They have six hexes of movement, plenty to move north and help cover PM. Kept her air on attacking PM as we need to keep it more than kill cripples. Hopefully Yorktown will come out of a funk and do something about the cripples.

A suggestion, maybe we move the Yorktown and her ASW escorts to 90,129? Yes, this is bold, but maybe the weather will clear in the meantime and some cripples can still be caught. Otherwise, her groups need to meet up with the Lexington and ground attack PM.

I flew off the some of the other remnants of the Saratoga’s air wings from PM to the Lexington to beef up her air wing. Just like we did with the Yorktown.

Set the remaining CV aircraft to ground attack with targets of PM.

Set the Marine Raider BN to load up amphib and move to PM for deposition there. It will take several days to get them there, but you never know when you might need some jarheads.

Not going to mess with anything more as it won’t give Jeff anything to do! ;)


Nothing to do here.


We have successfully blockaded the Shanghai-Hankow railroad. We are moving away from the nearest Japanese force down that line to keep it blocked as long as possible.

HQs newly arriving in Sian are set to rest to take replacements.


Nothing to do here.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 510
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