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RE: 1.4.2 PATCH

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RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/2/2014 2:10:20 PM   

Posts: 3158
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ORIGINAL: kirk23

Von Richthofen is not supposed to activate until 1917, I have altered this to June 1916.By the way, I have never seen him attached to a Zeppelin before! This problem and other recent concerns on the forum will have a hot fix released hopefully soon.

What !!! You never heard about the "RED ZEPPELIN"? Especially made for Von Richthofen. Tried painting it, did not work out too good, fell off the ladder.

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< Message edited by operating -- 3/2/2014 3:13:09 PM >

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Post #: 31
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/2/2014 2:26:24 PM   

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Kirk, How about substituting mortars for RR guns in techs?

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Post #: 32
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/2/2014 3:39:57 PM   


Posts: 189
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From: Ankara - Turkey
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Thx for the patch Kirk&software guys. Bought the game a month ago and really enjoying it. Though I kinda suck as I can never really stabilize the eastern front as CP, let alone launching a major offensive against russia. they are just too many for my current ability.

< Message edited by dogancan -- 3/2/2014 4:40:35 PM >

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Post #: 33
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/2/2014 3:46:27 PM   

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From: Fife Scotland
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ORIGINAL: operating

Kirk, How about substituting mortars for RR guns in techs?

Yes I suppose it's a possible for a future patch,by the way glad to see you are getting the hang of posting images to the forum!


Make it so!

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Post #: 34
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/2/2014 3:53:24 PM   

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From: Fife Scotland
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ORIGINAL: dogancan

Thx for the patch Kirk&software guys. Bought the game a month ago and really enjoying it. Though I kinda suck as I can never really stabilize the eastern front as CP, let alone launching a major offensive against russia. they are just too many for my current ability.

Thank you I do hope you will continue to enjoy playing the game,what I did when trying to learn a strategy to use, was pretty logical really,use any air units & Artillery, you have to weaken a specific enemy unit,then concentrate your Infantry & garrison units against this unit,in an attempt to make a hole in the line,then on your next turn repair your units,then attack again on the following turn,then the next turn repair etc.

Another tip don't allow yourself to over reach your objectives,a quick breakthrough with a few units,to far in front off the rest of your front line,will just leave you exposed to counter attacks,and you will just loose the ground you captured,its far better to advance in force,and re-group your forces before advancing again.

< Message edited by kirk23 -- 3/2/2014 6:24:35 PM >


Make it so!

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Post #: 35
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/2/2014 11:36:52 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kirk23


ORIGINAL: operating

Kirk, How about substituting mortars for RR guns in techs?

Yes I suppose it's a possible for a future patch,by the way glad to see you are getting the hang of posting images to the forum!

Only because: "I had a GOOD teacher!", Thanks once again, Kirk......

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Post #: 36
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/3/2014 11:15:23 AM   

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German MP shows 84% in upper management window, yet MP is reflected as being lower than 80% in the lower left window. New recruits are composed of #8 efficiency instead of #10. Yes, disbanded some German garrisons to up the MP. Is there a way to reflect the better quality units when MP is increased?

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< Message edited by operating -- 3/3/2014 12:25:01 PM >

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Post #: 37
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/3/2014 3:05:22 PM   

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Von Arnold, delayed entrée 2 turns so far. (He did show up on turn 75, not bad, compared to other commanders.)

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< Message edited by operating -- 3/3/2014 5:12:22 PM >

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Post #: 38
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/3/2014 4:38:04 PM   

Posts: 2885
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From: Fife Scotland
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ORIGINAL: operating

Von Arnold, delayed entrée 2 turns so far. (He did show up on turn 75, not bad, compared to other commanders.)

Hi operating, I have not changed very much, from the commanders script since the game was first released,what the game needs commanders wise, is to remove a great many restriction,that hinder there activation,because all it does is over complicates what should be a very simple process,at this time I don't have permission, to really give the game an overhaul,and take it up another level,IE its not down to me.Below is a photo from my mod which has no over complicated commander activation,and it works superb,I also have a great many more new commanders available.

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< Message edited by kirk23 -- 3/3/2014 7:17:09 PM >


Make it so!

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Post #: 39
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/3/2014 5:37:39 PM   

Posts: 2885
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From: Fife Scotland
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I have noticed many more new names appearing on the forum today,I don't know if you are just browsing,or if you have already purchased a copy of this great game,what is in the game at the moment, is just scratching the surface of the games true potential,the game is very easy to edit using the scripts in the database,plus you can add your own favourite commanders to the game,see photo below Admiral Hipper is not in the stock game, but he is very easy to add to the game as shown here!So if you are sitting on the fence, wondering if you should buy a copy of this game or not,now is the time to get it while its on a 50% sale price its a real bargain!

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< Message edited by kirk23 -- 3/3/2014 6:50:26 PM >


Make it so!

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Post #: 40
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/3/2014 11:03:23 PM   


Posts: 82
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From: United States
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Although it may significantly change gameplay, some consideration in the 1.5 version needs to be given to expanding artillery shell production.

Consider that in real terms German shell production in 1914 totaled about 1.4 million shells. In 1915 it was 8.9 million shells and in 1916 it rose to 36 million shells. Even assuming there was no shell production prior to August 1914, this means that German shell production increased by 165% between 1914 and 1915, and by 300% between 1915 and 1916.

Now in game terms Germany starts out with a production of 10 (enough for one major barrage per turn) and can raise this to 11 (a 10% increase) by spending 80 PP – a little over 1 week’s total PP. To increase shell production by 165% (as happened in the war), shell production would have to be raised to about 26 per turn. This would require 16 incremental increases of 1 each time production was increased. Each incremental increase requires about 8 more PP than the last. Since the cost of an incremental increase quickly far outstrips the PP available (the last increment would require 208 PP) it would take about 32 game turns to raise the shell production from historical 1914 to 1915 levels. Not a feasible thing to do, since it means producing nothing else and not being able to repair or upgrade existing units.

The fact that each incremental increase is a smaller percentage than the one before and costs more PP isn’t realistic (IMHO), because it flies in the face of economies of scale. The first increases are the easiest, since they don’t require new factories (just add shifts to the existing ones). Realistically, getting a 30% increase in production should almost be free! Even building new factories results in factories that produce shells more efficiently …. so per shell costs should actually go down over time and in game turns the next increment of 1 might actually cost fewer PP than the one before, not more.

I know that moving the gameplay to a point where one massive barrage obliterates an entire front line probably isn’t so good. I also realize I’m not privy to all the design elements of the game, but it seems it is just too hard to ramp up shell production when compared to the historical realities.



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Post #: 41
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/4/2014 3:08:55 AM   

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Check out the efficiency rating on this newly deployed sub (efficiency rating 10), however the unit info button has a different efficiency rating of 8.

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Post #: 42
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/4/2014 2:59:22 PM   


Posts: 55
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Just wanted to say thanks to Kirk and the team behind making the newest patch happening. Did a SP till winter 1914.
Playing a test game over MP with Yote at the moment, first winter coming up.
I believe the Von Schlieffen plan is not possible anymore due to the railroad capacity for the french.

The serbs however are having more difficulties to hang in there thanks to the arty and fighter for A-H and their increased PP.

W'll see how this evolves.

One question on Sub killing: I see the cruisers start with a sub attack stat in the beginning, however I can't attack a sub. Is this intended?

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 43
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/4/2014 3:13:07 PM   


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One question on Sub killing: I see the cruisers start with a sub attack stat in the beginning, however I can't attack a sub. Is this intended?

Subs can only be attacked if they're directly adjacent to one of your stationary ships. If you move a ship adjacent to the enemy sub, it can't be attacked.

(in reply to Housies)
Post #: 44
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/4/2014 3:29:22 PM   

Posts: 2885
Joined: 10/15/2010
From: Fife Scotland
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One question on Sub killing: I see the cruisers start with a sub attack stat in the beginning, however I can't attack a sub. Is this intended?

If a Cruiser ends its move on a hex containing a Submarine,then you can attack. Also if a Submarine attacks a ship it reveals its position,with the result on your turn, you can attack the Sub!


Make it so!

(in reply to Housies)
Post #: 45
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/4/2014 10:56:53 PM   

Posts: 2885
Joined: 10/15/2010
From: Fife Scotland
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ORIGINAL: kirk23

I have noticed many more new names appearing on the forum today,I don't know if you are just browsing,or if you have already purchased a copy of this great game,what is in the game at the moment, is just scratching the surface of the games true potential,the game is very easy to edit using the scripts in the database,plus you can add your own favourite commanders to the game,see photo below Admiral Hipper is not in the stock game, but he is very easy to add to the game as shown here!So if you are sitting on the fence, wondering if you should buy a copy of this game or not,now is the time to get it while its on a 50% sale price its a real bargain!

Gamers who like to edit there games like I do,here are some more things you can do,to make the game look however you want it too!

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< Message edited by kirk23 -- 3/4/2014 11:58:08 PM >


Make it so!

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Post #: 46
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/4/2014 11:00:46 PM   

Posts: 2885
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From: Fife Scotland
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New British Admiral early in the war,by the way I have 4 Generals for Serbia,where as the standard game comes with NONE !

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Make it so!

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Post #: 47
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/5/2014 8:45:18 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Objekt730



One question on Sub killing: I see the cruisers start with a sub attack stat in the beginning, however I can't attack a sub. Is this intended?

Subs can only be attacked if they're directly adjacent to one of your stationary ships. If you move a ship adjacent to the enemy sub, it can't be attacked.

That explains. So it is nearly impossible to kill subs. Only if he is stupid enough to attach a ship when there is already a cruiser next to it.
Are there technologies later in the game that can reveal subs?

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Post #: 48
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/5/2014 11:12:45 AM   

Posts: 2885
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From: Fife Scotland
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ORIGINAL: Objekt730



One question on Sub killing: I see the cruisers start with a sub attack stat in the beginning, however I can't attack a sub. Is this intended?

Subs can only be attacked if they're directly adjacent to one of your stationary ships. If you move a ship adjacent to the enemy sub, it can't be attacked.

That explains. So it is nearly impossible to kill subs. Only if he is stupid enough to attach a ship when there is already a cruiser next to it.
Are there technologies later in the game that can reveal subs?

Yes you can research new tech,that will improve your nations ability to detect Submarines!


Make it so!

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Post #: 49
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/6/2014 5:37:44 PM   


Posts: 82
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From: United States
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I don't think I've actually thanked anyone for the new patch. SO .... THANKS! I am really enjoying the game.

I'm playing CP. Have gotten to the winter of 1916-1917. Have managed to finally breakthrough in both France and Italy and I'm pretty much sweeping up everything in front of me. Holding on in the East, hoping for surrender in the West or a Russian Revolution to take the heat off there.

I've been sending in observations/questions as I go ... hope I'm not being a pest. In any case, here are some more.

1. The AI continues to be slow. I've found if I shut down the game all the way every couple of turns, it picks up steam when I sign back on. Back in my own (corporate) software development days, this seems to indicate the game is not efficiently releasing RAM between turns, so it slowly "clogs up". Just an observation, take it with a grain of salt.

2. As the AI slows, it tends to "flicker", with the screen suddenly minimizing itself, then coming back. No idea what that could be about.

3. In 1916 I put a Turkish garrison into production. Two turns later, out popped a Turkish SMALL Garrison. I checked ... it is what I got. Since you aren't supposed to be able to build those things, something is clearly out of whack. All Turkish and other) builds have been fine up to now.

4. Why does the AI have control of the CP merchant convoys? Why can't I move them around to safer waters or near to my escorts? I completely control the harbors at Brest and Nantes, yet the stupid South Atlantic merchant convoys keep trying to force their way into the English Channel ... right into the teeth of the British/US/French combined fleet that likes to hang out there. Give me control of the merchant convoy movement. If you can you might add a notification that comes up when I don't move them (something like the "Unmoved Transport" warning I get). At the least have the AI send them to the nearest friendly port, rather than sticking to the 1914 hard-coded routes.

5. You gotta fix the Small Garrisons so they don't wander around the map. To date I have had one case when about 8 SGs mounted an invasion of northern Turkey, and I had to waste a considerable bit of time and units chasing them down, and one case when the entire Alsace-Lorraine front was being held by SGs (about six of them) occupying heavy entrenchments, absorbing losses that get replaced "free of charge", and just switching places with another behind them when their losses mounted up. Help! Please!

BTW, I have been able to set up a very effective screen of seven subs in the Atlantic that have choked off the British and French merchant convoys and all the troop reinforcements coming from the US and Portugal. I credit the sub campaign with making the breakthrough in France possible ... just turn off the PP spigot and watch the Entente starve!



(in reply to kirk23)
Post #: 50
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/6/2014 5:48:30 PM   

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3. In 1916 I put a Turkish garrison into production. Two turns later, out popped a Turkish SMALL Garrison. I checked ... it is what I got. Since you aren't supposed to be able to build those things, something is clearly out of whack. All Turkish and other) builds have been fine up to now.

Amtrick, By any chance did the Arab Revolt (first turn of Jan. 1917) happen during your garrison production?

< Message edited by operating -- 3/6/2014 6:52:16 PM >

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Post #: 51
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/6/2014 6:16:36 PM   


Posts: 82
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Actually, the Arab Revolt did happen about the same time, or it might have even been on the same turn!



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Post #: 52
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/6/2014 7:14:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: amtrick

Actually, the Arab Revolt did happen about the same time, or it might have even been on the same turn!

OK, This is what happened: The SG is automatically returned to the production panel from Medina, that's why it's there. Because: the Arab Revolt (Arabia) takes ownership of Medina, much like in "Lawrence of Arabia", except in the movie, they slaughter all the Turks. Usually 2 Turk garrisons and either an infantry or cavalry unit can squash the camel jockeys by spring or early summer taking back Medina, then take the SG and deploy it back in the city.

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Post #: 53
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/7/2014 2:21:26 AM   

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Kirk, FYI...

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Post #: 54
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/7/2014 3:54:24 PM   

Posts: 2885
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From: Fife Scotland
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I'm going on holiday for a week,I will check in on the forum on my return,in the mean time I hope you all enjoy playing the game.


Make it so!

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 55
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/7/2014 4:20:21 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kirk23

I'm going on holiday for a week,I will check in on the forum on my return,in the mean time I hope you all enjoy playing the game.

What! I have a spare laptop with a satellite pickup, you can have... Only kidding, have a good trip...

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Post #: 56
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/8/2014 3:00:33 PM   

Posts: 41353
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Playing the CP against a human opponent and we are in early 1915. Just noticed the Bulgarians have stopped their march to war.... Could someone please explain what the rules are on this?


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 57
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/8/2014 3:56:12 PM   

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ORIGINAL: warspite1

Playing the CP against a human opponent and we are in early 1915. Just noticed the Bulgarians have stopped their march to war.... Could someone please explain what the rules are on this?

Everyone on the planet knows you are no "rookie", with fifteen thousand plus posts (quite an accomplishment I might add). I'm going to take a guess: Did CP use poison gas first? it's about that time when it get's developed. If CP used the gas first: 1. public outrage, 2. Italy enters before may 1915 (I think), 3. Bulgaria falters in it's march to war.
Going to assume you are CP.


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Post #: 58
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/8/2014 4:03:14 PM   

Posts: 22154
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ORIGINAL: operating


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Playing the CP against a human opponent and we are in early 1915. Just noticed the Bulgarians have stopped their march to war.... Could someone please explain what the rules are on this?

Everyone on the planet knows you are no "rookie", with fifteen thousand plus posts (quite an accomplishment I might add). I'm going to take a guess: Did CP use poison gas first? it's about that time when it get's developed. If CP used the gas first: 1. public outrage, 2. Italy enters before may 1915 (I think), 3. Bulgaria falters in it's march to war.
Going to assume you are CP.


Gas not yet used in our game.

I play the Entente in this game and I consider Bulgaria not entering the war as a game-breaker. No fun at all. When I noticed it I considered surrendering at once. Only reason I didn't is because I plan to DOW Bulgaria instead. I just hope that the penalty for that is not to great.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

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Post #: 59
RE: 1.4.2 PATCH - 3/8/2014 4:20:55 PM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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ORIGINAL: operating


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Playing the CP against a human opponent and we are in early 1915. Just noticed the Bulgarians have stopped their march to war.... Could someone please explain what the rules are on this?

Everyone on the planet knows you are no "rookie", with fifteen thousand plus posts (quite an accomplishment I might add). I'm going to take a guess: Did CP use poison gas first? it's about that time when it get's developed. If CP used the gas first: 1. public outrage, 2. Italy enters before may 1915 (I think), 3. Bulgaria falters in it's march to war.
Going to assume you are CP.



Good assumption - considering I told you in my opening sentence

When Romania was stopped from coming in the war because the Russians were in trouble, the feedback was that this was wrong. The Russians doing badly means the Entente are unlikely to win - the Romanians not coming in just makes that an almost certainty - so what's the point - where is the fun?

And now with the Bulgarians? WHY would poison gas stop Bulgaria coming into the war? It didn't in real life. This just ruins the game for no good reason....

Sorry but I think too many rules are being tampered with too quickly with goodness know what results...


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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