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RE: Strat Con!

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RE: Strat Con! - 6/10/2014 9:32:06 AM   

Posts: 2160
Joined: 4/11/2010
From: Daytona Beach
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(in reply to fodder)
Post #: 26851
RE: Strat Con! - 6/10/2014 9:33:47 AM   

Posts: 2160
Joined: 4/11/2010
From: Daytona Beach
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^ See it's coming back to me, that's three in a row.


(in reply to fodder)
Post #: 26852
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 9:36:56 AM   

Posts: 2160
Joined: 4/11/2010
From: Daytona Beach
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ORIGINAL: Terminus


Going to be 92 F with 89% humidity here today and it's only the begining.


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26853
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 10:42:17 AM   

Posts: 24082
Joined: 6/7/2001
From: Zagreb, Croatia
Status: offline
Hi all,


ORIGINAL: Terminus


+33 degrees Centigrade here as well... humid and hot...

Leo "Apollo11"


Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance!

A & B: WitW, WitE, WbtS, GGWaW, GGWaW2-AWD, HttR, CotA, BftB, CF
P: UV, WitP, WitP-AE

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26854
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 12:59:40 PM   


Posts: 4040
Joined: 6/12/2010
From: Grand Forks, ND
Status: offline
Good morning all. Been nice, low to mid 70's. Furnace stills kicks in some nights.


This is one Czech that doesn't bounce.

(in reply to Apollo11)
Post #: 26855
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 1:33:47 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: fodder


ORIGINAL: Terminus


Going to be 92 F with 89% humidity here today and it's only the begining.

Wow, that sucks. 75F and sunny today. "Cold" front blew out much of the humidity too, so it's wonderfully pleasant.


(in reply to fodder)
Post #: 26856
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 1:37:45 PM   

Posts: 41459
Joined: 4/23/2005
From: Denmark
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Turns out Fabertong has been a busy little penguin. He's accelerated the George and the Frank, as well as every ship in the Unryu class. ALL OF THEM. How do I know that last bit of intel? Because they all just just showed up to jump me. Got off lucky and the Hellcat had a fine combat debut against the IJN hordes, but the Essex and Belleau Wood are going into the body and fender shop. My counterstrike failed to land any meaningful hits, but at least he's lost a lot of aircrews.


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26857
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 3:39:13 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: Terminus

Turns out Fabertong has been a busy little penguin. He's accelerated the George and the Frank, as well as every ship in the Unryu class. ALL OF THEM. How do I know that last bit of intel? Because they all just just showed up to jump me. Got off lucky and the Hellcat had a fine combat debut against the IJN hordes, but the Essex and Belleau Wood are going into the body and fender shop. My counterstrike failed to land any meaningful hits, but at least he's lost a lot of aircrews.

What's the date in the war, Allied dog?

ETA: Are you sure about ALL of the Unryu class? Kasagi, Aso and Akoma aren't scheduled to be available until May/June/June 1945. These would be difficult to accelerate much before mid-1944 at the earliest.

ETA: Just for grins and giggles, what sort of aircraft were they flying?

One of the curiosities of the ship acceleration model is that it pulls forward the default organic aircraft type (and number) on board the ship per the database. I find it interesting that one can accelerate (a handful) of A6M5c aircraft by pulling their ship forward faster than they can through the conventional aircraft research / acceleration model. Not complaining, I just thought it was interesting.

< Message edited by Chickenboy -- 6/10/2014 4:50:26 PM >


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26858
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 3:52:40 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: fodder

^ See it's coming back to me, that's three in a row.

Smooth move, Ex-lax.

You dropped a major league log on the subject line. Top of the page? Subject line other than "THE THREAD!!!"? Them's noob moves, yo.

< Message edited by Chickenboy -- 6/10/2014 4:54:01 PM >


(in reply to fodder)
Post #: 26859
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 4:56:29 PM   

Posts: 2160
Joined: 4/11/2010
From: Daytona Beach
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: fodder

^ See it's coming back to me, that's three in a row.

Smooth move, Ex-lax.

You dropped a major league log on the subject line. Top of the page? Subject line other than "THE THREAD!!!"? Them's noob moves, yo.

HA! that's nothing. I forgot to limit the range of my Netties and they flew out beyond the escort range of my fighters and got slaughtered. WITP-AE is NOT like rideing a bike, you DO forget a lot.


(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26860
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 5:13:39 PM   

Posts: 3836
Joined: 7/3/2006
From: Christiana, TN
Status: offline
We are playing mostly Federation & Empire along with some Federation Commander, A Call to Arms Star Fleet, and some other pick up games. We have anywhere from 20-40 persons with locals coming as they can. Great location, great folks, great gaming. Sorry I can't keep my usual eye on this location to keep the fodder tyranny from rearing it's ugly head, but you guys are more than capable!


(in reply to fodder)
Post #: 26861
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 5:24:23 PM   

Posts: 41459
Joined: 4/23/2005
From: Denmark
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Turns out Fabertong has been a busy little penguin. He's accelerated the George and the Frank, as well as every ship in the Unryu class. ALL OF THEM. How do I know that last bit of intel? Because they all just just showed up to jump me. Got off lucky and the Hellcat had a fine combat debut against the IJN hordes, but the Essex and Belleau Wood are going into the body and fender shop. My counterstrike failed to land any meaningful hits, but at least he's lost a lot of aircrews.

What's the date in the war, Allied dog?

ETA: Are you sure about ALL of the Unryu class? Kasagi, Aso and Akoma aren't scheduled to be available until May/June/June 1945. These would be difficult to accelerate much before mid-1944 at the earliest.

ETA: Just for grins and giggles, what sort of aircraft were they flying?

One of the curiosities of the ship acceleration model is that it pulls forward the default organic aircraft type (and number) on board the ship per the database. I find it interesting that one can accelerate (a handful) of A6M5c aircraft by pulling their ship forward faster than they can through the conventional aircraft research / acceleration model. Not complaining, I just thought it was interesting.

We just crossed into 9/43.

Not all of them, I was exaggerating for effect. Unryu, Amagi and Katsuragi were definitely there, flying late-rung Zeke, Judy and Jill. He's poured everything into those, I think. Haven't seen either of the Yamatos yet, for instance. I asked him jokingly where the Taiho was and he said that she was too expensive to accelerate.

Problem is not with the acceleration model (which is kinda BS overall, but there we are), but with the assignment of air groups to individual ships.

< Message edited by Terminus -- 6/10/2014 9:08:14 PM >


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26862
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/10/2014 7:41:45 PM   

Posts: 10303
Joined: 3/10/2006
From: UK
Status: offline
Operation Cluster**** continues at BBMF! Sometimes it's good to be a nobody looking in on the whole thing from the outside

In other news, I've been told I need an MRI/MRA scan on my neck/shoulder. I suppose it's keeping me away from a glorious summer of South Atlantic winter.


Bigger boys stole my sig

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26863
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 2:18:50 AM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
Status: offline



Operation Cluster**** continues at BBMF! Sometimes it's good to be a nobody looking in on the whole thing from the outside

In other news, I've been told I need an MRI/MRA scan on my neck/shoulder. I suppose it's keeping me away from a glorious summer of South Atlantic winter.

An old rugby injury or the result of your chronic pain in the neck supervisors?


(in reply to Dixie)
Post #: 26864
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:23:57 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
Joined: 4/28/2004
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Welp, just listed our house on the market. Open house is Sunday. Place is clean as a whistle. Here's hoping for a quick listing, a good offer and a clean closing.

Now the fun part really begins-trying to keep it clean with two cats, a dog and two kids home from school for the summer.

WU has gotten the idea somewhere that we should get a condo. Dear Thread I am not looking forward to home ownership.


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26865
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:25:38 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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ORIGINAL: bobogoboom

Drunk tithe.

Holy s**t! Is the entire gang back together?


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to bobogoboom)
Post #: 26866
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:27:07 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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It would seem that BBMF's contribution to the D-Day events is proceeding like a military operation.

Ground crew has several cases of French clap?


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Dixie)
Post #: 26867
THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:28:14 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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ORIGINAL: Nikademus


ORIGINAL: Apollo11

Hey there - long time no see!

How are you?

Leo "Apollo11"

Alive....pulse 120 over 80.


Good to see you buddy!


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Nikademus)
Post #: 26868
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:29:35 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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ORIGINAL: nashvillen

Went to a wedding for two musicians my wife plays in a orchestra with. They had brides maids in various rainbow colors. They were in order from left to right Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Green, Violet. I think I was the only one that was bothered by this order. If only blue had moved two to the right...



"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 26869
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:30:59 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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Status: offline



My sympathies Leo. Been there, done that.


Looking forward to starting my new gig next month. I've been told that unlike us (presently) Ops people, sales keep banker's hours.


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Grollub)
Post #: 26870
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 3:35:04 AM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
Joined: 4/28/2004
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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Welp, Tarawa secured aside from a few stragglers which I assume will be dealt with this turn. 1 USN CVE lost to 4 IJN DD, 3 AK and 2 SS. Win for me.

Big Arried burry!



"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26871
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 9:41:31 AM   

Posts: 24082
Joined: 6/7/2001
From: Zagreb, Croatia
Status: offline
Hi all,

Good morning!

Leo "Apollo11"


Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance!

A & B: WitW, WitE, WbtS, GGWaW, GGWaW2-AWD, HttR, CotA, BftB, CF
P: UV, WitP, WitP-AE

(in reply to Onime No Kyo)
Post #: 26872
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 9:42:34 AM   

Posts: 24082
Joined: 6/7/2001
From: Zagreb, Croatia
Status: offline
Hi all,


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo



My sympathies Leo. Been there, done that.


Looking forward to starting my new gig next month. I've been told that unlike us (presently) Ops people, sales keep banker's hours.

Fingers crossed for new gig!

BTW, I could never ever be sales person...

Leo "Apollo11"


Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance!

A & B: WitW, WitE, WbtS, GGWaW, GGWaW2-AWD, HttR, CotA, BftB, CF
P: UV, WitP, WitP-AE

(in reply to Onime No Kyo)
Post #: 26873
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 12:29:46 PM   

Posts: 41459
Joined: 4/23/2005
From: Denmark
Status: offline
Yesterday, a report came out in this country that posits a correlation between schoolchildren skipping school and those same schoolchildren getting poor grades.

In other "news", the Sun is hot.


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Apollo11)
Post #: 26874
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 12:58:01 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Welp, just listed our house on the market. Open house is Sunday. Place is clean as a whistle. Here's hoping for a quick listing, a good offer and a clean closing.

Now the fun part really begins-trying to keep it clean with two cats, a dog and two kids home from school for the summer.

WU has gotten the idea somewhere that we should get a condo. Dear Thread I am not looking forward to home ownership.

Remember all that money you used to have? Alright, maybe not, but it's still a money hole. To be trumped as a money sink hole only by kids. House AND kids? Whatareyou? Nuts?

PS. Good to see your hide, Comrade Red Mouse. Don't be a stranger.


(in reply to Onime No Kyo)
Post #: 26875
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 12:58:50 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Terminus

Yesterday, a report came out in this country that posits a correlation between schoolchildren skipping school and those same schoolchildren getting poor grades.

Wait. What was that part in the middle again?


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26876
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 1:03:21 PM   


Posts: 4040
Joined: 6/12/2010
From: Grand Forks, ND
Status: offline
Good morning all. Rain. leave the house for work, get caught behind a pre-fab house right away on the to work, throw in a traffic accident. I'm not six blocks from home.


This is one Czech that doesn't bounce.

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26877
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 1:03:46 PM   

Posts: 41459
Joined: 4/23/2005
From: Denmark
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I don't know.


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26878
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 1:23:24 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Welp, just listed our house on the market. Open house is Sunday. Place is clean as a whistle. Here's hoping for a quick listing, a good offer and a clean closing.

Now the fun part really begins-trying to keep it clean with two cats, a dog and two kids home from school for the summer.

I'm late to the party, but good luck, Andre!!!



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 26879
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 6/11/2014 1:24:30 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Terminus

What can I say, I'm a social animal.

In the sense that I hate everybody equally.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 26880
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