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RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/21/2016 4:45:43 PM   

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More fodder today for on the fly scenarios ...

Middle east ...
Pacific ...

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Post #: 1261
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/21/2016 7:03:23 PM   


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Interesting article on China's SCS artificial islands.

Would really benefit scenario designers if the map could be updated to include these. Will post request in appropriate thread.

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Post #: 1262
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/22/2016 11:20:42 AM   


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China flight testing modified J-15 for CATOBAR operations

^Note the WS-10B engines. Another sign of the maturing Chinese engine industry.

China has been flight testing a new variant of its J-15 navalised fighter modified for catapult-assisted take-off but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) operations, according to images posted on Chinese online forums.

Released on 15 September, the images show a Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) J-15 in flight featuring what appear to be modifications to its front undercarriage that would enable the aircraft to conduct catapult-assisted take-offs: yet another indication that China may be planning to develop a CATOBAR aircraft carrier.

Expectations that China's third carrier, which is commonly referred to as the Type 002, will be equipped with catapults were reinforced in early August when images emerged on Chinese online forums showing the country's land-based aircraft carrier mock-up in Wuhan, Hubei Province, undergoing modifications.

Most significantly, the ski-jump section had been removed from the mock-up.

Construction of China's third carrier is expected to take place at the Jiangnan Changxingdao shipyard near Shanghai. So far there has been no official confirmation of the programme, nor visible evidence of the construction, but there has been considerable speculation that production of the initial modules is already in progress.

Airbus Defence and Space imagery captured on 20 June 2016 already showed that significant progress was being made on two land-based catapult tracks for testing and training.

Constructed at the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) carrier air wing training facility at Huangdicun Airbase, the two tracks consist of a steam-powered track and an electromagnetic catapult track placed at the northeastern end of a new runway under construction. Installation of both suggests that a final decision on which system to adopt may not yet have been taken.

Airbus Defence and Space imagery showing a Chinese navy shore-based catapult test and training complex under construction at Huangdicun Airbase. Source: CNES 2016, Distribution Airbus DS / 2016 IHS

< Message edited by Hongjian -- 9/22/2016 11:22:35 AM >

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Post #: 1263
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/22/2016 11:25:11 AM   


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Of note, Chinese and Russian Marines also conducted joint amphibious landing excercises to take a 'small island'.

Nice photo of the "ASW team" - Type 054A FFG and Udaloy-I DDG.

< Message edited by Hongjian -- 9/22/2016 11:29:07 AM >

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Post #: 1264
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/24/2016 4:15:37 AM   

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India signed a deal Friday to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets for 7.9 billion euros ($8.8 billion), France's biggest ever such sale,...


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Post #: 1265
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/24/2016 9:46:15 AM   

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First Royal Australian Navy Air Warfare Destroyer Hobart successfully completes Builder Sea Trials


Today, the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance achieved a major milestone with the successful completion of Builder Sea Trials for the first destroyer Hobart following several days at sea off the coast of South Australia. AWD Alliance General Manager Lloyd Beckett said that sea trials was the commencement of an exciting new phase for the Air Warfare Destroyer project.


< Message edited by navyrecognition -- 9/24/2016 9:47:44 AM >


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Post #: 1266
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/24/2016 2:24:35 PM   


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The island is now lifted ontop the CV17 Liaoning-II carrier.

Official state media:


China's second aircraft carrier features smaller island to maximize carrying capacity:military expert

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Post #: 1267
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/24/2016 6:17:15 PM   


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Seems it hasn't been reported yet, France and India finally signed the Rafale deal :

Key elements :

- 36 aircraft at the F3R standard for now, more to come with make in India as well as for the Navy.
- First delivreries in 2019
- Armaments will include Meteor, SCALP EG, Mica in addition of some Indian equipment like ASTRA and Brahmos.
- New upgrades : New IR channel for the OSF, Helmet mounted display, towed decoys, enhanced RWR.
- More powerfull M88-4 with no airframe modification (probably 83kn version).

< Message edited by FoxZz -- 9/24/2016 6:22:25 PM >

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Post #: 1268
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/24/2016 6:21:13 PM   

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Seems it hasn't been reported yet, France and India finally signed the Rafale deal :

I did, just very brief with my iPhone.


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Post #: 1269
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/24/2016 6:25:20 PM   


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"The United Instrumentbuilding Corporation" (part of the State Corporation Rostec) presented at the international exhibition "Gidroaviasalon 2016" side-looking radar station (RLS) "Pika - M" to equip combat aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Fourth-generation radar "Pika - M" is designed for radar surveillance, including military to detect enemy targets - roads, airports, bunkers, fortifications, as well as weapons and military equipment.

The station has a function of processing radar data in real time, as well as provided a telescopic observation mode with a resolution of up to 30 cm In particular, the radar is able to "see" elements of the aircraft -. Engine, keel, arms, etc., and to determine by the characteristics its type.

Serial production of the radar "Pika -M" is in the "United Instrumentbuilding Corporation" by the Scientific-Research Institute "Kulon". Initially, the product was developed for multipurpose fighter-bomber Su-34, but can be used on other types of aircraft, including drones.

"Pika-M" is part of the on-board complex BKR-3, capable of maintaining a radar surveillance in all weather conditions and at any time of the day. The station has a resolution in the map mode to 1-1.5 m, and the range of objects detection - up to 300 km.

Radar has successfully completed the implementation of the state program of tests in 2016. At the same time, "NII Kulon" commissioned by the Industry and Trade Ministry for developing a technology to create a side-view of the fifth-generation radars with active phased array (AESA)." in russian

"Currently, completed state tests UKR-RL unified intelligence container, SLAR fourth generation "Pika-M." This and other containers, developed by the Institute have already had practical application and confirmed its effectiveness." in russian

Su-34 with UKR-RL (aka BKR-3) container

SLAR "Pika-M"

BKR-3 is Su-34 systems + UKR containers (UKR-RL with SLAR "Pika-M", UKR-RT with ELINT station M-410 "Sych" based on bigger "Fraktsiya" from Tu-214R, UKR-OE for TV and IR)

(in reply to Hongjian)
Post #: 1270
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/25/2016 8:34:27 AM   

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Interviews with some Marine Nationale pilots

Aboard EDA-R / LCAT


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Post #: 1271
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/25/2016 3:34:45 PM   


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Nice vids

Hope the Army buys the EDA-R. Its a good platform.



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Post #: 1272
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/25/2016 7:53:02 PM   

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Wow, yeah. I had no idea the US Army was looking at that. It'd be an interesting capability, for sure. I have no idea what the status of Army watercraft are nowadays.


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Post #: 1273
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/26/2016 11:22:51 AM   

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Thanks mikmyk

French Navy Lafayette Class Frigates Crotale SAM Systems May Be Replaced with SADRAL


Two SADRAL launchers with 6x Mistral surface to air missiles each would be would be fitted on top of the helicopter hangar to replace the existing Crotale laucher (with 8x missiles). Navy Recognition believes this upgrade would address two major obsolescences: The ageing Crotale missiles (designed in the 70ies and produces in the 80ies) are nearing the end of their shelf life. In addition, according to our information, Crotale's effectiveness against modern sea-skimming anti-ship missiles is limited.

The upgrade would be fairly affordable as the plan is to re-use existing launchers currently fitted aboard the Georges Leygues-class ASW Frigates (as they are being replaced by FREMM Frigates). The Mistral is an infrared homing surface-to-air missile with an effective firing range up to 6 km and a speed of Mach 2.7.


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Post #: 1274
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/26/2016 11:23:05 AM   

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There are only a dozens, more or less, was completed for different models. All are agonizingly slow until LCM-1E show promising performance for boarding a MBT in 20 knot Flank.

The hovercraft (LCAC, Type 726 and Zubr) is taking vintage landing craft's place because it's blazingly fast (60 knot), however, it's also expensive to build and maintain. French does took the reasonable balance to develop the catamaran landing craft for high capacity, low water resistance (thus faster and more mileage) for reasonable price.


I have a question though: I thought the amphibious battle would require huge amount of landing crafts for initial entry, consider landing crafts are easy targets for defensive side's missile and artillery. Wasn't the more crafts beached at the first wave, the more firepower to punch through hostile defense?


(in reply to hellfish6)
Post #: 1275
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/26/2016 1:03:39 PM   

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Wall Street Journal today. Nothing new except the main stream media is playing catch up as usual on defense related issues. Which means that even the most interested reader in the general public is always a year or so behind. Here is a section in case the link below requires a subscription.

The U.S. still maintains an edge—its radar-evading planes are operational, while Russia and China are still developing theirs. But it isn’t just new aircraft raising concerns.
Both China and Russia are also fielding more sophisticated antiaircraft systems. Moscow says its new S-400 can shoot down planes at a range of up to 236 miles, or roughly twice the previous range.

In August, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced the system would be deployed to newly annexed Crimea amid escalating tensions with Ukraine. Moscow is also marketing its new air-defense systems for sale abroad.

“That enormously complicates the challenge of conducting any type of military operation,” said David Deptula, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant general.

China this year deployed its HQ-9 surface-to-air missile system to the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, a chain that is also claimed by Vietnam.

To counter those new threats, the U.S. Air Force, in a recent assessment of combat needs, recommended introducing long-range missiles or other weapons that would allow current planes to strike targets while remaining outside the range of an adversary’s defenses.

Full report:

< Message edited by kevinkin -- 9/26/2016 1:07:06 PM >

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Post #: 1276
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/26/2016 3:29:29 PM   

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Typical arm race topics never bore readers, I think.

On the other hand, THAAD is trying to steal S-400's show, as the deployment at SK was forcefully confirmed:


Despite concerns voiced from China and Russia, the United States official claimed that Washington and Seoul have reached an agreement on the deployment of Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea, which is not negotiable.


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Post #: 1277
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/27/2016 7:07:03 PM   


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This is an predictable upgrade to keep the BUFF usable but I don't think it solves the real problem of getting the ordinance onto the target. The F-35 becomes essentially an ISTAR platform, the B-52 is the 'Bomb Truck' but the missile still need to get through the defences.

Converting B52 to Arsenal plane would increase air to air missiles available to a networked F35 from two to about 100 missiles

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Post #: 1278
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/28/2016 2:03:42 AM   

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Thanks for the post. Kind of reminds me of my brute force tactic against the S-400 by saturation of its airspace. In my case with MALD using the B52 as a truck for newer technology. I wonder how happy the Air Force is with a retro-fitted solution like this.

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Post #: 1279
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/28/2016 2:12:20 AM   

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I think it's for evaluation to see how it works. Eventually they will use B-21 for arsenal plane when it worked and needed. BUFF is simply too risky against hostile interceptors.


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Post #: 1280
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/28/2016 2:01:43 PM   

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From a game play POV, I guess the F35 would act like a spotter for the B21/52 where the weapons carried by the bomber arsenal appear in the weapons allocation dialog of the F35. Are there any systems in the game that work that way now to experiment with?

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Post #: 1281
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/28/2016 4:25:41 PM   


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Mind on Perdix very small decoy, for those mission types (apparently no more news after these two previously cited May 2016 links):

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Post #: 1282
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/28/2016 10:08:54 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Gunner98

This is an predictable upgrade to keep the BUFF usable but I don't think it solves the real problem of getting the ordinance onto the target. The F-35 becomes essentially an ISTAR platform, the B-52 is the 'Bomb Truck' but the missile still need to get through the defences.

Converting B52 to Arsenal plane would increase air to air missiles available to a networked F35 from two to about 100 missiles

If they are in range of targets.... They are likely a target also... I believe we should launch swarms of aims from space based platform.....

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Post #: 1283
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/29/2016 12:14:30 PM   

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DF-21(C) missile hanger unveiled in CCTV. 10 TEL can be stored as pictures shown:


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Post #: 1284
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/29/2016 2:45:49 PM   


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DF-21(C) missile hanger unveiled in CCTV. 10 TEL can be stored as pictures shown:

Some watchers note that not all TELs are actually errected. At least one on each row. This would confirm that a DF-21 brigade has 12 missiles.

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Post #: 1285
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/29/2016 6:47:35 PM   


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J-20 LRIP series is slowly assembling. Chengdu is buzzing with activity, seeing at least three to five new J-20s flying around the skies. From this, one can assume the production rate of the J-20. As it is now, it looks like Chengdu is producing about three to four J-20 each month.

The first regiment might be ready by late 2017.

< Message edited by Hongjian -- 9/29/2016 6:48:10 PM >

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Post #: 1286
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/29/2016 11:48:40 PM   


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I've got to say, the J-20 is one pretty aircraft.

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Post #: 1287
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/30/2016 12:56:56 AM   


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What engine is the J-20 using, officially.

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Post #: 1288
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/30/2016 2:06:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: thewood1

What engine is the J-20 using, officially.

Only know the prototypes was installed AL-31F. There was a pitch analysis by military fans in 2012, which is exactly matched for J-10A and J-11A. The video was banned in China though.

It isn't surprising to still using AL-31F for early production batches, though. The only question is, why the engine nozzles are entirely black.


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Post #: 1289
RE: Naval and Defense News - 9/30/2016 8:14:41 AM   

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True "mini virginias" these subs will be...
DCNS Signs First Operational Contract for the Australian Future Submarine Program

The first operational contract of the Future Submarine Program is meant to launch program activities between the Australian government and DCNS. This “Design and Mobilisation Contract” focuses on program set up and coordination with the Combat System Integrator (CSI) and the Australian partners, and commences activities for the development of the submarines for the Australian Navy.

Australia chooses Lockheed Martin as Combat System Integrator for DCNS Submarines

Australia's Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne and the Minister for Defence Industry, The Hon Christopher Pyne MP announced that Lockheed Martin Australia has been selected as the preferred Combat System Integrator for Australia’s Future Submarine Program, subject to further discussion on commercial matters.

Airbus Helicopters delivers first AS565 MBe Panther to the Mexican Navy

The Mexican Navy yesterday took delivery of the first of the ten AS565 MBe Panther helicopters it purchased in 2014, becoming the first customer in the world to receive the new version of this multi-role, medium-class military rotorcraft. The Navy will receive three other units before the end of the year and the remaining six by early 2018.

China Delivered "NNS Unity" Second P18N Offshore Patrol Vessel to Nigerian Navy

Rear Admiral Ibok-Ete Ekwe Ibas, Chief of the Nigerian Navy, was at the China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Company (CSOC)'s Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan, China in early September to receive the second P18N offshore patrol vessel (OPV). CSOC is part of the part of the State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC).

First Rafale M Flight for French Navy 17F Airwing Following SEM Decommissioning

The first flight of a Rafale M multi-role fighter belonging to the French Navy (Marine Nationale) fighter airwing 17F took place on September 19 2016 at the Landivisiau naval air base. The event follows the decommissioning of the Super Etandard Modernisé or SEM on July 12th.

Russia’s 1st Project 12700 mine countermeasures vessel Alexander Obukhov starts state trials

The Project 12700 Alexandrit-class lead mine sweeper Alexander Obukhov currently under construction for the Navy at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia has started undergoing state trials, the shipyard’s press office said.

Boeing Rolls-Out the First Australian P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft

The first of twelve Australian P-8A Poseidon aircraft has been unveiled by Boeing at a roll-out ceremony in Seattle, Washington State, USA on September 27. Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Leo Davies, attended the ceremony and accepted into service the Royal Australian Air Force’s newest aircraft.

DCNS: Sea Trials for the Sixth FREMM multi-mission frigate, the Future Auvergne for the French Navy

DCNS announced that he French Navy (Marine Nationale)’s FREMM multi-mission frigate Auvergne set sail from the Lorient naval shipyard to begin sea trials on September 26th. The FREMM Auvergne is the sixth frigate in the programme and fourth of the series ordered by OCCAr on behalf of the DGA (the French defence procurement agency) for the French Navy.

French Navy Received the "Bougainville" Second of Four B2M Multi Mission Vessels

The Bougainville multi-mission vessel was delivered to the French Navy (Marine Nationale) on September 22 2016. It is the second B2M (for bâtiment multi-missions) vessel intended for the overseas missions of sovereignty. Bougainville will soon join its home port of Tahiti in the Pacific. First ship of the class D'Entrecasteaux recently joined its home port of Noumea in New Caledonia.


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Post #: 1290
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