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Something really damn outrageous. We know about Rear Admiral and Professor Ma Weiming, who is known to be "the father of China's electromagnetic launch system" (as he is the chief scientist for both the EMAL and railgun project, just as the mysterious "universal EM ordnance launcher") and recently got awarded with huge state prizes etc. Now, he has specified a concept called "Universal Warship", and he is weighting in his considerable political influence to have the PLAN realize this plan. In short, it is basically a nuclear powered large tonnage warship (more than the 055, rather in the ballpark of Kirov-class battlecruisers) that is not equipped with VLS-cells but rather armed to the teeth with universal electromagnetic ordnance launch systems, railguns and laser weapons. This is not some fanboy wet dream, but actually something actually official: (Simplified Chinese source:) http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2017-04/26/content_368149.htm?div=-1 by the words of China-Defense member hmmwv who summarized the article: quote:
Rear Adm Ma finally defined his universal ship concept, it's clearly not something in the 055 weight class can do. This is a modern incarnation of the dreadnought. Air defense: first layer 200-600km using missiles launched from universal electromagnetic launcher, second layer 10-200km using railgun, terminal phase <10km using laser gun. Surface strike: 600-1000km using cruise or ballistic missiles launched from universal electromagnetic launcher, 200-600km using electromagnetic launched rockets or projectile, <200km using railgun. Anti submarine: electromagnetic launched anti submarine missile, coilgun for torpedo defense. I mean, a reloadable electromagnetic launcher with a magazine full of long range missiles, including ballistic missiles, will be huge. My guess is that the ship is either based off a large existing platform, such as 071, or a brand new 20,000t to 30,000t class design, and preferably nuclear powered. 马伟明院士:“全能舰”将颠覆现有海上作战样式 在第十一届中国发明家论坛上,马伟明院士展望未来海战—— 进入4月以来,美国航母战斗群将驶入朝鲜半岛海域的各种传闻喧嚣尘上,加剧了半岛的紧张局势。看似平静的海面,是各国军事实力较量的主战场之一,如何才能在现代海战中赢得先机呢? “要想赢得战争,亟须舰船平台在能源动力、武器及发射方式上进行颠覆性变革,以技术性创新牵引作战样式创新。”中国科协副主席、中国工程院院士马伟明表示。他是在25日上午在京举行的第十一届中国发明家论坛上作主旨报告时作这番表述的。此次论坛由中国发明家协会、科技日报社等主办,全国政协副主席、中国科协主席、科学技术部部长万钢出席开幕式并致辞。 当前世界各国海上作战样式,是按照任务类型设计和建造不同的作战平台,由多个作战平台组成编队,谋求体系作战和精确打击。马伟明认为,以编队为单元的海上作战样式主要存在两大局限,一是平台和武器的建造、维持成本高,经济可承受性差,二是投入的作战平台种类和数量多,前沿传感器系统复杂,协同指挥难度大,电磁脆弱性强。 在描述对新的海上作战样式的构想时,马伟明指出,舰载高能武器和全电舰船技术的集成创新与研制成功,将使单艘舰艇实现系统防空、反潜和对海、对岸的精确打击,这将彻底颠覆现有的海上作战样式。电磁轨道炮、电磁火箭弹、线圈炮、激光炮等高能武器的出现,使单舰平台的整体攻防性能和持续作战能力大幅增强,舰船综合电力系统的研制成功,又为高能武器上舰提供了充足的能源支持。 如此强大的单舰平台,马伟明称之为“全能舰”,对其攻防性能逐一进行了设想。防空分为3个层次:200—600公里范围,使用可重复自动装填的通用电磁发射装置发射反导导弹,实现点对点防御;10—200公里,利用电磁轨道炮实现目标面拦截;10公里以内,利用激光炮作为最后一道防线,对末端导弹进行拦截。反潜和反鱼雷上,利用电磁发射装置发射反潜导弹对潜艇进行攻击,利用电磁线圈炮对来袭鱼雷进行拦截。 在反舰与对陆攻击体系的构想中,“全能舰”将形成3层火力圈:600—1000公里,使用可重复自动装填的通用电磁发射装置发射远程巡航导弹和弹道导弹,完成对海和对岸目标攻击;200—600公里,利用电磁火箭弹(炮),进行对海和对岸目标攻击;200公里以内,利用电磁轨道炮完成对海和对岸目标的攻击,一具电磁轨道炮可将对岸打击能力提高一个数量级。 在马伟明看来,我国在舰载高能武器和全电舰船技术两大领域的群体性突破,为海上作战样式变革提供了基础和条件。他表示,若能抓住当前化学能、机械能向电磁能变革的技术发展趋势,充分发挥当前我国在电磁能武器和舰船综合电力系统领域的世界领先优势,先对手一步实现作战样式的创新与变革,必将实现对英美发达国家的后发赶超,并主导和引领未来海上作战样式。(来源:科技日报)
< Message edited by Hongjian -- 4/27/2017 2:01:33 AM >