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Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32

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Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 10/13/2020 4:30:52 PM   


Posts: 435
Joined: 8/6/2013
From: The Netherlands
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Hi everyone,

We have updated Close Combat The Longest Day to 5.50.32. This updated fixes the flickering issue that people have reported.

The update is now available through GoG, Steam, and of course the Matrix website. As well as through the launchers Check for Update button.

Thank you for your feedback, support and patience on this one. Please let us know if there are further issues.




Post #: 1
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 10/13/2020 6:17:57 PM   


Posts: 3437
Joined: 11/17/2007
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Thank you for the patch!

Was there any other changes, as the patch file is 238MB?

Edit: in battle the support icon spacing has been fixed

< Message edited by Tejszd -- 10/14/2020 3:44:42 AM >

(in reply to Surtur)
Post #: 2
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 10/14/2020 4:24:15 AM   


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This was the change log posted in Steam for TLD v5.50.32;
• The name of the unit currently under the cursor now pulses at a slow and fixed rate
• Better game performance when flares are employed at night.
• Map can now be scrolled with AWSD keys.
• Vehicles with minor damage (immobilized, gun out, etc.) no longer require a repair check and are always repaired

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 3
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 10/15/2020 8:38:15 AM   


Posts: 9
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This update works for me - thank you!

< Message edited by Astalon -- 10/15/2020 8:39:29 AM >

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 4
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 12:45:23 AM   


Posts: 3437
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This was the change log posted in Steam for TLD v5.50.32;
• Vehicles with minor damage (immobilized, gun out, etc.) no longer require a repair check and are always repaired

Steve, having ALL vehicles always come back from minor damage is negatively affecting mods with more tanks/vehicles or ones with heavy tanks. Example the Char B1 bis in 1940 or Tiger II late war as they are very hard to kill outright and protect the crew so they are never lost. In the past you could try to inflict minor damage during a battle to get thru it and hope that they can't be repaired between battles. Can this change be pulled or made a campaign.txt option?

< Message edited by Tejszd -- 12/23/2020 4:48:05 PM >

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 5
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 1:32:51 AM   


Posts: 221
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Supporting what Tejszd is saying above. I cant spot any post on this forum with a player asking for this to be changed. I cant understand why it was done -especially after this game has been out for so many years.
This was not an error in the game system - not a bug. - When players have asked for fixes on CC games the regular answer (If not a real bug) has been that this or that is not a bug, but rather how the game is designed to work. What I dont get is why this functionality, which also was not a bug, suddenly got the attention from the developer to change it? I think the vehicle repair check was not damaging the CC experience at all. Rather it created a fun throw of the dice within the game where you could hope to get lucky and take out a damaged enemy vehicle through repair checks between battles.

Thank you for considering to revert this in the next patch.

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 6
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 4:11:47 AM   


Posts: 33
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Agree with Tejszd and SchnelleMeyer. I can't understand why this feature got removed. Please reverse this change.

< Message edited by Overkenshin -- 12/23/2020 4:12:05 AM >

(in reply to SchnelleMeyer)
Post #: 7
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 4:15:03 AM   

Posts: 2004
Joined: 2/3/2003
From: brisbane oz
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Agree with Overkenshin, Tejszd and SchnelleMeyer. I can't understand why this feature got removed. Please reverse this change.


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

(in reply to Surtur)
Post #: 8
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 6:52:45 AM   


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I'll have to agree with Overkenshin, Tejszd, SchnelleMeyer and tigercub been playing these and this part of the update should be put back.

(in reply to Surtur)
Post #: 9
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 8:31:33 AM   


Posts: 857
Joined: 1/7/2001
From: Vancouver, Canada
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i agree with Tejszd, schnellemeyer, tigercub, overkension and kevinjacobcurling.....having ALL vehicles always come back from minor damage is detrimental to the game and the mods. i mean really steve??? schnellemeyer hit it on the head...i agree with exactly what he said. reverse that part of the update please ASAP.

(in reply to KevinJacobcurling)
Post #: 10
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 4:37:46 PM   


Posts: 50
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I also agree with the above mentioned points. The damaged/repair mechanic was quite important and not only affected tactical gameplay but also strategic aspects, like whether to assign air or artillery to a particular map. The reason being it was a viable option to damage heavy tanks with air or artillery and get rid of them indirectly.

I would also prefer to have the feature implemented back. Or at least make it such that it can be turned on or off in an ini or text file.

(in reply to STIENER)
Post #: 11
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 5:14:38 PM   

Posts: 314
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The removal of the function was a surprise to us all.

I agree that it has affected gameplay but not negatively or positively. A player should only need to adapt new tactics. My own tactics with the function working was to cut off a BG and simply damage tanks at a minimum to have them removed. This no longer works so adjusting is necessary. Has this affected our online H2H Campaign with Meuse, yes. But how? We don't know. We know that vehicles survive damage now, but if they didn't what side would be better off. There's too many variables in the game to know exactly what the effect is.

I'm unsure if the function was working correctly to begin with. Add the undocumented cohesion roll into the mix and this further complicates things. The manual is not clear at all.

The game line up here at Matrix has many titles that depend on rolls, odds, unit attributes etc etc. With a proper explanation of the function Matrix's player base can get on board with it. As it stands now even those who have been playing the game since 1997 can't explain how this works with confidence.


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(in reply to PztCrackwise)
Post #: 12
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 10:37:18 PM   


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I also am involved in the Meuse campaign - on the German side. The indestructible heavy French tanks and the ahistorically excellent French command lead to a very disheartening experience. I believe historical documents show that the Germans were actually able to disable the French char B1 bis.... In fact, I would like to think that my troops would know to aim for the tank treads and drive wheels after their rounds had bounced off the hull and turret a couple dozen times. :)

But to the point at hand: damaged vehicles returning to combat. I like Mooxe's description of the problem - documentation is always an issue, and knowing how the game works. I can appreciate that some elements are unknowable, but only when one can intuitively learn to work with it. And Crackwise and others mentioned having options that could be selected - or perhaps scaled?

In any campaign game, logistics and cohesion would/should play an important part. If those are already part of the (original) calculus to determine whether or not a vehicle returns to service, by all means keep them in!

I do want to say, I very much enjoy playing Close Combat with the worldwide community, I'm already looking forward to the next campaign, andI very much appreciate Matrix' continued support for these games.

(in reply to mooxe)
Post #: 13
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/23/2020 10:54:01 PM   


Posts: 857
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From: Vancouver, Canada
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not having the option negatively affects what happens to BG's when they run out of fuel and supply as the vehicles that cannot move...are immobilized due to no fuel and supply also may not come back next turn. this effects the strategic layer of the would normally move his affected BG out of harms way...IE: get it back in supply so he wouldnt needlessly lose vehicles. with the option the way it is now....theres no need to get back into supply...theres no penalty for it.

(in reply to madmatx)
Post #: 14
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/24/2020 5:23:30 AM   


Posts: 9
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I agree with what others have written re having automatic repair of all vehicles is negatively impacting mods. Perhaps have an option where this can be turned on or off.

(in reply to STIENER)
Post #: 15
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 12/30/2020 4:05:46 AM   


Posts: 6
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I agree with the majority of the posts here. Automatically repairing all damaged vehicles removes a layer of realism to the game. Please restore that feature to the gameplay.

(in reply to Astalon)
Post #: 16
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 1/15/2021 7:33:34 PM   


Posts: 857
Joined: 1/7/2001
From: Vancouver, Canada
Status: offline for replying or anything?? 12 CC gamers made posts about an issue and you at matrix dont even bother to acknowledge going on steve or Pip?

(in reply to yannibowls)
Post #: 17
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 1/29/2021 5:03:54 AM   


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@ matrix....bad

(in reply to STIENER)
Post #: 18
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 1/29/2021 3:43:57 PM   


Posts: 4472
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The change was made after many, many posts about vehicles and guns 'disappearing' in The Longest Day. This was because minor damage (gun out, immobilized, etc.) is easy to miss during battle and is not reported as 'damaged' in the debrief screen losses talley or on the soldier screen.

My plan is to add a mechanism for people to control how this feature works via Campaign.txt.

(in reply to STIENER)
Post #: 19
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 1/29/2021 4:56:17 PM   


Posts: 3437
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Sounds like a good solution Steve!

(in reply to SteveMcClaire)
Post #: 20
RE: Longest Day Updated to 5.50.32 - 2/1/2021 1:43:18 PM   


Posts: 221
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That is awesome news Steve and Matrix games! - Thank you for listening to us and making a change!

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 21
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