Voriax -> (7/9/2000 2:09:00 PM)
Victor, it's been Zecret because it is been changing a lot due to fine-tuning and taking different things into account. Currently I/we are looking into ammo capacity.
But here it is:
- Add all armour values except top and skirts
and divide by 6
- Add vehicle speed
- Add main gun AP penetration
- divide by 2
This yields what I call a 'base' value which is then modified with lot of things. The speed value is bit of a problem as it's effect with fast, small units is very much larger than in case of heavier units. although the greates price rises go to lightly armoured units with a very effective gun, like the German armoured cars with 50mm or 75mm PaK guns.
From the base:
- subtract 20% of base value if vehicle is open-topped
- subtract 10% if wheeled
- subtract 5% if no turret
- add 5% is it has APCR ammunition.
-add 1 for extra mg's, 2 if they are 10+mm or AAMG, 3 if 10+mm AAMG
- add 2 for smoke dischargers
- size: 3 is base value, add/subtract difference from this, smaller is better
- Rof: base is 5, add/subtract difference, higher is better
- add 2 if amphibious
- add 3 if it's command tank for certain radio
- add 15 for IR-sights
- add the values of Fire control and Range finder.
Some mathematician will likely flame me but go on, I get the asbestos clothes [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Ammo amounts are missing, I thought determining a base ammo load for each caliber class of weapon and then adding/subtracting if ammo load differs from this amount. In steps of 5 rounds where each 5 is 1 point to a maximum of 10 points. (Some vehicles have piles and piles of ammo, like 500 20mm rounds in one Russian tank so a limit is needed not to penalize them. In game sense 100 or 500 rounds are practically the same, large amount that is enough for a battle in both cases)
also some fixed amout will be added for skirts, probably 5 points. Just that I'm not really sure how they are modelled in the game, do they help against AP too or just HEAT.
The crew number should be put in too, maybe in a way that 5 men is the base and add/reduce the difference. This would lower the price for those 2-3 men tanks a bit.
I'll put a list of values for some German and French armoured vehicles here, hopefully it'll come out legible. [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] The first value is the 'base', second is the *final price* and the one in parenthesis is current SPWAW value.
OT= Open-top
Only those values are counted that are mentioned above
Armoured cars:
PSW-221 19 = 21 (14) W,OT
PSW-222 31 = 33 (26) W,OT
PSW-231 6-rad 30 = 35 (21) W
PSW-231 8-rad 34 = 41 (23) W
PSW-233 47 = 40 (36) W,OT
PSW-234/1 36 = 35 (28) W,OT
PSW-234/2 67 = 71 (45) W,OT
PSW-234/3 49 = 42 (40) W
PSW-234/4 93 = 81 (52) W,OT
Light tanks:
PzKpfw-Ib 14 = 22 (17)
PzKpfw-IIc 30 = 43 (21)
PzKpfw-IIf 33 = 47 (23)
PzKpfw-IIL 37 = 54 (25)
Main Battle Tanks:
PzKpfw-35(t) 38 = 49 (34)
PzKpfw-38(t) 41 = 53 (37)
PzKpfw-38(t)e 48 = 60 (41)
PzKpfw-IIIe 43 = 54 (39)
PzKpfw-IIIg 58 = 69 (51)
PzKpfw-IIIh 63 = 78 (54)
PzKpfw-IIIj 62 = 77 (55)
PzKpfw-IIIj(s) 72 = 89 (57)
PzKpfw-IIIL 75 = 93 (59) Amphib, Skirts
PzKpfw-IIIm 74 = 91 (59) Skirts, +5 points?
PzKpfw-IIIn 56 = 65 (51) HEAT?
PzKpfw-IVf2(s) 93 = 104 (67)
PzKpfw-IVg 95 = 112 (72)
PzKpfw-IVh 101 = 119 (73) Skirts
PzKpfw-IVj 99 = 111 (71) Skirts
PzKpfw-Va 119 = 129 (121)
PzKpfw-Vd 132 = 145 (116)
PzKpfw-Vg 135 = 149 (125)
PzKpfw-Vg(uhu)132 = 162 (144) IR-sights
PzKpfw-IVc 45 = 51 (39)
PzKpfw-IVd 47 = 55 (42)
PzKpfw-IVe 50 = 59 (44)
PzKpfw-IVf 55 = 63 (49) HEAT?
Heavy Tanks:
PzKpfw-VIb 180 = 193 (188)
PzKpfw-VIe 139 = 151 (117)
Maus 232 = 248 (250)
Armoured cars:
Panhard 178 43 = 43 (33) W
AMD 80 AM 21 = 20 (20) W,OT
AMC P16 Mle29 31 = 26 (21) W,OT
AMD 50 AM 31 = 29 (10) W
AMR-33 16 = 20 (14)
R-35 38 = 40 (43)
R-40 45 = 48 (30)
H-35 38 = 40 (22)
H-39 39 = 43 (22)
FT-17C 21 = 20 (17)
FT-17M 8 = 10 (7)
AMR-35 17 = 21 (16)
FCM-36 39 = 41 (20)
Somua S-35 56 = 60 (53)
Char-D2 61 = 66 (55)
Char D1 B 52 = 55 (58)
Char-B1 49 = 54 (58)
Char-B1 bis 60 = 66 (71)