Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (Full Version)

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Mike Dixon -> Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/10/2006 2:41:23 PM)

Spence (Allies) and myself (Japanese) are embarking on the first year scenario. A historical start with most options on except Allied Sub Doctrine. We havent yet discussed whether this is a joint AAR or if we are operating solo threads.

Anyway Lady Luck has somewhat favoured Yamanato's boys in the first turn.....


Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/10/2006 2:47:00 PM)

Japanese photographs of destroyed F4F's at Wake island


Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/10/2006 2:56:55 PM)

Clark field suffered devastating blows

Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/10/2006 2:59:01 PM)



spence -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/13/2006 2:35:51 AM)

Having just returned from the Caribbean where the U-boat threat has somewhat abated in the last 64 years I am met with wanton death and destruction. Oh my!!!

Losses are of course classified but without question much exaggerated by the propanda ministry in that brutal and invidious regime. Have to give them credit for excising GODZILLA from those photos so skillfully though.[:D]

Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/22/2006 4:56:48 PM)

Following the sinking of the maryland, the KB continues to pound Pearl one day later


Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/22/2006 5:03:23 PM)

The Pennsylvania sinks at the end of the second day. Yamamoto gives the go ahead to Nagumo for a third days strike


Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/22/2006 6:21:14 PM)

Nagumo sends in the 2nd strike for the 9th December


Mike Dixon -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (2/22/2006 6:26:48 PM)

Nagumo decided to retire after three days of strikes. The California is reported sunk, leaving a tally of three BB's destroyed. Five others are heavily damaged although intelligence believes that none are in immediate danger of sinking and further strikes would be fruitless.

Mike Dixon -> 11th December 1941 (2/24/2006 3:24:10 PM)

Battleship 'Musashi' is now undergoing sea trials prior to overseas commitment


spence -> RE: 11th December 1941 (2/26/2006 12:02:18 AM)

Three days of Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor left the place something of a shambles but even as his carriers disappear into the West (towards Kwajalein) the place is getting back into shape. Approxiamately 75 Japanese planes were shot down near Hawaii.

In the Philippines the Japanese landings at Aparri and Vigan suceeded in putting a large force of Japanese on Luzon. The landing at Legaspi however was stymied with heavy losses incurred by the SNLF that landed there. Most of the B-17s stationed in the PI have withdrawn successfully with relatively light losses.

Several Japanese transports have been sunk by Allied submarines. Enemy landings at Brunei and Miri have gone ahead however.

In China a Japanese advance on Changsha was repulsed with heavy losses to the Japanese. Chinese forces also liberated Nanning in SE China. The Japanese attack on Hong Kong has bogged down as Chinese forces pinned the 104th IJA Div to defending Canton.

spence -> RE: 11th December 1941 (2/26/2006 12:29:16 AM)


Battleship 'Musashi' is now undergoing sea trials prior to overseas commitment

Nice Ship



Mike Dixon -> 13th December 1941 (2/28/2006 4:04:33 PM)

China Expeditionary Army HQ communiqué

'Today his Imperial Majesty's force took the key Chinese city of Yenen. Several Chinese armies were captured and other forces are reported fleeing from the city. In other areas, our troops continue to advance in Hong Kong and a light enemy thrust on Nanning was beaten off with heavy enemy casualties. Changsa is predicted to fall soon'


spence -> RE: Spence vs Dixon - The first year scenario (3/12/2006 9:27:45 PM)

Been kinda neglecting this AAR for a bit...

The same turn that Yenen fell to the Nips, Chinese forces captured Nanning (Imperial Headquarters lives in a dreamworld where the Lts only report triumphs to the Generals apparently). Fighting continues in China on several fronts...the Japanese are advancing West from Yenen toward Kungchang...one IJA division is advancing on Ichang but is taking a mauling on the outskirts of the city...a Japanese thrust North of Changsha has been stymied while one South of Changsha made some headway at the cost of heavy losses...fighting rages in Canton and HongKong with decisive results elusive to both sides.

Meanwhile Japanese landings on northern Luzon succeeded in lodgements at Aparri and Vigan. IJA forces have remained within their bridgeheads apparently consolidating their positions. The situation on southern Luzon is confusing. An initial landing at Legaspi has been held and the IJN SNLF is under heavy attack there suffering heavy losses. Another landing at Naga has made no progress against the defenders. NW of Naga the IJN landed another SNLF which has made no progress off the beaches and is under heavy pressure from tank supported Philippine Army units.
In a small naval action near Vigan 3 PT boats engaged about twice their number of IJN gunboats and minesweepers. Several gunboats were severely damaged and a minesweeper sunk. All the PTs returned safely to base.

A Japanese landing at Menado in the DEI has put major forces ashore and the garrision is hard-pressed. Allied submarines did score on the IJN though sinking a destroyer and torpedoing several transports.
Other Japanese landings at Brunei, Miri and Kuching on Borneo succeeded in establishing beachheads.

In Malaya, the Japanese are advancing on Georgetown. The beachhead at Khota Bharu has been consolidated but no advance down the peninsulas East coast has as yet begun. Allied forces are dug in solidly on the Kuantan-Malacca line. Bombing raids on Singapore resulted in heavy casualties to both sides.

The KB has retired to the West. Several IJN submarines have been damaged or sunk in the waters around Hawaii.

Mike Dixon -> 19th December 1941 (3/14/2006 2:54:22 PM)

4th Fleet update

Rabual has been liberated from the Australian colonial oppressors.

Today light elements of 4th Fleets naval guard routed several brigades of Australian troops.

The people of New Britain greeted their liberators with traditional flowers and wine.

The emperor has sent a message welcoming all peoples of the Southern Islands, an equal and everlasting share in the Greater Japanese co-prosperity sphere.

Mike Dixon -> 19th December 1941 (3/14/2006 5:04:04 PM)

Betty's over Rabaul


Mike Dixon -> 19th December 1941 (3/14/2006 6:16:56 PM)

Rabaul falls


spence -> RE: 19th December 1941 (3/14/2006 6:44:18 PM)

Canberra, 18 December, 1941

The government announced today that very powerful enemy forces have landed at and captured the outpost of Rabaul on the island of New Britian. The small garrision withdrew from the area of the port and airfield after tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers landed and a number of damaged aircraft were abandoned.
Although unable to directly challenge the invasion fleet, which included several battleships, HMAS Adelaide met and defeated a smaller force of enemy ships the night before. One enemy warship was sunk and several others were left burning when Adelaide retired.

Mike Dixon -> ASW in the South china Sea (3/15/2006 2:23:54 PM)

Southern Army HQ 20th December 1941

Today our Emperors marineers sunk a British submersible in the South China Sea. The wreckage identified the submarine as HMS Truant, see stock photo below. Further developments in the Phillipines, include the capture of Naga with the surrender of several divisions of American and Phillipino troops. The Hawaii Islands are believed to be cut off, although several of our beseiging submarines have had to retire from the area, due to engine troubles.


spence -> RE: ASW in the South china Sea (3/16/2006 4:23:05 AM)


The government today announced the recapture of Kaifeng. Widespread evidence of atrocities against the Chinese people were uncovered. Several captured Japanese officers in the former garrision were tried and convicted by summary courts martial and shot.

Once again word of a defeat fails to penetrate the dream world occupied by the Japanese High Command.

spence -> RE: ASW in the South china Sea (3/19/2006 6:12:47 PM)

Ships of the RAN destroyed a Japanese invasion fleet off northern New Guinea today after a handful Japanese soldiers landed near the thatched hut village of Buna. None of the Australian ships were damaged and no sailors were injured.

DATELINE: BATAVIA, JAVA, NEI - 22 December 1941
ABDA Command today announced that a large Japanese cruiser or battleship was severely damaged by Allied aircraft today in the Banda Sea. Enemy air attacks on Allied ships in the region were repulsed with heavy losses to the Japanese.

DATELINE: CHUNGKING - 22 December 1941
The government announced today that Japanese forces advancing on Ichang were repulsed and driven back in headlong retreat by government forces today. Heavy fighting also took place near Kaifeng where two enemy attacks were beaten back with heavy losses to the Japanese.


Mike Dixon -> Guadalcanal joins the Japanese Empire (3/20/2006 3:22:03 PM)

4th Fleet communique 23th December 1941

Today Lunga has joyfully received several battalions of Japanese troops. A six hundred mile exclusion zone has been declared around the island. Several squadrons of torpedo bombers are on hand, to deter Australian or U.S. aggression.


Mike Dixon -> Port Moresby under air attack! (3/20/2006 3:45:30 PM)

4th Fleet Air operations, 24th December 1941

A large enemy surface fleet was attacked by our glorious bombers from Rabual. Many hits were observed and the Australian Heavy cruiser Canbera is believed to be sinking.


Mike Dixon -> Uprising in Kaifeng crushed! (3/21/2006 2:54:30 PM)

11th Army - China - Kaifeng report

Today the irregular Communist and Nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek and Mao were routed at Kaifeng. Tens of thousand of prisoners were taken, for minimal Imperial losses. Below is a photograph of General Anami, 11th Army, discussing further advances in China.


Mike Dixon -> Further news on 25th December 1941 (3/22/2006 4:26:33 PM)

Southern Army Naval Aviation HQ

In the South China sea near Palembang, a large fleet of Dutch cruisers was attacked by our Nell's and Betty's. The De Ruyter and Java were confirmed sunk and many others damaged. All aircraft returned safely.

In a seperate development, Jolo was released from American colonial oppression.

Nell's on patrol, South China Sea:-


spence -> RE: Further news on 25th December 1941 (3/22/2006 4:48:56 PM)

Dateline Pearl Harbor - 26 December, 1941
Admiral Nimitz announced today that American forces had successfully attacked the Japanese base at Kwajalein in the Marshall Island Group. Many enemy ships were sunk and severely damaged. Navy losses were negligible.


spence -> RE: Further news on 25th December 1941 (3/22/2006 6:15:48 PM)

Dateline Batavia: 26 December, 1941
ABDA Command announced today the loss of the cruiser Java and destroyer Evertsen to Japanese bombing attack. Several enemy aircraft were brought down in the attacks on the ships.
In other action Allied flyers scored several bomb hits on a battleship of the Kongo class. All Allied aircraft returned safely to base.

Dateline Singapore: 26 December, 1941
British headquarters reported today that enemy troops have captured Georgetown in the North. The small garrision was overwhelmed after holding off the Japanese for more than a week. Allied units continue their withdrawal towards the city. Rear guards are contesting every foot of ground gained by the enemy and making him pay dearly.
Malaya Air Force headquarters announced that an enemy supply ship was sunk near Khota Bharu. Several enemy aircraft which tried to interfere with our bombers were destroyed by the escorting fighters.

Mike Dixon -> Southern Army 26th December 1941 (3/23/2006 4:12:37 PM)

Update from Southern Army 26th December 1941

The liberation of Malaya is proceeding smoothly. Georgetown surrendered today and our Imperial forces are closing in on Johore Bahru, the last defensive position before Singapore. Reports of wild flight and mutiny are coming in from enemy radio transmissions. Australian troops are believed to be hijacking vessels in an attempt to leave the doomed colony. Large numbers of Indian troops are joining their Asian brothers in freeing Malaya from their occupiers.

Meanwhile in Dutch Borneo, Singkawang has fallen and now our Naval/Army air forces can reach Batavia. Wild scence of jubilation are greeting our troops from the Borneo inhabitants.

Below is a photograph of the 5th Infantry division, landing in Malaya on 8th December 1941.


Mike Dixon -> Southern Army HQ 27th December 1941 (3/23/2006 7:30:02 PM)

Southern Army HQ update 27th December

Light engineering elements took Kuantan today. The city had been abandoned in a state of panic by colonial troops. A large air raid of Singapore was conducted, many enemy planes were destroyed, including Warhawks, Tomahawks, Hurricanes and Hudson I's. Over fifty planes were destroyed. It is believed that the enemy will abandon the airfield in due course.

In Burma, Moulmein has fallen and liberation of Rangoon is immenient.

Southern Army troops have landed at Kendari after escorting ships and carriers defeated a large U.S. and British Naval force. The CL Boise was sunk whilst fleeing to Timor.

Attached is a photograph of 5th Divsion troops advancing towards Singapore.


Mike Dixon -> Southern Army HQ 27th December 1941 (3/23/2006 7:31:03 PM)

General Yamashita has visited the front today:-


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