Sitrep 27th January 1942 (Full Version)

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Mike Dixon -> Sitrep 27th January 1942 (5/3/2006 3:05:42 PM)

Southern Army Hq Singapore- digest of actions near Timor

An enemy cruiser was sunk in the Timor sea. The ship was believed to be the CL Danae - it was sunk after repeated shell and torpedo hits. The CL Durban is believed to be hiding in the inlets near Koepang - it has been hit several times and further Naval forces are in pursuit. Army troops have begun landing at Koepang, against light resistance. A large enemy airfleet was destroyed whilst attacking our carrier forces in the area. No friendly losses were recorded.

HMS Danae moments before her destruction


Mike Dixon -> Sitrep 28th January 1942 (5/4/2006 12:48:52 PM)

Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 28th January 1942

Summary of reports

Naval bombardments of Koepang and Amboina continue. Enemy air activity has ceased in the area.

Batavia, Soerabaja and Tjilitjap were all attacked from the air. Many aircraft and several destroyers were sunk.

In the Phillipines, Cotabato was captured today. A large supply of stores and fuel was discovered and further advances on Davao are expected.

Press release:- Air attack on Soerabaja


Mike Dixon -> Digest of events of 29-30th January 1942 (5/4/2006 2:22:14 PM)

29th January 1942

CL Durban sighted and attacked near Koepang. Heavy B-17 raid in Burma - many civilian casualties. Bali bombardment commencing. Ambon base captured after nominal resistance. Many captured colonial troops. probing attack at Koepang makes substantial gains. Banka on Sumatra is occupied. Funafuti island (part of the Tuvali nation) was captured. Suva is now isolated.

30th January 1942

Landings at Bali, Kragen and Pamakasan have commenced. Light resistance is expected. The CL Durban was encountered again, several hits were obtained. The ship is believed to be sinking.

Betty photo of Funafuti island, using the latest Japanese colour technology:-


Mike Dixon -> Digest of events of 31st January and 1st February 1942 (5/5/2006 2:59:24 PM)

31st January

Heavy combat on all fronts, Kungchang in China fell after an assault by several divisions. Chinese forces were observed fleeing to the North. Medan on Sumatra was invested and both Pamakasan and Kragen were occupied with minimal resistance. Japanese fighter cover has arrived in Java and both air and sea bombardments are continuing. Meanwhile in Mandalay heavy civilian casualties were reported by indiscriminate bombing. Up to one hundred so called 'Flying Fortresses' were seen and several were shot down by AAA.

American carriers have been reported near Johnston Island. Six hundred mile exclusion zones have been set around both Wake and Kwajalien Island. Heavy air reinforcements have been received to prevent further terrorist atrocities by the enemy Central Pacific forces. Both islands have been declared 'outer perimeter fortresses'.

1st February

Further air attacks on Java were conducted. Enemy air activity is low. Reports of desertions and rioting have been received in both Batavia and Soerabaja. Only brutal suppression by the ABDA forces are preventing an uprising and joyous entry into the greater Japanese co-prosperity sphere.

At Ambon, a 'cowboy' attack by a lone PT boat was reported. Several friendly PC craft hit the vessel and it was observed fleeing to the East, on fire.

Enemy carrier near Johnson Island:-


spence -> RE: Digest of events of 31st January and 1st February 1942 (5/10/2006 5:08:53 AM)

I have been neglectful of the AAR and apologize to any and all who seek to learn the truth.

DATELINE BATAVIA - 3 February, 1942

For the fourth day in a row Japanese bombers ranged over the city dropping tons of bombs indiscriminately. Fires are raging in many neighborhoods and if the Japanese thought to terrorize these doughty Dutchmen they have not succeeded in any way. The troops are in fine spirits and are steadfastly improving the city's defenses even when under attack.

Meanwhile at the other end of Java Soerabaya also came under heavy bombing attack today. A few Dutch fighters attempted to interfere but all too often became victims of the the hordes of Japanese fighter planes that accompanied the bombers. Damage in the city was quite severe particularly in the native quarters which are even now swathed in boiling smoke and flame.

The enemy landing at Kragen has so far been contained within that small place but many enemy ships continue to unload more troops there.

spence -> RE: Digest of events of 31st January and 1st February 1942 (5/10/2006 5:14:19 AM)

DATELINE CALCUTTA - 3 February 1942

A Southeast Asia Command spokesman today announced that the situation in Northern Burma is improving markedly with the linkup of Chinese and Commonwealth forces. Rangoon, although under constant and heavy pressure from vastly superior enemy forces, continues to hold out in the enemy's rear strangling their supplies. A Japanese armored column striking North from Mandalay has reportedly been almost completely wiped out by heavy American B-17 Flying Fortresses and Chinese bombers. Flyers report the road and railline are littered with burned out Japanese vehicles.


A desperate enemy rammed this B-17 Flying Fortress in a vain effort to bring it down. The B-17 flies on. The enemy fighter is so much scrap in the jungle below.

spence -> RE: Digest of events of 31st January and 1st February 1942 (5/10/2006 5:28:25 AM)


Residents of this city were cheered and inspired today as a large convoy brought in thousands of fresh American troops and a large aircraft contingent. The Yanks, splendidly outfitted for war, marched through the city to the cheers of all and promptly headed towards the threatened North. Visible proof that America is with us all the way to final victory over the Nip.


spence -> RE: Digest of events of 31st January and 1st February 1942 (5/11/2006 2:31:32 AM)

DATELINE LAHAINA - 5 February, 1942
The Navy announced today that US Forces had sunk a Japanese submarine, identified by several captured crewmen as the I-168, approxiamately 350 East of Lahaina. Subjected to repeated depth charge attacks, the submaine broke surface for a few moments before sinking and some crewmembers abandoned the ship. According to a crewman on one of the destroyers; "It looked for a moment like some of them were going to try to man their gun so we all (there were several destroyers) cut loose at em. A lot more of them woulda survived if they hadn'ta gone for their gun like that". In total there were 16 survivors. A submarine of this type normally carries between 90 and 100 men.


Mike Dixon -> Digest of events 2nd February 1942 (5/11/2006 1:46:14 PM)

Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 2nd February 1942

At Suva, landings have begun. Some damage to friendly Naval forces has occured. It is believed that the enemy have dug in old 15"" Naval guns, perhaps from the BB hulks at Pearl.

In Timor, Koepang has been liberated. Many burnt out enemy aircraft were seen at the airfield.

Bali has also been released from colonial rule. Up to five thousand enemy personnel were captured, after negligible resistance. Work on upgrading the airfield has begun. Little enemy air activity has been seen in nearby Java.

Press release:- Flame throwers in action in the Phillipines


Mike Dixon -> Digest of events 3rd and 4th February 1942 (5/11/2006 4:35:31 PM)

3rd February

Large coastal guns continue to pummel the Suva invasion fleet. Several gunboats were lightly damaged. Most of the infantry division is now onshore and preparing to occupy the capital of the Fiji Islands.

A large scale B-17 raid caused extensive civilian casualties, including hitting several schools and hospitals.

In the Phillipines, an experienced Phillipino divison surrendered after a week long firefight near Naga. Laviously supplied and equipped, the enemy force lacked the required staying power and only caused minor friendly losses.

4th February


Suva has been liberated! Remnants of the enemy heavy gun coastal defence regiment fled to the West under severe pressure from light elements of an infantry division. Many Fijians welcomed the liberating force and are now paying homage to the Emperor.

Near Pearl, a submersible (SS I-168) has failed to report back to Imperial HQ. This is believed to be due to technical difficulties.

Japanese international war crimes committee has been set up (chaired by Prime minister Tojo)!

British and American attacks on field hospitals and ships are occuring! War criminals will be held to account after hosilities cease!


Mike Dixon -> Digest of events 5th and 6th February 1942 (5/17/2006 6:51:34 PM)

5th February

4th Fleet reports the capture of Wallis Island (see attachment). A large stock of American war material was seized. Polynesian elders have promised full support in intergration with the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Further civilian losses occured at Pagan and Ambon, due to indiscriminate B-17 bombing.

6th February

Further air attacks on Java were made.

Wallis Island:-


Mike Dixon -> Digest of events 7th and 8th February 1942 (5/18/2006 3:38:46 PM)

Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei)

7th February

China command have reported Changhsa is now completely surrounded. Calls for its immediate surrender have been issued.

8th February

An American submersible, believed to be the Spearfish, was sunk near Takao. Dili in East Timor fell with negligible resistance. A large American warship was sunk near Pago Pago by carrier aviation, in the Polynesian Islands. Daily terrorist air attacks are continuing in Burma and Thailand. Preparations for counter airstrikes are underway.

Japanese forces in action near Changhsa:-


spence -> RE: Digest of events 7th and 8th February 1942 (5/18/2006 5:55:52 PM)

DATELINE HONOLULU: February 10, 1942

Japan continues its advance into the islands of the South Pacific. Small forces have captured some insignificant specks with no resistance. An enemy landing in the Somoan Islands was repulsed however when it did encounter an Allied force at Upolu near Pago Pago. One transport was very heavily damaged and an assault landing was repulsed with heavy losses to the attackers. Enemy carrier aircraft did, however, sink the old minesweeper Kingfisher near Pago Pago.

Allied aircraft report attacking and hitting an enemy submarine near Canton Island.

spence -> RE: Digest of events 7th and 8th February 1942 (5/19/2006 3:28:38 AM)

A couple of maps to illustrate where we're at: CHINA 11 Feb 42


spence -> RE: Digest of events 7th and 8th February 1942 (5/19/2006 3:29:28 AM)

The DEI - 11 Feb 42


spence -> RE: Digest of events 7th and 8th February 1942 (5/19/2006 3:30:16 AM)

SOPAC - 11 Feb 42


Mike Dixon -> 9th February 1942 (5/19/2006 3:10:16 PM)

Southern army Hq reports a large scale heavy bomber attack on a surface TF near Davao. Dozens of LB-30 Liberators attacked several cruisers but were driven off with heavy losses. No friendly damage was recorded.

4th fleet reports a successful recoinassiance mission on Upolu Island in the central pacific. Dozens of enemy heavy coastal guns were spotted and are earmarked for future destruction.

Photograph from CA Suzuya of fleeing crippled Liberator. Many aircraft were believed to have been destroyed.


Mike Dixon -> Digest 10th February 1942 (5/19/2006 3:54:00 PM)

Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 10th February 1942

Southern Army reports both Naval and air bombardment of Davao. It is thought that many Liberators have been destroyed on the ground and the remainder have fled to the DEI. A mixed brigade has landed at Merak in Java and is expected to march on Batavia shortly.

4th Fleet have announced the capture of Gardner Island, near Canton Island. Several confidential documents were found, including plans to fortify the island group:-


spence -> RE: Digest 10th February 1942 (5/20/2006 2:12:03 AM)

DATELINE HONOLULU - 12 February 1942

A CINCPACFLEET spokesman today announced that Japanese Forces have begun landing on remote Canton Island and several smaller atolls approxiamtely 1500 miles SW of Honolulu. The tiny garrison on Canton is at present holding off the enemy, identified as the 38th Division. That division participated in the rape of Hong Kong earlier in the year and is notable only for the savagery visited on innocent civilians in its path. "For the moment, it appears our men are stacking them up on the beach like cordwood. In the unlikely event that the passing of those criminals might be mourned in Japan, it is clear that such mourning will be widespread," the spokesman said.

spence -> RE: Digest 10th February 1942 (5/20/2006 5:33:37 AM)

DATELINE KARACHI - 12 February, 1942

Naval command announced today that several enemy submarines have been sighted and attacked off the West coast of India in the past few days; one just off the harbor approaches here. It is believed that one and possibly two enemy subs have been sunk by depth charge attacks.

Meanwhile Allied submarines have been busy in the East Indies. A Japanese destroyer-type transport was torpedoed and sunk by a Dutch sub near Bali. Another Dutch submarine claimed to have torpedoed a large Japanese minelayer in the Straits of Malacca. Though heavily damaged in the attack and afire, enemy air patrols prevented the Dutch sub from observing the ship sink.

spence -> RE: Digest 10th February 1942 (5/20/2006 6:08:49 PM)

DATELINE CALCUTTA - 13 February, 1942
Southeast Asia Command today announced the fall of Rangoon. After a month long seige, several enemy divisions with heavy artillery support assaulted the city. Allied rearguards destroyed much of the city's oil production facilities before being overwhelmed. Prior to the enemy assualt several large Allied formations were evacuated from the city under the enemy's very nose and have reformed here in India.

spence -> RE: Digest 10th February 1942 (5/20/2006 6:36:19 PM)

DATELINE HONOLULU - 13 February, 1942
The Navy announced today that the tiny garrison of Canton Island has apparently been overwhelmed and the island has most likely fallen. Radio contact was lost after a midday message announcing a very heavy attack was underway. Before contact was lost the garrison reported damaging several enemy transports, several seriously.

Other news from the Pacific War is also bad today. The city of Rangoon has fallen to the Japanese after a month long seige. The Japanese landings on Java are proceeding both near Soerabaya and Batavia. Japanese forces have reportedly brought Soerabaya under artillery fire and are preparing an assualt. Several enemy battleships have also reportedly taken the city under fire.

In the Philippines the Japanese continue to bombard Manila however their attacks have so far been beaten off. General MacArthur praised the Filipino troops for their gallant resistance alongside their American brothers. He cited the 21st Philippine Army Division for its extreme heroism in fighting near Naga. Although cut off by the Japanese advance early in the war the Division continued to fight on for nearly 2 months inflicting serious losses on the enemy and delaying their advance on Manila during that time.
In the southern Philippines several Japanese cruisers shelled the city of Davao on the island of Mindanao. Little real damage was done though civilian casualties in the city were said to be quite heavy.

Mike Dixon -> Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 11th and 12th February 1942 (5/22/2006 2:41:09 PM)

Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 11th and 12th February 1942

11th February

4th Fleet report the landing of an infantry divsion has begun on Canton Island, in the Central Pacific. Strong resistance is being encountered, many large calibre guns have been identified. However most resistance has been overcome and the enemy have been pushed back to the SE corner of the atoll. Meanwhile, Southern army has confirmed that Merak, west of Batavia, has fallen. Preparations for a push to Batavia are underway.

12th February

Canton Island has fallen after a short naval bombardment this afternoon, 4th Fleet has announced. After a two day fight the American forces formally surrender at 4pm Tokyo time. A large booty of equipment was captured, including howitzers and a number of Catalinas.

Phillipines Hq report the surrender of another Phillipino division near Naga. The last American holdouts are expected to be cleared within a few days. Intelligence believes that a large number of tanks, possibly the advanced 'Sherman type', are dug in a few km to the West of Naga. Magnetic mines and flamethrowers are being despatched to the area.

Burma Hq have announced the occupation of Rangoon. After a short battle, a large number of colonial British and their lackey support troops, surrendered at 10am this morning. It is thought that some British troops were evacuated prior to the fall, under the cover of hospital ships.

Captured map of Canton Island:-


Mike Dixon -> Leaflets dropped on US forces in the Phillipines (5/22/2006 2:47:38 PM)

Leaflets dropped on US forces in the Phillipines


Mike Dixon -> Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 13th February 1942 (5/23/2006 7:15:32 PM)

Imperial General Headquarters (Daihonei) 13th February 1942

Mopping up continues near Naga in the Phillipines, the final POW count was some 5000. Meanwhile, Soerabaja underwent a Naval bombardment from several BB's including the Ise and Haruna. Many military targets were destroyed. No civilian casualties were caused.

BB Ise returns to South Borneo after a succesful sortie to Soerabaja:-


Mike Dixon -> Digest 14th February 1942 (5/25/2006 5:55:55 PM)

Digest 14th February 1942

Southern army has announced the fall of both Madioen in Java and Cagayan in the Phillipines.

Manchoukuo Hq has reported record productivity in the region. Many tanks and aircraft have been produced and dispatched for use in the co-prosperity sphere.


Mike Dixon -> Combined Fleet HQ, Truk 15th February 1942 (5/25/2006 6:27:41 PM)

Combined Fleet HQ, Truk 15th February



Today the Kido Butai came under heavy and sustained attacked by Naval avaition from three or more American carriers. Wave after wave of Wildcats and Dauntless attacked the Japanese carriers, score after score were shot down by our Zero aces. Only a handful of enemy aircraft pierced the steel gauntlet - a single bomb hit the CV Hiryu, though failed to explode. However a damaged Zero crashed on landing on the said ship, causing some damage and the carrier will have to return to Japan for repairs shortly.

Shortly thereafter, a combined Zero/Val and Kate force followed the American stragglers back home to their lair - the enemy CV Enterprise was hit many times with torpedoes and was seen to sink just before dusk. Other reports of hits on other carriers have yet to be confirmed. The CA Minneapolis was also torpedoed several times and was last observed limping to the East.

Enterprise is hit by a Kate torpedo:-


Mike Dixon -> Combined Fleet HQ, Truk 15th February 1942 (5/25/2006 6:29:34 PM)

Enterprise is now listing, twenty minutes later she has sunk after two more torpedo hits:-


Mike Dixon -> Combined Fleet HQ, Truk 15th February 1942 (5/25/2006 6:46:33 PM)

Other news on 15th February 1942

Near Naga, the remains of the 194th USA Tank Battalion surrendered today. Many entrenched enemy tanks were captured and some fifteen hundered Yanks have been captured. Sinkep Island, near Singapore, fell after only light resistance from the Dutch colonial troops.

A large haul of enemy heavy armour has been made:-


spence -> RE: Combined Fleet HQ, Truk 15th February 1942 (5/26/2006 8:49:54 AM)

An offical for Admiral Nimitz's Pacific Fleet Command today confirmed rumors that a large naval and air battle had been fought in the South Pacific and that the Navy had suffered some loss. The official stated that the enemy had also suffered severe damage to his forces and had been forced to retreat. A Japanese aircraft carrier of the Hiryu class was evidently struck and left burning furiously by our aircraft.

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