Mike Dixon -> Southern Area Army Hq, Soerabaja (6/28/2006 4:53:47 PM)
Operations between 20th to 22nd March 1942 BATAVIA FALLS! JAVA JOINS THE GREATER EAST ASIA CO-PROSPERITY SPHERE! Java After several further BB bombardments, elements from a numer of elite infantry divisions stormed Batavia on the morning of the 22nd. Facing only light resistance, first the Chinese then the European districts were taken within several hours. By early afternoon, the Dutch high command signalled a request for cessation of hostilities. It is estimated that well over twenty thousand prisoners of war have been taken. However it is understood that leading members of ABDA had alreadly fled the beleaguered enclave. Kokoda trial All remaining Port Moresby garrison units have been rounded up, after only minor skirmishes. China Several Chinese divisions were routed on the 21st March. These units were thought to be fleeing Nanning, however after a short battle some 60 miles to the NW of the city, they were last observed retreating back to the city, in some disorder. Announcements With the fall of Java, Batavia is to be renamed Jakarta Furthermore Singapore is to be renamed Syonan (Light of the South) Heavy armour enters Jakarta (formerly Batavia) [image]local://upfiles/568/81EE666ECCC849FD96B6307BB5703C3C.jpg[/image]