Battle for New Jersey (like who would want to do that) (Full Version)

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KDonovan -> Battle for New Jersey (like who would want to do that) (4/14/2006 8:57:50 PM)

Hello everyone. This is the beginning of an AAR b/t myself (allies) and RUPD3658 (japan). Tom and I are both from NJ, therefore the title.

The game is stock, v 1.795 (no mods), scenario 15. House rules are pretty standard, nothing out of the ordinary. Preferences are standard except for Sub doctorines are ON for both sides. We are playing 2 day turns...and are playing a 2-3 turns per week.

My goal with this AAR is to do as little writing as possible and let the pictures speak for themselves. I don't plan on reporting alot of the minor battles, like Martins hitting AK's and PT boat strikes that don't hit any ships. I just want to keep everyone informed of the major battles, sinkings and timelines of the game. Its also a joint AAR so Tom is allowed post on here as much as he likes, as everything he see's he will already know.

Due to my busy schedule..i'll probably do only weekly updates at first...then as the game slows down...probably every two there won't be as much to report.

With that lets gets started.....

KDonovan -> Japanese opening moves (4/14/2006 9:02:10 PM)

The oriental blitzgrieg begins.....and its a monster. Tom hit Manila on the 1st turn as he said he would, and destroyed the pacific sub fleet. This opened up the way for the rest of the japanese fleet to swarm the philipines.


KDonovan -> KB and AVG dance....AVG loses (4/14/2006 9:03:54 PM)

here's how 2 of the major forces in DEI (the AVG and KB) are fairing


KDonovan -> RE: KB and AVG dance....AVG loses (4/14/2006 9:05:29 PM)

btw...i forgot to mention. That after the first turn...all my US pilots became 70+ exp, thanks to the "Get pilot" bug. Tom didn't want to restart and has decided to deal with it, since he still has the Zero bonus.

KDonovan -> Situation in Luzon (4/14/2006 9:06:57 PM)

looks like Tom is gonna destroy everything piecemeal and prevent me from making "fortress Manila". I'll be lucky to hold out past Feb 1st.


these are all Dec 7th landings...[:(]

KDonovan -> RE: Situation in Minidano (4/14/2006 9:07:55 PM)

got all but 1 of the B17's out...thats all i can ask for


KDonovan -> Allies strike back (4/14/2006 9:11:11 PM)

USN, RAN, RNZN Cruisers accomplish a major victory, driving off the Rabual invasion force. Unfortunately, they had already landed. But at least its a morale i sorely need it.


FeurerKrieg -> RE: Allies strike back (4/14/2006 9:14:14 PM)

Nice looking AAR, your map work is great.

RUPD3658 -> RE: Allies strike back (4/14/2006 10:24:24 PM)

Don't belive Yankee propaganda. The Pan-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere will be achieved!

So far all is going to plan. The Zero squadron commander who failed to escort the Nells to Singapore has been executed.

My plan is to take the PI by the end of December and Singapore soon after. Indian operations are still top secret. Speed is my best weapon. I figure I have 5-6 months before I have to cease offensive operations. Until then...Banzai!

Can't do pretty pictures like Kenny so I will leave the graphics up to him. So far he has done plenty of things to make my hair turn gray. I am sure I am doing the same to him since he can't tell if he is facing the full KB or not.

It is only my second PBEM so I am getting used to an opponant with a brain.

I should mention that our house rules include that I can't sail past Singapore until it falls and we are over riding the auto victory for 1943 but it will be in effect for 1944. Also no units can enter or leave China without changing HQs.

KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/14/2006 10:34:30 PM)


KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/17/2006 5:23:17 AM)

2 weeks into the game, i can safely say what got out of the PI swarm by the Japanese, here are the results....

1 CA.......not sunk.....escaped
1 CL........not sunk....escaped
4 DD.......3 sunk.......1 escaped
27 SS......22 sunk.....5 escaped
6 MSW.....all sunk
3 PG........all sunk
6 PT.........5 sunk......1 escaped
3 AVD......not sunk....3 escaped
1 AV........sunk
1 AD........not sunk....escaped
3 AS........all sunk
2 AO........all sunk
26 AK.......18 sunk.....8 escaped
2 TK.........all sunk

not pretty. I guess i can be happy that the CA Housten, CL Boise, AD Blackhawk, and 3 AVD's escaped. Would've been nice to get out one of th AS's, but i guess my subs wont' really be effective until 43'

ny59giants -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/17/2006 3:05:45 PM)

I can relate to the damage done you at Manila and the rest of PI. [:(][:(]
I one of my PBEM's, the Japanese took out Manila vs Pearl. I hate the loss of the Subs and AS's more than anything else. [sm=sad-1361.gif]
Now the remains of the Dutch Air Force has been wiped out by sweeps of Zero's over the air fields from KB running amoke in the Java Sea followed by bombing runs. [X(]

RUPD3658 -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/17/2006 8:24:28 PM)

All is going pretty much according to plan. Rabual just fell and once it is repaired it will dominate the area. Airdrops on Lashio and Mytchniya have cut the Burma road. Manila just fell and I should take Clark and Batan in a few days. Malaya is going smoothly with no major setbacks yet.

So far the only major problems have been that Hong Kong has not fallen, the Chitose was sunk by a single torp, and I have lost more A/C then I have destroyed.

Now if I can just stop those pesky Dutch A/C I should be OK. Every turn they damage my APs. That is what I get for not having aircover.

KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/18/2006 12:40:27 AM)


I can relate to the damage done you at Manila and the rest of PI.
I one of my PBEM's, the Japanese took out Manila vs Pearl. I hate the loss of the Subs and AS's more than anything else.
Now the remains of the Dutch Air Force has been wiped out by sweeps of Zero's over the air fields from KB running amoke in the Java Sea followed by bombing runs.

Manila is definitely the way to go in this game. Even though i think i would attack PH in my games, just to keep the threat of the KB lingering around in hopes of catching the 2nd USMC Div at sea, or the american CV's.

off course you can be as paranoid as me about the KB and think what RUPD is showing me is not the full KB and only 1/2 of it. Or maybe its reverse reverse pyschology...grrr, this is driving me insane....[:@]

KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/18/2006 12:41:12 AM)


All is going pretty much according to plan. Rabual just fell and once it is repaired it will dominate the area. Airdrops on Lashio and Mytchniya have cut the Burma road. Manila just fell and I should take Clark and Batan in a few days. Malaya is going smoothly with no major setbacks yet.

So far the only major problems have been that Hong Kong has not fallen, the Chitose was sunk by a single torp, and I have lost more A/C then I have destroyed.

Now if I can just stop those pesky Dutch A/C I should be OK. Every turn they damage my APs. That is what I get for not having aircover.

you would think its March 42'....too bad its only 2 weeks into the game [&o] [&o]

ny59giants -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/18/2006 1:10:57 AM)

If either one of you are NY Giants fans, then I will be on your side![:D][:D] If a "Beagles" fan, then undeclared war. [sm=00000016.gif]
The hard part for me is that one game is similar to yours. He attacked Manila vs Pearl while the second is Nik Mod and he took out 5 BB's at Pearl after hanging around for one week. [:(]
All of us are doing out first PBEM's, so it is a learning experience for us.
My problem, is trying to discern where each is focusing their attacks as primary thrust - East Pacific, PI to North Oz, China, South Pacific Islands & NZ, or Burma/India. [&:][&:] I figure the DEI/SRA is a given, it is afterwards that concerns me more.[:(]

I just wish those Dutch squadrons had better morale. Then those low escorted convoys would be just target practice. [:-]

KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/18/2006 1:41:26 AM)


If either one of you are NY Giants fans, then I will be on your side! If a "Beagles" fan, then undeclared war.

J...E...T...S.....JETS JETS JETS!!! not sure if that makes us "enemies". I grew up at the Jersey shore, so i'm all New York. Mets, Jets, Nets (even though i don't watch pro-basketball). Speaking of which...big game for the Mets tonite against the Braves!!![:D]

ny59giants -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/18/2006 1:53:47 AM)

You're just the "Tenants" at OUR stadium....[:D][:D]
Born in VT and raised around Utica, NY. Landlords were 2nd generation Italians and made most foods from scratch!![&o] [&o] Spoiled when it comes to "good" Italian food...
Thus, Giants, Expos (Nationals), Celtics, and Canadiens.
Anti-Yankees [sm=Crazy-1271.gif]
Anti-Braves [sm=00000028.gif]

RUPD3658 -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/19/2006 5:34:14 AM)



Or maybe its reverse reverse pyschology...grrr, this is driving me insane....[:@]


RUPD3658 -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/19/2006 5:35:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

You're just the "Tenants" at OUR stadium....[:D][:D]
Born in VT and raised around Utica, NY. Landlords were 2nd generation Italians and made most foods from scratch!![&o] [&o] Spoiled when it comes to "good" Italian food...
Thus, Giants, Expos (Nationals), Celtics, and Canadiens.
Anti-Yankees [sm=Crazy-1271.gif]
Anti-Braves [sm=00000028.gif]

I agree with you about the Evil Empire and the Braves but I am a long suffering (is there any other kind?) Phillies and Eagles fan. I grew up just outside Philly and moved to NJ when I was 10.

RUPD3658 -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/20/2006 8:08:00 PM)

December 23rd 1941

Kenny bugged out at Yenan and Rangoon. Both have been captured. I hoped to destroy units at Rangoon but now I will have to chase them into the jungle.[:@][sm=Christo_pull_hair.gif]

Hong Kong just fell as did Manila and Clark Field. My airdrop on Bataan was repulsed after 6 days so the units at Clark were able to retreat to Bataan. Hopefully they were mauled enough before retreating that it will be a short seige.

Second nasty surface engagement near Rabaul left 2 of my CLs and 3 DDs barely afloat. Fortunetly I took Rabaul a few days ago and can put them into port. I will be happy if any of them survive. Intel screen says I only sunk the LeTriumph in this battle but Kenny tells me that the Boisie also saw sunk (scutteled).

Started a limited advance into the DEI, mainly with the goal of taking out the Dutch Air Force. Menado was captured at the cost of a few Aps put out of action for 2-3 months. Landed at Amboinia and suffered heavy trasport damage from A/C. Surface action there was a draw with no ships sunk on either side although a few of my DDs may sink if they don't get back to a port soon. I forgot to load supplies with the troops so they will have to capture what they need to survive.

Starting to have fuel/supply shortages. That is the cost of a rapid advance. I may have to pause a few turns to let the supply train catch up.

ny59giants -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/21/2006 2:08:47 AM)

Mourning period can now begin...the sinking of the "Great Boise." [&o][&o]
Those Brooklyn and Helena class CL's are tough little ships. I have Boise and a few Flush Decks trying to create havoc in the eastern SRA. [:D]
Her sister CL's are heading that way at flank speed!![sm=Evil-210.gif]

SGT Swanson -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/21/2006 2:48:08 AM)

Born and raised in East Brunswick, NJ!! Gotta love the Giants, Mets, Devils!!

Down with the Yankees, Jets, Islanders, Eagles!!!

KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/21/2006 3:27:26 AM)

yes the Boise will be greatly missed as its probably every Allied Fan boys favorite ship in the 1st few months.

unfortunately the Boise took 2 torp hits in the battle along with 51 shell hits!. Not sure which did the most damage as we have turned off combat animations for quicker play. Either way, when the smoke cleared the Boise was only 2 hex's away from Rabual, with 94 flt damage and fires ablazing. Surprising, no superstructure damage was done, as not one AA gun was destroyed. Scuttling was the only option as there was no way she was making it out.

Surprising the CL Perth also took 2 torp hits and should easily survive.

saturday i'll be posting maps of recent battles including the final demise of PI, the debacle in Malaya, Japanese advance into eastern DEI, the 2nd navel battle of Rabual, and the Burma stay tuned

KDonovan -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/21/2006 3:29:14 AM)


Born and raised in East Brunswick, NJ!! Gotta love the Giants, Mets, Devils!!

gotta like the mets chances this year, even though the lost the series to Atlanta

RUPD3658 -> RE: Survivors of PI (4/21/2006 3:59:46 PM)



Born and raised in East Brunswick, NJ!! Gotta love the Giants, Mets, Devils!!

Down with the Yankees, Jets, Islanders, Eagles!!!

When did you move to NC? I have been in East Brunswick since '93.

KDonovan -> RE: PI in its last throws (4/22/2006 5:26:56 PM)

at Bataan 36,000 allied troops are up against 120,000 japanese troops....looks like i'm screwed. Give bataan about a week. Tom's dismantling of PI worked perfectly as 5 PA inf Div's, 7 USAAF BF's were unable to retreat back to the Manila/Clark/Bataan defense line.


KDonovan -> RE: 56th Bde advances (4/22/2006 5:30:18 PM)

with the fall of Minidano within the 1st week, the 56th Bde was free to march down eastern DEI. In support of two CA TF's and later a BB TF, this force is all but unstoppable. Where's Z-force, you might ask?? Don't worry the Brits are on a top secret mission that can not be mentioned here for fear of Japanese spy's [:D]


sorry for the "busy-ness" of this map, i'll try to be more concise in the future

Roger Neilson -> RE: 56th Bde advances (4/22/2006 6:09:44 PM)

Like the style of this a lot, apart from the references to that obscure sports stuff. Where are you finding the maps?



KDonovan -> RE: 2nd naval battle at Rabual (4/22/2006 6:24:03 PM)

Just so you know, the finally tally isn't in on the battle, as Tom has stated he expects several more ships to sink over the next few days.

Here is the deposition of forces

Japan - 4 CL's, 10 DD's
USA - 2 CA's, 3 CL's, 1 DD


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