RE: RHS 5.691 & 6.691 micro update (Wake Island) (Full Version)

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el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.691 & 6.691 micro update (Wake Island) (5/19/2007 1:15:02 AM)

Levels 5 and 6 both in the upload process (primary list sent)

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.693 & 6.693 (5/20/2007 6:58:33 AM)

Microupdates issued with slight enhancements. Expect one of these per day for two days - and freezing at 7.70 on Tuesday. However - these changes do not matter and should be ignored by games in progress. The new map will NOT backfit (might trap ships in new barriers).

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.694 & 6.694 (5/21/2007 7:17:08 PM)

x.694 uploaded.

Adding RTN submarines and German submarines.

Relocating Americal division origin to Panama

Otherwise eratta oriented.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.694 & 6.694 SUPPLIMENT (5/22/2007 3:50:02 AM)

An additional file is needed to make x.694 work - the ship class file. It is now uploaded with the same version number - but do not run x.694 without it - or you must crash. New classes must be defined!

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.695 and 6.695 comprehensive update (5/23/2007 12:02:15 PM)

Do we have sunspots? Is global warming messing up communications in the far North? Whatever the cause, we have had a bad day for communications. Night is better - so I better upload the latest.

x.695 comprehensive changes all Japanese C/D type escorts to 2 ship units - creating slots

adds all remaining German submarines of the Indian (and even Pacific - apparently raids were done as far as Sydney)

corrects some eratta - mainly pointers -

makes RHS work with new ship art re Thai and German submarines

5 and 6 remain significantly cleaner than 7 - but when an error is found in either or both it is still corrected

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.695 and 6.695 comprehensive update (5/23/2007 1:06:26 PM)

6.695 comprehensive upload process initiated

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.695 and 6.695 comprehensive update (5/23/2007 1:13:45 PM)

5.695 update upload process initiated

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.697 and 6.697 comprehensive update plan (5/26/2007 12:40:09 AM)

Levels 5 and 6 skipped x.696 but won't skip x.697 - so we can correct Hermes and Warspite and other matters which involve them. These updates will also sync with a new (possibly final) pwhex set for each - adding US highway 101 in the Olympic Penninsula - correcting mismatches with map art - etc. This isn't quite the last form - that will be x.70 -
which should include all remaining USN LSTs, conversion of Commonwealth MSW to two ship units, etc. This is just incorporating all related eratta or developments that cross over to these levels from Level 7 work.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.697 comprehensive update uploaded (5/27/2007 7:08:50 AM)

EOS, CVO and RAO level 5.697 have begun the upload process. The rest will follow in plus 5 hours. Level 6 will follow that.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.697 comprehensive update uploaded (5/27/2007 10:56:38 AM)

Now all Level 5 scenarios are uploaded - including a second upload of RAO - which seems not to have worked on the first attempt. [I send to myself - and it never "arrived" - as an indicator mechanism]

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.697 & 5.697 comprehensive update uploaded (5/27/2007 9:20:00 PM)

Level 6 scenarios in the upload process to current standard. This mainly is correcting previously unidentified eratta, including starting positions / dates for 5 RN ships of some significance.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.698 comprehensive update uploaded (5/30/2007 12:57:31 AM)

This brings Level 5 in line with Level 7 developments - insofar as any eratta or enhancements that apply to Level 5 are folded in. It adds US LSTs, corrects date/time of appearence of other US LSTs, converts some British & CW MSW to two ship units (and adds a few missing ones), converts the Empire Flying Boat to a single type - and lets the Boeing 314 Clipper be represented by the Coronado (unarmed). Otherwise just a few eratta. Level 6 to follow in due course - although I am tempted to stop updating it.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.698 & 6.698 comprehensive updates uploaded (5/30/2007 1:29:51 AM)

6.698 has begun the uploading process to the primary distribution list and will appear in due course

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.699 & 6.699 MAJOR updates uploaded (6/3/2007 1:36:06 AM)

These updates correct eratta of all sorts - some present since stock - and some introduced just with 6.698 -
and everything in between.

Many USN LSTs are also added.

US Army forces in the Philippines (and a few other artillery units) revised.

Japanese aircraft revised.

m10bob -> RE: RHS 5.699 & 6.699 MAJOR updates uploaded (6/3/2007 10:08:51 PM)

New observations with latest patch on a fresh restart of RHSCVO:

1,Wake island finally fell to the Japanese, on Dec 8th!
2. Chinese level bomber unit is beginning with a Potez level bomber.(I can see how that happened, and is certainly not a "gamebreaker"..
3. The Japanese hit Pearl Harbor again on Dec 8th!.

Patch 6.699 with Very Hard setting favoring the AI

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.699 & 6.699 MAJOR updates uploaded (6/4/2007 12:15:03 AM)

Wake seems a total crap shoot: almost anything can happen (if you are not playing CVO where a different unit - the one that actually took the place - comes in first). It is possible for Japan to be wiped out. This is classic GG: die rolls.

m10bob -> RE: RHS 5.699 & 6.699 MAJOR updates uploaded (6/4/2007 4:22:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: el cid again

Wake seems a total crap shoot: almost anything can happen (if you are not playing CVO where a different unit - the one that actually took the place - comes in first). It is possible for Japan to be wiped out. This is classic GG: die rolls.

There is no such Chinese bomber unit - most have SB-2 - one has Hudson - one has B-10. Vichy has the Potez - alone.
Checked - no such setting in OB - but the art might have a bad pointer. What unit name?

Due to starting positions, it is not wholly unusual for a second strike on Dec 8 - but it is also a crap shoot. It was reported in one of the first player tests of RHS and I sometimes see it if I watch closely. Again - one of those GG die things I suspect.

The unit is at Chengtu..It is marked the following:

1087-ROC 10/11 Pursuit Sq.
Attached to: ROC command
Based at: Chengtu(W.China)
Vichy P63.11-Level Bomber

It upgrades to P66 Vanguard

I am on 8Dec41 RHSCVO

By the way, seperate issue, those 6 Curtiss Condors I referred to in private post had been ordered by the Spanish Nationalists and ended up going to China..Found this on Google search under "Planes that did not fight in the Spanish Civil War....."

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.70 & 6.70 comprehensive update plan (6/6/2007 6:40:30 AM)

These feature punching eratta discovered working on Level 7 (due to cross checking) - and some of them matter.

Otherwise many USN LSTs are added and/or corrected/replaced (if not present the slot goes to one that was).

Japanese ASW aircraft loadouts reworked. A5M4 gains drop tanks - small in 5 scenarios and 330 litre in EOS. It also substitutes 20mm guns for 7.7 mm guns in EOS - and it serves some JAAF units as Ki-33 (putting the zero bonus in that service only in EOS - which also has some A6M2 units in JAAF - and the A5M will upgrade to A6M - in the escort role - until late war Army escort fighters replace them).

KNIL (Dutch) army units reworked. A few added.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.70 comprehensive update uploaded (6/6/2007 12:51:45 PM)

This is the best file set of Level 6 done so far - and in nearly final form. Because Level 6 had to be rebuilt at one point - Level 5 remains slightly more eratta free - but this time we may have broght them to the same standard. This update includes all applicable enhancements done for Level 7 and any eratta found or reported were worked in. However,
some work remains at least on Allied MSW and LSTs. Even so, never before has any form of stock, CHS or RHS provided so many LSTs, which are in danger of being too numerous for application (historical or not). But we will continue to add them until we run out of data.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.70 & 5.70 comprehensive update uploaded (6/6/2007 8:35:02 PM)

Level 5 file sets to x.70 standard are in the upload process

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.72 & 5.72 comprehensive update uploaded (6/10/2007 11:52:25 PM)

There was no x.71 update for these.

x.72 is a MAJOR improvement re land units and points of appearence.

The EOS has some reworked Japanese planes (see Level 7 notes).

All but the MSW trawlers are reworked into two ship units.

Level 6 will have South Atlantic Entry as a more important point due to things appearing there.

A number of cross checks found eratta - and they are worked in.

It looks now as if x.73 will be the final release for these levels. ETA 1 week.

Dreaded1 -> RE: RHS 6.77 updates released (and semi-freezing) (6/12/2007 10:42:17 PM)

never mind.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5 and 6 update plan (6/13/2007 12:53:36 AM)

1) We will release an interim update (without new plane art which does not exist) for players to try out the new plane schemes (data wise) - using the nearest available art for now. This update also has corrected the last two remaining ship errors (other than associated with Basset/Isles class MSW - which require reworking). It fixes a few location points of moderate interest. ETA 1 day.

2) We will release revised pwhex sets incorporating enhancements/eratta learned doing Level 7 - but which apply (as appropriate) to 5 and/or 6 ETA 1 day.

3) We will release a final update with new plane art - converted MSW - additional USN LSTs - and corrected location eratta
ETA 3 or 4 days.

It remains true that 5 is a hair better than 6 (eratta wise - there was one fewer eratta fixed this time) and both are significantly better than 7 - but only for location stuff. ALL are now clean for ships and planes. Important location eratta were worked in first - what remains is technical or minor - often fixed by the robust code - but at a cost in turn execution time.

After this we will freeze Levels 5 and 6 from development -
and stop correcting eratta in Level 6 forever.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.73 interim update uploaded (6/15/2007 1:26:33 AM)

This release features new air units with revised aircraft - sans art (using the nearest available art where new art will be required) - so players can comment - and we still can add Allied plane types (of which the float F4F will be added - and used in the BBO scenario set)

BBO/RPO/PPO feature a DIFFERENT Allied plane set - based on 1942 pre Midway planning - featuring flying boats vs bombers for USN

It folds in some eratta and changes points of appearence for major Allied ships (Level appropriate).

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5.73 & 6.73 interim update uploaded (6/15/2007 1:45:52 AM)

Level 5 also uploaded. These sets unusually have slightly revised cam and leader files.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.74 comprehensive update uploaded & plans (6/20/2007 12:31:23 PM)

A nearly difinitive RHS Level 6 comprehensive update has been packaged and uploaded to the primary distribution list.

This update completes conversion of Allied MSW to two ship units, completes revision of aircraft and related devices and air units, and adds pointers for new ALLIED aircraft. This means you MUST download the new RHS Allied plane art files - either standard or EOS - whichever you intend to use. Some aircraft data was corrected.

This update further separates the two RHS families: CVO and BBO - in the form of having large USN AV changed to CS - and in one case an AV has its planned but not implemented armament - and in associated air squadrons - and in the form of substituting 2 engine flying boats for 2 engine Navy patrol bombers as well as 4 engine flying boats for 4 engine Navy patrol bombers - and in the form of not organizing many of the USN engineer units (which was not part of original planning).

This update removes the President Harrison as such. It increases the speed of all President class liners (on both sides).
It gives the Japanese form of the ship at its historical date and defines it as the right class (vice a small AP).

A number of eratta of all types was eliminated - but there was more eratta in Levels 5 and 7 than in Level 6. For this reason Level 6 is considered the most corrected - and is packaged and uploaded first. Level 5 will follow. Level 7 will follow tomorrow.

After that I will convert to Level 6 art and do a final PWHEX for Level 6.

After that I will convert to Level 5 art and do a final PWHEX for Level 5.

After that I will return to Level 7 and - presumably armed with new eratta reports and tests - seek to remove any remaining issues. These will almost certainly be in the location file. Every identified non location error is already removed. We may revise the Chinese OB by folding artillery "regiments" (battalions) into HQ, divisions or artillery groups - and use the new slots for additional units - IF these are identified. I also have a few slots to add Soviet or Chinese air units - if any missing ones can be identified. We also presumably will have a slight revision to Japanese plane art (adding RTAF Hawk and O3U and armed versions of C5N). Finally I will add still more USN LSTs. At that point - x.75 will freeze - pending human test outcomes months away.

After that I will do Level 7 seasonal maps, an AI scenario or a 1942 scenario - whichever is most demanded.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5 & 6.74 comprehensive update uploaded & plans (6/20/2007 12:59:29 PM)

Level 5 scenarios packaged and uploaded to the primary distribution list.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.741 micro update uploaded & plans (6/21/2007 1:42:30 AM)

This brings Level 6 to 7.741 standard.

It combines some eratta with additional air units for USMC and PanAm.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 5 & 6.741 micro update uploaded & plans (6/21/2007 6:41:23 AM)

Level 5.741 supplimental data files uploaded.

Cobra has sent the Japanese plane art. If I can figure out how to point at it - an x.742 update will follow in due course - and this will freeze Levels 5 and 6.

el cid again -> RE: RHS 6.742 micro update uploaded & plans (6/27/2007 6:35:49 AM)

The x.75 update is taking longer than planned - for one thing we don't yet have final Aircraft filmstrips -

and Level 6 has a very visible eratta - a Level 7 unit appearing in the ocean

and Level 6 is easily packaged

so I am releasing a "preview" of x.75 in the form of 6.742 - which has most 6.75 material - but not the pointers for the Japanese plane art (two RTAF planes are Japanese for now) - and some leader eratta is not folded in. This is the first chance to take a look at significant changes in China - and the new Soviet air division.

All x.75 will release after we have Japanese plane art filmstrips.

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