RE: Patch 2.50 (Full Version)

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tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 1:29:19 PM)

Me too!  I bought UV when it first came out and the CD was V1.0 with no serial number to be found anywhere.  How about supporting us too as it seems that either we're forgotten or wose, being thought of as pirates.

Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 2:07:37 PM)


No need to panic as I'm sure this was just a simple oversight. The moderators will have gotten the message by now so I suppose we will have a short wait while they sort it out and come up with a fix for us.  They've never let me down in the past when there was a genuine problem.

tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 2:30:51 PM)

Who's panicked?  Maybe it's just another oversight or a failure to cover all bases.  Lax?  We can only hope that this patch doesn't cause any new bugs.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 4:54:55 PM)


Quite right guys, a mistake on our part there. The guy doing the patch hadn't done the old ones and didn't know to remove the serial check, but I should have known better when putting it up. The patch installer itself will need to be corrected, which will be done on Monday. In the meantime, I've made it a non-registered download as a start.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 5:02:55 PM)

To those hypothesizing that we have something against customers without serial numbers - absolutely not! No slight intended, everyone. We simply do everything with serial numbers these days and I had a momentary lapse of reason when I double-checked this update. I knew UV was originally from the pre-serial number releases, but I simply missed that because I'm so used to seeing the serial check. The thing is, we did an updated UV installer based on 2.41 that did include serial numbers and that's what the store has been selling for over a year now, so it was a bit easier to get confused on this score than it should have been. Apologies, mea culpa, etc. It will be fixed.


- Erik

Skyfire7631 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 5:39:11 PM)

Ok, thanks for the quick update [:)] Too bad, I won't be trying it this week-end, then [;)]


tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 7:04:45 PM)

No apologies needed.  Thanks for the quick response.

pad152 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/13/2007 8:39:26 PM)

You gotta love how matrix supports it's games, even the old ones! [:)]

Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/14/2007 12:06:33 AM)

It's a great recognition of the fact that people are still enjoying this game after all this time, especially since WITP is out covering the same subject. Great games never die.....

Personally, I will be using this delay as an opportunity to backup all the mods I have accumulated over the years as I suspect that this patch will overwrite many of the art files.

If you are interested, the following thread gives a great tool for managing mods (works on any game including UV just as well). Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler

DEB -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/14/2007 12:51:40 AM)

So, action at last. Not perfectly done, but still, DONE.
I await Mondays "correction" with interest.

( By the way, mine was at 1.3 when I bought it in the UK and no Serial number there either. )

Having visted the members area, I note 3 download sites:-

Members downloads ( Which specifies that Serial No.'s are not required! )
Registered Downloads ( requires Serial No. )
Patches & Updates.

Why 3 area's?
And why is the 3rd one still at version 2.41 ( 4/4/05)?
( IE 2.50 not entered & 2.42B not listed either! )

RedMike -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/14/2007 1:17:35 AM)

Thanks Erik!!


Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/15/2007 12:10:04 PM)


And why is the 3rd one still at version 2.41 ( 4/4/05)?

Probably because the other versions are still officially Beta???

Roll on Monday......

Miller -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/15/2007 10:04:16 PM)

Its Monday........and I would like to start a couple of new PBEM games...[;)]

tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/15/2007 11:26:08 PM)

You have opponents lined up?  Japanese or Allied?  Which scenario?  Matrix says that you can patch with V2.50 mid game.

DEB -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 12:28:27 AM)

So. At 18.09 GMT I spent approx. four hours downloading this patch from the Members Downloads section.
Turns out it still needs a serial number!
OK so there's a time difference, and it was still 1.09 PM in the Eastern USA; ie not yet end of the Working Day for Monday. [sm=00000023.gif]
I note as I post it's 5.15pm in Eastern USA and no confirmation of completion yet. [&:]

Erik. Considering the Patch size can you please confirm when corrections completed. Thanks. [&o]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 12:33:58 AM)

Updated patch w/o serial check is now online, according to the e-mail I just received.

Tanaka -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 3:09:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

Updated patch w/o serial check is now online, according to the e-mail I just received.

Tried to download but no connection...

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 3:15:40 AM)

Good grief, it _was_ working. E-mailing our web guy now...

RedMike -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 9:06:44 AM)

Thanks Erik, new installer works fine for me. No serial number needed. However, I did notice version number still reads 2.42 not 2.50 on the game screen.


Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 9:09:00 AM)

It's working now......

Mike Wood -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 10:03:44 AM)


Should say 2.50. Says that on my copy. Try looking at the verion number under properties. This can be located by right clicking the executable file and selecting properties. The file version there should be If it is not and it says 2.42 on the game screen, something is wrong. Make sure you are not using a short cut which points to the old executable.


Michael Wood



Thanks Erik, new installer works fine for me. No serial number needed. However, I did notice version number still reads 2.42 not 2.50 on the game screen.


Mike Wood -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 10:05:17 AM)

double post

vonCommander -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 11:11:29 AM)

Sorry, it did not work. [&:]
I installed the Patch (had 2.42 before) and it did not work.
Then I deleted the uv.prfs file patched the game again and it
did not work either.
I reinstalled the game ( CD 2.30) removed the file, patched the
game and all I got was version 2.40.

Any ideas??

Denniss -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 11:18:08 AM)

I have the same problem, it still showed 2.42 as version number (I updated from 2.42). I then tried to install the patch into an empty directory to see what exe file it includes.
It has an uncommonvalor.bak 2,0,0,30 and an uncommonvalor.exe 2,0,0,40

Maybe I should backup my savegames and reinstall, then upgrade from install version to 2.50. Probably I then have 2.40 ....

Ahh I see (the post above), I'm not the only one with the problem. It looks the patch file is borked, someone integrated the wrong exe version.

Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 12:06:53 PM)

I'm glad it's not just me going nuts.  I went looking for the advertised features & couldn't find them. The installed executable has a date stamp of 13Jul05 which makes the probability of it being the latest version rather unlikely.

Awaiting the next installment.......  (good thing I just got broadband!!)

tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 12:23:23 PM)


Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 12:28:34 PM)

Interesting, the installer obviously won't overwrite a later version of the executable (later than v2.40 in this case...). 

Lopo -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 2:10:54 PM)

Thanks very much for all your experimentations... I will wait until the mess created by this patch will be cleaned up...

Take care 

BigJ62 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 4:14:14 PM)

I installed from cd version 2.0 and no other updates. Then installed this patch, main menu indicates 2.41, the exe is list as timestamp created and modified Sunday, April 03, 2005, 8:02:16 AM. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Matrix Games\Uncommon Valor has version at 2.5.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 4:55:26 PM)

Ok, the previous serial check-enabled installer, which I tested, had the right exe. I've just asked production to double-check the new installer. One way or another, we will finally get a working update...


- Erik

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