RE: Patch 2.50 (Full Version)

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tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 5:17:21 PM)

Why do I feel like it's the blind leading the blind?

BigJ62 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 6:06:27 PM)

Right version is now up. Thanks

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 6:24:12 PM)

Should be (finally) fixed now.

vonCommander -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/16/2007 7:04:58 PM)


Skyfire7631 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 12:07:18 AM)

Yep, seems to work now, at least WRT to the version (I was not able to test the new features yet). Thanks everyone [:)]


RedMike -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 5:02:52 AM)




Should say 2.50. Says that on my copy. Try looking at the verion number under properties. This can be located by right clicking the executable file and selecting properties. The file version there should be If it is not and it says 2.42 on the game screen, something is wrong. Make sure you are not using a short cut which points to the old executable.


Michael Wood



Thanks Erik, new installer works fine for me. No serial number needed. However, I did notice version number still reads 2.42 not 2.50 on the game screen.



I tried running the 2.5 patch again just to make sure but the exe file in my UV folder still says version when I check properties/version. I installed to default directory -> C:/Matrix Games/Uncommon Valor with shortcuts for all users.


Redownloaded and all is well now. Thanks!!

Tanaka -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 6:28:28 AM)

hmmm i still cant connect to the members downloads...

Miller -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 12:29:07 PM)

I have installed the patch and now when I start up a message saying "cannot find UV data" comes up.....any ideas??

Reg -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 12:43:17 PM)

Downloaded patch, installed and verified everything works and is the right version.  Great works guys, we got there in the end.  [sm=Cool-049.gif]

tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 12:58:28 PM)

Downloaded and now awaiting my opponent's (both of 'em) next turns to see (I hope) how everything works.

elcidce -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 2:48:24 PM)

I have the store version and I think I might have lost my serial number is there a way to retrieve it if you didnt buy it with DR online? Also why not make the downloads in the members section available to everyone instead of a separate login? Thanks

Mark Ezra -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 6:11:10 PM)

Thanks Matrix!

Miller:  May need to delet old short cut  and use new ex file

Tanaka:  Had the same problem when using my dl manager (get right)  Turned it off and used regular window dl... worked like a charm

Lopo -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 7:30:52 PM)

Hurrah! It works! Patch downloaded and installed, version verified ... and now, let's play!
Thanks everyboy

Mobeer -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 10:04:17 PM)

Where is this patch?

The latest available patch that I can see is v2.41
as per:

BigJ62 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/17/2007 10:10:08 PM)

Top of the page member downloads



Where is this patch?

The latest available patch that I can see is v2.41
as per:

DEB -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/18/2007 2:30:33 AM)

Downloaded ZIP file & Unzipped to C:\Program Files\Matrix Games\Uncommon Valor. Installed from unzipped exe application.
Nothing suggusted any problems.

I have the 2.50 Patch notes. After following instructions re deleting uv.prfs file & re installing patch again a new uv.prfs file has appeared, however this is the only file with todays date on it ( Modified on 17/01/2007 ).

If I use my exsisting desktop shortcut or the Start menu path to Uncommon Valor I get the original 2.42 version with no changes to the Base Menu or the Unit orders menu re the 2.5 patch updates.

If I use the start path menu to the Start menu I get an error message
"Cannot find UV data". The version number on the uncommonvalor Application file is 2,0,0,42. So it has not updated ??

HELP !!!

Denniss -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/18/2007 5:57:38 AM)



Downloaded ZIP file & Unzipped to C:\Program Files\Matrix Games\Uncommon Valor. Installed from unzipped exe application.
Nothing suggusted any problems.

I have the 2.50 Patch notes. After following instructions re deleting uv.prfs file & re installing patch again a new uv.prfs file has appeared, however this is the only file with todays date on it ( Modified on 17/01/2007 ).

If I use my exsisting desktop shortcut or the Start menu path to Uncommon Valor I get the original 2.42 version with no changes to the Base Menu or the Unit orders menu re the 2.5 patch updates.

If I use the start path menu to the Start menu I get an error message
"Cannot find UV data". The version number on the uncommonvalor Application file is 2,0,0,42. So it has not updated ??

HELP !!!

Hmm, probably a server cache problem of your provider, the updated/working patch containing the 2.50 exe should be available since 24 hours or so. The previous "2.50" version had an error, the first requiring a serial number and the seconf one containing the wrong exe file. Please create a new folder and move the downloaded file therein. Then start the unzipped file and install the patch, but not into your game folder but a different one (to check what exe file ist carries). If there's still the 2.40 try to redownload it again after your browser cache has been cleared.

Warfare1 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/18/2007 6:27:30 PM)

OK found the 2.50 patch and downloading...

Many thanks [:)]

tocaff -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/18/2007 7:38:09 PM)

Weird that the patch works fine for some of us and not others.  Usually I'm the one with the problems.  

DEB -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/18/2007 8:52:16 PM)


Hmm, probably a server cache problem of your provider, the updated/working patch containing the 2.50 exe should be available since 24 hours or so. The previous "2.50" version had an error, the first requiring a serial number and the seconf one containing the wrong exe file. Please create a new folder and move the downloaded file therein. Then start the unzipped file and install the patch, but not into your game folder but a different one (to check what exe file ist carries). If there's still the 2.40 try to redownload it again after your browser cache has been cleared.

Thanks for the above suggestions. It turned out not to be the problem though. I finally worked out what that was today.

I have two Matrix games; both are in different Matrix Games folders.
The download went into the wrong Folder file ( along with CotD ).
So I deleted that one, and reinstalled to the correct folder.

The only thing I can say in my defense is that the installer chose the incorrect Folder ( and I allowed it to continue as I did not notice ).

Sorry for any worries caused to anyone!!

Tanaka -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/19/2007 7:19:42 AM)

Figured out what my problem was...

It was my zone alarm firewall not the matrix website preventing the download. Sorry guys!

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/19/2007 4:26:08 PM)

For those of you experiencing the UV Data error, this generally indicates that the executable is not finding files it expects in the game directory, which would usually indicate an incorrect installation.

Are you all double-checking that the patch installer is installing the files to the correct previous installation path?

Can those of you with this problem please specify what base version you were upgrading to 2.50?


- Erik

Wargamer39 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/21/2007 5:23:33 PM)

This is my first post.  I have been playing Matrix games for a long time (UV, KP, HTTR) and am currently looking at buying one of For Liberty/Forge of Freedom/Birth of America/WITP/Crown of Glory and keeping my eye on Carriers at War and Close Combat Cross of Iron.

WRT Uncommon Valor, I love the depth and grand strategy of it, but what has driven me away is the AI.  I find it simple to defeat the Allies when they continually make a banzai attack at Guadalcanal any time they have a Task Force available.

My comment/question, is: Has the AI improved since 2.41?

Mike Wood -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/21/2007 9:59:03 PM)


No. But, the AI did improve in WITP.


Michael Wood


ORIGINAL: Wargamer39

This is my first post.  I have been playing Matrix games for a long time (UV, KP, HTTR) and am currently looking at buying one of For Liberty/Forge of Freedom/Birth of America/WITP/Crown of Glory and keeping my eye on Carriers at War and Close Combat Cross of Iron.

WRT Uncommon Valor, I love the depth and grand strategy of it, but what has driven me away is the AI.  I find it simple to defeat the Allies when they continually make a banzai attack at Guadalcanal any time they have a Task Force available.

My comment/question, is: Has the AI improved since 2.41?

Wargamer39 -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/22/2007 6:05:51 AM)

So, if the AI wasn't improved in 2.50, I won't waste my time playing another scenario.  You know how it goes.  Japanese take Guadalcanal and then the Allies continually attack in the same manner when they have any kind of TF available.  Japanese win.  Too bad as the depth of gameplay was encouraging.

WITP wasn't high on my wish list, but if you say the AI is much better than UV, I may take the plunge.

USSAmerica -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/22/2007 3:08:12 PM)

Wargamer, I have not played enough yet for the AI to be a pushover for me, but I intend to try my hand at PBEM for a real challenge when I do reach that point. It sure seems there are opponents of all skill levels around here and they are having a blast bashing each other's heads in. [:D] Give it a try!

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/28/2007 9:24:19 AM)



With respect , I don't think you have been viewing these forums for long enough to be able to disagree with me. I note that those who have been around even longer than me have not passed any adverse comment, and yes some do still post here.

I think you would feel the same as me if you had waited as long for a patch particularly considering the circumstances behind its production and knowing that other errors still exsisted etc..
Did you read the detail provided in my post? Would that not irk you?

You may well be correct that many companies would have given up on a game this old by now; however it is not beyond the bounds of politness to respond to queries, particularly those entered in the "Bug reports and problems" forum. If the "Bug reports and problems" forum is redundant then it should be removed, but that thought may be beyond them.
It may be standard practise, but unless people complain nothing will ever improve and we do deserve better.

Haven't been in the UV section for a while, but the v2.50 crosspost in the WitP section brought my attention to this thread. I know I'm beating a dead horse, but when I saw the posts by DEB and others I got a bit upset and feel obliged to defend Matrix. Look at my 'Joined'-date and you'll know that I have been around here from the days of the development forum for UV, so this should save me from any 'not long enough'-retort. I purchased the game the day of its release, and followed all the patching issues of UV - up to the day I got WitP in my hands. So I can judge the Matrix Support for the 'hot' period of the game's release and through the following two years - and it has been topnotch. In 20+ years of gaming I have never seen a company supporting a game and churning out patches like Matrix did, with almost a dozen patches not only containing bugfixes but new features as well! They monitored the forum daily, answered posts and even implemented customer requests in the game. Like btaft explained, this is not the rule in the games business, this is an exception! Most other game companies just fix the most blatant bugs (and often not even that) after the release, and when sales starting going down after the initial hype, they start loose interest in bugfixing as well. So relatively speaking, Matrix Support for UV has been is excellent! And it still is - a patch five years after initial release is almost unheard-of. That the monitoring of the UV forum by Matrix staff is now far less frequent than it used to be is only logical, given the age of the game and the host of other, newer projects they are working on. So any late-commers should be a bit more careful with their criticism.
The general points DEB made about good customer service are well valid, but there are also certain limits of manpower and funding available for supporting old games. Matrix has made those ressources available for a much longer time than other companies do, so judging Matrix Support as being 'poor' is not doing justice. Furthermore, experience shows that for some customers, Support Staffs are never fast enough and/or good enough, regardless of how much effort the staff puts in (I know what I'm talking about, I'm a Customer Supporter myself).

Okay, I finally calmed down a bit. Sorry for typos or other errors, it's hard to concentrate on writing while the wife is nagging in the background 'Not even half past eight in the morning and you are at this darn computer again!' [8|]

DEB -> RE: Patch 2.50 (1/28/2007 5:20:05 PM)


Whilst your view of Matrix support has a far better perspective than mine due to your "length of membership", I think my view fairly accerately reflects the period that I have been a member, with respect to the UV & CotD forums. I have no experience whatsoever of other forums here or of other game companies.

My main "complaint" is the lack of response by Matrix staff to any query advised/raised, and the lack of updates given ( upon request or not ) even if a response was given at some point.
It does not take that long to acknowledge a query, and even if nothing can be done it gives the poster ( and others ) hope that the problem will be dealt with at some stage. Silence is rude and disconcerting.[:(]

If Matrix are Good, then I hope the others go out of business cause they must stink! [sm=Crazy-1271.gif]

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