RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (Full Version)

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Woos -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/3/2006 10:51:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: qgaliana
Inconsistencies lists ship captains leading TF's, which should be ok. But maybe there's no easy way to allow that.

Yes, for the Allies the "leader assigned to multiple units" inconsistency display is broken. It relied on slot assignments which are no longer true for the Allies (fixed in next version). For the Japanese it works but it will display all units the leader is assigned to. So if he leads two TFs and one ship, all three will be shown although only the two TFs are the problem. Sorry, can't be easily avoided.


ORIGINAL: qgaliana
Air leaders seem odd. None show as being assigned to any units (basically a stock 15 scenario I'm looking at). A quick spot check of Canadians for example (nice and short): I see the currently assigned leaders, but their current assignment is blank. The leaders listed in the game when I try to change an RCAF air group commander don't appear in the decoder. Something funky with leader vs pilots?

Aircraft and aircraft groups are not in the tool yet. So you will see no aircraft leader assigned to anything. This also means that if witpDecoder was currently skipping some air leaders (or if pilots were assignable as air leaders) the database consistency constraints will not complain and show the problem since their is currently no consistency to be maintained. Better not use the tool for aircraft leader selection (which usefulness is debated anyway).

On the general problem with the leader tab that some leaders are claimed to be unassigned in the tool but are not available for assignment in the game: There seem to be restrictions to what unit a leader can be assigned to exceeding the "Can lead a" and "belongs to" constraints shown in the leader tab. Just click on a Command HQ and try to change a leader and then on an Air HQ. The available leaders are somewhat different. And I'm still completely lost, what that additional restriction is. So you will probably have to live with the fact that some leaders, which are shown in the leader tab, will not show when you try to assign them in-game.

Knavey -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 2:05:08 AM)


Not are my attempts at editing the .bat file.

echo off
REM java -Djava.library.path=%CD% -jar witpdecoder2.jar PASSWORD
java -Djava.library.path=. -jar witpdecoder2.jar

I also tried deleting the REM statement:

echo off
java -Djava.library.path=%CD% -jar witpdecoder2.jar PASSWORD
java -Djava.library.path=. -jar witpdecoder2.jar

I am no computer programmer so this java stuff is a bit foreign to me. Is there something I am missing? I am trying an Allied PBEM game.

VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 2:24:54 AM)

You're missing a "3", and the PW is in the wrong line:

echo off
REM java -Djava.library.path=%CD% -jar witpdecoder2.jar PasswordHere
java -Djava.library.path=. -jar witpdecoder2.jar 3 AlliedPW

Knavey -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 3:10:49 AM)

I guess I am destined to not be able to use this until the bugs are worked out. 

Tried a copy and paste directly into the .dat file of your code VSWG.  Tried multiple games (all have the same password) but all of them tell me that I am using the wrong password. 

Oh well, will wait a while and give it another whirl after Woos gets some more patches in on it. 

It does look very promising though.

qgaliana -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 3:26:02 AM)



I guess I am destined to not be able to use this until the bugs are worked out. 

Tried a copy and paste directly into the .dat file of your code VSWG.  Tried multiple games (all have the same password) but all of them tell me that I am using the wrong password. 

Oh well, will wait a while and give it another whirl after Woos gets some more patches in on it. 

It does look very promising though.

Sounds like you may have the problem I had. You probably need the witpDecoder2b.jar file from when Woos originally posted he had enabled support from the allies? Last I tried the version from the zip file only supported japanese games.

Knavey -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 3:57:43 AM)

Ahh...well, he is lurking, so perhaps Woos will get me a link.

Thanks for the info.

Oliver Heindorf -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 10:20:29 AM)

again, see #141 there is the link

JamesM -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/4/2006 11:34:01 AM)

I can get the program to start but I still get the the error screen when I load the save file.


jcjordan -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/6/2006 3:02:40 AM)

Woos - got Allied side going no problems but had some of same errors others here had like the ammo on the IJN ship & fixed that before starting. Started new Allied v AI game & no errors showed in a version of CHS I've setup will let you if anything creeps in. Will the ship history tab fill in over game time as I play & save turns or is it not being used in current 2b version?

herwin -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/6/2006 6:36:24 PM)

Is CHS 2.0 compatible?

Has anyone developed the cluster and clusterbase files for the 15x series of scenarios?

VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/6/2006 8:27:42 PM)

It works fine with my CHS 2.05 Scen155 PBEM, herwin. Haven't made the cluster file yet, though.

EDIT: I had to correct an error in a .csv file, though:



VSWG's problem stems probably from a database error in CHS 155.
Ship number 621 (the Shiratsuyu update at 5/44) claims to carry 288 torpedos (8 tubes times 36 loads). That's a bit much to store in a single byte. But since the previous versions only had 16 torpedos (8 tubes times 2 loads) this most probably is a database error.

Have to think on what to do about that, since I don't want to waste space in the database just because of a typo. Currently to get witpDecoder V0.2b to work with CHS 155 you have to edit the generated WITPcls.csv file and in the "621" line (the 622nd line in the excel sheet) replace the "36" in the "WpnAmmo10" column with e.g. a "2". WitpDecoder database initialization should work then. And then hoard all "Shiratsuyu" class ships till after 5/44 to sink the USN from long range.

Woos -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/6/2006 8:40:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: jcjordan
Will the ship history tab fill in over game time as I play & save turns or is it not being used in current 2b version?

Ship history is not yet implemented. And might stay unimplemented for a while since I got some better ideas. Plus, if I implemented it, I would probably get complaints every time I changed the database schema, which to my complete surprise nobody up to now complained about (although V0.2b changed it and V0.3 will do again).

BTW, if someone has developed cluster.csv and clusterbases.csv files (like the ones requested by herwin) please sent them to me also, so I can include them in the next release.

niceguy2005 -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/6/2006 11:58:07 PM)

I take it that the Allied version is working now?

VSWG -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/7/2006 3:08:34 AM)

It works for me.

RAM -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/7/2006 10:06:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Oliver Heindorf

I loaded the new jar file from the link from the page 5.

now I get a few messages that probably the leader bug has been struck my game ( about 5-6 messages)

and finally I get this one :


all from stock scen 15 game, no mods

I have EXACTLY THE SAME (word-by-word, literally) error message.

Any ideas?

JamesM -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/7/2006 11:39:57 AM)




ORIGINAL: Oliver Heindorf

I loaded the new jar file from the link from the page 5.

now I get a few messages that probably the leader bug has been struck my game ( about 5-6 messages)

and finally I get this one :


all from stock scen 15 game, no mods

I had the same issue and Woos detected that the South Seas Detachement was assigned by the computer to 8th Area HQ.

I have EXACTLY THE SAME (word-by-word, literally) error message.

Any ideas?

jcjordan -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/8/2006 1:21:53 AM)

I've had some of the FK_104 & 105 errors & here's what I do & it seems to fix it. Delete any old witp.* files created when decoder loads a savegame in the folder you have the decoder installed in along with the csv scen files in that folder. Create new csv files from whatever scen you're going to use using the witpload program & move them into the witpdecoder folder so you basically have a whole brand new setup. Now if you're going to use the cluster & clusterbase csv files he has, you will need to edit the ones he gives you by loading the scen into WITP editor & comparing the base #'s he has vs what is showing in your scen (I had to change a few for my CHS ver to work) & make sure they match. Then start a new game, play one turn & save, then exit game & run the decoder & load savegame & it should run ok. From then on I play & save one turn in the same slot each time then minimize game & start decoder & load same save game each turn & works fine. I'm playing a modified CHS 2.08 as me vs IJN AI so if playing a PBEM both players might have to do this as well as make sure they're running same versions & updates along with scen data etc. The key thing if playing PBEM would be make sure both players have all the same data on their computers when using witpdecoder. Not totally sure on this due to not playing PBEM but supposition on my part.

jcjordan -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/8/2006 6:27:42 AM)

I'm getting this on a new clean install for a new Allied vs IJ AI. I tried it with the autosave as well as a savegame after I had done my orders for the turn. I've got the witp.txt doc as well but it's kinda large if need to look at it or what I'd need to look at.

Couldn't write things to the DB due to
java.sql.SQLException: Integrity constraint violation - no parent ShipsTFMustExist table: TFStatus
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.ab.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.U.b(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.d.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.I.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.m.widgetSelected(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.a(Unknown Source)
at de.retsiemuab.witpDecoder.Main.main(Unknown Source)

FeurerKrieg -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/8/2006 10:10:56 AM)

I think an easy fix to this is have your opponent do a WitPLoad on his scenario files and email you the csv's. Then use those to setup your WitPDecoder and since it was his scenario that started the game, the save file and scenario base files should match. Or have him email you the scanerio files and WitPLoad them yourself. Either thing accomplishes the same thing. Only problem is of course if your oppoent has updated his scenario files as well with a newer version of the Mod.


ORIGINAL: ctangus



So either
a) ctangus used a newer version of the mod, which had the previous error fixed, for generating the csv files than the one used to start the game.
b) WitP is manipulating lcutypes, names and suffixes.

I would assume the former.

Yea, that's probably the case. Since the game was started by my opponent, it's certainly possible we downloaded slightly different versions at different times.

Thanks for looking into it.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/8/2006 10:15:38 AM)


Does this mean that if you adjust your clusters mid-game (say by clearing the China rail line and connecting Manchuria to Indo-China in one big cluster) that you will lose all the data you have read in up to that point, since you would need to erase the witp.* files?




How do you create clusters? You need clusters to make industry tab work?

Please see the "Industry Tab" section in the documentation.

Most probable reason for it not working if you have created the respective files is a syntax error in one of the files.
Next most probable reason is that you didn't reinitialize the database after creating these files. Delete the witp.* files in the directory to do that and start witpDecoder then (Warning, you loose everything you have read into witpdecoder by that).

If you then still have problems, maybe you removed the "-1" entry from the clusters.csv file? That entry has to stay (see the doc, as I would like to add) but the text should of course be adapted.

BTW, did no one yet notice the glaring bug (so glaring that I didn't notice it for a week ;-) concerning the Industry tab: The last cluster is never displayed. Now how do I declare that a feature?

Concerning the leader list: Yes I also noticed some strange things there, but it basically simply takes the information stored in the save game. So if the save games says "can lead a plane" it is displayed by the leader tab in that category. If the game uses someone like that to captain a ship, there is nothing I can do about (but I will check for bugs once I got the Allies working because I also have seen the "no where to be found" effect).

saj42 -> RE: witpDecoder for the Allies (12/8/2006 7:54:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: herwin

Is CHS 2.0 compatible?

Has anyone developed the cluster and clusterbase files for the 15x series of scenarios?

I'd like files for s157 - I can't get mine to work [:(]

EDIT: downloaded original clusters-example CSV file and renamed it - now works like a dream[&o] - except the missing last cluster [;)]

Woos -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/8/2006 8:00:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Feurer Krieg
Does this mean that if you adjust your clusters mid-game (say by clearing the China rail line and connecting Manchuria to Indo-China in one big cluster) that you will lose all the data you have read in up to that point, since you would need to erase the witp.* files?

Well, I never said editing the cluserbases.csv file mid-games was supported.

But actually it is [;)]

If you start a new database without clusters.csv and clusterbases.csv available, any file you add later will be ignored. In that case you have to reinitialize the database to get the Industry tab to work.
If you started the database with the files available, you can edit them afterwards (while witpdecoder is NOT running) and the changes should be used from then on. Note that this feature is completely untested.

BTW, another known bug: Resource display in the Storage tab is broken.
BTW2, V0.3 will probably be released this weekend which will include a more easy setup mechanism (at least if I get the jiglo SWT GUI editor to work more reliably).

RAM -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/8/2006 8:19:35 PM)

woos, any idea on what is happening with the SYS_FK_104 table error I quoted above?

I simply can't get the utility to load my saved games :(...

herwin -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/8/2006 8:27:23 PM)

Are you enjoying eclipse? I teach a final year class using it.

saj42 -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/8/2006 9:22:16 PM)

Where is link to the 2b version?
The link on post 141 only gives me the 'de' and 'META-INF' folders no replacement witpDecoder2.jar file (so i've no ship classes tab and last cluster is missing). Reloaded from link in first post and this gives me a witpDecoder.jar file with 19/11/06 date stamp.[&:][&:][&:]

shangrila -> RE: New tool: WitpDecoder; No more spreadsheets! (12/9/2006 8:55:04 PM)

Hi everyone perhaps a person that got the Allied to work could help?

I have extracted the WITP files. I am using 2b and when running it I am getting an error. Been working on this for an hour or so.

Some DB problem during Storage Tab initialization. Nothing will be shown!
java.sql.SQLException: Column not found : appearingFuel in Statement [SELECT SUM("appearingFuel"), SUM .... then continues through the SQL DB call...

Any help greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.

shangrila -> RE: New tool: WitpDecoder; No more spreadsheets! (12/9/2006 9:30:14 PM)

Now I'm getting

C:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific\SAVE\Ana>echo off
WitP-Decoder V0.2b (C) 2006 by M.Baumeister. Please wait!
Couldn't set up a working DB template. Exiting.
Press any key to continue . . .

All files are in the directory listed. All files have been reinstalled in this directory. (Application, WITP, Save games(not that I can get there yet [:)] etc)

Any help would be cool, again thanks in advance!

VSWG -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/9/2006 9:34:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tallyho!

Where is link to the 2b version?
The link on post 141 only gives me the 'de' and 'META-INF' folders no replacement witpDecoder2.jar file (so i've no ship classes tab and last cluster is missing). Reloaded from link in first post and this gives me a witpDecoder.jar file with 19/11/06 date stamp.[&:][&:][&:]

The link works for me...

Anyway, check your PMs, I've sent you the file which I'm using for my Allies PBEM.

VSWG -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/9/2006 9:36:54 PM)


are you deleting all witp.* files before every try to initialize the DB again?

shangrila -> RE: Why using a DB with integrity constraints is usefull (12/9/2006 10:55:14 PM)

Thank you, I had missed a file!
All is working.
Nice tool.

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