RE: Working on Patch IV (Full Version)

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Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/20/2007 7:29:38 PM)



Nice screen shots, Sarge, thanks again.

Any chance we can see the 'Military' Listing with just Groups select, to get and an idea of your overall troop numbers.

Also, wondering how the new 'camp' system is effecting your reinforcements? Does a more populace city with a camp produce more reinforcements?

P.S. Are my eyes correct in seeing that the 'Rejects' have been promoted to 'Leadbetters' [:'(]

not the best pic but it shows most of the units

No, Leadbetter is in Hills Corps and they are defending Fredericksburg

the Corps of Rejects is with the Army of Lee and are in Pittsburg (or are trying to get there)


Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/20/2007 7:32:48 PM)

okay from what I understand, I would say, once you get a City, then yes, your supply inproves, but it would only suppy troops in the city, as sea landings, do not take the land around the city

Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/20/2007 7:36:33 PM)

and here is the AOL in early May

they have rounded into a pretty good fighting force, and I got some money from my runners last turn, so now I have some better weapons

I really need a Union City or two, I think the Union is going to try and break my Seige of Lexington, but Pittsburg or Cleveland, may give me the Factories I need to be able to do anything


Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/20/2007 7:40:42 PM)

ahhh, what a pretty prize, Pittsburg looks to be just the kind of city I am looking for

(my numbers may look good on the side, but I just cut back heavy of some Diplo payouts, and changed a number of my money cities to labor, so this is the first turn that the changes will be in effect)


ABridgeTooFar -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/20/2007 10:27:10 PM)

Pittsburgh is insane.  Look at all the resources that city is producing!  

Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/20/2007 11:52:51 PM)


Pittsburg is a dog (not talking from I from Cleveland:) you should see some of the other Union Cities, NY, Philly, Boston

now those are unreal

Dasara II -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/21/2007 4:09:12 PM)

I can see from looking at Pittsburgh that the new economic model is going to make a big difference after the new patch/upgrade. I can see the North over whelming the South in a war of attrition more often now.

Is there a chance to see how Richmond (if you still control it) looks in this version your using Sarge?

Thanks again for your input and screen shots [&o]

Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/21/2007 9:05:50 PM)

okay, from the setting I got Rich Ecc on, and also extra Pop

I know I built a Training Ground here, but do not think I had money to build anything else

(which you can see why I want Pittsburg so badly)


gunnergoz -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/22/2007 8:47:17 AM)

I really like the new interface with all that information neatly laid out now.  The patch will be well worth while!  Excellent![:D]

christof139 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/22/2007 3:01:46 PM)

Nice info. screens!! even I can read them with my 4-year, or is it 5-year old bifocals!!!

Also, my 24,000 CSA Indians took Topeka after a terrible siege, in which most of the Indians were wasted. They even had an 8-inch Siege Howitzer with them, had some attached unit Arty., and engineer Attributes, and had to be reinforced with some of Bragg's troops and some 'cruits from Memphis, but Topeka fell. There were almost 9,000 yankee Jayhawkers in Topeka, probably ked by Jim Lane himself!!! [X(]

Shortly after this, the CSA won the war!!! Difficulty level was Major.

Now I am playing the Union at Lite Colonel difficulty level. More troops and economics and cities to handle, that's for sure. I have lost most battles so far, but am building my economics and rearming and reinforceing by troopies at a prodigious rate. i have impressed myself yet again. [8|]

Avant!!! Serez les ranges!!! Vorwarts!!! Advance to the Rear, F-Troop!!! (that's where all the goodies are, in those nice and comfortable wagons) [8D]


Andy Mac -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/23/2007 3:18:30 PM)

That corps of rejects is a good as my elite Union Corps ;)

Drex -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/23/2007 5:18:40 PM)

Likewise. Without combat its difficult to keep units at 4.0 and above. they eventually attrite down to 3.0+, at least mine do,probably due to disease or inactivity.

Viewing -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/23/2007 5:25:16 PM)

Impressive stuff. I can see why'd you want to show it off, and also convince customers that work is underway on really improving things. This kind of personal communication is something a lot of developers brought up on the Braxton Bragg School of Charisma miss. Good show!

Hard Sarge -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/23/2007 7:52:38 PM)



That corps of rejects is a good as my elite Union Corps ;)

well, if you look at it from the beginning until now, you can see it has improved very well indeed and in fact, may have improved more then the good units at start

which I think I did handle them well, never forceing them to be the main force during the battles and letting them into the action when they could handle it, later on, in some of the surprise attacks, they ended up doing all the dirty work and held there own, and in the end, they became good battle tested troops

(which it can also be done with the Union side, my AOK was shapeing up nicely, my NY boys were going to be the main force, but they supported well)

the Tactical side is getting good and we go some good stuff going on with the Stat side too

Dasara II -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/24/2007 5:33:38 AM)

Sarge, I heard somewhere that the "disease" event was getting a work over. Have you seen any evidence that the "disease" numbers are lower now?

Maybe a screen shot of the event screen when one of your armies is caught up in disease? [&o]

I like the "disease" event, but sometimes you do all you can to look after your troops, then bang, you have lost 4000 troops without warning!

christof139 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/24/2007 11:01:36 AM)

Show you what I mean for Heavy Arty. Classifications:

1) The games has two 10" Columbiads, the Rodman and the Old or New Columbiad and I guess it is the new since it is beter than the Rodman I do believe when in reality the Rodman wa beter than a normal cast new Columbiad. Why not combine the New Columbiad with the Rodman New Columbiad into one type entitled the 10" Rodman new Columbiad and don't let the CSA get any?? Then, make the other 10" Columbiad an old Model Columbiad, with reduced performance, and let the CSA and USA be able to use it.

2) Create a new class, the 9" and 11" Dahlgren class, since well over 1,000 were produced before and during the war, and 8" New Columbiads could be thrown into this class. Both sides could use these.

3) You know my views of changing the 20" Dahlgren to the actually used to the tune of about 86 produced 15" Dahlgrens.

4) For conveience, just think of the 8" and 10" Old Columbiads, most were shell guns and I think only one 10" model was a gun, as being part of the Improvised Class.

5) It's fun to organize and extrapolate like this.


decaturkev -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 3:04:16 AM)

The number and type of weapon upgrades could tied to the arsenal/foundry (or other factors) development of the nation. This would allow for non-historical variables in technology acquisiton while attempting to keep the industrial evoloution relevant.

christof139 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 4:25:10 PM)


The number and type of weapon upgrades could tied to the arsenal/foundry (or other factors) development of the nation. This would allow for non-historical variables in technology acquisiton while attempting to keep the industrial evoloution relevant.

I think now in FoF that weapons research is based on the number of Armories that you have, and I don't know if Engineering or Arsenals affect Weapons Tech. Upgrades. Schools and Universities add +1 to each type of Tech. Resarch.


General Quarters -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 5:16:30 PM)

I would prefer that research (armories - quality) and production (arsenals - quantity) be kept separate.

Mike13z50 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 7:49:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: christof139


Schools and Universities add +1 to each type of Tech. Resarch.

Universities add +1 to each research building conducted in that city, if you have a University in the sity then the research facility adds +4 research of type instead of +3. For this reason, especially as the South, it is vital to concentrate your research in Midgeville and Raliegh, where the two Southern Universities are. I don't know why New Orleans doesn't get a University [instead of 3 churches!], since Tulane University was established in 1834. Louiville, KY also has a University, so if KY goes southern, that gives the south three. At +1 each that means research buildings get +25% in cities with Universities. Schools add 1 point of research of each type, per school, and don't get the University bonus.

Rulebook page 235:
University 250 0 0 0 24 +1 to each research building here, except Schools

Drex -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 8:19:57 PM)

Don't schools add to research also?

General Quarters -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 8:20:28 PM)

I wonder what the major universities were in the South in 1861. A number of the early U.S. Presidents went to the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Charleston was considered, or liked to consider itself, the "Athens of the South." I don't know if there was an important college there. Transylvania in Ky is old. I think Henry Clay have something to do with them. Some universities that claim early founding dates were actually no more than prep schools or finishing schools for the first several decades.

Twotribes -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/25/2007 9:20:02 PM)



Don't schools add to research also?

A school adds 1 to each research field.

christof139 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 4:05:13 AM)

Yeah, Schools add +1 to each research type once at the startegic game level, and Universities add +1 per research type for every research type building only in the city they are in. Seems that schools are much, much cheaper and better in the long run, since Universities are city specific repsective to the research type buildings in the city the University is in, at least that is the way I understand it.


Mike13z50 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 6:13:23 PM)

I would never build a University, at 250 money/24 turns they are to expensive, easier to build a mansion for an existing By concentrating your research facilities in the cities that have universities you maximize use of those resources. 25% bonus to research, for building in this city instead of that city. Of course you have to add mansions or plantations to grow your R&D complex.

Schools cost more than research facilities (75money/40horses vs 75/30) and take 8 turns vs 6, but they offer two advantages. First they add 5 research points each, 1 in every category, vs 4 for an R&D built in, and second you can build them anywhere, since there is no university bonus to consider. I like a couple of Naval Colleges, 10 Labs, and 6-7 of everything else. There are more logistic upgrades than any of the other areas, and it includes better camps and bigger brigades.

Drex -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 6:30:03 PM)

do the costs for research facilities stay the same in the new patch? I have a difficult time keeping my cash level high enough to improve my weapons,keep the Europeans happy,etc.

christof139 -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 7:24:21 PM)


I would never build a University, at 250 money/24 turns they are to expensive, easier to build a mansion for an existing By concentrating your research facilities in the cities that have universities you maximize use of those resources. 25% bonus to research, for building in this city instead of that city. Of course you have to add mansions or plantations to grow your R&D complex.

Schools cost more than research facilities (75money/40horses vs 75/30) and take 8 turns vs 6, but they offer two advantages. First they add 5 research points each, 1 in every category, vs 4 for an R&D built in, and second you can build them anywhere, since there is no university bonus to consider. I like a couple of Naval Colleges, 10 Labs, and 6-7 of everything else. There are more logistic upgrades than any of the other areas, and it includes better camps and bigger brigades.

I'll try that in one city when I play the CSA again. Right now I am playing the USA and have been invaded by not only Rebel Hordes, but Hordes of Infernal foreigners, legions of Brits and French. I need to contact tha Jaurista's in Mexico to help me with those French in the Trans. Miss Theater. I think I may losee this one. They won't go away!! [&:]

In my first full game with the CSA I built quite a few Schools and had many and good technology upgrades, and I may have built one University, can't remember, but bieign frugal or cheap as I am, I may not have built a University. I like the point spread thatSchools give. I'll have to try the University in a city designated as a Research city as you point out. Maybe Research or Triangle Park, NC!!! Ha ha ha!!! Raleigh or Greensborough or however/whatever the is repectively spelled and is. Down thar anyway.


Paper Tiger -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 7:27:56 PM)

Any eta on the patch? I know we generally don't get eta's but this was provisionally due out a while ago and the game as is, is getting irritating. It is unbalanced toward the CSA with two reasonable players on a level setting and the AI is only barely A and definately not I.

Help us please oh great matrix masters

Gil R. -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 7:40:51 PM)

Well, the strategic game looks like it's just about ready (in terms of the AI's performance). We need to test it a bit more to make sure that some fixes Eric made yesterday are working. If they are, that would leave us with detailed battle, where Hard Sarge is helping us to nail down some problems that are creating unrealistic results. There are also two technical bugs (one involving saving detailed battles, the other PBEM).

LarryP -> RE: Working on Patch IV (2/26/2007 8:01:48 PM)

Looks like another weeks work to me... we should place bets on the release date? [&:] Next Monday (3-05-07).

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