Gil R. -> RE: Release of Next Beta (5/2/2007 12:15:24 AM)
Really, it should be any day now. The delay was mainly caused by strategic AI screwiness. Remember how some of you experienced the ANV suddenly heading west and leaving Richmond exposed? Eric had to persuade the AI not to do that by making it understand just how important the capital is, but that made EVERY Confederate or Union army want to head east to be where the capitals are, so Eric had to scold the AI and tell it to cut that out. It's a delicate balancing act that I can't begin to understand, and these things take time, especially since each time Eric adjusted the AI we'd all have to spend a few days testing it. Lots of other things have been fixed or improved as well, based on feedback. At this point, I know of one glitch in detailed battle that I think Eric was fixing this afternoon, and there's something irksome happening in PBEM. I'm not really aware of other issues, so we're definitely close.