ravinhood -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/1/2007 10:45:25 AM)
Thank you Dinsdale for understanding my reasons behind my purchases. Many think I just want something cheap, but, the real reason I turned to bargain bin buying was for exactly the reasons you mentioned and I have mentioned for years now. I got tired of buying buggy faulty ctd problematic games out of boxes. When I took a step back and really looked at the industry they all were doing it. I related this to buying any other consumer good, how many people would buy a rotten egg or apple or car or practically any other consumer product and put up with this mess. Of course I know people are still going to rush out and buy new games, but, I'm not and I'm going to continue to try to sway them not to for the simple fact if you fight against the industry it has to change for the BETTER. Some like JD then get up on some imaginary pedestal and say that if we don't buy this crap out of the box these business will go out of business and we won't get a sequel. lol Who the fark cares, I don't, if that's all they can do is put out buggy faulty product game after game after game I certainly don't care if they last in the industry. As I said before when one falls another rises up to take their place. My hopes isn't for the games they make or sequels, but, in the QUALITY of the games they make. A game that has very few or minimal bugs out of the box. I can accept a few problematic issues with any game, but, I haven't played or seen a NEW game in awhile that meets my expectations. My system works well. When I do purchase a game I get a "finished game", rare is it another patch comes out after I buy one. And while having waited for the "finished game" I also get the game at a reduced price. I just don't see why more and more people don't follow this process. You're paying to be a beta tester upwards of $40 to $50 in some cases $60-$70....why? It's like buying a new book/novel only to find the last 25 pages are missing and pages inbetween have smudges you can't read or pages missing altogether. Now, do you keep that book or return it for something that's complete? I'm certainly going to return it for a complete version or get my money back. But, that's the software industries ace in the hole. They don't give you your money back, they don't allow refunds (well maybe Matrix on VERY SPECIAL occassions), you are stuck with the product once you buy it. Hardly any other product I know has this kind of no refund no return bs, hell not even food has that kind of no return policy if you find issue with it. So, when you buy a software product for the most part you are SOL buddy, you bought it, you opened it, you own it and we ain't givin you your money back because we knew it was buggy and faulty and had problems even before you bought it. lol I look at it this way, if they can fix the game 6 months down the road and be finished, why, can't they just do that in production. I say it would increase sales. More people like me who sit on the fence and wait for a finished product would buy it brand new if there weren't anymore bugs or flaws or problems with the game. ALso, this just ain't me anymore. You guys should hang out at Gamespy and Gamespot, this is becoming a growing complaint and concern. It's just not me spouting the news anymore I'm seeing more and more popup over the years. Many people are just getting tired of buggy flawed crap out of the box and they are doing something about it by not buying at all or just waiting and sitting on the fence until it is fixed. Now, with Matrixgames it's not so much of the problems out of the box, though just like the rest they release a LOT of problematic games, but, they just don't publish many games I'm interested in. I'm glad they are around and are publishing though. Plus you haven't heard me really knock Matrixgames for their published games (like I do Paradox) except for CC/HTTR/COTA which are real time games and I just don't like real time only games. But, they've had some real winners like Tin Soldiers:Caesar, Panzer Strike:Operation Winter Storm. I don't really like to include Spartan/Troy because those games were published BEFORE Matrixgames picked them up, but, vertheless those are excellent games that you can get thru Matrixgames now. ;) Also to include Forge of Freedom which underwent some heavy patching and really adding a new game to it for those grogs that didn't feel it was historically accurate enough. Matrixgames and family put that added umph into the games they do release and you don't see comments like this below out of them: This another from STEVE at Battlefront: quote:
What I (and others like me) are concerned with are the design decisions, or what appear to be so from our POV. No random maps, no QB purchases, are things I now know of from reading the forum and are certain of and VERY concerned about. There are reasons why we abandoned them and it doesn't matter if the reasons make sense to you because they make sense to us. Since we're the designers, and did these decisions KNOWING that we'd see pitchforks and torches, that should get SOME of those gray cells wondering if perhaps we might have a good reason. We've explained ourselves a dozen different ways, but it just won't sink in to some because they don't want it to Then later he goes on to spout this: quote:
quote: p.s. My fingers are crossed for the "modularity" which you touted to save the day for the WWII version. With your crappy attitude, I doubt it. We're not rolling the clock back. Steve With an attitude like that he loses all respect from me. Reminds me of JD a lot with his little temper tantrums. The last thing you do is lash out at your customer base(in fact it shouldn't even be the last thing you do, you should never do it). These guys were merely giving feedback and Steve just cut them to the core. Steve's always been that way though he has no diplomatic etiquette. Now I admit I'm pretty negative all the time, but, I have reason to be. I've lived in this computer age since 1982 and I've seen quite a lot in my day. I've seen great games made in 2mb and 5mb formats. Great AI's of the 80's, a lot of great developers creating something NEW and INNOVATING, not this rince and repeat sequel after sequel of the same damn game over an over every two years. So, with my credentials I have a pretty good knowledge of what's going on. It's Donkey Milking at it's finest for a lot of the industry nowadays. It's no longer creative thinking and building, it's rince, repeat and pocket the fools money once again. That's something else I got tired of and another reason for bargain bin buying nowadays as well. Not saying Matrixgames does this, but, a whole hell of a lot of the rest of the industry does. Matrix have bought up some old titles and republished them, the only issues I have with this is they didn't really do anything or add anything or fix anything substantial. Many of us that have these old games already wanted to see some FIXING of the AI, but, that was not to be done. I don't need more and new scenarios I just needed them to work on XP (and the ones I have do anyways) with improvements to the AI and perhaps some interface updates. Merely white-washing a fence doesn't make it a new fence. ;) Perhaps in our great grandchildrens age there will be some government regulations on the sales of software and return policies. This once you buy it you can't return it or get a refund is pretty rediculous. Until there is some law around it the software industry will continue to do what they have been doing for over 10 years now. Just shipping what they have by a specific date and letting the consumers sort it out for better or worse. Until there is a consumer stance against this though you'll continue to see the crappy, flawed, CTD games continue to flood the industry. I'm happy for those that CM:SF works for and if you like it great. But, I'm also on the side of those that find issues with it and sorry you can't get a refund or return it. You have now entered the gaming twilight zone and will just have to wait and see if the game is fixed in the future episodes. Let this be a lesson to learn patience. Wait till the game is finished before you buy it next time. ;)