RE: Another PREVIEW (Full Version)

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Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 5:11:32 AM)

How many of these are FPS?

Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell series
Full Spectrum Warrior
Armed Assault
Battlefield 2
Delta Force: BlackHawk Down
Close Combat:First to Fight
Not to mention all the crime based FPS out there (GTA, Hitman,etc..)

Knock off the weed kid its making you goofy

Sarge -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 6:31:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

No amount of sugar coating by a long time Battlefront pompous fanboi beta tester (Dorosh) changes the facts of how CM:SF is "out of the box". It's always the "PATCH" will change things, this PATCH will make the game better, WAIT FOR THE PATCH cause the released game is always NEVER FINISHED. Then why release the crap in the first place? Pretty sic n tired of the coverups of the facts that games are crap out of the box and don't deserve to be bought upon release. So, those sitting on the fence don't be influenced by sugar coated fluff. The game isn't finished, probably won't be finished for several more patches. It is not like CMx1, the WEGO system isn't the same. It's another one of those kiddy clickfests disquised as something you used to love an enjoy. No random map generator, no true CMx1 quick battle setups and an ai that is worse than CMx1's. Scripted AI's are never fun to play against because they are always predictable. Once again another company changing what didn't need to be changed just to try to enter another market (kiddy clickfest).

Why are you so upset ?

We all know your not out a dime
I have not been around for sometime but I am certain nothing has changed.
(your not purchasing anything above the bargain bid anyway)

And how is your dislike relevant anyhow, you don’t even own the title ( right?)
Every game gets patched that’s hardly a reasonable assumption the game is crap.

I just read this whole thread
Kind of weird how your getting off on the bad press

Relax , you really need to get out more

ravinhood -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 9:17:20 AM)


Why are you so upset ?

Because this Dorosh is a real a$$hat over at the BF forums and then comes over here trying to act like he's such a nice informative person. Whether I own the game or not has nothing to do with the sugar coating and releasing of bad sloppy crappy product "out of the box". So, I'm on the side of the Gamespot review for calling them out on it and not sugar coating it like so many others will do. Besides Sarge what's it to you what I do or say? I'm not directing my assault at you.....YET! ;) You really should pay more attention to your own business and as you say...."Get out more". ;)

As far as "Every game gets patched that’s hardly a reasonable assumption the game is crap" fraid it is since that is what reviews are based on "out of the box" not 6 months of patching and that is what the general public should know. What is the game like "out of the box" not after it's patched. I applaud Gamespot this time hurray for the truth and no sugar coating. BF deserves this review for getting off the beaten path of what worked and was considered good. As has been said before look at the CM reviews before and then look at this present one. They hit the nail on the head and the fanbois can't stand it. :)

JudgeDredd -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 9:58:23 AM)

He's getting on his high horse because he's leaqding a crusade. If it wasn't games it would be something else. He just needs some sort of reason to be recognised. Self proclAIMED fanny.

Ravinhood, go away. As Sarge said, you don't own it, you have no intention of buying it and so you haven't been ripped off.

I have bought it. It is broken in the WEGO as far as I'm concerned but the pausible RTS is good fun. I don't think I've been ripped off.

Why i shtis correct...

As far as "Every game gets patched that’s hardly a reasonable assumption the game is crap" fraid it is

why so? Just because a game is patched does not mean it's crap. If the game is crap, then it's crap...but the fact it's going to be patched DOES NOT mean it's crap. These are the generalised statements that give you your reputation as a git. Oblivion is touted as being spectacular getting revies above 90%'s been patched...wasn't a crap game though. I mean I didn't like it, because it just is not my genre, but it doesn't make it a crap game.

That's probably the two main differences between you and I...
  • I don't run games down unless I've tried them whereas you go running on the wave of dicontent and lord it over everyone
  • I can differentiate between a good game and a bad game, taking into account the various particulars. As an example, I do not like RTS games as a rule, but I can forgive that engine in a game if the gameplay is good enough and the subject matter is tend to lassoo everything.

And there is no reason why BF should not change the engine. Sure the previous ones haven't broken engine wise, but they wanted to take the series forward.

I'll wait for the patches. I enjoy it as pausible RTS, but I would like the WEGO back.

Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 2:23:54 PM)

Note that BF used to release demos before releasing the product.  Thereby getting valuable feedback.  Now they take pre-orders and then release the product and demo.  And have suffered in the opinion of their customers and reviewers.

And 'Sarge', march up and down the street a few times; you'll feel better.

A person can have an opinion from the demo. That is what it is there for. One does not have to buy the game and be out something.

Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 2:58:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood


Why are you so upset ?

Because this Dorosh is a real a$$hat over at the BF forums and then comes over here trying to act like he's such a nice informative person. Whether I own the game or not has nothing to do with the sugar coating and releasing of bad sloppy crappy product "out of the box". So, I'm on the side of the Gamespot review for calling them out on it and not sugar coating it like so many others will do. Besides Sarge what's it to you what I do or say? I'm not directing my assault at you.....YET! ;) You really should pay more attention to your own business and as you say...."Get out more". ;)

As far as "Every game gets patched that’s hardly a reasonable assumption the game is crap" fraid it is since that is what reviews are based on "out of the box" not 6 months of patching and that is what the general public should know. What is the game like "out of the box" not after it's patched. I applaud Gamespot this time hurray for the truth and no sugar coating. BF deserves this review for getting off the beaten path of what worked and was considered good. As has been said before look at the CM reviews before and then look at this present one. They hit the nail on the head and the fanbois can't stand it. :)

I agree he is a load but he is also a crybaby. More than likely, he will make legal threats against you and Matrix so don't bother even discussing him. He has 10's of thousands of posts over there at BF. I sense he needs some new posters to discuss fanboiz issues. He has postured himself as the lead fanboi and playtester.

But as I have said; the current state of the CM product is a reflection of the playtesting as well as the design road it took.

I was very active in consumer-testing the CM1 product and pointed out many problems with infantry fire and the testing methodology they used. The initial game was broken. With each iteration, they seemed to swing this way and that as far as fixing problems. CMBO had under-modeled firepower that allowed troops to just run into MG fire. CMBB had awful infantry modeling considering the terrain being represented (mostly open). The troops were all crawling to exhaustion and making the game tedious. They seemed to model infantry in an abstraction of multiman units, but the morale model seemed based on an individuals view point. I reckoned this to be from their lack of real military training in general.

But in any case, it was decided that 1:1 is the one for them for future product. Its a mess and quite unrealistic. No overall commander has a 1:1 status of his troops when in a firefight. Even with the most modern communications, no one counts noses when the **** hits the fan.

Its a lack of vision and understanding of what is being modeled as well as how it is tested.

madorosh -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 3:54:06 PM)


Why are you so upset ?

We all know your not out a dime
I have not been around for sometime but I am certain nothing has changed.
(your not purchasing anything above the bargain bid anyway)

And how is your dislike relevant anyhow, you don’t even own the title ( right?)
Every game gets patched that’s hardly a reasonable assumption the game is crap.

I just read this whole thread Kind of weird how your getting off on the bad press

This is a good post, Sarge, but let me elaborate on the point(s) I was trying to make. I think it is significant to note that there is indeed a demo and that the internet has evolved a system of review sites to allow consumers to make informed choices. The use of internet forums are also part of that process. In fact, I've recommended a couple of times now that anyone with specific concerns need only read battlefront's own forum to gain a deeper understanding of the issues at play regarding the state of the CM:SF release and the shift in design philosophy of the CM line - and the latter consideration is I think one of the key components in a lot of the vocal dissatisfaction with the new product.

I certainly didn't come here to make excuses for battlefront, and the number of incomplete features and bugs has been discussed in depth at BF.C - no one has attempted to hide anything. Yet I think it is fair to say that as a consumer not only have I yet to buy a game "out of the box" (assuming it was more complicated than "Minesweeper" in concept or execution) that was 100 percent perfect, but I stopped expecting it years ago. My question is - why haven't the reviewers? The point was raised at BF.C, and if this sounds like apologist talk, you can judge for yourself, but having the consumer's input into bug fixes may actually be beneficial - more eyes on the changes, so to speak. I can understand the criticisms there, too - "I didn't pay to be part of a public beta" seems to be the more loudly heard complaint. I'm not in a position to speak on behalf of BF.C or their intent; I'm fairly certain every developer out there shoots for 100 percent. I think any developer will probably tell you it's not achievable - unless someone can point me to a recent release on the same scale of complexity of CM:SF with the same amount of new code (it was written from the ground up, and by one person, essentially) which didn't require any patching after release? Again, this isn't to make excuses - there was a lot wrong with the product, and some of it drastically wrong, but that has been acknowledged and the developer is actively working to fix it.

This is where I wonder if the review system we have has evolved. If people (some of us, anyway) are finally getting wise to the fact that games are simply too complex to be perfect out of the box - too many hardware configurations these days, for example, to be tested adequately, I think, by volunteer testers in the smaller companies, as just one example - why aren't reviewers getting wise to that and treating game releases as developing stories instead of as scoops? The "bad press" as Sarge describes it resulted in many cases from reviewers so anxious to get a "scoop" that they reviewed a 1.0 version which was obsolete on the day of release. I'm not saying the 1.01 release day version was flawless - 1.02 still has problems and 1.03 is not out for a couple of weeks, this has all been acknowledged - but what I'm saying is why the rush? Consumers would be foolish to buy games in this day and age without trying demos or reading reviews or checking forums first. So what good is a review going to be if the review simply "scoops" everyone with a release day look at a buggy pre-release beta version, when a month or two later a polished gem belatedly appears? It seems to me the review system doesn't reflect the new realities of software releases - and we can say high-minded things all we want about how we need to make game developers "accountable" for the state of their releases, etc., but I don't think that will happen. And as far as that goes, BF.C's devotion to making things right has been second to none.

So ravinhood, I can understand your ire - I don't understand your personal animosity towards me, which is unfortunate - but I feel your thinking is, frankly, behind the times. I don't think it is realistic to expect software to be released flawlessly. If that sounds like I'm making excuses for BF.C, I'm not, my remarks are in general. I've bought software from many companies, and have never been upset to learn that it needed to be patched. I've expected it, and rationalized it as simply part of the process. The alternative, I think, is no software at all. In the end, they're "just" games in any event.

I should add a note on my "credentials" - I was just one of many testers for BF.C, and to be honest my input was weighted more towards the scenario design end of thing, which is where I felt my strengths lie. Whatever responsibility the testers bear for whatever flaws CM:SF is perceived to have, I am happy to bear equally with my fellows - who come from a diverse background in gaming and the real world military, including those with recent U.S. Army combat experience, those with extensive scenario design credits in other published titles, etc. I should also note that those who have never participated in a beta test team, and in particular for a company like BF.C, are probably in no position to judge what it is they think the testers do or how they do it. I am not inclined to discuss that - even if I wasn't under an NDA I wouldn't be - nor defend myself since any kinds of accusations simply ring hollow from anyone who has never been part of the process themselves. I do recommend it though. As hard as it is to read uninformed and almost libelous criticism of something one was intimately involved with for several months, the scraps of praise one runs into along the way do make it worthwhile. For anyone lucky enough to be chosen for such a project or team, you won't be sorry - even when total strangers who don't know what they're talking about call you an asshat. :)

Prince of Eckmühl -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 3:54:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yoozername

I agree he is a load but he is also a crybaby. More than likely, he will make legal threats against you and Matrix so don't bother even discussing him. He has 10's of thousands of posts over there at BF. I sense he needs some new posters to discuss fanboiz issues. He has postured himself as the lead fanboi and playtester.

But as I have said; the current state of the CM product is a reflection of the playtesting as well as the design road it took.

I was very active in consumer-testing the product and pointed out many problems with infantry fire and the testing methodology they used. The initial game was broken. With each iteration, they seemed to swing this way and that as far as fixing problems. CMBO had under-modeled firepower that allowed troops to just run into MG fire. CMBB had awful infantry modeling considering the terrain being represented (mostly open). The troops were all crawling to exhaustion and making the game tedious. They seemed to model infantry in an abstraction of multiman units, but the morale model seemed based on an individuals view point. I reckoned this to be from their lack of real military training in general.

But in any case, it was decided that 1:1 is the one for them for future product. Its a mess and quite unrealistic. No overall commander has a 1:1 status of his troops when in a firefight. Even with the most modern communications, no one counts noses when the **** hits the fan.

Its a lack of vision and understanding of what is being modeled as well as how it is tested.

Yoozername is a notorious troll. His several selves have been permanently banned from the BF forums. Hopefully, he'll be banned from these forums, as well. He has nothing to offer the readership, but falacy, repetition and rancor. I could forgive all this if he meant well, but he doesn't and never will.

PoE (aka ivanmoe)

Sarge -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 4:53:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood

Because this Dorosh is a real a$$hat over at the BF forums and then comes over here trying to act like he's such a nice informative person. Whether I own the game or not has nothing to do with the sugar coating and releasing of bad sloppy crappy product "out of the box". So, I'm on the side of the Gamespot review for calling them out on it and not sugar coating it like so many others will do.

So state the game/title is not something your not interested in and note your “perceptions” and move on.
Crusading against BF and using Matrix do so is more then a little inappropriate.


Besides Sarge what's it to you what I do or say? I'm not directing my assault at you.....YET! ;) You really should pay more attention to your own business and as you say...."Get out more". ;)

So this is one of your invite only threads , I see

Truly Pathetic [>:]

VicKevlar -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 5:04:20 PM)


I wonder if it can be used as a training aid for al quaeda and other hostile forces fighting in iraq? Since it features IEDs and irregular forces, maybe Bafflefront should market it overseas in the arab world under another name? Perhaps 'Sheik Force: Death to the USA'?

In all honesty, the subject matter is sickening.


But the game is being released at a time when BF's countrymen are being killed by the very weapons/tactics that are in the game. I may sound like I am joking around (yeah, I am taking shots at BF) but I think a game that models IEDs, and the possible use of such a game as a training aid for present enemy forces, is a real issue

Well those flat out inane statements.

Close Combat:Marines had IEDs and such waaaay back in version 3.X and every subsequent release since. I won't even mention the release in June of Close Combat: Anti-Terrorism. The IEDs and such have been around for YEARS in CC let alone other games on the market.

"Training aid for al queda" HA! What a maroon. [:D]


Edited to resize picture.

Sarge -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 5:12:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yoozername

And 'Sarge', march up and down the street a few times; you'll feel better.

Having a opinion is one thing, but we seen yours and ranthoods replies. They can hardly be viewed as constructive. When you weren’t inserting your irrelevant political crap your personally attacking anyone that happens to disagree with your little crusade.

Yours and ranthoods opinion are as relevant as anyone’s, but when you bring personal and political agendas into your opinion it becomes irrelevant.

madorosh -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 5:29:25 PM)

Oh, and I also want to clarify a statement by another poster:


I was very active in consumer-testing the product and pointed out many problems with infantry fire and the testing methodology they used.

I feel the need to point out that the term "consumer-testing" refers to a person that bought a game with his own money and then made unsolicited comments on the developer's forum. It's fancy language but in the end meaningless. His opinion was never sought, his opinions were uninformed, and in the end, in this specific case, were so haphazardly presented and mixed in with so much personal abuse, they were ultimately rejected as being without merit. A beta team, for those that don't know, are generally well-respected members of a community who are invited to participate behind the scenes; they are granted access to private members-only forums and given access to secret materials while the game is under development. In exchange, they sign Non-Disclosure Agreements in which they promise, among other things, not to talk about specific elements of the game-making process while the game is under development.

It would be very difficult for a "consumer tester" to criticize a beta tester's methodology simply because he would never have access to the conversations that took place during development and testing, or even have any idea of the actual methodology used. One of the problems with sophisticated software - and I allude to this in the first paragraph of my last post - is that there is so much going on under the hood, that even a 300 page manual which tells you how to play the game will often do little to tell you "why" things are happening. At least in a board game you can see the rationale for some things more clearly or at least see the odds of something happening. I'd love to see an expanded "Designer's Notes" for CM appear at some point, but that may be unlikely - not sure how much of it would involve trade secrets, so to speak, or for that matter, take away some of the mystique. But that mystery does, I think, account for some of the user backlash against CM:SF. Not to take away from the legitimate concerns which have been presented with regards to the game.

This is not to suggest that the purchasers' opinions are irrelevant. Far from it! It is possible for "consumer testers" to have very valuable input into any game; CM has certainly benefited from the very large and vocal community it has created around it. In fact, that is where many beta testers come from - and so too have BF.C's own staffers - promoted from the ranks, so to speak. Unfortunately, not all "consumer testers" will find that their contributions are as valuable as that of a Madmatt, a Fernando, a Franko, a Germanboy, a Sergei, a MikeyD, etc. Which is why we see some of them turn to frustration and bitterness. Which is sad to see. Luckily, it's also rare, and the constructive component of the community far outweighs the rogue elements - who are consigned to remain "consumer testers" and number one critics. But they too have a role to play in the development cycle, and it is good to be kept honest as long as the criticism remains constructive.

mjk428 -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 8:55:39 PM)


I wouldn't be so high and mighty about the superiority of beta testers vs. consumers, considering the turd that Battlefront and its testers have recently dropped. It's "consumer testers" that pay for it all.

As for reviewer reviewing the game "out of the box", that's how it should be. That's what people pay for (and can't return in most cases). It's like paying $50 for a meal and after I have the salad I'm told to come back next week and they may have part of the main course ready. Not acceptable.

We can switch the way the system works but then if the game is going to be dribbled out to the consumer, the consumer needs to pay in the same way. $10 for the incomplete game and the balance distributed among the patches.

madorosh -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 9:07:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: mjk428


I wouldn't be so high and mighty about the superiority of beta testers vs. consumers, considering the turd that Battlefront and its testers have recently dropped. It's "consumer testers" that pay for it all.

mjk; while I certainly take your point, I'm disappointed you've chosen to misinterpret my comments. I implied absolutely no "superiority" in my remarks, merely described the increased access to the development stream that testers have simply by definition. I thought it might shed some light on where certain posters here are coming from, since they have been denied that access for legitimate reasons that are best not discussed in open forum. I certainly don't see the point in making this thread about personalities yet for some reason it keeps getting dragged in that direction. I wanted to make it clear that not everyone is granted that access, and those that haven't are probably not qualified to discuss it in any great detail.

As for your description of the product, you're certainly entitled to your opinion.


As for reviewer reviewing the game "out of the box", that's how it should be. That's what people pay for (and can't return in most cases). It's like paying $50 for a meal and after I have the salad I'm told to come back next week and they may have part of the main course ready. Not acceptable.

Return policies vary from store to store, but I think it is salient to note that demos are released and reviews written exactly so that consumers can make informed choices. Where is it written that products have to be consumed on Day One? I've never understood that. I've been burned too many times by stuff like Avalon Hill's Squad Leader, GI Combat, and other games I purchased on impulse to not try demos any more. I don't think your argument here has much merit. No one is forcing anyone to buy software, and if there are technical issues with the game, BF.C has devoted itself to making good. They're providing tech support on weekends and devoting coding time to specific hardware configurations in the patches.


We can switch the way the system works but then if the game is going to be dribbled out to the consumer, the consumer needs to pay in the same way. $10 for the incomplete game and the balance distributed among the patches.

I agree that it would be great to get 100 percent software out of the box. I doubt you'll find many developers who would agree it is possible. Your payment system makes no sense, either, in my opinion; you want people to pay discount rates for a game that is acknowledged as broken? I don't see what that is supposed to prove.

mjk428 -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 9:28:08 PM)

ORIGINAL: Michael Dorosh


Return policies vary from store to store, but I think it is salient to note that demos are released and reviews written exactly so that consumers can make informed choices. Where is it written that products have to be consumed on Day One? I've never understood that. I've been burned too many times by stuff like Avalon Hill's Squad Leader, GI Combat, and other games I purchased on impulse to not try demos any more. I don't think your argument here has much merit. No one is forcing anyone to buy software, and if there are technical issues with the game, BF.C has devoted itself to making good. They're providing tech support on weekends and devoting coding time to specific hardware configurations in the patches.

You were the one that didn't like reviewers reviewing the released but unfinished product. I agree people should wait but obviously they aren't all so well informed. Most people are too busy or casual about gaming to go to all the trouble of doing appropriate recon before purchasing. More importantly, it shouldn't be necessary. Reviews are great tools but OTOH, I should be able to depend on a familiar brand. When I get burned, I don't forget. For instance, I won't be buying Madden '08 until I can find it used for under $30 - even though '08 is apparently what '06 & '07 should have been on the next gens.


I agree that it would be great to get 100 percent software out of the box. I doubt you'll find many developers who would agree it is possible. Your payment system makes no sense, either, in my opinion; you want people to pay discount rates for a game that is acknowledged as broken? I don't see what that is supposed to prove.

True, my payment system makes no sense. It was in response to your suggesting people learn to live with an equally flawed delivery system. I'm glad Battlefront is being hammered for trying to foist unfinished software on the consumer. They're hardly unique, but I'm all for similar treatment for all game companies that rely heavily on patching. It used to be an occasional problem, now it's the norm.

Prince of Eckmühl -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 10:15:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: mjk428

I'm glad Battlefront is being hammered for trying to foist unfinished software on the consumer. They're hardly unique, but I'm all for similar treatment for all game companies that rely heavily on patching. It used to be an occasional problem, now it's the norm.

I don't believe that BF is getting hammered for releasing unfinished software, but because of the following:

1) CMSF's RT play (as opposed to turn-based)
2) CMSF's Setting (modern as opposed to WW2)
3) CMSF's limited content (relative to the CMx1 games)

And don't anyone go claiming that CMBO was finished when it came out, because I played it, and it was a total mess. How many patches were issued for that first game, TWELVE, or something?

There's been a storm brewing over BF's decision to do CMSF ever since the game was announced. The absolute worst of the criticism has come from those who could care less about the flaws and/or weaknesses in its design, folks who are really pissed that BF dropped all future development of their game. That's what's really going on, and nothing BF can do in the way of improving CMSF will ever placate them.

BF has gone off in a new direction, and those who refuse to follow will simply left behind.

PoE (aka ivanmoe)

mjk428 -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 10:45:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Prince of Eckmühl

I don't believe that BF is getting hammered for releasing unfinished software, but because of the following:

1) CMSF's RT play (as opposed to turn-based)
2) CMSF's Setting (modern as opposed to WW2)
3) CMSF's limited content (relative to the CMx1 games)

And don't anyone go claiming that CMBO was finished when it came out, because I played it, and it was a total mess. How many patches were issued for that first game, TWELVE, or something?

There's been a storm brewing over BF's decision to do CMSF ever since the game was announced. The absolute worst of the criticism has come from those who could care less about the flaws and/or weaknesses in its design, folks who are really pissed that BF dropped all future development of their game. That's what's really going on, and nothing BF can do in the way of improving CMSF will ever placate them.

BF has gone off in a new direction, and those who refuse to follow will simply left behind.

PoE (aka ivanmoe)

Thanks, that's good info. I was basing my comments on the reviews I've seen, particularly Gamespot's.

I don't hang out at the Battlefront forums. I own the first 2 CMs but don't play them much. I find the system OK but fairly tedious. Waiting 60 seconds to issue orders when the situation changes 2 seconds into the playback and I"m left powerless also isn't my idea of fun. The old system seems even less suited for modern combat considering all that can happen in a minute. So I support the move to pausable real-time, at least as an option.

I agree that many people are slow to embrace change but generally if it's good, they will. The Beatles released Sgt Pepper without losing their fans. Not because of loyalty but because it was very good. IMO creative types should make the games, movies, music, etc, that they want to make. That's the only way to achieve greatness IMO. Focus groups and "design by committee" leads to mediocrity. However, they just shouldn't be surprised when their supporters leave them in droves if they disappoint them.

madorosh -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 10:52:19 PM)


However, they just shouldn't be surprised when their supporters leave them in droves if they disappoint them.

You're correct, and this may be irrelevant to you, but they're not surprised. To his credit, Steve has stated all along he expects to lose some customers and gain others, and has not been surprised by some of the visceral reaction.

I haven't responded to your other post, but I find myself agreeing in principle with a lot of what you said. I'm comfortable with game companies "fixing" games post release, personally - I guess I'm just used to it because it is so common and don't feel a need to crusade against "broken releases", and I don't mean BF.C but certainly in general. I guess I don't see what tilting at windmills will change - I think it is just a fact of life, unless someone can point me to other equally complex software that appeared flawless right out of the box. As suggested elsewhere, there is something to be said for having at least a small say in how some of the fixes are implemented in the post-release environment - not to pass judgement on testing policies or procedures but simply as a matter of fact that after many months of work, in any creative endeavour, it may become hard for anyone, be they a painter, writer, musician, software developer, scenario designer, calligraphist, proofreader, you name it, to stay fresh and see the forest for the trees.

mjk428 -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 11:35:27 PM)


You keep focusing on "perfect/flawless". Nobody reasonably expects that. However there is a very large area between "unacceptable" and "perfect" called "acceptable".

And yes I've played a few games in the last few years that were not only acceptable but "near-perfect" right out of the box. Just not from BF or Paradox (or even Matrix). ;)

madorosh -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/14/2007 11:48:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: mjk428


You keep focusing on "perfect/flawless". Nobody reasonably expects that. However there is a very large area between "unacceptable" and "perfect" called "acceptable".

And yes I've played a few games in the last few years that were not only acceptable but "near-perfect" right out of the box. Just not from BF or Paradox (or even Matrix). ;)

Ok, I will agree with your first para, and you're right, I was getting tunnel vision as far as perfect/acceptable and you do draw an important distinction. I suppose if I comment further I simply reveal my biases so I can mostly leave it there - but I will echo PoE's comments that a lot of negative criticism has been directed at the subject matter/shift in underlying focus of the game as far as scale. Not to downplay the very real gameplay issues which I concede have warranted due criticism. It really does come down to whether or not this kind of game is for you in the former instance. I don't think I could ever compare it to Avalon Hill's Squad Leader - that was truly a horrible design and a complete abandonment of a known brand name in place of total garbage - or G.I. Combat - a good idea very poorly executed, immediately abandoned by the publisher, and later redeemed in other guises.

I obviously consider CM:SF's release state "acceptable", but of course, you would expect that of me. I respect those who feel otherwise and have expressed their opinion in constructive terms. I hope that the subsequent improvements will cause them to improve their opinion of the product. Those that feel only anger and betrayal - I sympathize, but not to the point I likewise consider simple namecalling as acceptable.

Anyway, sorry to beat the dead horse - thanks for your patience, and for your insights. I can relate to your experience with Madden, having been a fan of the EA Hockey line and been substantially disappointed in the past by "paradigm shifts" or whatever the proper buzzword may be, going from one year to another as well. I prefered NHL 98 to NHL 2002, but I understood the need to produce something different from year to year aside from new lineups, and got used to the changes and increased performance requirements of my hardware. These things will get progressively, exponentially worse as the hardware becomes capable of doing more and more. The games will still only be as good as the brains behind them. I thought M-1 Tank Platoon and Red Baron had far more heart, despite the 16-color graphics, than their updated sequels. I don't think battlefront is going that route, and is honestly trying to combine gameplay with increased graphics. The sophisticated editor is proof of that, but CMX2 is still at the start of the journey. I couldn't touch CM:BO right now with its simplified MG modelling and tank-kill routine (love that death clock), and hopefully, the TacAI and other CM:SF issues we are seeing will shortly be rectified to the satisfaction of a majority.

Monkeys Brain -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 12:15:30 AM)


Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 3:53:24 AM)

If someone were designing scenarios, and playtesting them over and over, the silly bugs and quirks and asymmetrical LOS and all the other mistakes would dawn on the the dullest of fanboiz.

The first thing I tried to do in the demo was drop arty. It looked cool. then I saw you can't adjust it. Total playtest to find the bug? 12 minutes? 4 years in the making? Cmon.

I also noticed strykers stopping dead within inches of my BMPs line of fire. The Strykers proceded to shoot at the BMP but the BMP can't even see them. Total playtest time 21 minutes. Get real.

They unleashed a half finished product on an unsuspecting market just to get the dollars going. Fund the patches.

Sarge -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 4:11:10 AM)

Ok, those are legitimate

Now go over to BF and post that to get a reply from the developer and see how it will be rectified and addressed .

Opps, never mind your banned

my bad [:o]

Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 4:16:35 AM)

They have already been told and are scrambling for their patch-work.  They don't need consumer testing feedback, didn't you hear?

Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 4:22:15 AM)




I wonder if it can be used as a training aid for al quaeda and other hostile forces fighting in iraq? Since it features IEDs and irregular forces, maybe Bafflefront should market it overseas in the arab world under another name? Perhaps 'Sheik Force: Death to the USA'?

In all honesty, the subject matter is sickening.


But the game is being released at a time when BF's countrymen are being killed by the very weapons/tactics that are in the game. I may sound like I am joking around (yeah, I am taking shots at BF) but I think a game that models IEDs, and the possible use of such a game as a training aid for present enemy forces, is a real issue

Well those flat out inane statements.

Close Combat:Marines had IEDs and such waaaay back in version 3.X and every subsequent release since. I won't even mention the release in June of Close Combat: Anti-Terrorism. The IEDs and such have been around for YEARS in CC let alone other games on the market.

"Training aid for al queda" HA! What a maroon. [:D]


Edited to resize picture.

Have to share this...


BTW....the vehicles in the parking lot explode like nothing else. Got some enemy in a building? Fire a 203 round into one of the vehicles. Boom!


Yoozername -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 5:00:03 AM)

Dorosh as Pollyanna is sort of amusing.  Check his real self out here.  A bit different eh?;f=52;t=001686;p=3

Prince of Eckmühl -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 5:38:43 AM)

Username, as Mr. Tittles (one of his trolling aliases) getting the boot from MadMatt at the BF forums:;f=30;t=003145;p=1

PoE (aka ivanmoe)

ravinhood -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 6:31:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Monkeys Brain


Lol that is hilarious Monkeys Brain

Marc von Martial -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/15/2007 10:09:13 PM)

Drop it guys, or will will simply lock this thread.

Yoozername, you have already been warned. This is the last one.

Terl -> RE: Another PREVIEW (8/16/2007 12:57:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood


ORIGINAL: Monkeys Brain


Lol that is hilarious Monkeys Brain

Hey, pass the popcorn....this is getting good... [;)]

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