Froonp -> RE: Tutorial #8 Zones of Control Hex Control & Stacking Limits (1/22/2008 1:19:36 AM)
ORIGINAL: Froonp quote:
ORIGINAL: oscar72se But overstacking is only checked at the end of the movement phase. RaW 2.3.1: Stacking applies at the end of every step and after each retreat and advance after combat (see 11.16.5). This means, you don't check for overstacking at the start of the movement phase. If an HQ is situated in a mountain hex together with an AIR, you first move the HQ, then you check for overstacking. That the movement results in a voluntary overstacking at this time is irrelevant since the check is made at the end of the step. First you move, then you check for overstacking (to see if it is a valid location). To me it makes no sense in "locking-down" the best units available, you should be able to sacrifice an aircraft in a crisis situation in order to save an HQ. There is some truth in what you are saying, but my gut feeling is that moving this HQ in the first place, and not replacing it by another unit that provides the same stacking bonus, is "voluntarily overstacking an hex". I'll pass this question to the people talking about the Rules Questions. Well, I've asked my friends of the rules discussion group (who add questions for Harry for the future official ADG FAQ), and as of now, out of 3 answers, all three answered as me & Steve. I've asked : **************************** 2.3 says that voluntarily or inadvertandly overstacking is forbidden. Situation is : An Air unit is stacked on an HQ in a mountain hex. Question 1 : Can the HQ move, inducing the air unit destruction because of overstacking ? Question 2 : Can the HQ move, and be replaced by another HQ or an ENG ? At Q1 I'd answer "NO", and at Q2 I'd answer "YES". What would you say ? **************************** All three said the same, and tell me that this should not be the 376th question of our file.