RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (Full Version)

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kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/29/2007 12:26:22 AM)

Showa 16 Month 12th day 17th

“Ohayo gosaimasu” Ito was late arriving. He had an early morning meeting with the Admiral, so did not get to his office until close to 0900.

“Ohayo Ryuji san”

“Any news on Nagumo?”

“Yes; submarines intercepted a small convoy sailing SW from America. Nagumo knew he had been discovered by that attack on the oiler, so he attacked the convoy yesterday and sunk everything in sight. The subs recovered some gear. It appears the Americajin had one of their RCTs in it. I’m sure they’ll feel this loss.”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/29/2007 12:29:06 AM)

“In any case, He informed Yamamoto of his intention to withdraw. He will attack everything he can, but is returning to Osaka.”

“Probably a wise move” Ryuji concurred.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/29/2007 12:32:45 AM)

“What is new in China?” It was Ito’s turn to ask.

“I’m not entirely sure. We have borrowed another of your Zero daitai to fight the P40s. The B17s are now coming in too high for our fighters, so we will probably return that Daitai in the next few days; the new Daitai is stationed at Changsha and already has surprised the AVG there"


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/29/2007 12:38:30 AM)

Ito sat on his chair and started reviewing the piles of messages and analysis on his desk.

“By the way” Ryuji started “I am going off to China for a few days. I am to attend a briefing in Shangai. I shall be able to tell you what is going on over there when I return…” He paused “At least, whatever the brass sees fit to let me hear. I’m sure they will try to keep me from learning anything they don’t want the Navy to know”

“I’m sure you’ll do your best” Ito answered “ki o tsukero na”

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/29/2007 1:01:47 AM)

Text of Message:
Showa 16 Month 12th Day 17
FROM: Battleship Haruna
To: Headquarters, Combined Fleet.
Hit by torpedo from American Submarine in Formosa straits. Putting into Taichu for emergency repairs.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/29/2007 5:00:55 PM)

Showa 16 Month 12 Day 20

With his friend off in China, Ito had the small office for himself. The fate of Haruna on his mind, he inquired further. What was the ship doing in the Formosa straits? And why only Hibiki as escort? Digging through the message flimsies he finally found the report that explained it. Haruna had been hit by a torpedo off the coast of Malaya. One of those ridiculous Swordfish biplanes the British gaijin use had got lucky. The damage was not severe and he put into Cam-Rahn for temporary repairs, then was sent back to Osaka, escorted by Hibiki. Bad luck about that submarine. Ito telegraphed the harbormaster at Taichu for a report.

Meanwhile he continued to work on his report to Yamamoto. There were problems in Wake. The American submarines had mined the harbor and a troop transport, AP Kiyosumi Maru had been hit. The damage was minor, and he was unloading troops; a base force if Ito remembered correctly. Floatplanes were patrolling already from Wake.

An unconfirmed report from a submarine search plane indicates a small force sailing west from Johnson Island. The report describes 4 cruisers. Ito wonders what Yamamoto will make of that.

The report from Taichu finally arrives. It is worse than Ito thought. Haruna will be out for at least 6 months.

Picking up his papers and the report, he rushes to the morning briefing.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/31/2007 7:33:07 PM)

At the morning’s briefing, Ito stands at attention close to a wall. Surrounding him are other junior officers who, like Ito, only speak if asked a direct question, which almost never happens since the admirals around the table know everything anyway. To Ito it seems like his purpose here is to hold up the walls to prevent them from collapsing on Kaigun’s top brass.

An admiral droned over the reports; Ito recognized some of his wording, which the admiral did not bother to paraphrase:

“In the Philippines Gen Homma ordered a reconnaissance in force on Clark airfield. His forces have been ejected twice from the airfield vicinity by well disciplined American and Philippino forces. It appears that the attack at Lingayen was not successful in preventing the enemy from withdrawing his forces from the north of the island.”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (8/31/2007 7:43:27 PM)

A different general stood up: “In Malaya, Yamashita is finding no enemy resistance to his drive on Singapore. Air recon of Kuantan, found it deserted of enemy forces; also Malacca. A large concentration of forces have been detected in Johore Bahru. It appears the enemy will make his stand there. An air assault will launch against Malacca, and a seaborne invasion of Kuantan is on the way”

Yamamoto’s mien is serious as he thanks his admirals. As they get up to leave, he gestures to Ito to approach.

“No battle plan survives contact with the enemy” he tells him.

“Hai” Ito answers.

“Make sure you keep detailed notes of all of this” Yamamoto tells him “It will be important in the future” He looks out of the window at the gray December sky.

The great admiral returns his gaze at Ito “Winter is here, but the cherry blossoms will bloom in the spring” and he leaves.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:39:40 PM)

Showa 16 Month 12 day 24

Ryuji is back in the office when Ito arrives. They greet each other and Ryuji proceeds to brief Ito on the events in China.
“Good news my friend. The fortress of Hong Kong surrendered on the 23rd. That was a great victory, and it frees 2 divisions and several artillery battalions to operate against the Chinese rebels. They are trying to attack our forces in Nanchang believe it or not. They have succeeded in reducing our fortifications. A division is en route from Kiukiang and that should hold the place until our southern strategy takes hold”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:40:28 PM)

“And that would be?” Ito asks.
“Look at this map” Ryuji points at the different locations” NorthEast China is overrun with these Chinese guerrilla armies. We cannot advance and conclude the war if these Chinese dogs keep harassing our forces and lines of communication. They get their own supplies from the peasants who keep helping the enemy, despite our kindness to them.”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:40:51 PM)

“So the plan is to encircle each of these guerrilla armies and destroy them. No prisoners taken, no quarter given. After each army is destroyed, we move to the next one. We start with the one SE of Hankow. They are reduced to less than 150 men now. Meanwhile, we move from Hong Kong along the secondary railroad to the intersection between Fuchow and that forest city. Also while one of the Burma divisions waits at Shangai, the Shangai division moves West along the railroad to push the Chinese off the railroad and the road to Nanchang. We move then to the forest city and methodically destroy all of the Chinese in the south”

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:57:59 PM)

What is the Navy doing meanwhile? Ryuji asks.
"The Luzon is being a tougher nut to crack than expected. A new division is sent in from the home defence force, and additional engineers from Samah."

“In Malaya” Ito continues “ The enemy has successfully withdrawn to Johore Bahru and is making a stand there. Kuantan was taken by seaborne assault, unopposed and we believe that Mersing is also unoccupied. Additional sappers are en route from Samah to attack the fortifications at Singapore.”

“How about the SRA?” Ryuji’s concern shows on his voice.

“The admirals will not attack the SRA until Singapore is reduced.”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:58:42 PM)

Malaya map


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:59:23 PM)

“The admirals are more concerned however with the enemy subs. They are operating all over the China sea, even in the Formosa straits. I’ve heard that the merchant sailors call it ‘Sub alley’”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 6:59:57 PM)

“What is being done about this? Ryuju asks.
“A new scheme is now in place. All naval aircraft that can carry depth charges, and are not otherwise tasked, will be conducting ASW patrols full time. Every sub located will then be attacked by dedicated surface ASW forces. We’ll have to see how it goes”

“Any new offensive operations?”

“Yes, we are setting off on the invasion of Mindanao. Davao should be invaded in the next few days. I’m not privy to the details of course”

“Of course” Ryuju concurs


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 7:01:40 PM)

"By the way Ito" Ryuju continues "Has Nagumo returned yet?"
"He is on his way back. He occassionally finds an enemy and sinks it; most recently, a minelayer, Oglala, near the Aleutians. I wonder what the Americans think he is doing there"


String -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 7:48:31 PM)

Very good read, keep it coming :)

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 8:38:34 PM)

Thanks. Glad that you like it.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 8:46:06 PM)

Showa 16 Month 12 day 29th

Ito, at his desk drinks green tea. Ryuji pores over messages. An orderly knocks on the door and enters.
He stands at attention:

"Sumimasen!" and hands Ito a message flimsy.

"Arigato" Ito takes it and reads it:


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/3/2007 8:48:31 PM)

“Manira no Nihon desu”

Ryuji stands and cheers “Manila is ours!”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/4/2007 12:06:06 AM)

Showa 16 Month 12 Day 31st

Hiroshima is decked out to celebrate the New Year. Schoolgirls approach the two young handsome lieutenants:

‘Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu’ wishing them a happy new year.

Even though the celebrations are muted by the long years of war, the girl’s faces are radiant, and their cheeks pink by the December cold.

“kotoshi mo yoroshiku o-negai shimasu” the two young men answer.

“Now that Manila has fallen, Luzon will be ours soon” says Ryuji.

“Iie” answers Ito “The enemy is cunning and had withdrawn most of his troops to the airbase at Clark. From there they can withdraw to prepared positions at Bataan. So long as they hold that peninsula we cannot use the facilities at Manila. If they are well supplied it will be a hard job to get them out of Bataan”

“Kuso!” Answers Ryuji.

Their office is warm, and both men welcome the change from the frigid street. Ryuji picks up the first messages and exclaims:

“Well, the 8th guerrilla corps that was annoying us S of Hankow has finally surrendered. The 6th division also got to Nanchang just in time to repel the next attack by those Chinese mongrels. The city is no longer in peril and can now wait for operation Ooame.”

“Heavy rain? What is that?” Asks Ito.

‘That is the name of the plan to clear the guerrillas out of the occupied China; Nanchang now can wait for Ooame to be completed, without need for further reinforcements”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/4/2007 12:10:44 AM)

“This is interesting, look, one of our submarines I-2 spotted an enemy TF leaving Johnston Is going West! He reports 2 heavy cruisers and one destroyer. He reports being attacked soon afterwards, so we know nothing more.

‘Maybe those are their carriers” Ryuji offers.

“Not likely, they could have their carriers at Johnston to strike at us if we try to attack Baker or Canton, but why move West now?”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/4/2007 12:14:18 AM)

“Not likely, they could have their carriers at Johnston to strike at us if we try to attack Baker or Canton, but why move West now?”

“Well, we are going to attack two new objectives in China, as part of Ooame. These two corps East of Hankow; they are straddling the road, so we’ll be happy to see them


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/4/2007 12:16:32 AM)

Ryuji continued “ The second one is further north, near Tsingtao, they have been cutting the railroad for too long too”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/4/2007 12:21:37 AM)

“Nagumo has returned to Osaka” Ito informs his friend. “He has received replacement aircraft and has also changed his Pete scout planes for longer ranged Alfs. After a short shore leave for his men, he shall leave to the south”

“Any idea where?”

“Adm Yamamoto did not share this with me” Ito says. "The allies may be planning something in the Java sea; SS I-22 sunk a minelayer, Kung Wo or something like that, but he also saw a bunch of cruisers apparently."

"That front is sure to heat up soon" Ryuji says.

"You can bet on that" Ito agrees "Tomorrow we land at Davao"


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/5/2007 9:01:11 PM)

Showa 17, Month 1 Day 1

The New Year starts cold and sunny, but, aside from a hangover from last night’s celebrations, Ito and Ryuji are back at work. The B17’s continue to attack Hankow at very high altitude. The Oscars cannot climb high enough to reach the four engined bombers; on the other hand, they cannot hit anything from that altitude.

“It scares me to think what could happen if those big bombers attacked our cities in Nihon” Ito said.

“They can’t hit anything from that altitude Ito” Ryuji was confident.

“They can’t hit anything in China Ryuji, but what would happen if one of those bombers passed over one of our cities and dropped phosphorus bombs. Our houses are made of wood and paper”

Ryuji’s eyes opened wide, comprehending “Kuso! That must not be allowed to happen. The Navy must keep them away from the East, and the army from the West”

“We need a fighter that can climb that high” Ito said.

“We do have one” Ryuji smiled mysteriously.

“Nani?” Ito asked

“ I am not supposed to know but, when I went to China for the briefing, I saw the test reports for a new fighter we have down there. The Tojo. We have five of them being tested there. They were used against Hong Kong. They have a maximum altitude of almost 10600 meters. They can reach the bombers”

“Why are we not using them?”

“We are not ready to go into production yet apparently, and the brass refuses to let them be used against the B17s, they do not want the enemy to know their capabilities.”

“That is wise” Ito concluded.

They both returned to their briefings. Ito passed a report on to Ryuji. Those American battleships escaped. They sailed south from Pearl, away from our waiting submarines, then turned north. The Glen floatplanes located them too late for our subs to intercept them. They are now beyond our reach and will arrive in San Francisco in one or two


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/5/2007 9:04:37 PM)

“That is too bad.” Ryuji agreed. “Look, here is what is going on in Nangking. The next group of guerrillas are almost encircled. They will be gone soon. Also in Tsingtao, the guerrillas there will be forced to the tip of the peninsula, and we can eliminate them easily.”

“It will be good when we don’t have to worry about them no more” Ito agreed.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/5/2007 9:06:29 PM)

Ryuji continued showing maps of the China situation to his friend. Some of these Ito incorporated on his briefing for the admirals, some he just recorded for his own files.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/5/2007 9:08:48 PM)

“What is important” Ryuji said “Is that we need to finish cleaning up these guerrilla armies before the remainder of the Burma armies are sent south; we are not using them to do battle, but they need to function as garrison troops until some of the maneuvering units can be spared”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/5/2007 9:10:40 PM)

Ito nodded. It would be good, he thought if Luzon was finally cleared, but the enemy was holding out at Clark in strength. It was futile, he knew. Without Manila there would be no further supplies for the enemy, still, it was throwing off the invasion schedule.


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