RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (Full Version)

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kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/27/2007 12:31:47 AM)

Showa 17 Ichigatsu nijushichinichi (Jan 27th)
Ryuji sat at his favorite teahouse, the Sakura. In the low table in front of him, the hostess served him sake, his drink of choice. The girl was pretty, as were all the hostesses, but not forward. Men came to the teahouse for female company, to hear the artist performing on the koto; sometimes for a drink and a peaceful place to sit and think, and sometimes, even for tea.
Ryuji was composing a letter for his friend. The courier G4M aircraft would leave in the morning, and Sato, the pilot had offered to take a letter or a small package to his friend, avoiding the usual military channels. Ryuji was glad of the opportunity to write his friend, free of the worry that it might reach the wrong hands.
“I am quite fed up with the news reports put out by the Prime Minister’s office. I do not know how it is with you flyboys but the infantry men do not die with the emperor’s name on their lips. Perhaps it is different for pilots but my men, when they died besides me, they called out: “Okasan” They called for their mother! Not the emperor.
The good news from China is that those enemy troops that we were trying to surround east of Hankow are finally almost surrounded. They would have been totally surrounded had some troops to the SW not decided to move. Now we will have to move them back!
In Manila, the 32nd SNLF will join the forces at Clark; as soon as it reaches Clark we will attack.
My good friend Sato will bring back your letters when he returns. I hope to see you back soon.
Ki o tsukero na


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/27/2007 12:32:37 AM)



kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/27/2007 7:06:29 PM)

Showa 17 Ichigatsu nijuhachinichi (Jan 28th)
The carriers of the Shokaku group have finally arrived at Kwajalein. They rapidly refuel and receive replacements. The pilots from the two, now reunited, carrier groups visit each other’s ships and count coup. They had not communicated since Pearl Harbor and there are bets to be settled, and war stories to tell. Kaga’s group’s pilots share their experience in the north Pacific while the Shokaku’s task force pilots bring their colleagues up to date on their rather uneventful south Pacific cruise.
Ito, a pilot himself, is welcome among these reunions; some of the pilots are classmates of his, or were one or two years ahead of him. He enjoys their company and their war stories.
The news in the South Pacific is that the beachhead at Canton is holding awaiting reinforcements. The naval landing force that was en route diverted to Baker Island on the discovery of a nearby enemy task force. The recon bird that found it, at the end of its fuel, could not identify the ships, just the presence of ships at the limit of his visual range. This was duly reported and the task force told to land at Baker. The island was undefended and was easily seized. The transports were ordered to withdraw to the west until the danger is cleared.
Nagumo is losing no time in preparing to meet the possible threat. He shifted his flag to Shokaku, and has stayed there, closeted with the ships’ captains and the local admirals studying the maps and planning a possible sortie to intercept.
On news from the South China Sea, the enemy subs continue to make a nuisance of themselves despite increased air patrols. Fortunately the Americajin seem to still have problems with their torpedoes. This is allowing the troopships to move troops to Cam Rahn. Ito wonders if this has anything to do with the mysterious Kita Yuden operation. Time will tell.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/28/2007 7:44:53 PM)

Showa 17 Ichigatsu niju kunichi (Jan 29th)

Ito is again aboard a carrier; this time it is the mighty Shokaku. Adm Chuichi Nagumo decided this time to shift his flag to the larger carrier. Ito received the letter from Ryuji but only had time for a scribbled acknowledgement before departing with the task force. All of Japan’s big carriers are sailing East, to support operations against Canton Island. The old Bolos and newer B17s based on Canton attempted to attack the task force that was re-supplying the troops at the beachhead. Happily they did not achieve a single hit. Nagumo isn’t pleased though. “We cannot rely on luck or enemy incompetence” he said.

In addition, the still unidentified task force SE of Canton is still there, hovering at the edge of the submarines floatplane range. Nagumo hopes that it represents the enemy carriers coming to the succor of Canton. In that case, he will engage them and sink them all.

A submarine returning from the US West coast reported being attacked by an ASW TF SW of Johnston Is. Unconfirmed reports of a cruiser in the task force have also been received. If capital ships are present NE of Kwajalein, the carriers should be steaming NE, if this sighting is not confirmed, then SE is the way to go.

Until further information is available, Nagumo orders a course E; this course will get the carriers clear of the Marshall’s soonest, and then they can turn N or S according to the situation.

Ito’s problem is that Nagumo specifically ordered him to interpret the data and present his conclusions to him. Ito works feverishly with all the reports available to him. He figures he has two days to achieve a conclusion that he must then defend before Nagumo.

The good news from Ryuji are that the 4th and 48th Chinese guerrilla corps, surrounded have surrendered before the Japanese attack. The 27th retreated across the river towards Honan, but still sits astride the railroad. China has been cleared of infiltrating forces and the Japanese army will now start offensive operations in earnest. Ito will be traveling to Canton for a conference on the next step in the near future. As a result, the Ankei SNLF has been ordered to Shangai and will transfer its command to the Navy as soon as it gets there.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (9/30/2007 8:27:06 PM)

Ryuji sat at the conference table in General Hata’s headquarters in Canton. He was quite far from Major General Tadamichi Kuribayashi who was giving the briefing.
The upcoming operations, named “Ookii Tako” Was designed to finish off the war on SE China.
“After finally clearing the guerrillas from North of the Yang Tze, the conditions for the final assault are met.” Kuribayashi started.
“Up to now, our offensives always resulted in the Chinese forces withdrawing further and further into inland China. Safe in the rear, the armies resupplied and reinforced from the vast sea of men that is China” He continued. Heads nodded around the table.
“The first arm of the octopus will push north from Canton, along the railroad line to Hanchow. It will stop before the river and it shall not yet attempt to enter Hanchow. The second arm starts from Nanchang and will push towards Changsha along the paved road. Once Changsha is reached and occupied, the peninsula to the north, along the big bend of the Yang Tze will be cleared to cover the flank. “He pointed to these places on his easel where the map was placed.
“After this is completed, the isolated enemy, in the pocket will be dealt with on a one by one basis. As each unit is destroyed or forced to pull back, more and more of our own forces will be freed and be available to eliminate the resistance pockets”
Kuribayashi sat down and the surrounding officers turned to face General Hata and gave him a round of applause.
It was of course unfair; Gen Kuribayashi had crafted this plan, but the ovation went to Gen. Hata, whose major contribution to it was to get in the way and demanding progress reports. Ryuji had served under Gen. Hata and he knew how things worked. So did Kuribayashi, who smiled and also joined the ovation.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/2/2007 12:42:47 AM)

Showa 17 Nichigatsu tsuitachi (Feb 1st)

Ito is now even further from the course of the war than before. If being in Kwajalein made it hard, being on the Shokaku made it impossible. To make it worse, they were cruising now in the vicinity of Baker Island, and under radio silence. All the information that got to Ito is what the radio room gleans from transmissions out of Kwajalein and shortwave from Tokyo or Hiroshima.

It is enough to make Ito tear his hair out.

The Americajin have stationed 2 engined bombers in Canton. B26 and B25s have been attacking the supply task force. Until today their success was nil, but today the USA Maru was hit by bombs several times and then, the coup de grace came via a US submarine that had been lurking for several days.

VSWG -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/3/2007 5:36:12 PM)

This is an excellent AAR! [&o] I like the combination of a 'Hibiki-style' AAR with a 'top-down' perspective on the entire war. Great maps, too!

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/3/2007 5:48:03 PM)

Thanks. I appreciate it that you like it.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/4/2007 1:30:56 AM)

Showa 17nen nigatsu futsuka (Feb 2nd)
The medium bombers from Canton continue to harass our attempts to resupply the beachhead. Yamamoto orders the battlewagons to attack the airfield. They do so but, in the night, are not successful at destroying many aircraft. In their dispersal, and behind whatever revetments the American engineers have been able to contrive, the aircraft do not suffer much from the naval bombardment.
The medium bombers discover the battleships and attack them but the only bombs that hit are unable to penetrate the heavy armor and do no damage.
Additional forces land at Cagayan in the Philippines but Ito does not know the result of that invasion.
Showa 17 nen nigatsu mikka (Feb 3rd)
The sailor from the radio room brings Ito a message slip. Despite the bombardment that hit Canton, the enemy regiment attacked and the 61st Naval Guards has suffered such losses that it has ceased to exists. The survivors have merged into the other units on the beachhead.
The reinforcements that landed in Baker Island await the transports to take them back on board and from there to Canton. The search airplanes have not found the feared enemy surface task force.
A cable from Hiroshima informs Nagumo that the Japanese forces at Johore Bahru have finally started to reduce the enemy fortifications. A new attack is expected tomorrow.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/7/2007 1:06:42 AM)

Showa 17 nen nigatsu tooka (Feb 10th)

Nagumo isn’t happy. He has moved Kido Butai East to be in a position to intercep the reported cruisers (carriers) seen off Johnston island. This turned out to be a fluke. He then turned south to support the Canton Island invasion. The enemy is operating greater numbers of two engine bombers from the airfield in the island. First it was just those obsolete Bolos, then B26 and B25 bombers appeared, and now a smaller bomber, also with two engines is making the livs of the supply convoys miserable.
His battleships bombarded the island twice but the airfields were barely touched.

The final straw is when two destroyers boldly intercept his cargo ships, sink their escorts and chase the merchies off the landing beach. It will take him two days to be within launch range. The task force steams south at full speed.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/7/2007 1:18:27 AM)

Long range reconnaisance aircraft from Truk identify a large transport task force at Rabaul. It is hard to know what they are doing. They may be relieving Lark force, getting ready to yield Rabaul without a fight. Ito doesn’t think so. More likely he tells Nagumo they are reinforcing the base. Regardless, whatever they are doing, the Japanese Navy will not let them do unhindered.
From Truk, G3N bombers take off for the long overwater flight. Two cargo ships of the Luckenbach family are hit by torpedo. They remain afloat however. At the same time the twin engined bombers took off, a cruiser task force set sail at flank speed. They arrived the next day. Bad weather over Truk prevented the G3Ns from f;lying but the cruisers Aoba, Kako, Kinugasa and Furutaka, under Adm Goto did a devastating job on the merchants.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/10/2007 3:59:10 AM)

Showa 17 nen nigatsu jugonichi (Feb 15th)
Ito sat in Nagumo’s cabin. The admiral had invited him in for tea. This was a great honor for Ito. Kido Butai was currently at anchor at Baker Island. A bleak place, where a base force was trying to create a base out of nothing. There was no fuel to be had, and no supplies either.
Nagumo seemed tired. He had been under a lot of stress ever since the war started. Some of his decisions may have been unfortunate, or perhaps he had no choice, but he knew they were questioned nonetheless. Now the whole Canton Island invasion was endangered and he needed Ito to be clear on the local situation when he reported back to Yamamoto.
“Two of the naval landing forces have been annihilated in Canton” The admiral started.
Ito nodded “Hai”
“There is one landing force unit and a base on the island” the admiral continued. “A task force with three more landing force units has just left Kwajalein en route to Canton” This was known to Ito, however the next piece of information came as a surprise.
“There are no more reserves in this theatre of operations” Nagumo rubbed between his eyes “Even these forces were earmarked for other islands”
Nothing needed to be said. Ito bowed to acknowledge. Nagumo continued:
“In the presence of the twin engine bombers Kido Butai should stay and provide air cover. But we cannot linger. We have destroyed the two enemy destroyers and their cargo task force, but the ships are badly in need of repair”
Ito knew this. He, like the Japanese command had been trying to ignore this inconvenient fact, but several of the ships had accumulated enough damage during the almost two months of incessant operations that they could not maintain speed anymore. Also there were no repair facilities this side of Saipan. The single repair ship at Kwajalein was completely inadequate to the task. It’s only function was to patch up the holes and let the ships steam back to the home islands for repair.
“We cannot stay” Nagumo sentenced.” I have ordered Kido Butai back to Kwajalein. I shall have to divide our forces again, the most damaged ships shall return to Osaka and be repaired. The carriers I shall keep will provide cover for the operations around Canton. But I cannot engage the enemy carriers under these conditions. We can only hope they do not know this and do not appear”
Ito nodded once more “Hai”
“There is one more thing” Nagumo added: “The first phase of operation Kita Yuden was launched against the northwest corner of Borneo. The objective was to attack and occupy the ports and airfields of Kuching, Singkiawan and Pontianak. The three invasion task forces were covered by Ruyjo and two escort carriers”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/13/2007 1:00:13 AM)

Ito knew there was more to come.
“The enemy mounted a very determined and strong air defensive operation” Nagumo continued. “They massed large numbers of twin engine and torpedo bombers in Brunei, Kuching, Singkiawan, Pontianak and Palenbang. Despite coverage by the Ryuju task force with a CVL and CVE they zeroes were overwhelmed by the attackers and all invasion fleets suffered heavy losses. The Kuching force managed to land a significant number of troops that were later reinforced by the Pontianak force. We have a beachead on Kuching that will hold and we hope soon take the base.”

Nagumo drank some tea before continuing. “The pilots from the carriers managed to sink a light cruiser, the Java, but Ryujo sank from the massive air attacks.”

“A second light cruiser,” he continued “the Sumatra tried to intercept the task force reinforcing our beachhead at Kuching. The merchants were escorted by five destroyers, which were able to sink the Sumatra; unfortunately they were attacked the next day by the enemy bombers and were decimated by them.”

Ito nodded again.

“We must not underestimate the enemy again. Tell Yamamoto this” Nagumo rose, concluding the interview


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/13/2007 1:01:11 AM)

Sumatra's last stand


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/13/2007 1:01:38 AM)

Massive air


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/13/2007 1:02:17 AM)

Effective allied naval attacks


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/14/2007 6:17:11 PM)

Showa 17 nen Nigatsu juhachi nichi (Feb 18th)

The flight to Kwajalein was uneventful. The ponderous H6K4 flying boat was a stable and reliable plane. There were the inevitable bumps, unavoidable in the tropics, but the flight was comfortable nonetheless. Ito felt quite happy to be returning to the center of things. He had been away from his desk and direct information on the war, so he was anxious to get back.

At Kwajalein, he had to make arrangements for the next leg of his journey to Hiroshima. Fortunately a G4M was leaving for Saipan in six hours and they could take him.

“There is a telegram for you. It just arrived” said the sergeant in the communication center. “We were going to forward it to Shokaku, but there is no need now” He handed him a slip of paper.

The message was dated today, in Hiroshima. Ito read through the message.

“Clark and Johore Bahru fell today. Details follow. Ryuju”

Some good news at last. Ito sent a telegram back:

“Will arrive Hiroshima one or two days. See you then. Sayonara. Ito”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/15/2007 8:42:45 PM)

Showa 17 nen Nigatsu jukunichi (Feb 19th)
The flight to Saipan was no worse than the flight to Kwajalein. Ito flew in the G4M, that made the trip at a higher altitude, above the fleecy cumulus clouds that dotted the seascape the air was smooth and the ride was very nice. In Saipan, Ito had to overnight, so he used the down time to try and catch up on the events of the day before.
It was not a very good day for the Japanese invaders of Borneo and Sarawak. A major allied surface raid on Kuching intercepted the resupply raid on the beachhead. Ito felt surprise and respect for the enemy that, this close to major Japanese bases risked such important ships.
Prince of Wales, Revenge and the Battlecruiser Repulse, together with the heavy cruiser Cornwall, and 9 cruisers and a destroyer intercepted the task force, escorted only by the destroyers Asagiri, Yudachi and Arashio. The destroyers, outnumbered and outgunned defended fiercely but their puny guns could not penetrate the heavy armor of the cruisers and battleships. Asagiri however managed to get a torpedo into the POW.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/16/2007 9:31:05 PM)

Showa 17 nen nigatsu hatsuka (Feb 20th)
Ito ends up having to stay an extra day in Saipan; the transport aircraft suffered a mechanical failure and had to be repaired. Though anxious to return home, it would still be winter in Japan but it is nice and warm in the tropical island of Saipan. The news keep filtering down to him from the communications building. An allied task force attempting to resupply Canton was intercepted and thrashed by the Kirishima task force which then bombarded the island. Unfortunately not much damage was done to the airfield.
A short message from Ryuji informs Ito that the first troops entered Bataan, and that the allies, desperate tried a fast counterattack on the first guards unit. However the remainder of the Bataan invasion troops had slipped into their positions overnight, and the ragtag allied forces, with few supplies run into a enormous Japanese formations. Instead of pushing back a small unit their attack shattered against massive forces poised to attack.
The G3Ms from Johore failed to find the POW, and had to content themselves with attacking a relief transport bound for Singiakan.
Nagumo sent a telegram too. Ito reads that Kiido Butai is again split. Hyriu, Shokaku and Zuikaku are being sent to Japan for repairs.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/17/2007 6:26:33 PM)

Showa 17 nen, nigatsu nijuniichi
Finally, Ito arrives at Hiroshima. He is too late to go to his office of course, but not so late that he cannot go to the bathhouse. The hot water leeches away the tensions and cramps of his long trip. His friend Ryuju soon appears and joins him in the tub.
There are not many patrons in the bathhouse today, and Ryuju and Ito have this tub to themselves. They exchange the usual pleasantries, but soon get back to talking about the war.
“Do you remember that Major General I told you about?” Ryuju asks.
“Hai, what was his name? Kuribayashi, yes, so?”
“The day before I left Canton, I went to one of the tea houses, to have some sake. All the tables were full, and I had no place to sit. Kuribayashi was sitting at a table by himself, writing. Had he been a lieutenant or a captain I might have approached and asked permission to sit”
“Ahumm” Ito nodded.
Ryuju continued:”Well. Kuribayashi saw me standing and, to my surprise, waved me over; I told him I did not wish to impose but he bade me sit down.’
“Very decent of him” Ito agreed.
“Yes. He was writing a letter. He had drawn a picture on it. He saw me looking at the letter; I couldn’t help it, it was write there and the picture he was drawing was nice. “Sumimasen” I apologized, but he laughed”
“It’s a picture letter for my daughter Takako.” He said. “She is 8 and studies at Matsubara school. I used to write these letters for my first son Taro, when I went to the US. He was too young to read Kanji so I drew the pictures and my wife would read it to them. Later I wrote them for my first daughter Yoko and now for my youngest” He sighed wistfully.
“You are an artist, sir” I said.
“War is hard” He answered “harder for our families than it is for us”
“He wasn’t drinking sake, he was drinking scotch, Johnnie Walker, I wonder where the owner got it.” Ryuju concluded.
“He seems very much unlike the usual generals that you find in the army” Ito said “Ides ne?’
“If all generals were like him, we might have finished the war in China, and would not be in the pickle we are in now” Ryuju agreed.
“Are there good news?’ Ito asked.
“Actually there are” Ryuju responded “Remember that the Americans tried to attack our first units into Bataan, and were surprised by the bulk of our forces? Well, Homma ordered a general attack today; thinking of catching them off balance, and the attack was successful. The Americans and their Philipino toadies surrendered en masse. Luzon is ours”


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/18/2007 7:55:51 PM)

Showa 17 nen nigatsu nijusen nichi (Feb 23rd)
Finally back at his office, Ito reviews the day’s dispatches. He reads aloud to his friend.
“Kirishima task force bombarded Canton island today but missed the airfield”
“You would think they would be able to hit something as big as an airfield, ides ne?”
“They have bombed the place what, three times, and never a single hit on the runway!” Ito concurred; then he continued “It gets worse; after Kirishima withdrew, the task force bringing the reinforments to the island was met by a major enemy battleship task force”
“What happened?”
“All of the enemy big players were there. Mississippi, New Mexico, Idaho, Warspite; it seems the Brits wanted in on the action too. Also heavy cruisers Minneapolis and Indianapolis, plus a bunch of light cruisers and destroyers” Ito continued.
“Who was escorting the transports?”
“Light cruiser Katori, and destroyers Mochizoby, Yunagui and three patrol boats. We had only encountered destroyers in those waters, and with KB nearby nobody expected the enemy to risk capital ships to defend the island”
“What a disaster”
“Hai” Ito concluded, downcast.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/22/2007 11:12:51 PM)

Showa 17 nen Nigatsu niju yokka (Feb 24th)
Midnight. The skies are clear, with only a sliver of moon showing on the sky. Aboard the transports, anxious soldiers look over the gunwales of their transports; those that are fortunate enough to be on the deck. For the immense majority, in the dark, cavernous holds of the transport ships, the anxiety over the approaching hours joins the discomfort of the crossing, in ships poorly designed for the purpose, the smell of vomit from the seasick soldiers, and the stench of improperly disposed human waste.
On the deck of one of the transports, Lt Yato lights a cigarette. He has shielded the light so it cannot be seen and keeps the ember within his hand, to maintain the strict blackout. He shakes his head at their orders. They are to attempt to land again tonight. The forces on Canton Island are desperate for reinforcements. Yesterday’s attempt cost the convoy all of its destroyers. Now, defended only by the aging minesweeper, they are to attempt a landing again.
In front of the formation, the minesweeper zigzags irregularly. Its sides lined with extra lookouts, looking for the enemy warships. Intelligence predicts the warships have left. They would be crazy to stay around with the Japanese carriers nearby. But Yato knows the carriers are not near. After the previous raids, they withdrew to Kwajalein.
The ponderous transports follow the minesweeper into the bay. They can now see the beachhead, by the occasional small arms fire around the perimeter. Perhaps the intelligence rats were right and the enemy battleships are gone.
The ships enter further into the bay and the soldiers prepare to disembark.
Flashes light the sky to the north. Soon after the whooshing sound of heavy shells breaks the stillness of the tropical night. One ship, then another is targeted by the big shells. The shells fall among the formation, near misses drenching the soldiers with the warm, tropical water, hits lighting up the formation as men and pieces of the ships fly through the air, blasted by the explosions. In front, the valiant minesweeper lays a smokescreen and tries to close with the big ships, firing all its weapons, even if it is completely out of range, and would not be able to hurt any of the big ships, if they were in range.
Salvo after salvo straddles the brave little ships that keeps twisting and turning, this way and that, making smoke, and like a single sheep dog beset by a pack of wolves, tries to keep the pack from his herd.
The transports turn tail and scatter. The sacrifice of the minesweeper enables almost all of the transports to leave the bay and head to the West. Four hulks remain, burning, in the bay.
At Dawn, Lt Yato can still see the island lying East. They have not withdrawn that far. He fears they will be ordered to try to land again in the night.
The convoy is in a very open formation; ready to scatter should the warships appear. The lookouts, reinforced by the soldiers keep their eyes peeled.
“Airplanes there!” A lookout points to the north sky. The alarm sounds and all the AA guns are manned.
“Bakayaro!” Screams the first officer from the bridge. “They are our planes.”
Indeed they are. Flying low over the transports, bombers, with torpedoes slung under them fly over. Their wings sport the Rising Sun emblem.
“Banzai, Banzai, Banzai!” All the soldiers cheer as the huge formation passes overhead. Dive bombers can be seen flying higher and, even higher, so small that they cannot be clearly identified, flies the fighter cover. The planes fly towards the island.

String -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/22/2007 11:53:26 PM)

Oh dear. Poor allied battelfleet [:D]

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/23/2007 3:18:39 AM)

The lead bomber reaches his target. The sky is crystal clear and visibility is unlimited. 3000 meters below his D3A2 dive bomber, the enemy fleet lay at anchor, waiting to see if the enemy transports would try again tonight. “Kuso!” He hears in his earphones as his gunner starts identifying the enemy ships. Colorado, Warspite, Missisipi, Idaho, New Mexico, the cruisers Indianapolis and Minneapolis, the light cruisers Phoenix, Helena, and some destroyers. And not an enemy aircraft in sight. It is Pearl Harbor all over again!

“To-To-To-To” He yells on his radio, ordering the attack. He reefs his aircraft into a tight turn to watch as the nimble dive bombers dive on the undefended ships. Clouds of flak appear over the anchorage as foam tails at the stern of the ships shows that, even if they were static, they were ready enough to start their engines immediately. It would be futile. Long before the ponderous battleships acquire any speed, the bombs start striking home. Explosions on the deck of the battleships where the bombs fail to penetrate the thick armor, they will not sink the big ships, but they will damage and degrade their antiaircraft fire. His two wingmen follow his every move, anxious also to dive into the fray, yet he holds them back.

Now, out of the palm trees, he sees the reflection of the sun on the canopies of the B5N2 bombers. Here come the torpedo bombers. They separate into flight segments and attack their selected targets. Soon, Colorado takes a torpedo hit, followed by a second. Almost stalling his plane he sees Warspite take three torpedoes in rapid succession. It is difficult for him to keep track of the nettle. Missisipi almost still smokes from several hits, but he hasn’t seen them. Idaho gets hit by a torpedo but manages to keep going. The battleship is following Indianapolis towards open water when, attacked from both sides, the cruiser takes two torpedoes and slows to a crawl. Idaho and New Mexico avoid the foundering Indianapolis and exit the anchorage, however one of the torpedo bombers runs an approach on the yet untouched New Mexico and hits it with a fish. Finally he releases his men and leads them on a dive bombing attack on a light cruiser, Phoenix. His gunner cheers when he sees the explosion of his bomb and secondaries that indicate penetration.

He follows his men towards their carriers. He is the last to leave the scene. Passing over the battered transports he does a barrel roll at low altitude to let them know that they have been avenged. The catch a glimpse of the men cheering on the decks.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/30/2007 8:55:02 PM)

Showa 17 nen Nigatsu nijugo nichi. (Feb 25th)

The first light of dawn breaks over the island to the East of the task force. Lt Yato, unable to sleep, paces the deck of the troop transport. The task force was again near Canton Island. The formation is very loose. Not so good to defend against air attack, but obviously the task force commander is still worried about the surface combatants.

An alarm sounds. One of the lookouts points East. Yato looks through his binoculars. They might not be as good as the naval pieces the lookouts good, but even he can see the large form moving out of the darkness heading… right towards them!

The task force begins the scatter procedure with all the transports taking off in different directions. Even so, Yato sees the enemy battleship slowly approaching; behind him, three other large ships follow: a second battleship and two cruisers. A few destroyers are scattered about. Any second now the big guns will start speaking and Yato’s transport is at pointblank range. Yato and a seaman follow the large ship with their binoculars. The seaman whispers, as if afraid that the enemy would hear:

“Warusupite des”

Indeed, it is the British battleship, but its guns are not trained on the transport, and its course remains constant, it does not increase its speed either. Behind it, the second battlewagon follows slowly. Even Yato recognizes it, Missisippi.

The sailor identifies the two cruisers as Minneapolis and Indianapolis. They are making no more than 4 knots. After about an hour, Yato breathes out. These ships are not looking for trouble; they are just trying to get away from the island. Still, the transports try to get out of their way. A destroyer is actually towing Indianapolis but soon it releases the tow lines and sailors scramble over the cruiser’s side. Just as full daylight breaks out, the mighty ship keels over and sinks. Missisipi follows soon afterwards. The destroyers rush in to pick up survivors.

A cry from the bridge calls the sailors attention to the north. Aircraft! There is no doubt on anybody’s mind this time. The Japanese aircraft, in an elegant dance of death dive on the allied ships. The destroyers put up a determined barrage of AA fire but the capital ships fail to fire their batteries. Only their machine guns put up a desultory fire as the ships plod on along at minimal speed.

Four torpedo bombers split in flights of two and target Warspite. The mighty ship receives three torpedoes, two on its starboard side, one portside. The explosions rip through its hull and stately, its hull sinks beneath the waves. The Japanese bombers circle and find new targets. Minneapolis gets hit by four bombs. Three explode relatively harmlessly against the deck armor, but secondary explosions follow a fourth. Yato sees seamen jumping overboard and the cruiser soon capsizes and goes under.

As fast as it starts the attack is over. The destroyers ignore the transports as they attempt to pick up as many survivors as possible.

The transports reform and continue to sail West, putting themselves, as much as possible, out of harm’s way.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (10/31/2007 7:18:43 PM)

Showa 17 nen, nigatsu nijushichi nichi (Feb 27th)

Ryuju walks into the office. His mood is upbeat. The recent, modest succeses in China forecast a good success for Ooki Tako. For a change, Ito is also quite satisfied:

“Well, that Canton misadventure is finally over. The enemy has now stationed more than 35000 troops there, our invasion force has been overrun” Uto tells him.

“And that is good news?” Ryuju replies, surprised.

“The reinforcement task force is now heading for Baker Island, where we shall establish a strong base. It will be a long time before the Americans can attack us there. Hopefully the war will be over by then. Meanwhile they have lost at least 4 battleships and two heavy cruisers. Perhaps not a great victory, but a victory nonetheless”

“That is true” Ryuju concurs.

“Also in Borneo, Singkawang has finally fallen. How are things in Singapore?”

“The defenders seem to be running out of supply. The defences are being degraded at each attack. Perhaps no more than a week and it shall be ours” Ryuju confirms.

“That will be good. I have finally heard about Kita Yuden”

Ryuju’s ears perk up.

“We need to seize oil soon. Kita Yuden is the operation to attack and occuppy the southern half of Sumatra. Aircraft based on Singkiawang, Singkep and Singapore will give us air superiority, and protect the carriers assigned to the operation. Most troops are in place. As soon as Singapore falls, it will launch. After Southern Sumatra falls, operation nan yuden will start. Troops released from the Philippines will be employed to take Java”

“Ambitious operations” Ryuju sentences.

“May Amaseratu help us”

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/2/2007 10:53:57 PM)

Showa 17 nen Sangatsu tsuitachi (March 1st):
Ito and Ryuju study a large map of the Pacific. The front lines are drawn on the map, showing the extent of the victories of their nation. The map has been prepared for a news conference to be given today. This advance copy will be released to the influential Asahi Shinbun. It is amazing the extent of the expansion of their nation, and it will surely fire up the patriotic zeal of the people. Especially of the people who have not met the enemy.
“The enemy is determined” Ryuju says. “They might not fight like Samurai, but they do fight and their weapons are good”
“Hai” Ito concurs. “I do not know that Bushido can defeat their factories and industries. I hope Singapore falls soon, so we can get Kita Yuden going. We need the oil”“Only a few days now” Ryuju reassures him.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/8/2007 6:02:38 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu futsuka (March 2nd)
A memo crosses Ito’s desk. It is an order for all Mutsuki class destroyers to proceed to naval shipyards to receive upgrades. While it may not be wise to withdraw many destroyers in view of the allied swarms of submarines, anything that makes the destroyers more effective is welcomed.
Showa 17 nen Sangatsu mikka (March 3rd)
Ito is working alone on his desk on the planning of operation Kita Yuden. He needs to find the transport and naval resources to get the troops to their destinations. Not an easy task, considering all the demands placed on Japanese shipping.
The door opens with a bang as Ryuju enters excited. “Singapore has fallen!”
“Yatta!” says Ito jumping to his feet.
“At first count, we have taken more than 76 thousand prisoners” Ryuju adds.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/9/2007 8:04:00 PM)

Showa 17 nen Sangatsu yokka (March 8th)

Ito drinks green tea. The reports today are limited. The war grinds on but after the fall of Singapore, it almost seems as if both sides are preparing for the next step.
"The enemy keeps bombing our convoys from Brunei and Tarakan. They are not very successful, but are annoying"
Ryuju agrees "That will stop, once we get to invade the north of Borneo"
"Hai" Ito continues. "You know that enemy base in the north west side of Borneo, Kuching? We have taken it. Soon our planes will fly from there, and Kita Yuden will finally get under way"
"Hear Hear" Ryuju adds.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/10/2007 9:58:40 PM)

Showa 17 nen Sangatsu kokonoka (March 9th)
Ryuju comes into the office bearing a map.
“The 34th division is planning to move behind the enemy and cut them off from their supply lines. We should soon have them on the run then” He shows the map to Ito
Ito looks at the map and agrees.
“We have good news from the Navy today too”
“Cagayan fell to our forces today. More than 12000 prisoners surrendered. Also our G3M bombers from Singapore ripped apart an enemy tanker convoy that was trying to steal the oil from Palenbang”


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