RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (Full Version)

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kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/12/2007 6:48:35 PM)

Cagayan falls.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/12/2007 6:59:38 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu juninichi. (March 12th)
It was late; around 1400 when Ito stepped out of Adm Yamamoto’s office. The Admiral was not pleased about the situation in the South China Sea. The enemy bombers sallying out from Brunei were repeatedly attacking the Singapore bound convoys. Not to be outdone, the enemy was flying medium and dive bombers out of Palenbang and attacking the shipping as it approached Singapore. The task force that was evacuating the parachutists out of Singkiawang was hit and one of its ships was probably going to sink. It was hoped that it would make it to Singapore before sinking, so the paratroopers crowded on it would be saved.
Nothing much could be done about Palenbang. A heavy bombing raid with all the G#Ms available at Singapore would be launched tomorrow, weather permitting. However the airfield at Brunei had to be neutralized and that had to be done now.
“We have not taken Brunei until now” said the Admiral “because we did not want the enemy four engine bombers attacking the oilfields. But we have no choice now. We must take the airfield, and finish this threat to our shipping”
“Hai” Ito saluted and left.
In his office, Ryuju, back from lunch, a long time ago, glanced up from his papers when the door opened.
Ito entered, dropped a folder on his desk and dashed to the door:
“Hara ga hetta ze” He said
“So you are hungry” Ryuju replied, “It’s too late to get lunch”
“The Admiral talked for hours!” Ito answered “itte kimasu!” he added as he rushed out the door.
“Itte rashai” “See you” answered back Ryuju, but Ito was out of earshot already.


Yakface -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/12/2007 7:29:29 PM)

Ooooh - I'd fdorgotten how clean the map looks without the hexes.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/13/2007 2:27:44 AM)

It was a cold and blustery March day in Hiroshima. So late in the day, most of the lunch shops were closed already. Their owners and workers either, having their own belated lunches, getting an afternoon nap in or, more likely, getting their establishments ready for the dinner hour. On the other hand, after all these years of war, few men were eating out at night, unless they were zaibatsu. They continued to make money with the war. It was just that they had a different customer; the Army, the Navy or, perhaps, both. Ito wondered if in the US it was the same.
War economy aside, Ito’s stomach was loudly protesting its empty state and Ito could just not find an open establishment. Cursing his luck, he entered a small side street to return to his office. Just at the corner there was a small cloth sign: “Sapporo Ramen”
He was in luck. The store was open. He entered.
“Irasshaimase” Said a girl behind the counter in welcome.
“konnichiwa” Ito answered as he approached the counter.
It was a small shop, old but clean. Ito approached the counter to order his food and in the process he observed the young woman behind the counter. She wore a gray apron over a ….
Her face was incredibly beautiful. She had the most expressive eyes and smallest nose Ito had ever seen. His gaze dropped to her lips that were incredibly full, like a ripe cherry, but the mouth was so small that Ito wondered how she could eat.
As Ito pondered that question, the corners of her lips pointed up in a modest smile that, briefly, let a tiny glimpse of her white teeth show.
With an astounding crash Ito tipped over one of the counter-stools and almost fell over it himself.
“Gomen nasai” He apologized picking the stool up and trying to sit on it before he could make a further ass of himself.
“May I help you” She asked politely.
The menu was written on a chalk board on the wall, but that would have required Ito to look at the wall, which right now he found totally impossible to do, so he just said:
“Today’s tomorrow special yes will do” Ito could hear himself turning red at his failure to utter a coherent phrase
Politely the girl contained her smile and started assembling his bowl of noodles.
With much effort Ito finally tore his eyes away from the reincarnation of the moon goddess’ face and studied the wall. The fact that the moon goddess appeared to have a mother that now entered the store from a back door had nothing to do with Ito’s interest in the walls of the store. On one of the walls, there was a photograph of an older man, wearing the uniform of the Special Naval landing forces.
The girl placed the bowl of ramen in front of him, and he finally managed to say something without embarrassing himself:
“Domo arigato gosaimasu”
The Ramen were good and the soup savory despite the war’s restrictions. The girl looked at him once more, to see whether he needed anything else. Looking at the picture Ito asked:
“Sore wa anata mo otosan desu ka?”
“Yes” She answered “That is my father”
Again, Ito did not know what to say, so he smiled, sheepishly.
The girl, whose name Ito still did not know busied herself in the back of the kitchen chopping some vegetables with the older woman, her mother, Ito assumed. Under her breath she said to the woman:
“Stupid girl!” The older woman said, slapping the girls back loudly “Mind your work” Then she came over to where Ito was sitting to collect the payment that he was tendering.
Without further comment Ito left the shop, narrowly avoiding braining himself on the door beam.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/14/2007 5:58:37 AM)

Showa 17 nen, sengatsu jusannichi (March 13th)
“I’m going to have lunch. Are you coming?” Ryuju asked his friend.
“Iie” Ito answered “I need to finish this briefing; I’ll go later”
“Itte Kimasu” Ryujo said as he left.
“Itte Rashai”
Ito pondered the latest developments in the Java/Borneo area. Despite stationing fighters in the large airbase at Singapore the enemy attacks continued. The Japanese ships were not safe, even in the protected harbor at Singapore. Most of these aircraft came from Palenbang. The most dangerous at least, the dive bombers, medium bombers and the always dangerous, obsolete biplanes that occasionally got lucky with a torpedo.
The Japanese response would be a raid on Palenbang with 103 G3N bombers, well escorted. Let’s see what would happen. Ito called the signals office to have a copy of any reports from Singapore forwarded to him immediately.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/18/2007 5:55:28 AM)

Later that day, in the bathhouse Ito and Ryuju relaxed in the hot water.
“How did that raid go?” Ryuju asked.
“It’s hard to tell. The pilots report good success but the enemy again raided the shipping around Singpore really hard. Two troop transports were hit.”
“We really need to invade Palenbang” Ryuju said “That should relieve the pressure on Singapore significantly”
“That we must do” Ito agreed.
“So what’s with the late lunches?” Ryuju asked.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/18/2007 9:01:39 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu juyooka (March 14th)
It will be dawn soon. The warm night will soon give way to another hot and humid day. At a briefing room, near the airbase, LCDR Asaba, of the G1 Mikono Daitai briefs his men:
“Men, yesterday we flew and destroyed Palenbang airfield”
All his men look on.
“Today we shall go and destroy it again”
At dispersal, 94 G3Ms are being loaded, fueled and warmed up for today’s effort.
Undoubtedly, at Palenbang, different crews prepare their assorted group of aircraft for today’s mission.
Asaba is sure that will include a visit to Singapore harbor or its vicinity.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/24/2007 6:21:06 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu jugonichi (March 15th)
Ryuju eats his lunch again by himself. Ito is “busy” again, and leaves for lunch by three. This time Ito follows him, discreetly. He sees him enter the nondescript ramen shop. This late the side street is almost empty and Ryuju can stand by the entryway unnoticed. He can hear Ito’s voice:
“Sakura san, where is your father serving?”
“I do not know, Lieutenant san. He is in the 4th Yokosuka Naval landing force”
“Do you get letters often?”
“He writes frequently, but the mail is slow, and some letters get lost”
Ryuju thinks back to the reports he read this morning; “If it were not for the lousy enemy torpedoes, it would be a miracle for any letters to get home” He thinks.
Ito’s late lunches are now explained. Ryuju ponders interrupting his friend, but thinks better of it. He returns to the office. He can rile Ito later, now it is time to return to the war, where Singapore and Palembang continue to trade punches. The latest raid hit Mogami with a 500 Kg bomb. The cruiser will now have to be withdrawn for repairs.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/29/2007 7:04:06 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu rokunichi (March 16th)
Ito’s secret is out. He had to endure some teasing from his friend, but all in all, it was not too bad.
The war, however is another thing. The Japanese forces in China are meeting strong resistance in the development of Ooki Tako. After the initial successes the front has not moved.
“The high command is scrambling to find additional forces to deploy” Ryuju tells his friend.
“Isn’t it always like that?”Ito asks “If we could just push a little harder, the war would be won”
“Hai” Ryuju answers.
The news is not all that bad; Djambi in Java was taken by paratroopers marking the official start of operation Kita Yuden.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/29/2007 7:05:14 PM)

Also today, the first Japanese forces land in Brunei. Soon the oil will start to flow.

The Miri invasion task force is on its way also and will soon discharge its troops on the beach.
In one of the cramped troop carriers, the soldiers pass the time as best they can. One of them composes a letter:
I will not write where I am or where we are going. That is not important.
I have heard what a great job you and your mother are doing with the ramen shop. It is sad that I cannot help you with it anymore, but we all make sacrifices for the Tenno.
Keep helping your mother as you are, but take care of yourself. Keep warm; do not let the warmth of the early spring take you by surprise. It can get cold fast, even when the Sakura have come out.
Have they bloomed already?
Hashimoto Yato” 


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (11/30/2007 10:38:03 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sengatsu jushichinichi (March 17th)

Hashimoto’s troopship steamed west; the shore, to their south, nearby. In the morning sun, it could be sensed more than seen, just a line, just short of the horizon. Hashimoto wondered that they steamed so close to the shore. The enemy operated aircraft out of Brunei, he had seen enemy bombers overhead only yesterday. He also knew their destination was just west of Brunei, the oil port of Miri. Yet there were no aircraft around him. The convoy proceeded unimpeded towards its destination.

Unknown to Hashimoto Yato, the Imperial Japanese Navy had landed in Brunei and after a brief, yet futile resistance by the isolated British garrison, taken the base, airfield and oilfields intact. Already a flight of zero fighters were en route to provide air cover.

In Hiroshima, Ito received the reports on the Brunei landings with pleasure. He wondered for a moment about the Miri invasion. If he gave any thought about the welfare of one of the enlisted men, now cramped in a troopship near Brunei, he did not show it. Instead he reviewed the report on today’s attack on Palembang airfield. 100 G3Ms attacked the airfield and, at last, some bombers were caught on the ground. Perhaps there is hope to stop those attacks on the shipping around Singapore.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/2/2007 11:15:55 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu juhachi niche (March 19th)
Hashimoto Yato and his fellow soldiers of the 4th Yokosuka NLF, together with a second naval landing force hit the beach at Miri. It was supposed to be an undefended port but, as they arrive they see British forces in place. Hashimoto shudders at the thought of an amphibious assault on an unprepared enemy base, but as he runs up the beach, towards the dubious shelter of the palm trees, he realizes enemy fire is sporadic, and the enemy forces are actually out in the open, and trying to reach the harbor installations too.
The Japanese forces group together and launch a fierce attack, the following morning. The scanty British forces, that had just arrived, retreating from Brunei, without most of their equipment, low in ammunition and with no heavy weapons retreat into the surrounding jungle.
The Rising Sun flag rises over yet another port in Asia. The oil installations are captured intact.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/5/2007 12:52:30 AM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu Hatsuka (March 20th)
Among the news items that pile up on Ito’s desk, on a daily basis are reports of battles that have no importance in the big scheme of things, but of course are deemed of great importance by the men involved. Such a one is the report of a successful raid by the light cruiser Tenryu and its escorts. They did a high speed run to Canton Island and intercepted a number of enemy transports that were reinforcing or resupplying the garrison.
The results were as expected:

Japanese Ships
CL Tenryu
CL Tatsuta
CL Yubari
DD Akigumo, Shell hits 1
DD Urakaze
DD Murakumo
DD Oite
DD Asanagi

Allied Ships
TK Hugoton, Shell hits 1
AK Empire Confidence, Shell hits 7, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AK Empire Opossum, Shell hits 11, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AK Admiral Senn, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
AK Nordhval, Shell hits 5, on fire
AK Elna, Shell hits 2


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/6/2007 1:42:21 AM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu nijuyokka (March 24th)

Hashimoto Yato peers at the jungle from inside his foxhole. Engineers are preparing defenses at Miri, in case of a highly improbable British counterattack. The British troops have withdrawn into the jungle, and have not made any attempts to retake the port.
“It is not Manila, but it is pleasant enough” Yato thinks to himself “At least there is no one shooting at me”
Again he scans the jungle with his binoculars, but there is nothing there. Only the chirping of insects and the squawking of thousands of tropical birds break the silence.
He slaps at a mosquito biting on his neck. He feels the tiny body crush under his fingers.

“Yatta!” He says loudly, his foxhole buddy who looks at him, surprised. He examines the dead bloodsucker, only to hear a dozen more humming in his ear.

A noise comes from the rear. Their corporal slides forward, on his belly. No sense providing a target for a possible British sniper. Behind him two soldiers from the other unit slide towards the foxhole.

“What is going on?” His buddy asks “It is too early for relief”
“Nothing good, I’m sure” Yato answers.

The corporal orders:”Move out you lazy bums! We are embarking back to Manila”

“Are there mosquitoes in Manila?” Yato asks hopefully.

In Hiroshima, Ito reviews the reports of the day’s action. The invasion force that was headed to Tarakan has come under heavy enemy air attack. The air cover from Jolo was insufficient to prevent the transports being savaged.
More worrisome is that carrier airplanes, both UK and US have been reported.

“Maybe the G3Ms will get lucky tomorrow” He mumbles hopefully.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/6/2007 9:18:05 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Sangatsu nijugonichi (March 25th)

Ito misses his lunch today. He doesn’t even notice. In the radio room at fleet headquarters in Hiroshima, admirals and ensigns stand around the radio as the technicians decode and print the reports.

The ships of the Tarakan invasion force report being under attack by hundreds of land based and carrier based aircraft. Even biplanes are involved. The US and UK carriers must be operating together.

A report from Jolo. A counterstike.


The collected officers cheer at this news. Adm Yamamoto, sitting remains serious and unmoved.

A later report shows that a few G3M attacked the British carriers Formidable and Indomitable. They were unharmed.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/7/2007 7:12:50 PM)

Showa 17 Sangatsu nijuroku nichi (March 26th)

The Tarakan invasion force, still under heavy air attack, deviates to Jolo Island. On the face of such massed air it cannot continue. Most men manage to disembark at the small island base, but many ships have to be scuttled.

“The invasion force has sailed for Singapore” Ito says “Kita Yuden proper has now started”

“That’s good news” Ryuju answers “Are you going to have ramen again for lunch today?”

Ito turns red, but recovers fast “Actually I am glad that you mention it. I would like to ask Sakura to see the cherry blossoms with me but she cannot go alone. Maybe is you come too she will consent”

Ryuju thinks for a moment and answers “You should ask her and her mother to come and view the cherry blossoms; that would be better. I shall come too; I can entertain her okaasan for you”

“Arigato gosaimasu” Ito answers, “We can try to go this Sunday”

Later that day, Ito comes to the Ramen shop with his friend and introduces him to Sakura and her mother.

The suggestion of going for a stroll in the park to view the Sakura is made and accepted. Ryuju tries to engage the mother in conversation, to allow the two lovebirds a private moment. She is, of course not fooled for minute and only remarks politely on how unseasonably cold it is.

“I would like to write to chichi to tell him about you” Sakura says “I would like his permission, but the way the mail is, it may take months for a letter to get there and back”

Ito thinks, for a moment, and replies:

“This is very irregular but, occasionally, I may be able to get your letters to him a bit faster. I can do nothing about his letters to you though”

“So des ka?” She says, her eyes shining.

“Not very often, or they will get suspicious, but every now and then, I can slip a letter or a small package to him, on the official mail”

Sakura almost hugs the young lieutenant but manages to stop short, and daintily transforms the ‘almost hug’ into a polite bow.

“Do you know where he is?” She asks.

“I don’t” He says, which right now is technically true, since the ship carrying the 4th Yokosuka may or may not have left Miri, and if it did, he would not know just where it would be on its route.
“If I did know” he continues “I couldn’t tell you, you understand”

“Wakarimashita” She answers.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/8/2007 10:45:27 PM)

Showa 17 Sangatsu nijukunichi (March 29th)
The morning was radiant. There was not a cloud in the sky, the temperature was warm, and the cherry trees were blooming. A little early for the blossoms to be out, but a warm spell at the tail end of winter coaxed the trees into blooming a little early this year.
Ito got into his best dress uniform, just laundered and pressed, and headed out to pick up Ryuju and then go looking for Sakura and her mother. Ryuju was also wearing dress uniform, though it had not been laundered as recently as Ito’s.
Sakura was stunning in an almost white silk kimono, only the faintest shade of pink kept it from being the color of mourning, and combined with the delicate Sakura pattern, made it a work of perfection. Even someone as unschooled in fabrics and fashions as Ito could tell that that kimono was made in any modern shop. There was nothing like it at the Fukuya store. When she moved, the silk draped over her body and glided with her in a manner reminiscent of another era.
After exchanging greetings formally, and politely inquiring after everyone’s health, they strolled down to the river bank, where the cherry trees were.
“That kimono you are wearing, Sakura-san” asked Ryuju “I did not know they made such pieces anymore”
Covering her perfect mouth with the tips of her fingers Sakura answered “It is very old; it belonged to my grandmother. She got it as a wedding gift. I only wear it for the Sakura viewing”
There were many people strolling on the riverbank, even though the trees were not in full bloom yet. They were seizing the chance to enjoy some rare beauty, in the midst of the war that had touched each and every family in Nihon by now.
Far away, and no so far away, the war went on, but today, Ito and Ryuju were not involved. They did not want to know about it and, over tea tried their best to forget that in far off islands, men tried their best to kill each other, and just offshore, under the sea, other men, in their steel hulled boats stalked the empire’s warships and the marus that brought home the essential oil and resources that the country so vitally needed.
Today, all, civilian and military, just gazed at the cherry blossoms.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/10/2007 11:51:30 PM)

Showa 17nen Sangatsu sanjunichi
Monday morning, Ito is back at work; the war did not pause for the cherry blossom viewing, rather it continued with its usual ferocity.
The enemy four engine bombers continue to visit Singapore on a daily basis but now, they are coming in at a lower altitude. The fighters can now get at the bombers but the big beasts are resilient and well armed. Aircraft and pilots are lost attacking the big machines, for little gain, since they can take an unbelievable amount of punishment and remain flying. It is a mixed blessing too because, at the lower altitude they can actually hit something, and 7 G3Ms were destroyed on the ground.
Palembang airfield has finally been neutralized. Only 57 G3Ms were sent against it on Sunday and no enemy aircraft scrambled. The remainder of the level bombers from Singapore has been assigned to naval attack.
The failure to take Tarakan allowed Swordfish torpedo bombers to continue to operate from that airfield, and they succeed in sinking a precious APD in Brunei.
On the good side, the first oil from Brunei arrived in Manila. It will be unloaded there to get the Philippine heavy industry going. The Home Islands still have enough oil to run the industry, so they can wait a little longer. There is a second tanker task force at Miri loading up oil and this one will be assigned to the Home Islands.
Task Force 68 sets out to invade Menado. Soon the Celebes sea will be under Japanese air control.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/13/2007 5:47:12 PM)

Showa 17 nen Shigatsu tsuitachi ( April 1st)

The task force steams south through calm seas. The lookouts have seen nothing throughout the night. No submarines have harassed the task force during the long night.
With the first light of dawn, an increased sense of tension flows through the ships of the task force. The lookouts wipe their binoculars; the men at the AA positions check their weapons. Every one, from the captain to the lowest sailor, looks up at the sky. Deep in the bowels of the ships, the black gang crews would look up too, if only they could.

Today is the day. There is no hope that their departure from Davao was unnoticed by the enemy. The task force, and the three carriers left the harbor at night, but their absence would, no doubt, be noticed by the enemy daily recon flights. Moreover, the jungle around the port still harbors enemy coast watchers whose radio transmissions can be picked up by the direction finder equipment at the base. The kempetai will eventually get them, but until then, there are no secrets in Davao. The enemy has surely moved its aircraft to intercept the task force. Yes today will be the day. Soon after sunrise, eight fighters fly over the ships. Lazily turning over the formation, they reassure the sailors and soldiers. The officers are not so easily reassured. They have learned of the debacle at Tarakan. If only half of what they heard was true, eight or fifteen fighters will not be able to stop the allied bombers.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/13/2007 5:47:54 PM)

Finally, the alarm sounds. Scores of enemy aircraft; Dauntlesses, Hudsons, Martins, Wirraways, P39s, P 40s; even a couple of P35s, come at the Japanese ships. They zigzag radically and put up a barrage of AA fire. The Mitsubishi fighters dive on the unescorted bombers and shoot down many, but many get through too. A P 40 scores a hit on a transport; only the small size of its bomb prevents a catastrophe for the soldiers massed on the ship. A Martin bomber scores on one of the supply ships. Worst are the dive bombers. Their attacks seldom miss, and their large bombs wreak havoc on the unarmored transports. The minutes seem like hours for the men on the ships, until, as suddenly as it started, it is over. The surviving enemy aircraft head south, and the convoy resumes its southerly route.

Fifteen A6M2s now resume their CAP over the task force, awaiting the second wave. They mount a stubborn defense, and some bombers are seen to ditch their bombs and turn back. Others get through. At sunset, the task force steams on.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/14/2007 12:54:40 AM)

I am going to be out of the country for three weeks (Consulting with my Axis allies)

Thank you for your patience; your hits are important to us.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (12/26/2007 2:01:33 PM)

Showa 17 nen Shigatsu futsuka (April 1st)
Despite the strong allied air opposition, the Menado invasion forces lands. In Tarakan, a second attempt at invasion also starts. Nagumo launches repeated attacks against the Menado airstrip. Closer to Manila, Puerto Princesa is invaded.
The 4th Yokosuka landing force arrives at Manila.


kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/8/2008 6:22:41 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Shigatsu yokka (April 4th)
Ito, at his office reviews results and compares notes with Ryuju. While this attempt at Army-Navy cooperation does not produce much in the way of results for the big brass, it results in a close friendship between the two young men.
“Tarakan has finally fallen and a large number of enemy planes have been destroyed.”
“Bravo” Ryuju says.
“Also” Ito adds “The fortifications at Menado are slowly being ground down. It will soon be ours and the Java sea will be safe for our ships.”
“We will have to take Balikpapan and Samarinda first” Ryuju adds.
“That too” Ito concurs.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/9/2008 8:31:41 PM)

Showa 17 nen, Shigatsu Itsuka (April 5th)

In the night, ships approach the landing beaches in Palembang. The beaches are easy to find. They are right behind where the gun fire is. Through the night, and into the morning, Men pour into the contested city. The Dutch defenders fight desperately. They know the invaders will give no quarter, nor ask any.

Over the wireless, the news that Menado has been captured by the Japanese fails to register on the officers leading their men, yet this is an important event in the Imperial Japanese Navy’s plan. In Manila, the men of the 16th Infantry Division, the 15th Mountain artillery and the 1st Base force board their ships. Their objective: Balikpapan.

Nagumo moves his depleted KB East, towards the confined waters of Maccassar strait to support the invasion. Tarakan needs to fall soon, or everything will fail.

Beyond Balikpapan, already in Manila, men train for the next target: Bali.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/12/2008 5:19:44 AM)

Showa 17 nen, Shigatsu muika (April 6th)

The seas off Honshu are not safe. Despite the best efforts of the Kaigun and the land based air forces, at least three enemy submarines patrol the southern coast of Honshu. Each sub sighting is assigned its own force of submarine hunters: Patrol craft, subchasers, minesweepers and, when available, destroyers are assigned to pursue the contacts. The enemy subs are occassionally depth charged, but they dive deep and the crews of the anti sub vessels are inexperienced. Anti sub warfare has not been a priority for the high command, despite their experience in the Mediterranean in the last war. It cannot be helped.

Despite the danger of the enemy submarines, three large ships slip their moorings in Tokyo bay and set out to sea. The mighty carriers Hiryu, Shokaku and Zuikaku, have completed their repairs and set off for Manila to rejoin Nagumo’s force. Of course, as soon as they get there, it is to be expected that the Admiral will send some of Kido Butai’s weary carriers to Manila for much needed repairs. Still the reinforcements will be welcome and, in the ships, the aircrews are eager to get back in the war. Most are experienced pilots, but some new replacements have also come in. They listen to the veteran’s war stories and try to learn something from them.

In Manila, The men assigned to the Bali invasion force secretly prepare for their mission. Other units train and receive replacements.

The 4th Yokosuka SNLF is encamped in a vacant field on the outskirts of Manila. The mosquitos are not as bad as in Borneo, but they are still a severe nuisance. The men sitting around their tents play cards, Shogi or write home. A sergeant approaches the tent city and the men notice the bag he has over their shoulder. Eagerly they surround him as he calls out the names of the fortunate men that have mail from home.

Hashimoto Yato examines his letter carefully. It seems much cleaner than the usual mail he receives. The mail for his unit tends to follow them around and, in the tropical heat and moisture the letters, more often than not, acquire a patina of mold and dirt. This one however is quite clean. He looks at the postdate and notices it is only a few days old.

Sangatsu sanju nichi (March 30th)


Something wonderful has happened.

A few days ago, a young naval officer came to have lunch. I did speak with him, he was very nice. Do not worry, Haha was there all the time, she was watching us very closely. Later his friend, and army lieutenant also came and met us.

The naval lieutenant; his name is Ito, asked Haha and me to go out to se the cherry blossoms. He told her he would have preferred to ask you first. We four went to see the cherry blossoms, which have bloomed early this year.

He (The naval officer) said he could, sometimes, help my letters get to you faster. Maybe he is just teasing me, but maybe not. In any case, I gave him this letter. Let’s see how fast it gets to you.

I promised him that I would ask your permission to see him, so please Chichi, do not forbid me to see him. He seems very nice and polite. He works at the naval offices here in Hiroshima.

Haha and me miss you terribly. Please take care and come back to us as soon as you can.

Your daughter,


Hashimoto scratched his head. This would have been unheard of, just a few years ago.

“War changes everything” He says to himself. “I wonder if, if we go back, when this is over, if we will recognize the homeland” He reaches for pencil and paper.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/12/2008 2:14:35 PM)

Back in Japan, the newspapers are full with the news of the recent fall of the Tarakan base in Borneo. The number and type of enemy aircraft destroyed on the ground is published on every newspaper. The newsreels are full of images of the imperial armies crushing the emperor’s enemies as well as images of tanker ships leaving harbor. It is assumed that they would be going to theese newly liberated harbors; the term Asian co-prosperity sphere is everywhere. The people cheer enthusiastically at the sight of the newsreels. The Kempetai have no reason to suspect anyone of treason.


BigBadWolf -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/12/2008 2:39:24 PM)

Wow, that's some heavy losses. Why didn't he evacuated some of those planes?Ot those are only the damaged ones?

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/14/2008 6:23:26 PM)

Probably damaged.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/14/2008 6:23:48 PM)

Shigatsu muika (April 6th)

The Allies continue to run their supply task forces into Canton Island. The IJN has decided to let them pay a cost for it. Hiei runs a fast raid into the island’s harbor and surprises a single cargo ship that is quickly sunk. The island base is then bombarded and the task force retreats into the night. Later on that morning it is found by land based bombers but their attack causes no damage.

Air reconnaissance from Baker Island shows little damage from the naval bombardment.

In the Java sea, a task force of American and British carriers still harass the Belitoeng bound shipping. Meanwhile, at night, in Manila, a large fleet slips their moorings. The carriers will follow them in two days. In the troop transports, men rest and prepare for their mission. Once out of sight of shore the officers and NCOs are informed of their target: Balikpapan.

A major operation is starting. Phase one is the invasion of Balikpapan. The 16th Divison, 1st Base force and a5th mountain artillery are assigned to this. Kido Butai will move on ahead of the invasion TF providing air cover and clearing the suspected enemy surface combatants out of the restricted waters of Macassar stratit.

While this first task force is in transit, a second invasion force will load and depart from Manila.The 4th Division and 10 SBF are assigned to this one. They will rapidly transit through the Macassar strait and land at Bali. The plan is to close the southern Java sea, bottling up the enemy ships in or around Soerabaja.

In the north, Baby KB will come down attacking all shipping in sight, driving them down towards the main KB.

At Hiroshima, Ito spends more and more time in his office. He will depart to Manila to be closer to the action. He may have time to say good bye to Sakura, perhaps.

kaleun -> RE: Niitaka Yama Nobore. Son of Heaven Vs Buttsworth (1/15/2008 8:36:09 AM)

Showa 17 nen Shigatsu nanoka

Just before Ito leaves the office Ryuju arrives with a map.

“This is the latest map of the front lines” He says “There has not been much change”

“We will see some change in the Dutch East Indies front soon” Ito comments “We shall have a good breakthrough in the Macassar straits”

“I hope is better than Ooki Tako” Ryuju coments “After a less than promising start, it seems to have fizzled”

“Has it been canceled then?” Ito asks.

“Ie. It is still going on, only it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere”

“Wakarimashita” Ito responds.

“Before you leave, is there other naval action of significance?” Ryuju asks.

“Well, a fast cruiser task force snuck on Wake and bombarded it. Not much damage. It was probably just a nuisance raid”

“The enemy trying to distract us from the DEIs?”

“Possibly. Palembang is about to fall, they may be trying to get our naval forces to run here and there, and waste fuel”

“It looks like they have read Sun Tzu too” Ryuju comments.

“Yes; maybe they have”


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