RE: The game is on Hold (Full Version)

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Fishbed -> RE: The game is on Hold (3/20/2008 1:26:10 PM)


Well,PDU doesn't let you swicth from daylight fighters to nightfighters.

Well my intervention was more about your "hordes of 4E" stuff [8D]
The moment you'll face "hordes of Georges & Jacks" I hope it won't be too late already [;)]

jumper -> RE: The game is on Hold (3/20/2008 1:52:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner

Nautilus ( that one the american sub-mine layer??)

Nope, it is Argonaut IIRC..

Mistmatz -> RE: The game is on Hold (3/20/2008 1:53:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner
At the same time the sub mining operations at Karachi has prooved to be a complete failure. Not a single mine hits in more than 3 months of naval bombings conducted by the japanese navy....a disaster. Lost 4 subs during these useless operation for no gains.
Now i'll call back my 12 subs operating at Aden and will re-organize them.
The O-19 and O-20 (two minelayer ducth subs) will stay at Aden along with the Nautilus ( that one the american sub-mine layer??) and with the coastal ducth subs (i still got 2 of them), while the rest of the sub fleet (the oceanic ducths and the american subs) will be, after few days of R&R at Aden, be sent back to Darwin where they'll join the Darwin submarine force.

The american sub minelayer is the "Argonaut". Unless you have let her upgrade in 42/2 (or somewhen near that date) she carries 68 mines in RHS (should be similar in CHS). If she has been 'upgraded' she looses the mining capacity, apart from the few mines every sub may carry of course.

TenChiMato -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 6:31:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner

Troll in one of his mails, last week, asked me with an ironical tone if he was supposed to counter-attack in the i bet he knows that we're waiting for him there and so he won't risk any more assets there...
Kwajalein is been isolated by now...for, what? 4 months? ...yes, almost....daily bombed...i'm quite sure the supplies are almost gone by now...hopefully by the end of the year we'll have some spare LCUs to use there for a general landing.

Actually, with all the other Marshall bases in your hand and expanded I dont believe there will be any interest in assaulting Kwajalein later on. It will be much more useful as a backyard training ground for your airforce just as the allied did with all these isolated outposts late in the war.

By late '42 your spare LCUs would better be sent to Northen Oz and the Solomons.

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game is on Hold (3/20/2008 6:38:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mistmatz

The american sub minelayer is the "Argonaut". Unless you have let her upgrade in 42/2 (or somewhen near that date) she carries 68 mines in RHS (should be similar in CHS). If she has been 'upgraded' she looses the mining capacity, apart from the few mines every sub may carry of course.

Yes, Argonaut! Thx. I've swicthed it not to upgrade. I'll leave it ar Aden, along with the ducth subs. They'll keep on the mine-laying works. The others will move back to the pacific as stated before

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 6:42:14 PM)




ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner

Troll in one of his mails, last week, asked me with an ironical tone if he was supposed to counter-attack in the i bet he knows that we're waiting for him there and so he won't risk any more assets there...
Kwajalein is been isolated by now...for, what? 4 months? ...yes, almost....daily bombed...i'm quite sure the supplies are almost gone by now...hopefully by the end of the year we'll have some spare LCUs to use there for a general landing.

Actually, with all the other Marshall bases in your hand and expanded I dont believe there will be any interest in assaulting Kwajalein later on. It will be much more useful as a backyard training ground for your airforce just as the allied did with all these isolated outposts late in the war.

By late '42 your spare LCUs would better be sent to Northen Oz and the Solomons.

Probably yes, but Kwajalein is an important base none-the-less. We'll see....However It will remain a training camp for a lot months to come, that's for sure!

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 8:21:46 PM)

I have a question now for all you deep witp grognards....
...i remember Jim once posted that if allowed to get replacements the 9.2 CD guns suck a LOT of the question much?...he keeps sending his CAs towards Karachi i have 2 bases that have their 9.2 guns destroyed...he keeps sending his bombers only against the know what i mean...imagine the surprise for him if his CAs were to be blown out by some unexpected 9.2 guns?...
i have 220,000 supplies at Karachi left....

Any ideas...i'm pretty sure someone knows that[:D]

Andy Mac -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 8:42:25 PM)

I am pretty sure its 9999 tonnes i.e. the load cost


PzB74 -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 8:44:31 PM)

You worry to much General, you have heaps of supplies in Karachi and it will never run dry - believe me.
Dunno how many supplies the guns will draw, but you can afford it!

If you can manage to hurt his bombardment fleet he won't have any replacements to send.

I had picked a day with T-storms and sent the RN into Karachi to intercept his fleets.
The chances that his naval bombers would fly and find your ships in clear weather would be relatively low.

It's wise to play it careful as the Allies in 42, but either you play it completely safe or you
are as reckless as can be - like when you surged in and grabbed Ponape [8D]

No guts no glory [;)]

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 8:52:51 PM)

Re the sub mining ops I had a couple of thoughts, you may have tried this already but ..

1) mine the port hes coming from not the target, as bombardment groups tend to stay well out
at sea and don't encounter mines, however he 'has' to sail through the mine field at his home port.

2) mine the open water hexes he runs through, they degrade fast but less chance of getting spotted in deep water and u cant do worse than o hits in 3 months.

GL , looking forward to your continuing game

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 9:34:56 PM)

ok...i've made up my mind.
I'll first use the Tricomalea Base force (which has 2 9.2 CD guns but it's smaller than the Karachi's one). I'll chose the best suited leader (need aggression and also administration...cause i need those guns to be ready for action fast!!).
At the same time the RN will come out and so force his navy to remain at Bombay...
Let's see how it works..

Rob, for what concerns mining...i've already tried that,but however now i have nothing left to lose for what concerns mining warfare, so i'll try it again...

Thx guys

Jzanes -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 10:05:50 PM)

Be sure to check the pools first to make sure you have some 9.2" guns to use.  IIRC there are many CD guns that have low (or no) replacement rates.

Jim D Burns -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 10:35:23 PM)

You better load the editor first and check the load cost of the guns. I have a nagging feeling it was 50,000 tons of supplies per gun that got sucked up in an old PBEM game, but I’m not sure. I'll have to dig back in the AAR threads and try and find it.

Also PZB is wrong, you do not have plenty of supply at Karachi. Do the math, calculate what you started with and what you have now. Then divide by the number of days that have passed. That'll give you an average daily decline that you can then use to divide what you have left with and determine when you are going to run out of supply.

If your supply is growing then you have plenty, but if it is falling, DO NOT turn on replacements until a time comes when you can get some supply convoys in. You may have to hold out for well over a year with what you have on hand now, you need to think long term and stop trying to do everything right now.


PzB74 -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 11:47:41 PM)

I had a look and found this:
CD guns and supplies

Poser: Jim D Burns 2005 [;)]

It seems like CD guns that are upgraded requires 10k supplies per tube as Andy mentioned.
I here assume that the cost for upgrade/replacement tubes is the same.

So Hoepner has to count how many 9.2" tubes his base units have and how many replacement tubes are available.
I agree that this cost is a bit high, and it's obvious a non-intended cost resulting from an otherwise ok game function.

I was under the impression that Karachi never could run out of supplies, that it would auto replenish itself.
Could be I'm mistaken, but no matter how many supplies I load up and ship to Tokyo [:D] new ones always appear as if magic!-)

Mistmatz -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 11:49:31 PM)



You better load the editor first and check the load cost of the guns. I have a nagging feeling it was 50,000 tons of supplies per gun that got sucked up in an old PBEM game, but I’m not sure. I'll have to dig back in the AAR threads and try and find it.

Also PZB is wrong, you do not have plenty of supply at Karachi. Do the math, calculate what you started with and what you have now. Then divide by the number of days that have passed. That'll give you an average daily decline that you can then use to divide what you have left with and determine when you are going to run out of supply.

If your supply is growing then you have plenty, but if it is falling, DO NOT turn on replacements until a time comes when you can get some supply convoys in. You may have to hold out for well over a year with what you have on hand now, you need to think long term and stop trying to do everything right now.



e editor first and check the load cost of the guns. I have a nagging feeling it was 50,000 tons of supplies per gun that got sucked up in an old PBEM game, but I’m not sure. I'll have to dig back in the AAR threads and try and find it.

Also PZB is wrong, you do not have plenty of supply at Karachi. Do the math, calculate what you started with and what you have now. Then divide by the number of days that have passed. That'll give you an average daily decline that you can then use to divide what you have left with and determine when you are going to run out of supply.

I tend to agree with Jim here (as most of the time). It's imperative to keep a foot in the door to keep the japanese serious in India.
For Japane its far easier to just defend the coastlines rather than to defend the coastline AND against a big stack that just needs some supply and all hell breaks loose.

Mistmatz -> RE: The game goes on! (3/20/2008 11:50:48 PM)


Poser: Jim D Burns 2005 [;)]

I assume you meant poster... [;)][:D]

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 2:33:53 AM)

Guys...unfortunately the 9.2 isn't produced...:-([:(] there's no question: i cannot rebuild my CD units in India...[>:]

Jim...i've made some are (as always) right. In 4 months i've spent 100k supplies at i'm not allowed to be that "easy"....

patience, patience, patience, patience....

String -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 6:00:06 AM)

Hoepner, i strongly suggest you convert one 16 plane B-24 unit into night bombers, and then use it to attack Truk port at night. This will force him to move his fleet base out of your bomber range, giving you several advantages.

You won't hit much but you will hit something every now and then.

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 11:21:42 AM)



Hoepner, i strongly suggest you convert one 16 plane B-24 unit into night bombers, and then use it to attack Truk port at night. This will force him to move his fleet base out of your bomber range, giving you several advantages.

You won't hit much but you will hit something every now and then.

Hi String!

I may do that but first i want to check when, in this CHS 160 scenario, arrives the first Night Fighter group for Japan.
I won't do anything he's not able to counterattack.
I know historically the Japs used often the Rufes as night fighter doing CAP over Japanese ports.
In this game if you turn a claude chutai into a NF you can be sure you're not going to do anything to any bomber coming in.
Viceversa, if you have an experienced Nicks Sentai playing CAP at night (a dedicated Nicks sentai i mean) you can do enough damage to stop some bombers and even to shoot down some of the bandits.

I'll do a check this evening when i get home.

For what concerns the 9.2 CD guns, there's something the editor there are listed not less than 3 different 9.2 CD gun types. 2 of them are not produced, while one of them is listed with a production rate of 1....but i double checked in the "intel screen dedicated section" andfound that the 9.2 isn't even mentioned in the production....weird[8|]

PzB74 -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 1:48:56 PM)

Tried to find a thread about Karachi & supplies...this is the closest I got:
Karachi & Supplies

It looks like Karachi receives 15000 'free' supplies each day that can not be inflicted by combat.
What I've been unsure about is whether these supplies would arrive even if the base is stacked with 100k + supplies.

I've been a bit amused by your supply savings in Karachi because I got this 'idea' that Karachi cannot
run out [;)] Would be a good idea to get this confirmed - because then you can turn on replacements for all your LCU if you want.

Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 1:56:17 PM)



Tried to find a thread about Karachi & supplies...this is the closest I got:
Karachi & Supplies

It looks like Karachi receives 15000 'free' supplies each day that can not be inflicted by combat.
What I've been unsure about is whether these supplies would arrive even if the base is stacked with 100k + supplies.

I've been a bit amused by your supply savings in Karachi because I got this 'idea' that Karachi cannot
run out [;)] Would be a good idea to get this confirmed - because then you can turn on replacements for all your LCU if you want.

John, that thread refers to Karachi as it is in Stock. We're playing AB's extended map, so here it's Aden which gets tons of supplies, while Karachi, if the hex is contested, produces just 200 supplies each considering that my army eats something between 15k and 20k supplies each month Karachi, without being bombed, burns 10/14k supplies each month... not that good[:o]

PzB74 -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 2:10:40 PM)

Ok that explains a lot - I know little about what's been done in the different mods.
If Karachi isn't self supplied you should of course only provide 200g of breads and rice to your men each day [;)]

Since Karachi will run out of supplies within a year (roughly speaking)you should come up with a plan to relieve it
by then. That's a fact if nothing else...

TenChiMato -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 2:22:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner



Hoepner, i strongly suggest you convert one 16 plane B-24 unit into night bombers, and then use it to attack Truk port at night. This will force him to move his fleet base out of your bomber range, giving you several advantages.

You won't hit much but you will hit something every now and then.

Hi String!

I may do that but first i want to check when, in this CHS 160 scenario, arrives the first Night Fighter group for Japan.
I won't do anything he's not able to counterattack.

Well no offense intended General but this reminds me of a quote made during the charge of the light brigade at Balaclava by one of those officers who observed the battle: "this is beautiful but this is not war"

You definitely should use your spear while he doesnt have the appropriate shield against it

Mike Scholl -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 4:25:13 PM)


Well no offense intended General but this reminds me of a quote made during the charge of the light brigade at Balaclava by one of those officers who observed the battle: "this is beautiful but this is not war"

I believe your "quote" actually comes from the Battle of Sedan in the Franco-Prussian War. "It's magnificent..., but it isn't war!" was the eldar Von Moltke's response when the French tried to use massed heavy cavalry against bolt-action rifles to break out of the encirclement.

TenChiMato -> RE: The game goes on! (3/21/2008 7:53:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Scholl


Well no offense intended General but this reminds me of a quote made during the charge of the light brigade at Balaclava by one of those officers who observed the battle: "this is beautiful but this is not war"

I believe your "quote" actually comes from the Battle of Sedan in the Franco-Prussian War. "It's magnificent..., but it isn't war!" was the eldar Von Moltke's response when the French tried to use massed heavy cavalry against bolt-action rifles to break out of the encirclement.

Actually I also read years ago it had been said as well by a french general at Balaclava... irony of history or so to say... Anyhow whether it has been actually voiced during both battles or not, I definitely find this sentence quite appropriate. Or as Patton said in his own way though I dont remember the exact sentence you become a hero by making the other guy die for his country...

Gen.Hoepner -> The AAR is closed. Thanks to everybody! (3/21/2008 7:56:11 PM)

Guys. Bad news.
This AAR is going to be stopped from now on.[:(]
It hurts me a lot. Really. I've loved this place. I've loved this AAR which has become, the more every day, a "blog" for me. A place where to talk with people i esteem (sp?) about the best game on the market.
It's been great discussing strategies and tactics with all of you.
It's been a pleasure to know your thoughts and to learn from you.
You've been supporting me during the bad moments of the japanese overwhelming waves in China...without you this game would have been already lost. It's because of you that this game is still alive.
It's because of you that i enjoyed so much playing this match. because of you. Because of this AAR.
Gotta also say that part of the pain i'm feeling now it's because this aar had become one of the most followed thread on the forum, which is a thing that "feeds my ego"...needless to say. It's always a pleasure to know people are reading what you're writing. it's always a pleasure to know that there's someone interested in what you're doing...even if it's a game.

So, still thanks to all of you. i'm sorry. Really sorry.

A special thank goes to Jim, Fishbed, TenChiMato, Andy, Mismatz, Oso, Bogo, String, Cantona2 and all those who have followed the game since the beginning and who has partecipated actively to this special thread.


See you on the forum guys.


G.H. (alias Nicola)

cantona2 -> RE: The AAR is closed. Thanks to everybody! (3/21/2008 8:03:13 PM)

Sorry to hear this Nico.

Jim D Burns -> RE: The AAR is closed. Thanks to everybody! (3/21/2008 8:06:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner
This AAR is going to be stopped from now on.[:(]

I'm very sorry to hear this Nicola. Is your game continuing or is that stopped too?


Gen.Hoepner -> RE: The AAR is closed. Thanks to everybody! (3/21/2008 8:09:59 PM)

The game goes on. I had to decide between the game and the aar...wasn't really a choice because without the game the aar would not go on's all.

Thanks Jonathan and Jim. Really appreciate.

But hey, i won't go away eh!? I'm always here and so without the aar i'll have more time to partecipate to your there's something good even in the bad[:)]

castor troy -> RE: The AAR is closed. Thanks to everybody! (3/21/2008 8:19:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gen.Hoepner

The game goes on. I had to decide between the game and the aar...wasn't really a choice because without the game the aar would not go on's all.

Thanks Jonathan and Jim. Really appreciate.

But hey, i won't go away eh!? I'm always here and so without the aar i'll have more time to partecipate to your there's something good even in the bad[:)]

why do you stop the AAR if the game goes on? Have I missed something? [&:]

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