RE: Do you play against the AI? (Full Version)

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Do you play against the AI?

I play only against the AI
  44% (135)
I play primarily against the AI
  15% (46)
I play occasionally against the AI
  14% (45)
I only played the AI when learning, wouldn't touch it now
  23% (73)
Never played the AI
  2% (7)

Total Votes : 306
(last vote on : 3/24/2008 2:19:07 PM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


Charles2222 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 2:42:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

Just for your info, Gary spent countless hours trying to improve the AI. The fact that the game takes so long to resolve was just one limiting factor. I can't count the number of times we found KB out of fuel and passed saves to Gary, only for Gary to try and fail to improve it. We also noticed problems in Burma that he was never able to fix. I think the routines just got too complicated and the AI had too many things it was trying to do that contradicted itself and Gary couldn't keep them all straight. Trying to improve the WitP AI would be a daunting task.

By the way, my guess is that 80% of WitP buyers play AI only. I am currently playing 3 PBEM games of War Between the States with testers. I love PBEM when I can find time to do it, espeically for games that I really understand as only human players can really surprise you. However, I don't think most people have the time or inclination to play PBEM, and as much as I like PBEM, the vast majority of my gaming (and testing) is versus the AI.

I was wondering at first if you were talking about this game specifically or more computer games in general. My answer is the same - AI only. In all fairness, though the AI "may" be worse in this game than the average computer game, it is a game that is more unsuited to PBEM than most, so the numbers are likely to be skewed when comparing to games which are more friendly to shorter duration. I am surprised we have so many PBEM'ers in this forum, because if there was ever a game to give up the PBEM option on, it was this one, akthough "if" the AI is particularly inept, that would tend to swing things more to PBEM feasiblity.

Charles2222 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 2:49:47 PM)



It took me awhile to get up the courage to play PBEM. There is a big difference between the computer that is always on and ready versus the unsettling aspects of dealing with real live people. I'd be interested in knowing how many people would go back to the AI after playing a live opponent. I think it is in the PBEM community's best interest to convert those stodgy AIers; since the bigger our market share, the more likely companies like Matrix will be to cater to our whims and use ever increasing amounts of computer capacity for things like way-points and intelligible land movement rules.

So, what can we all do to convince players to try PBEM?

There's so many PBEM'ers that display this sort of thinking, yet very few, if any, AI'ers that do. What I mean, is how do you feel if an AI'er were to make the judgement that the game would be so much better if they didn't spend any effort on PBEM, and instead spent it on the very things you want?

m10bob -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 2:55:31 PM)

I also prefer future development for all players, (if I am reading your posts correctly?)

Charles2222 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 3:01:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: m10bob

I also prefer future development for all players, (if I am reading your posts correctly?)

Oh yes, you are.

wdolson -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 3:02:51 PM)



It took me awhile to get up the courage to play PBEM. There is a big difference between the computer that is always on and ready versus the unsettling aspects of dealing with real live people. I'd be interested in knowing how many people would go back to the AI after playing a live opponent. I think it is in the PBEM community's best interest to convert those stodgy AIers; since the bigger our market share, the more likely companies like Matrix will be to cater to our whims and use ever increasing amounts of computer capacity for things like way-points and intelligible land movement rules.

So, what can we all do to convince players to try PBEM?

Who says the AI players don't want that too? Having way points, even if I was limited to only one would vastly reduce my micro management.


wdolson -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 3:14:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

Just for your info, Gary spent countless hours trying to improve the AI. The fact that the game takes so long to resolve was just one limiting factor. I can't count the number of times we found KB out of fuel and passed saves to Gary, only for Gary to try and fail to improve it. We also noticed problems in Burma that he was never able to fix. I think the routines just got too complicated and the AI had too many things it was trying to do that contradicted itself and Gary couldn't keep them all straight. Trying to improve the WitP AI would be a daunting task.

Writing complex and fast code can be very tough. I've done a lot of real time programming (not games, real world stuff) and a few times I had to juggle lots of factors. Sometimes you just have to make compromises nobody will like.

I found doing a careful design before writing a line of code was critical to getting it to work right. It's too easy to get sloppy and things get out of control otherwise.

I don't know how formal a programmer Gary is, but if there are just too many contradictory variables, you could end up in a world of hurt.

From just trying to guess what the program is doing for some tasks, I'm guessing that there are some inefficiencies in the code. The one that bugs me the most is the long time delay when I create a task force. It can take up to 10 seconds on my laptop to do whatever it's doing, which I assume is primarily looking for an empty task force slot to stick the new task force into. I know it's also sticking some ship information into the new task force once it finds a slot, but I'm sure the searching is taking the bulk of the time.


Brady -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 4:45:58 PM)

I think it is interesting that thus far the pole is fairly even, as noted elsewhear in a much older pole that I to seamed to recal from a couple years ago it was note so even with most poled playing the AI.

This could be because the real long term interest in the game is from fans who like the chalange of PBEM and the evelution of the game through mods to try and make it better.

mlees -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 5:01:20 PM)



I think it is interesting that thus far the pole is fairly even, as noted elsewhear in a much older pole that I to seamed to recal from a couple years ago it was note so even with most poled playing the AI.

This could be because the real long term interest in the game is from fans who like the chalange of PBEM and the evelution of the game through mods to try and make it better.

I had this game on pre-order too, sir, one month before it was released, so I am a plank owner as well...

Forgive me if I misunderstood your point, but let's not turn this into a "yeah, but we PBEM'ers are more loyal!" kinda thread.

Grotius -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 9:04:56 PM)

Brady, you and I have different recollections. I remember older polls showing a smaller percentage of AIers than this poll.

Either way, I think it is likely that a majority of players play the AI, once one counts people who don't post on these boards. I have several friends who play WITP who are also members of my "guild" from MMORPGs; none of those guys post here, and none of them play PBEM.

Incidentally, I've played a half-dozen PBEMs (several of the shorter scenarios, one unfinished grand campaign), but for now now I'm playing only the AI, as time is just too tight. That may change if my job ever lightens up (dream on). So I voted "AI majority of the time," though maybe I should've voted "only AI".

greg_slith -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 9:30:57 PM)

I remember a poll asking if we would pay $100+ for a "perfect" WitPII that had no AI or a slightly flawed WitPII that DID have an AI. That launched a lively debate like this one. I only play the AI but I'm also sure a game against a human is better. This game is like playing a game of chess where ALL your pieces move every turn while your opponant is moving ALL his pieces. Then multiply that by 4 years worth of games with each being dependant on the game before it [sm=scared0008.gif]. I know I'd get plenty p1ssed if my opponant bailed in 43 (winning or loseing).

darken92 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 9:43:24 PM)

I am going to go completely against the swing as say I started with AI for a month or so game time then went to PBEM. I am now thinking of going back to AI.

More so then any other game I want to play “historical” if such a things exists. The more PBEM I play and the ore I read about the war the more frustrated I become with my games. Players using cheap transports to scout for enemy CV’s, massed bombers flying into an airfield, doing a single massive bombing run then flying away to escape a return strike. In general a feeling that the game rewards unhistorical behaviour and players will use that.

I am intending to go back to playing the AI for a slower paced game.

Snip -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 11:03:27 PM)

Cheers !

I got into this, whem I stumbled into a boxed copy of UV in a store in Germany. Many, many moons ago. Amd the store does not exist anymore ...

Never played UV in PBM. Had lots of fun with the AI though - bought WitP almost on day one. Because of this.

Experimented with the title for a year - just to learn the ropes.
Got into PBM eventually - and besides some experiments with the AI for various mods - never wanted to go back.

The AI is pretty decent - as far as learning the basics with stock goes.
It is not so hot on the "mods". AB and such.

To really enjoy the potential of the game engine, I would guess it takes looking at some mods - and going for a PBM.

Even though, the "hard core" chaps are making up the rather vocal PBM community, I would think, we need to encourage the "casual" player to engage in this kind of venture. Just for the sake of keeping the genre alive.

I would think, a few "sets" of "standardised" house rules for different tastes from both sides of the fence - and a few chaps with their move one ready to chime in would greatly improve things for the novice. Including some sort of training.

I for one, am ready to do so.


tsimmonds -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 11:14:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: darken92

I am going to go completely against the swing as say I started with AI for a month or so game time then went to PBEM. I am now thinking of going back to AI.

More so then any other game I want to play “historical” if such a things exists. The more PBEM I play and the ore I read about the war the more frustrated I become with my games. Players using cheap transports to scout for enemy CV’s, massed bombers flying into an airfield, doing a single massive bombing run then flying away to escape a return strike. In general a feeling that the game rewards unhistorical behaviour and players will use that.

I am intending to go back to playing the AI for a slower paced game.

You just need to be more picky about whom you choose for an opponent. [;)]

There are guys around who are more interested in a reasonable game than they are in a bum's rush.

TommyG -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (11/30/2007 11:35:27 PM)


"There's so many PBEM'ers that display this sort of thinking, yet very few, if any, AI'ers that do. What I mean, is how do you feel if an AI'er were to make the judgement that the game would be so much better if they didn't spend any effort on PBEM, and instead spent it on the very things you want? "

I'd have no problem with you guys thinking the same way. It would be fine with me if there were two versions of the game, each using the excess computer savings to enhance their respective format. Maybe that way there would be room to give us both way stations.

AW1Steve -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 12:22:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: darken92

I am going to go completely against the swing as say I started with AI for a month or so game time then went to PBEM. I am now thinking of going back to AI.

More so then any other game I want to play “historical” if such a things exists. The more PBEM I play and the ore I read about the war the more frustrated I become with my games. Players using cheap transports to scout for enemy CV’s, massed bombers flying into an airfield, doing a single massive bombing run then flying away to escape a return strike. In general a feeling that the game rewards unhistorical behaviour and players will use that.

I am intending to go back to playing the AI for a slower paced game.

[:D] At the same point I have to wonder. Are gamers who do those things you dispise, simply be smarter than the actual Admirals? I've often heard it said that todays Marine Corporal is smarter that most Civil wars generals....could nearly seventy years make a difference? Or perhaps a different (though I loath to use the word) paradigm?[&:]

Banquet -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 12:34:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: irrelevant


ORIGINAL: darken92

I am going to go completely against the swing as say I started with AI for a month or so game time then went to PBEM. I am now thinking of going back to AI.

More so then any other game I want to play “historical” if such a things exists. The more PBEM I play and the ore I read about the war the more frustrated I become with my games. Players using cheap transports to scout for enemy CV’s, massed bombers flying into an airfield, doing a single massive bombing run then flying away to escape a return strike. In general a feeling that the game rewards unhistorical behaviour and players will use that.

I am intending to go back to playing the AI for a slower paced game.

You just need to be more picky about whom you choose for an opponent. [;)]

There are guys around who are more interested in a reasonable game than they are in a bum's rush.

I think darken92 makes a good point that's often missed about playing online/PBEM games generally - that you often get a more historical (if less challenging) game when playing against the AI. Generally it's programmed and tested against historical performance and doesn't have the benefit of hindsight as a human player does.

The people on this forum are probably the most knowledgeable bunch of people I have come across on a forum where WWII Pacific Theatre is concerned and I think because of that a high percentage will try to play in a non gamey manner.. On the other hand the nature of WitP is that once you're a long way into a PBEM it would be very awkward to back out of a game if you realise your opponent is employing gamey tactics that are spoiling the fun for you.

Shark7 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 12:44:09 AM)




ORIGINAL: irrelevant


ORIGINAL: darken92

I am going to go completely against the swing as say I started with AI for a month or so game time then went to PBEM. I am now thinking of going back to AI.

More so then any other game I want to play “historical” if such a things exists. The more PBEM I play and the ore I read about the war the more frustrated I become with my games. Players using cheap transports to scout for enemy CV’s, massed bombers flying into an airfield, doing a single massive bombing run then flying away to escape a return strike. In general a feeling that the game rewards unhistorical behaviour and players will use that.

I am intending to go back to playing the AI for a slower paced game.

You just need to be more picky about whom you choose for an opponent. [;)]

There are guys around who are more interested in a reasonable game than they are in a bum's rush.

I think darken92 makes a good point that's often missed about playing online/PBEM games generally - that you often get a more historical (if less challenging) game when playing against the AI. Generally it's programmed and tested against historical performance and doesn't have the benefit of hindsight as a human player does.

The people on this forum are probably the most knowledgeable bunch of people I have come across on a forum where WWII Pacific Theatre is concerned and I think because of that a high percentage will try to play in a non gamey manner.. On the other hand the nature of WitP is that once you're a long way into a PBEM it would be very awkward to back out of a game if you realise your opponent is employing gamey tactics that are spoiling the fun for you.

And that is the difference. As people who have studied history, we know exactly the reasons Japan didn't win, and how to manifest those conditions sooner. The AI has no idea which bases to overload and defend to prevent an opponant to win, a human player does. The AI doesn't know that by rendering a few key oilfields useless that you can effectively shut down Japanese production, nor does it know that you can knock the UK or Australia effectively out of the war by taking a few key islands effectively severing the supply lines.

Basically, the AI plays it without the foreknowledge that the player has, that is why it seems weaker. Take someone who doesn't know how to produce the desired outcome, who simply plays the game a day at a time and the AI is probably a good opponant.

niceguy2005 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 12:55:27 AM)



Play only against the AI, since I do not get to play regularly.

I'm playing one game as Japanese, now in April 43 and another as the Allies, now in December 42.

The Allied AI has done some good things:
- started out ok
- held Singapore for much longer than historically the case
- repeatedly stopped my attacks on Akyab by sea and by land
- used British carriers well to sink BB Kirishima
- launched counter offensives in China that caused me considerable problems

But the Allied AI also:
- left ground units to be isolated
- attacked my convoy at Lunga (good idea) from the west rather than the south east (bad idea), leading to the loss of two carriers to land based air and Japanese carriers arriving the next day
- sent CV Wasp on a suicide mission against Lae (reminded me of Pacific War AI in doing this)
- sends new carriers to attack Johnston Island (giving away their position), then heads onwards on certain doom at Tarawa
- failed to change carrier task force orders when forces detected or aircraft losses sustained, which cost CV Hornet, 1 British CV, CVL Hermes
- sends warships around with inadequate ASW escort

The Japanese AI I have seen less of but it:
- attacks reasonably well
- captured Singapore and Bataan faster than I could
- captured Northern Burma which I failed to do
- repulsed two invasions of Midway (badly executed by me)
- recaptured Munda in mid-1942

But the Japanese AI also:
- leaves ships in harbours than can be bombed
- loses a lot of aircraft on minor engagements

I can see these things being true. I think the AI does best if you do things that it expects, like pull your forces back into bataan. I'm playing a game against the AI where I am counter attacking as the allies in march 42. I'm about to retake Jolo, almost none of the DEI has fallen. I seem to have broken the AI. It's doing all sorts of crazy things and doesn't know what to do next.

wdolson -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 1:30:36 AM)

Many ahistorical things that can be done in the game are limitations in the game engine.  As soon as the Allies had bases close enough to the DEI to bomb the oil facilities there, they started a bombing campaign.  The bombing campaign was effective in disrupting the flow of oil, but it didn't stop it.  What shut off the flow was the submarine campaign and later air bases in the Philippines.

One problem with this is that you can't do crash repairs of something critical in the game.  If it's damaged, it will repair at one point a day if there are enough supply, regardless of how critical it is.  The game also makes no distinction between damage and new development.  In CHS, the US has a lot of undeveloped oil potential at the beginning of the game represented by damaged oil centers.  These come online in a historical manner because the repair pace is about right for developing an oil field. 

In most cases, damaged oil facilities in the DEI could historically be brought back online quicker than one point a day.  A lot depends on the type of damage, which the game does not depict.  Damage from bombers on an oil field is relatively easy to repair (refineries are another matter).  Planned demolition of an oil field could be more severe.  If the retreating enemy imploded the wells, new ones would have to be drilled, which would take more time that replacing the above ground piping and equipment.

As far as shutting off Australia, the Japanese were quite aware of what extending their reach down through the South Pacific would do.  Some of the opponents of the Midway operation pointed out that extending down through the islands of the South Pacific would be a much wiser move than to attempt to establish a base to threaten Hawaii.  Yammamoto and some others were fixated on Midway.

darken92 did mention some gamey things some PBEM players have done.  Scouting for CVs by putting a transport out there as bait is very ahistorical.  That isn't a hindsight thing, that is doing something that nobody would ever do in the real world.  It was envisioned at one time that destroyers would be used as scouts and that is how they were used in World War I.  Search planes negated that role for DDs.  However, if someone wanted to scout with DDs in the game, I would call it borderline gamey, but more reasonable than transports. 

The game gets people thinking about how many victory points something costs, but that would not happen in the real world.  There are no victory points in a real war.

Massed air strikes are something the game allows that is tough to control.  There are a number of reasons for this.  Airfields don't have stacking limits.  There are penalties for over stacking, but there are no hard limits.  If you want to put 600 planes on a size 3 airfield, you can.  The only penalties are that operations will be less efficient (which most players won't notice) and if the enemy attacks, there will be carnage.  The game also allows you to push all your air assets to the front.  In the real world, the Allies had more than half their air units in rear areas patrolling for subs, training, and on R&R. 

Units were also withdrawn from combat, some were disbanded, some were sent to places off the map, and some were rebuilt and returned to the theater.  In the game, once in the game, always in the game.  You get the AVG at the beginning of the war and it's there until 1945.  It was disbanded in July 1942 and evolved into the 23rd fighter group (that is also in the stock game).  CHS eliminated the 23rd FG, but in stock you have both. 

Many units were disbanded entirely.  VF-17 was only operational in the Solomons for a couple of months.  The unit was then sent home and disbanded entirely.  The squadron number was then reused for a carrier fighter squadron later in the war.  The second incarnation of VF-17 had nothing in common with the 1st version.  Not a single member of the original squadron was in the new squadron and the new squadron flew F6Fs.

The game also doesn't penalize you for stripping the West Coast of planes.  In the real world, most units in that region were training units in the final stages of training.  They were no fit for combat.  They also were there to give the pubic a warm and fuzzy feeling that they were protected.  (My father said he remembered seeing P-38s flying over LA before he went into the USAAF and feeling that the air force was doing its bit to protect the coast, but after he was in he realized that the guys he saw flying over the city probably would have been in deep trouble if the Japanese had attacked. )  If a field commander had tried to grab those units, the political fallout would have gone all the way to the Joint Chiefs.

It would be possible to fix some of these in code, but it would be a major change in most cases.  I think these things would be a WitP II thing, if ever done.


Joe D. -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 1:30:53 AM)



Keep in mind the sampling pool. 100% of the owners of the game who do not visit the forums must play the AI exclusively. I am sure they out number those of us who post here.

Hard to believe that anyone who wants to patch-up his game doesn't stop by this forum to see if a new update is out; otherwise they're playing WitP at the version they bought it at.

Not that playing this engine w/o a patch is impossible, but ...

Joe D. -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 1:37:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: wdolson

... It would be possible to fix some of these in code, but it would be a major change in most cases.  I think these things would be a WitP II thing, if ever done.

Could this be the "surprise" that's making the rumor rounds re this Dec 7th?

wdolson -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 1:56:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: wdolson
... It would be possible to fix some of these in code, but it would be a major change in most cases. I think these things would be a WitP II thing, if ever done.


Could this be the "surprise" that's making the rumor rounds re this Dec 7th?

I know that's one of the rumors, but I doubt it. For a major rewrite like WitP II, it's going to take a team of writers. As far as I know there are only two working on it now. Two is about right for the level of maintenance work we've been seeing, a major project like WitP II would take a team of 10 or more most likely.

If you want to know what's going on strategically, watch the troop movements. When I hear rumors that the US is going to attack Iran any minute, I look at where the carriers are and what the status is of USAF air wings. When I start hearing rumors about Matrix or 2X3 hiring a bunch more programmers or shifting development teams around, then I might believe the rumors about WitP II.

What is interesting is that 2X3 Games website is gone. It may be a transient DNS error, but when I try to go to, I get a message that it could not be found. Maybe Matrix bought them?


DD696 -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 3:01:50 AM)

Most interesting that 2x3 is MIA. Also interesting that the person polling us is none other a 2x3'er. Perhaps research for their (if there is still a "their") future War in Russia game.

Since I feel that I helped push this AI question to the forefront, I will say again that I only play against the AI. In the past, I was often out for months at a time on my boat or wandering around in my RV, and this was not internet friendly activities. In Mexico I would stop by an internet cafe on occasion to check on the progress of games I was interested in. WIR has been one of my longtime favorites and Matrix's revisions of it was what brought my attention to Matrix. Now that I am mostly settled down I am internet connected.

As far as PBEM play goes, my opinion is that there are very few such games completed. These could probably be counted in the single digits. If I were to play one, I would it want it to play out until Japan was in smoking ruins. My dad got to bombard Japan on his destroyer during the war, and I ought to be able to have the same fun. I think that the commitment made to a long term game is taken very lightly by most players, who tend to tire of it or get mad at their opponant and run off crying into the night. I also will not commit to a game that cannot be repaired when errors are found in the database or when they occur because of coding errors. If it can't be fixed, it is not worth the multi-year commitment necessary to play the game.

Give me an editor, and give me an opponant who will play within historical reasonabilities and who will not cut and run, and I would do it. But I would still be primarily an AI player. It doesn't run off crying. It is always there when I want it. It might not be the best that it could be, but it is willing to play.

I notice that no one took me up on my offer of something in the four digit range in US dollars for such an editor....yes, I am serious. That is the biggest flaw of this game.

Joe D. -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 3:52:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: wdolson

...If you want to know what's going on strategically, watch the troop movements. When I hear rumors that the US is going to attack Iran any minute, I look at where the carriers are and what the status is of USAF air wings ..

Washingtonians watch the local pizza palors; when the joint chiefs of staff start ordering out, the locals know they are in planning sessions.

Sonny II -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 5:07:25 AM)




Or perhaps a different (though I loath to use the word) paradigm?[&:]

Gee, just throw in *infrastructure* and *challenge* and repeat them ad nauseum and you have many of the meetings I used to have to attend.

Buck Beach -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 6:01:09 AM)






Or perhaps a different (though I loath to use the word) paradigm?[&:]

Gee, just throw in *infrastructure* and *challenge* and repeat them ad nauseum and you have many of the meetings I used to have to attend.

And how about how everyone was "excited" about everything all the time. Perhaps no one knew how being excited actually felt. Damn I hate that word.

I personally don't get EXCITED much anymore, but, thats more information than any of you are entitled to.[:D]

AW1Steve -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 6:09:12 AM)






Or perhaps a different (though I loath to use the word) paradigm?[&:]

Gee, just throw in *infrastructure* and *challenge* and repeat them ad nauseum and you have many of the meetings I used to have to attend.

[:(]And why do you think I loath the word so much? You forgot the worst phrase of all "thinking outside the box". Every time I hear that phrase , I want to put the speaker of it into a pine box. [:D]

AW1Steve -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 6:10:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Buck Beach






Or perhaps a different (though I loath to use the word) paradigm?[&:]

Gee, just throw in *infrastructure* and *challenge* and repeat them ad nauseum and you have many of the meetings I used to have to attend.

And how about how everyone was "excited" about everything all the time. Perhaps no one knew how being excited actually felt. Damn I hate that word.

I personally don't get EXCITED much anymore, but, thats more information than any of you are entitled to.[:D]

Even us "basket cases"?

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 8:17:55 AM)

I can honestly say I'v enever played the AI in WITP. A PBEM friend and I purchased the game at the same time and were able to use each other for training.

Sonny II -> RE: Do you play against the AI? (12/1/2007 1:48:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Buck Beach






Or perhaps a different (though I loath to use the word) paradigm?[&:]

Gee, just throw in *infrastructure* and *challenge* and repeat them ad nauseum and you have many of the meetings I used to have to attend.

And how about how everyone was "excited" about everything all the time. Perhaps no one knew how being excited actually felt. Damn I hate that word.

I personally don't get EXCITED much anymore, but, thats more information than any of you are entitled to.[:D]

Oh yes. How did I forget how EXCITED everyone was about the new PARADIGM developed by THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX which allowed us to build our INFRASTRUCTURE in order to POSITION our ENTERPRISE to face the CHALLENGES of the NEW TECHNOLOGY on the HORIZON.[sm=vomit-smiley-020.gif]

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