John 3rd -> Chatting (3/12/2009 4:47:38 PM)
Dan has sent his morning turn with this note as we continue BSing about the course of the game: My use of my carriers is the best proof I can offer as to how tenuous I thought my positions were at Iwo and Sikhalin Island for the first four months or so after Sikhalin fell. If Sikhalin was tenuous, the other targets I considered (PI, Formosa) would have been much more tenuous. At least Sikhalin was remote, you could only come at me from one side, I was fairly close to the Aleutians, and winter protected me for several months. Those other targets would have been surrounded, subject to cutoff, and much easier for the Japs to reinvade. Stepping back one invasion, the best thing that happened to me in this game was that changing circumstances persuaded me to divert from the PI to Iwo Jima. I was disappointed at the time, but after seeing what I've seen in the game I realize that the PI would have been very hard to hold and didn't create the dagger to the throat that Iwo does. I know you believe that the Allies in the PI in '43 would have isolated Japan from the DEI, but I believe equally strongly that I couldn't have held PI in '43. Another way to look at this - I've only played two WitP games and this is my second. So I'm still learning. Since I'm up against a more experienced opponent, and since I suffered some bad losses early partly because I didn't understand certain aspects of the game and got too ambitious, I adopted a strategy of being patient. You're going to have fun in India - operationally I know that this is another classic John plan: bold and well-thought out. I don't think it will detract from Allied operations elsewhere, though. In fact, in some ways it has advanced the timetable for those operations and made moving (in the absence of the KB) easier. As for India, I suspect there will be dark days ahead until the Allies are able to stabalize the situation; that's going to take some time and effort. Dan also sent me game files of India to show that the units in India have been there for a while. I refused to look at them but I will deal with them as I find them. Still boils down to the units being used here as still sitting in the Philippines or Java if I didn't try this. His discussion of 'advancing the timetable' of other operations is fine by me. We can see what those are and how quickly it will drive me to surrender. NOT that that EVIL word is in the Japanese vocabulary!