Q-Ball -> RE: Southern China and ASW Fighting (3/9/2009 8:31:08 PM)
I would be shocked if there was anything in India other than Static Base Forces and Patrol Planes. With all that warfare in SE Asia, it's a for sure that Dan pulled out everything not nailed down. He probably thinks subs are the only Japs he'll see over there. Doesn't even look like he has patrol planes even, other than Ceylon. John is right, no opposition. I wouldn't expect much in terms of targets in Bombay harbor though. I think getting ashore will be easy, and you'll roll Southern India until some Allies show up to stop you. Most of those towns in Big B, Mangalore, Pangim, Madras, Bombay, do have static base forces though, so you can expect aircraft as soon as he can shuttle them in. Should be fun! I don't think Dan can starve you out, because you'll capture supply sources, and there are probably huge stockpiles down there as it is.