wargamer123 -> RE: CP supply in the late game (1/10/2008 1:47:25 AM)
It's debatable, there wasn't much rails in Mesopotamia and the Caucasus Mnts in the WW1 era. I'm almost certain that the transfer of materials through such a perilious place would be far far too much effort. Now via the rails through TransJordan-Syria, up through Turkey I'm not sure. I do not know if there was much infrastructure in Eastern Turkey, but watching a show on TransJordan-Syrian Rails that were WW1 dated on the Travel Channel shows it was there and used frequently and anyone who knows about Lawrence of Arabia has a concept of it also, they still use the same WW1 rails there! So there was more capability than we might know locally at least and I'm sure tied into the OE during the time period in some way shape or form, but all the way to Russia? So the Rails were there but enough to carry qtr. of a million men? How quickly? Perhaps at a greater cost, perhaps there should be the ability at a -%50 cost. Or some other sort of penalty. Anyway I have a question to pose on a few of you. Playing the CP several times now I've noticed how quickly the German resources hit rock bottom though morale-industry-food are all in tact and uncaptured. I'm a bit baffled... 7 Points??? She is supposed to gain strength as she progresses and Austria is equivelant to her with 6 points... This is on of my several current CP Games. There shows no -food -morale -anything I can see clearly... I'd like to know where my mysterious points are going. I thought she was base 8