RE: OT - WWII quiz (Full Version)

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Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 1:06:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck

107) Shweinfurt

Not correct.


109) a Chaplain



110) Charles Lindbergh



111) Liepzig

Not correct.


116) Henderson Field



122) Cutting PT109 in half



124) Nagato


Very good. The Lindberg and PT-109 questions I thought would go for some time before anyone got them.

Good Hunting.


Caquineur -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 1:13:37 PM)




ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?

Detonator problems ?

Sorry for barging in like this (pun not intended, honest !), but if it is the right answer, and if my memory serves right, this problem was featured in the movie 'Operation Pacific' with John Wayne and Ward Bond : (link to IMDB)

Found an interesting comment on this site, I quote :

From a submariner :

I love this movie for two reasons:

1) It causes me to relive my submarine war patrols in WWII. 2) It's a typical John Wayne movie.

It would probably not excite a viewer who does not care for John Wayne or war movies, but for anyone who participated in WWII in submarines, it's a must have.

For the current generation, it would be worthwhile just to get the feel of how things were in those days. For many of my vintage, watching this movie over and over, as I do, is a priceless reminder of those days when a few did so much for so many.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 1:33:26 PM)




ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

Here is another set of questions for you students of WWII history:

101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?

Several reasons.
The mark 14 torpedo ran lower than expected. Therefor the torpedo ran so far under the buttom of the ships. That the magnetic field didnt register on the magnetic detenators.
2ndly the detenator was made and tested in NE part of the USA. As much of the pacific war occured near the equator and since the earths magnetic field changes around the world. Neither was the original calibration useble near the equator. Assuming u had it at the correct dept.
3rdly. The contact detenator had a faulty primer so even with a direct hit a pin in the detenator could break, failing to set of the actual explosive of the torpedo.

The contact detonator would go off if the hit was not at 90 degrees. The reason the faulty detonators was missed before the outbreak of the war is that, if the torpedo hit at a little less than or a little more than 90 degrees the detonator worked fine. It was only on 90 degree hits or close to that where the force of the impact bent the detonator.


104) What was the Gold Fish Club?


That's not correct.


107) Which German city was the target for the RAF's first thousand plane raid?


That's correct.


117) Who were the members of the "Gun Club"?

Part of the navy officers corps trained and had doctrine based in Battleship/battlelines. See Mahan doctrine. As opposed to officers more inclined to naval aviation, aka carrier based naval warfare.

That's correct.


123) What city was to be given the new name of Germania, by Hitler, after it had been modernized?


That's correct.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 1:36:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Caquineur


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

126) Which member number of the Nazi Party was Adolf Hitler?


126/18 = 7 ?

Yes, he was Nazi Party Member number 7.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 1:59:07 PM)




ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
102) What was the first Japanese ship sunk by the US Navy during the war?

I suppose that the minisubs sunk on 7 December at Pearl Harbor don't count.

So I think this is one of the warships that tried the first invasion of Wake, in December 1941, but I can't remember which it is. I wonder suspect it is a light cruiser, sunk by bomb equipped Wildcats from the VMF squadron on the island.

For some reason they didn't count the mini-subs. Not sure why that is. It was in December of 1941 but not at Wake Island.

Good Hunting.


Walloc -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 2:44:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: terje439







I have another (it is so ridiculous) :

What is the first name of Montgomery ?

OK, it is Bernard.

I would rate this as the most ridiculous WW2 famous commander first name.

Knew that one, but what was his full name at death. Titles included, tho not military ranks?

Kind regards,


Bernard Law Montgomery. Title...Hmm did not he become Viscount? Viscount of Egypt perhaps?

Correct so far, but we are stilling missing some part/s of the name.

monkla -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:22:58 PM)



Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

I'll have a stab at this one. Does it have something to do with the Manhattan Project. Enrico Fermi? Perhaps the first fission reaction or something similar was achieved?

monkla -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:30:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: monkla



Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

I'll have a stab at this one. Does it have something to do with the Manhattan Project. Enrico Fermi? Perhaps the first fission reaction or something similar was achieved?

D'oh. I missed the who bit. If I'm right about the event, then I'll say it was General Groves passing the info on in code.

ItBurns -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:34:00 PM)





The Baedeker raids were axis night bombings of cities in Britain that has no military significance but were listed in the Baedeker guide as sights to see. They were retaliation for British bombers hitting german cities that had no military significance but were know for their beauty.

To be more precise, they were in retaliation for this :

March 28, 1942 : Under the new tactical doctrine of area saturation bombing, introduced by Air Vice Marshal Harris, the RAF sends a monster incendiary attack (234 bombers) against Lübeck on the Baltic that devastates 265 acres of the city, destroying over 30% of the city, and 80% of the medieval centre. Hitler is outraged.

Hey, you googled that do you ? [:D] You can't do that ! (I was so sure no one would know ! ) [8D]

A German propagandist is reported to have said, following the first Baedeker Raid, “We shall go out and bomb every building in Britain marked with 3 stars in the Baedeker Guide”

No googling, I have an encyclopidia on WWII that contains a day to day listing of what happened on that date and while reading through it I came upon the Baedeker raids.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:41:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: monkla


ORIGINAL: monkla



Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

I'll have a stab at this one. Does it have something to do with the Manhattan Project. Enrico Fermi? Perhaps the first fission reaction or something similar was achieved?

D'oh. I missed the who bit. If I'm right about the event, then I'll say it was General Groves passing the info on in code.

Well, indeed I don't know who sent the message, but this was the message meant that the team led by Enrico Fermi initiates the first nuclear chain reaction at Stagg Field at the University of Chicago, so you were right. The message was sent to President Franklin D Roosevelt.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:43:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian




ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
102) What was the first Japanese ship sunk by the US Navy during the war?

I suppose that the minisubs sunk on 7 December at Pearl Harbor don't count.

So I think this is one of the warships that tried the first invasion of Wake, in December 1941, but I can't remember which it is. I wonder suspect it is a light cruiser, sunk by bomb equipped Wildcats from the VMF squadron on the island.

For some reason they didn't count the mini-subs. Not sure why that is. It was in December of 1941 but not at Wake Island.

Good Hunting.


Ah, Wake Island don't count because it was the USMC, not the USN ?

I searched for it to know if I was right, and the first Japanese ship sunk by the US forces was the DD Hayate on 11 December at Wake Island, but it was the USMC not USN.

ItBurns -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:48:19 PM)

I still think Alphonse Georges is the most rediculous name for have a first as a last but maybe he doesn't count as a famous general.

111 - was this Linz? I know he planned a lot of building around his home town.

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 3:57:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

Here is another set of questions for you students of WWII history:

101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?

Several reasons. As allready mentioned, faulty detonators, but also;
-Its actual warhead was heavier than the test-heads used at trials. This caused a problem with the running depth of the torps.
-The magnetic exploder was designed for the Northern half of the globe, and did not work properly around the equator.


105) There were two pieces of equipment the Germans called Goliath. Can you name them both?

-unmanned miniature remote controlled tank filled with explosives
-radio transmitter for the submariens during the second half of the war


122) What was the Japanese Destroyer Amagiri famous for?

Was not she the ship that rammed the PT boat on which J.F.Kennedy served?


123) What city was to be given the new name of Germania, by Hitler, after it had been modernized?


marcuswatney -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 7:36:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
102) What was the first Japanese ship sunk by the US Navy during the war?

I suppose that the minisubs sunk on 7 December at Pearl Harbor don't count.

For some reason they didn't count the mini-subs. Not sure why that is. It was in December of 1941 but not at Wake Island.

Good Hunting.


"During the war". The mini-subs were sunk before the war, as the Japanese hadn't actually attacked the US at that time. That's why they don't count.

Now here's a question I pose: Where were the first shots of the Pacific War fired?

marcuswatney -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 8:15:07 PM)

Ten more questions to stretch the mind...
1.  Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?
2.  Who was the highest ranking US officer killed in the war, who killed him and how?
3.  What did Cromwell mean?
4.  Why did Hitler promote von Paulus to Field Marshal?
5.  On the outbreak of war in 1939, which British minister held the same post as he had done during the First World War, and what post was it?
6.  The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?
7.  How soon after being wounded in Normandy was a British soldier back in Britain?
8.  Who liberated Copenhagen?
9.  Who ducks when the Americans bomb?
10.  What was the primary use of condoms in the war?

composer99 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 8:23:06 PM)

For Marcus' questions:

4 - The promotion was meant to stiffen his resistance while trapped with 6th Army in the Stalingrad pocket (per Hitler, no German Field Marshal in history had yet surrendered to the enemy; clearly Paulus was meant to follow in that vein).

5 - Winston Churchill, First Sea Lord of the Admiralty

micheljq -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 9:24:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: marcuswatney

3.  What did Cromwell mean?

I am thinking of Oliver Cromwell, a very known figure of England's history.

OzHawkeye2 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 2:17:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: marcuswatney

Ten more questions to stretch the mind...
1.  Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?
2.  Who was the highest ranking US officer killed in the war, who killed him and how?
3.  What did Cromwell mean?
4.  Why did Hitler promote von Paulus to Field Marshal?
5.  On the outbreak of war in 1939, which British minister held the same post as he had done during the First World War, and what post was it?
6.  The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?
7.  How soon after being wounded in Normandy was a British soldier back in Britain?
8.  Who liberated Copenhagen?
9.  Who ducks when the Americans bomb?
10.  What was the primary use of condoms in the war?

Tough question in some of these polls, I'd have to google most of The ones I can do without that are below:

2. Ok, I can't remember the name, and I may be wrong anyway, but on Okinowa (sp?) the US commander was killed when observing the front lines. I was pretty sure he was the highest ranking US officer killed in combat. No name without googling him however.
3. Cromwell was the code word used by the British to warn of imminent German invasion.
5. Churchill was First Lord of the Admirality then, as he was in WWI.

Late Edit: Bah! Can't believe I missed 4. Paulus was promoted to Field Marshal towards the end of the battle of Stalingrad as Hitler hoped it would prevent him from surrendering (no German FM had done that up till then). Funny enough, Paulus surrendered anyway, and went on to become a Soviet propagandist trying to convince German troops thereafter to do likewise.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 2:23:31 AM)




ORIGINAL: marcuswatney

Ten more questions to stretch the mind...
1.  Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?
2.  Who was the highest ranking US officer killed in the war, who killed him and how?
3.  What did Cromwell mean?
4.  Why did Hitler promote von Paulus to Field Marshal?
5.  On the outbreak of war in 1939, which British minister held the same post as he had done during the First World War, and what post was it?
6.  The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?
7.  How soon after being wounded in Normandy was a British soldier back in Britain?
8.  Who liberated Copenhagen?
9.  Who ducks when the Americans bomb?
10.  What was the primary use of condoms in the war?

Tough question in some of these polls, I'd have to google most of The ones I can do without that are below:

2. Ok, I can't remember the name, and I may be wrong anyway, but on Okinowa (sp?) the US commander was killed when observing the front lines. I was pretty sure he was the highest ranking US officer killed in combat. No name without googling him however.
3. Cromwell was the code word used by the British to warn of imminent German invasion.
5. Churchill was First Lord of the Admirality then, as he was in WWI.

2 - I believe it was a US general in Normandy who was killed by Allied strategic bombers in the preliminary trials of using carpet bombing. But I do not remember his name.

Szilard -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 2:36:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: marcuswatney

Ten more questions to stretch the mind...
1.  Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?
2.  Who was the highest ranking US officer killed in the war, who killed him and how?

US head of army, whatever the correct title is. Name something like McNair?

3.  What did Cromwell mean?

I suppose you don't mean the tank? Was it the code for alerting UK defenses to an invasion?

4.  Why did Hitler promote von Paulus to Field Marshal?

So he'd commit suicide rather than surrender, or because no German field marshal had ever surrendered, or something like that.

5.  On the outbreak of war in 1939, which British minister held the same post as he had done during the First World War, and what post was it?

Churchill, First Lord of Admiralty

6.  The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?
7.  How soon after being wounded in Normandy was a British soldier back in Britain?
8.  Who liberated Copenhagen?
9.  Who ducks when the Americans bomb?
10.  What was the primary use of condoms in the war?

Covering rifle muzzles against rain, mud etc?

paulderynck -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 4:25:37 AM)




ORIGINAL: paulderynck



Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

I think it refers to the death of Balbo, but I don't know who said it, Churchill again?

Not Churchill, and not about Balbo.

Yeah, but aside from those, I was right on.

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 4:32:12 AM)

1. Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?

When I-26 sank the SS Cynthia Olson 750 miles southwest of Seattle, 1000 miles northeast of Honolulu. The SS Cynthia Olson was the first US ship to be sunk by the Japanese in WWII. This took place before the attack on Pearl Harbor. All 35 crew members were lost.

2. Who was the highest ranking US officer killed in the war, who killed him and how?

U.S. Army Lieutenant General Lesley J. McNair.

Lt. General McNair was killed 25 July 1944, near St Lo, France. The incident took place at the beginning of Operation Cobra. He was killed by Allied carpet bombing when the bombs fell short of their targets and landed on U.S. troops.

3. What did Cromwell mean?

That the British High Command felt the German invasion of England was imminent. It was also a tank.

6. The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?

Was this the Palestine Brigade? To show that the unit was made up of soldiers from Palestine?

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 6:04:23 AM)

Here is another set of questions for you students of WWII history:

101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?
Faulty detonators. Both contact and magnetic.

102) What was the first Japanese ship sunk by the US Navy during the war?

103) Who was Hans Hilter and where did he fight?

104) What was the Gold Fish Club?

105) There were two pieces of equipment the Germans called Goliath. Can you name them both?
A miniature remote control demolition vehicle and a German radio antenna for sending messages to U-Boats in the Atlantic.

106) Where would you find "Coffin Corner"?

107) Which German city was the target for the RAF's first thousand plane raid? Cologne or Koln.

108) Chips was the name of a German Shepherd dog. What is unique about him?

109) What was the US military talking about when they used the term Sky Pilot? This was a term used for chaplains.

110) He was involved in German military aircraft development and visited Germany many times. He was decorated by Goering with a Nazi medal. He was a strong advocate of U.S. isolationism until Japan attacked the U.S. Was a civilian employee of the United Aircraft Corporation. He was a technical representative to the U.S. Army Air Force. He flew fifty missions in the Pacific and shot down several Japanese aircraft. One was shot down while he flew a P-38 while demonstrating the technique of fuel conservation for long flights. 

Who is this man? Charles Lindbergh.

111) Which city did Hitler intend on making the new capital of the German Reich after the war was over?

112) Who were "Big Bill" and "Little Bill"?

113) Where was the "Little Maginot Line"?

114) Which was the only British destroyer in the German Navy?

115) What was the first enemy airfield captured by U.S. forces in WWII? Henderson Field on Guadalcanal.

116) What was the airfield known as "Bull's Eye"?

117) Who were the members of the "Gun Club"? The group of navy officers in the U.S. Navy that were in favor of battleships over carriers.

118) The Ferdinand Magellan was sold to the U.S. Government for one dollar. What was it?

119) What does the term "Far Shore" refer to in Allied terms?

120) Which ship was known as the "Galloping Ghost of the Oahu Coast"?

121) What was the facility known as the "Virus House" used for?

122) What was the Japanese Destroyer Amagiri famous for? This was the ship that rammed and sank PT-109, on 3 August 1943, in Blackett Strait, Solomon Islands. After Kennedy was elected President the captain of the Amagiri sent him a note apologizing for the incident.

123) What city was to be given the new name of Germania, by Hitler, after it had been modernized? Berlin.

124) Which was the only IJN battleship to survive WWII? Nagato.

125) The USN Iowa class battleships were built to fight the IJN Yamato class battleships. What mistake was made at the time the Iowa class ships were made?

126) Which member number of the Nazi Party was Adolf Hitler? 7.

127) "The One Ship Fleet" was the nickname given to which USN ship?

128) What does the US military casualty abbreviation "PWOP" mean?

129) The term "Rock Happy" meant was to the US Marines?

130) "Roosevelt Sausage" was a nickname given to what?

131) Where was the first place U.S. paratroops were used in WWII?

132) What was the first enemy held territory U.S. troops landed and recaptured in the war?

133) What prompted Japan's decision to attack the United States?

134) Why were there no pictures of President Roosevelt in a wheelchair published during the war?

135) Who signed the surrender for the Soviet Union in Berlin on 8 May 1945?

136) What was the goal of Operation Sledgehammer?

137) The trucks of the "Red Ball Express" were initially unarmed. What caused the Americans to arm them?

138) What was the famous objective of the SS Charlemagne Division during the Battle of Berlin?

139) Which German concentration camp was reserved for women after 1938?

140) Who in Japan gave the order that Japan would surrender?

141) What is a Marston Mat?

142) What three Great Russian Generals did Mussolini feel would defeat Hitler in Russia?

143) Which aircraft was primarily used by the SOE to insert and remove agents into occupied territories?

144) What happened in the Italian port of Bari on 2 December 1943?

145) What U.S. Navy cruiser had the nickname "Sweet Pea"?

146) What did the American code word "Demon" refer to?

147) Which was the only U.S. Navy ship that was present both at the attack on Pearl Harbor and in Tokyo Bay at the surrender signing?

148) What does the slang term "Devildog" refer to?

149) What was special about Annie G. Fox?

150) The Polar Bear emblem was used by both a German and a British military unit can you identify both of them?

Good Hunting.


Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 9:50:36 AM)

147 - I'll guess the Oklahoma. Your question could be worded better. As it stands, it seems as if the ship was thousands of miles long.[;)]

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 9:51:39 AM)

140 - The emperor.

oscar72se -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 11:04:18 AM)

113. Where was "Little Maginot Line"?
Southeast France, in the French Alps

oscar72se -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 11:07:51 AM)

128) What does the US military casualty abbreviation "PWOP" mean?
In Joseph Heller's "Catch 22" it meant Pregnant Without Permission [:)]

marcuswatney -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 11:14:11 AM)

Good effort so far everybody: now you have only the difficult ones to answer!


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

1. Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?

When I-26 sank the SS Cynthia Olson 750 miles southwest of Seattle, 1000 miles northeast of Honolulu. The SS Cynthia Olson was the first US ship to be sunk by the Japanese in WWII. This took place before the attack on Pearl Harbor. All 35 crew members were lost.

No. I worded the question carefully. "Exchanged": The SS Cynthia Olson did not return fire.

2. Who was the highest ranking US officer killed in the war, who killed him and how?

U.S. Army Lieutenant General Lesley J. McNair.

Lt. General McNair was killed 25 July 1944, near St Lo, France. The incident took place at the beginning of Operation Cobra. He was killed by Allied carpet bombing when the bombs fell short of their targets and landed on U.S. troops.

Yes. The saddest thing about the incident was that McNair was in command of the fake army in Kent pretending to be about to invade Calais, and was so bored he only came over to Normandy to witness the carpet-bombing as a tourist.

3. What did Cromwell mean?

That the British High Command felt the German invasion of England was imminent. It was also a tank.


6. The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?

Was this the Palestine Brigade? To show that the unit was made up of soldiers from Palestine?

No. Hint: this question is linked to Question 8. The unit served well in Normandy and badly at Arnhem

Good Hunting.


Correct answers given by other forum-members are:

4. To shame von Paulus from surrendering.

5. Churchill, as First Lord of the Admiralty, (not First Sea Lord, which is the highest naval rank, while Lords of the Admiralty are politicians);

10. Condoms were put over the muzzles of rifles to keep water out.

So, only the difficult (anti-Google) questions remain:

1. Where were the first shots of the Pacific War exchanged?

6. The letter P inside a square was the shoulder-flash of which British unit, and what was its role?

7. How soon after being wounded in Normandy was a British soldier back in Britain?

8. Who liberated Copenhagen?

9. Who ducks when the Americans bomb?

marcuswatney -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 11:27:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets

140 - The emperor.

"There has been a change in the war situation not necessarily in Japan's favour."

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/30/2009 1:01:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets

147 - I'll guess the Oklahoma. Your question could be worded better. As it stands, it seems as if the ship was thousands of miles long.[;)]

I'll try to do about the Oklahoma. She was capsized during the attack on Pearl Harbor. On June 16 1943, the ship was righted using twenty-one land based cranes. Shortly after that she was sold for scrap. May 7, 1947, on the way back to the United States, 500 miles northeast of Hawaii the ship sank. It never fired a single shot during the war with Japan.

Good Hunting.


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