RE: OT - WWII quiz (Full Version)

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wfzimmerman -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/27/2009 9:03:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian


ORIGINAL: micheljq


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

21) What is the largest ship ever sunk by a submarine? Good Hunting.


I recall that the Yamato, was sunk my a lot of bombs and torpedoes, though the torpodes came from naval bombers. Maybe the Musashi? No let's try the japanese CV Shinano.

Yes, the Shinano was sunk by Archerfish with 6 torpedoes. It was a Yamoto class battleship converted to a CV.

Good Hunting.



wfzimmerman -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/27/2009 9:12:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

Here are the original 50 questions and the correct answers so far.

1) Which Soviet tank during WWII caused Soviet infantry to flee from it in "tank terror"?

2) What was Patton's Headquarters known as?

3) What German vehicle was known as Guderian's Duck? JgPzIV

4) Which were the only two fighter planes in the IJN to fly off Japanese carriers? A4M Claude and A4M Zero.

5) What WWII AFV was known as the Land Battleship?  T-35 Soviet tank. Had five turrets and a ten man crew.

6) Which units used cricket makers for unit recognition? US Airborne Divisions during the D-Day night drop.

7) Which was the highest scoring American tanker? What was the name of the tank he rode in?

8) Which Allied nation was cannibalizing and decommissioning divisions to keep it's armies fighting in the field to the end of the war? Britain. There was an extreme shortage of manpower in Britain by mid 1944.

9) What aircraft was know as String Bag? The British biplane torpedo bomber Swordfish.

10) During the night raid on the Scope, Moehne and Eder dams on the Ruhr River. special bombs were made that had to be dropped from an exact speed and height. How did the British determine the height of their aircraft off the water during the night raid? Two lights were placed on the aircraft pointing down at an angle. When the two lights merged into one on the water the aircraft was at the correct height.

11) What was the first IJN carrier sunk during the war? Shoho. The carrier was hit by thirteen bombs, seven torpedoes and an aircraft.

12) What are the two places known in WWII as the most bombed place on earth? One was bombed by the Axis, the other was bombed by the Allies.

13) Was the German tank force destroyed during the Battle of Kursk? No, it was barely affected. The Soviets told a lie about the damage done to the German tank force. They lost an entire tank army worth of tanks on the southern shoulder of the Kursk salient while only containing German armored thrusts.

14) What is the largest successful military operation of all time?

15) What is the largest unsuccessful military operation of all time? Operation Barbarossa is the largest military operation in world history. It was however, unsuccessful in achieving it's goal of defeating the Soviet Union.

16) Which American general thought the 75mm gun armed Sherman was big enough to win the war without up-gunning it? Patton.

17) Which Allied tank was so successful that they tried to camouflage it's appearance. German gunners were ordered to fire at it first. The British Firefly. British tankers did everything possible to disquise the barrel, including planting it different colors and adding fake muzzle brakes 2/3 of the way down the barrel.

18) Which Allied AFV had the main gun pointing over the rear of the vehicle instead of facing forward?

19) Who recommended that the T-34 be sent back to Germany and put into production? Guderian

20) The US, British and German aces are all well known. What about some of the others though, who was Italy's highest scoring ace in WWII and what was his score?

21) What is the largest ship ever sunk by a submarine? IJN Carrier Shinano. This was the third Yamoto class battleship and was converted to a carrier. She was sent to sea without her bulkheads and watertight damage control systems working. Six torpedoes from Archerfish sealed the carriers doom.

22) Who in the German Army was simply known as "The Count"?

23) Which country entered WWII with a rifle it thought too ineffective, stopped production of the weapon, then restarted it's production which then lasted to the end of the war?

24) How many Soviet Tank and Mechanized Corps were there from 1942 to the end of the war? Counting Guards units as well.

25) The United States had how many cavalry divisions during WWII?

26) By the end of the war Canada was making 60% of which Allied machinegun?

27) Where is Hangman's Hill?

28) What did the Soviets call the M3 Lee tank supplied to them as Lend Lease?

29) Which German fighter aircraft had an engine and propeller at both the front and the back of the aircraft?

30) Which American fighter was shown to be the most maneuverable during test trials at the end of the war?

31) What was the largest operational tank in WWII? Meaning, which was the largest tank ever ordered into combat in WWII. Panzer Maus. There were two prototypes of the Maus at Kummersdorf to the southeast of Berlin. One was a vehicle mockup without a gun. The other was fully functional. The fully functional vehicle was ordered to move to Berlin and defend the capital. The Soviets claim to have knocked it out in combat and the Germans claim it broke down. Either way the Soviets have the vehicle at Koblinka Tank Museum I believe.

32) What German city did Eisenhower consider just a "geographic location"? Berlin. After the Yalta conference Berlin was in the Soviet zone and Eisenhower did not consider it an objective any longer.

33) What did the term "rock soup" mean?

34) What two hammer blows were triggered on the anniversary of Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union? They were the same year and were set to compliment each other.

35) What was Churchill referring to when he was talking about "the Beast"?

36) Who was Finland's highest scoring ace?

37) What does the word Currahee mean and who used it as a battlecry? During their training, the US 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne were ordered to climb Mt Currahee (Cherokee for "We Stand Alone"); the name of this mountain became their battlecry.

38) Which German Panzer Divisions used the Pz35(t) as their main equipment during the fighting in Russia?

39) What American piece of equipment soon came to be feared by Allied tankers after it's introduction into combat?

40) What was the single most effective weapon that airforces of all nations employed during WWII not counting the atomic bomb?

41) Who was the first foreign soldier to capture an intact Soviet T-34 tank and drive it?

42) Which German Panzer Division entered Russia by driving submerged under a river?

43) What does the term "cat fur" refer to when talking about German tanks?

44) When called a "Lucky Bastard" which American general replied, "I'd rather be lucky than good. Good will only take you so far but luck will take you all the way."

45) Which country used dogs to attack tanks? Russia. The mine dogs were trained to run under tanks to get fed. The Soviets then strapped an antitank mine to their back. When they ran under a tank the mine was detonated. In combat though the dogs got confused and scared when shot at and ran back to Soviet lines. Then they went and hid....under Soviet tanks.

46) The T-34 was the most produced vehicle by the Soviet Union. What was the second most produced vehicle?

47) The British tried to deploy the Mosquito aircraft to the Pacific theater. Why was it called back?

48) Which Allied fighter is credited with destroying more Axis aircraft than any other?

49) Which is the only unit to have fought at Normandy, Arnhem, Aachen, the Huertgen Forest, in the Ardennes offensive, at the Reichswald and in the Ruhr Pocket?

50) What plane did the Japanese call the "Whistling Death"?

We have a ways to go.

Good Hunting.


Added all answers provided here.

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 3:14:05 AM)

wfizimmeran here are the answers to the original 50 questions. Use whatever you like. Do I need to fill out any forms for you or will my permission here be good enough? That's alot of forms to fill out if I have to do these questions 4 at a time.

1) Which Soviet tank during WWII caused Soviet infantry to flee from it in "tank terror"? The KV-2.

2) What was Patton's Headquarters known as? Lucky Forward.

3) What German vehicle was known as Guderian's Duck? JgPzIV

4) Which were the only two fighter planes in the IJN to fly off Japanese carriers? A4M Claude and A4M Zero.

5) What WWII AFV was known as the Land Battleship?  T-35 Soviet tank. Had five turrets and a ten man crew.

6) Which units used cricket makers for unit recognition? US Airborne Divisions during the D-Day night drop.

7) Which was the highest scoring American tanker? What was the name of the tank he rode in? SSG Lafayette Pool. His tank was named In the Mood, In the Mood II and In the Mood III.

As part of the 3rd Battalion, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Pool's tank crew destroyed 258 enemy armored vehicles during fighting from Normandy, to Aachen, Germany. He personally captured 250 prisoners and killed more than 1,000 enemy soldiers.

Pool lost his right leg when "In the Mood III" was shot out from under him and was sent back to the US.

8) Which Allied nation was cannibalizing and decommissioning divisions to keep it's armies fighting in the field to the end of the war? Britain. There was an extreme shortage of manpower in Britain by mid 1944.

9) What aircraft was know as String Bag? The British biplane torpedo bomber Swordfish.

10) During the night raid on the Scope, Moehne and Eder dams on the Ruhr River. special bombs were made that had to be dropped from an exact speed and height. How did the British determine the height of their aircraft off the water during the night raid? Two lights were placed on the aircraft pointing down at an angle. When the two lights merged into one on the water the aircraft was at the correct height.

11) What was the first IJN carrier sunk during the war? Shoho. The carrier was hit by thirteen bombs, seven torpedoes and an aircraft.

12) What are the two places known in WWII as the most bombed place on earth? One was bombed by the Axis, the other was bombed by the Allies. Malta is the place most bombed by the Axis. What is the place most bombed by the Allies? After Malta was Kirkenes, Norway.

13) Was the German tank force destroyed during the Battle of Kursk? No, it was barely affected. The Soviets told a lie about the damage done to the German tank force. They lost an entire tank army worth of tanks on the southern shoulder of the Kursk salient while only containing German armored thrusts.

14) What is the largest successful military operation of all time? The encirclement battle of Kiev. Known as the Battle of Kiev by the Germans it is the battle with the largest number of troops captured in world history.

15) What is the largest unsuccessful military operation of all time? Operation Barbarossa is the largest military operation in world history. It was however, unsuccessful in achieving it's goal of defeating the Soviet Union.

16) Which American general thought the 75mm gun armed Sherman was big enough to win the war without up-gunning it? Patton.

17) Which Allied tank was so successful that they tried to camouflage it's appearance. German gunners were ordered to fire at it first. The British Firefly. British tankers did everything possible to disguise the barrel, including painting it different colors and adding fake muzzle brakes 2/3 of the way down the barrel.

18) Which Allied AFV had the main gun pointing over the rear of the vehicle instead of facing forward? The British Archer tank destroyer.

19) Who recommended that the T-34 be sent back to Germany and put into production? Guderian

20) The US, British and German aces are all well known. What about some of the others though, who was Italy's highest scoring ace in WWII and what was his score? Capitano Franco Lucchini, whose score was 26, which included 5 in the Spanish Civil War.

21) What is the largest ship ever sunk by a submarine? IJN Carrier Shinano. This was the third Yamoto class battleship and was converted to a carrier. She was sent to sea without her bulkheads and watertight damage control systems working. Six torpedoes from Archerfish sealed the carriers doom.

22) Who in the German Army was simply known as "The Count"? Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz von Gross-Zuche und Camminetz.

23) Which country entered WWII with a rifle it thought too ineffective, stopped production of the weapon, then restarted it's production which then lasted to the end of the war? Italy.

24) How many Soviet Tank and Mechanized Corps were there from 1942 to the end of the war? Counting Guards units as well. There were 31 Tank Corps, 13 Mechanized Corps, 12 Guards Tank Corps and 9 Guards Mechanized Corps formed after January of 1942.

25) The United States had how many cavalry divisions during WWII? There were 2. The 1st Cavalry Division served in the Pacific theater. The 2nd Cavalry Division was sent to North Africa 9 March 1944.

26) By the end of the war Canada was making 60% of which Allied machinegun?
Bren Gun.

27) Where is Hangman's Hill? Just to the southeast of the Abbey of Monte Cassino.

28) What did the Soviets call the M3 Lee tank supplied to them as Lend Lease? A Grave for Seven Brothers.

29) Which German fighter aircraft had an engine and propeller at both the front and the back of the aircraft? The Dornier 335 Pfeil.

30) Which American fighter was shown to be the most maneuverable during test trials at the end of the war? The P-61 Black Widow. Even thought it was the size of the B-25 medium bomber modern technology of the times made it extremely maneuverable.

31) What was the largest operational tank in WWII? Meaning, which was the largest tank ever ordered into combat in WWII.  Panzer Maus. There were two prototypes of the Maus at Kummersdorf to the southeast of Berlin. One was a vehicle mockup without a gun. The other was fully functional. The fully functional vehicle was ordered to move to Berlin and defend the capital. The Soviets claim to have knocked it out in combat and the Germans claim it broke down. Either way the Soviets have the vehicle at Koblinka Tank Museum I believe.

32) What German city did Eisenhower consider just a "geographic location"? Berlin. After the Yalta conference Berlin was in the Soviet zone and Eisenhower did not consider it an objective any longer.

33) What did the term "rock soup" mean? This was a method used by Patton to get fuel, ammunition and Suplies from SHAEF. You start with nothing more than water and add a rock. Then somebody sees you have only water and a rock and they give you something else to add until you eventually have a full fledged soup. Patton used this method to get supplies. He would start a fight that he would promote to larger and larger size until SHAEF coudn't ignore the threat and send him the supplies he wanted to do the offensive he blew all out of proportion in the first place.

34) What two hammer blows were triggered on the anniversary of Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union? They were the same year and were set to compliment each other. Operation Overlord to draw the Germans reinforcements to the west and then Operation Bagration to destroy Army Group Center. The destruction of Army Group Center was the largest defeat inflicted on German arms in WWII.

35) What was Churchill referring to when he was talking about "the Beast"? The German Battleship Tirpitz.

36) Who was Finland's highest scoring ace? Lentomestari Eino Ilmari Juutilainen whose score was 94 including 2 in the Finno-Russian war in 1940.

37) What does the word Currahee mean and who used it as a battlecry? During their training, the US 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne were ordered to climb Mt Currahee (Cherokee for "We Stand Alone"); the name of this mountain became their battlecry.

38) Which German Panzer Divisions used the Pz35(t) as their main equipment during the fighting in Russia?
6th Panzer was the only Panzer Division used in Russia that was equipped with the Pz35(t).

39) What American piece of equipment soon came to be feared by Allied tankers after it's introduction into combat? The Panzerschrek was a copy of the American bazooka which the Germans captured in Tunisia.

40) What was the single most effective weapon that airforces of all nations employed during WWII not counting the atomic bomb? The incendiary bomb. More damage was done by fire than any other air delivered weapons system.

41) Who was the first foreign soldier to capture an intact Soviet T-34 tank and drive it? Lauri A. Heino  a Finnish soldier.

42) Which German Panzer Division entered Russia by driving submerged under a river? The 18th Panzer Division. When it crossed the Bug River, with submersible tanks, underwater on 22 June, it was the first time in World War II that submersible tanks were used in combat.

43) What does the term "cat fur" refer to when talking about German tanks? Guderian was referring to the fact that when German tank crews fought in Tigers and Panthers they didn't use good tactics. They considered the big tanks invincible. Guderians comment was that "cat fur" didn't stop Allied AT rounds.

44) When called a "Lucky Bastard" which American general replied, "I'd rather be lucky than good. Good will only take you so far but luck will take you all the way." Patton

45) Which country used dogs to attack tanks? Russia. The mine dogs were trained to run under tanks to get fed. The Soviets then strapped an antitank mine to their back. When they ran under a tank the mine was detonated. In combat though the dogs got confused and scared when shot at and ran back to Soviet lines. Then they went and hid....under Soviet tanks.

46) The T-34 was the most produced vehicle by the Soviet Union. What was the Soviet Union's second most produced vehicle? The SU-76, which the Soviet crews affectionately called "The Bitch" because of it's unpopularity with it's crews.

47) The British tried to deploy the Mosquito aircraft to the Pacific theater. Why was it called back? The glue that held the wooden plane togeher wouldn't stay setup as it did in the colder climates of NWE. The plane literally fell apart in the Pacific theater.

48) Which Allied fighter is credited with destroying more Axis aircraft than any other? The P-38. I'm surprised that it took so long for a right answer on this one. The P-38 is one of only two fighters that fought in North Africa, the Med, Italy and North West Europe. The other being the P-40. The P-38 is credited with both the most Japanese planes destroyed and the most Axis planes destroyed. Which isn't suprising considering the theaters it served in. The top two American aces both flew P-38's. Major Richard Bong with 40 kills and Major Thomas (Tommy) B. McGuire with 38 kills.

49) Which is the only unit to have fought at Normandy, Arnhem, Aachen, the Huertgen Forest, in the Ardennes offensive, at the Reichswald and in the Ruhr Pocket? The anxwer could never be an Allied unit. The Huertgen Forest forest was an American battleground and the Reichswald was a 21st Army Group battleground. The answer to this is the 116th Panzer Division.

50) What plane did the Japanese call the "Whistling Death"? The F4U Corsiar.

Thanks to all those that participated in the quiz.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 4:40:28 AM)

wfizimmeran here are the answers to the second set of 50 questions. Use whatever of these questions you would like in the book project.

50) Where was the Sherman tank first used in combat? At El Alamein by the British 8th Army.

51) What were the 3 Yankee Pilots that fought with British Eighth Army in North Africa in May 1942? They crewed M3 Grant tanks which were called Pilots by the Germans. The US tank crews, under the command of Major Henry Cabot Lodge, were assigned to the 8th Army to get combat experience. They served in the 1st Royal Tank Regiment which was a part of the 4th Armoured Brigade.  During the fighting they claimed the destruction of nine German tanks.

52) When was the T-34 first encountered in combat by the Germans? 23 June 1941, the second day of the invasion. During the battle of Rasienai in Army Group North's area of operations.

53) How many PzI tanks were in the attack on Russia? 120. They were assigned to the following Panzer Divisions:
9th Panzer Division - 8
12th Panzer Division - 8
17th Panzer Division - 12
18th Panzer Division - 6
19th Panzer Division - 42
20th Panzer Division - 44

54) Where did the first armored battle between two fully formed tank units take place? The 2nd Panzer Division was a part of 14th Army assigned to the 18th Corps. The Polish defenders in the southern most area was Army Krakow.
Early on 2 September the Germans advanced in the area of Novy Targ. They intended on bypassing any serious resistance and moving deeper into Polish territory to the north.

The 2nd Panzer Division was on the move. The thrust was towards Krakow as quickly as possible.

What the Germans didn't know was that one of the very few Polish armored units that was up to full strength lay on this axis of advance. The 2nd Panzer Division was soon to meet the Rzeszow Reserve Cavalry Brigade near Novy Targ.

The stage was set for the first two fully equipped and operational tank units of the war to clash.

55) How many times did the Germans use biological weapons during WWII? Not a single time. Hitler had been subjected to a gas attack in WWI and he wouldn't allow the weapons to be used by the Germans in WWII.

56) How many times did the Allies use biological weapons during WWII? Not once. They were not about to be the first to let the genie back out of the bottle from seeing the results of biological attacks in WWI.

57) What was Staff Sergeant Curtis "Bud" Cullin famous for? He invented the Cullin device. It it consisted of iron prongs welded to the front of US tanks so that they could finally breach the Normandy hedgerows.

58) Which major Soviet city changed hands the most times? How many times did the city change hands?

Kharkov is the correct city but how many times did it change hands?

Kharhov which changed ownership 4 times during the war.

59) What was the "Backhand Maneuver"? Manstein's leaving and returning to Kharkov in the 3rd Battle for Kharkov in the Spring of 1943.

60) Which nation made the largest operational submarine?

61) Besides the horse what other animal was used for transportation on the Eastern Front? I was looking for camels in the Caucasus but I would imagine the way the questions was worked reindeer would also be a correct answer.

62) Who did the first combat assault of the Rhine River? The Third US Army.  March 23, 1945, the first unit to cross was the 5th Infantry Division that used assault rafts to cross the Rhine at Oppenheim, just to the west of Darmstadt and south of Mainz.

63) Which Allied General convinced Hitler that Operation Overlord was a diversion? Patton. Hitler was sure that no serious attack would be launched without Patton in command of troops.

64) What did the Allied code word Eclipse mean? It was the code word for the Allies last operation of the war in Europe. The occupation of Germany.

65) What did the term "Death Traps" mean to the Americans? The fact that American tanks would catch on fire when hit by German antitanks shells. During the war the American tankers considered their tanks inferior to the German tanks and called the Shermans death traps.

66) Which US Division had it's first combat in the Battle of the Bulge? The 106th Infantry Division was the one I was looking for but there seem to have been others as well.

67) What was the US 6th Armored Divisions nickname? Super Sixth.

68) Who was in command of American forces during the Battle of Singling? Lieutenant Colonel Creighton Abrams who later commanded all Allied Forces in Vietnam.

69) Which was the only American General officer, of Jewish faith, killed in combat by the Germans?

General Rose of the 3rd Armored Division. The US went to great lengths to determine if the death had been accidental. It was finally shown that it was.

The general was killed by an SS Tank commander as he tried to remove his sidearm. The German thought he was trying to resist and killed him.

70) What was the name of the Japanese Air Force jet fighter? The Kikka.

71) Was the German Me-262 the only jet fighter to be used operationally in the war? No. The British Meteor was also operational during  the war.

72) 1 March 1942, the first German U-Boat (U-656) destroyed in the war, by the United States, was sunk off Newfoundland by Ensign Tepuni. What weapons system was the Ensign using to destroy the U-Boat. He was flying a Hudson aircraft that bombed the U-Boat.

73) During the Battle of Britian, according to German pilots, what were all German planes shot down by? The Spitfire.

74) What was Hitler's plan for the capture of Lenningrad? He planned on starving the Russians to death.

75) What was the first enemy ship captured on the high seas, by the US Navy, since 1815? U-505.

76) Which US Navy ship was used to deliver the two atomic bombs to Tinian? The cruiser Indianapolis. The ship had just set a world speed record and was considered too fast to be attacked by a submarine. On it's way back from delivering the two bombs it was sunk by a Japanese submarine.

77) How many Royal Navy survivors were there when the Bismark sunk the HMS Hood? Three.

78) Which London born actor traveled over a million miles to entertain Allied troops? Bob Hope. Many Americans don't realize that Bob Hope was born in England.

79) Which US Navy carrier, launched in 1943, was never damaged by the Japanese but was severely damaged by a typhoon? CV 12 Honet. The second carrier to have that name assigned to it during the war.

80) The Electric Boat Company was the largest builder of what type of ship for the US Navy?

81) "Kilroy Was Here" is a famous US quote. Where did it originate? In a US Naval yard making Liberty Ships. The inspector put Kilroy Was Here as a way of knowing what he had inspected. The term went around the world as the war progressed.

82) Which was the first nation to use parachute forces in combat from 1939-1940? The Soviet Union in the Finno-Russian War. They dropped paratroopers on Petsamo in northern Finland.

83) Where did the Japanese get a radar unit to use as an example to help them develop their own radar sets? From the HMS Repulse. After it was sunk they sent divers down to recover the sets.

84) Which German ship had twenty feet of the stern blown off and yet survived? The German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. 23 February 1942 the British submarine H.M.S. Trident torpedoed her blowing twenty feet of the stern off.

85) What is the name of the first US aircraft to complete the 25 mission requirement to be retired from combat? Memphis Belle.

86) Which was the first American Ace to win the Congressional Medal of Honor? Butch O'Hare. O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinios is named after him.

87) How did "Iron Bottom Sound" get it's name? There were so many ships sunk in the sound that it was said to have an iron bottom.

88) What was "Adler Tag"? The Luftwaffe code name for the opening day of the Battle of Britain. It means "Eagle Day".

89) What was an Eagle Squadron? There were three Eagle Squadrons in the RAF. they were made up of American pilots before America was officially in the war.

90) What was the objective of the two Operation Knight's Move?

There are actually two Operation Rosselsprung (Knight's Move) and first one is to attack Arctic convoys. What was the second one's mission?
Unternehmen Rösselsprung, Knight's Move, was the name given to the operation which gave SS FJ Btl 500 the objective of capturing Tito, at his Partisan HQ in the mountains surrounding the town of Drvar in Bosnia. The attack started at 7am on the 25th May 1944 (Tito's birthday), The battle raged through daylight on the 26th. Casualties were high on both sides.

91) What is a hornisse? The Me-410 and the tank destroyer better known as the Nashorn.

92) What is the difference between an Elephant and a Ferdinand? A bow machinge gun, a commanders cupola and zimmerit were applied to turn a Ferdinant into an Elephant.

93) Name the different theaters the Elephant served in. Italy, Noth Western Europe and the Eastern Front.

94) Can you name the five different types of the tiger tank family that were used in combat in the war?  Tiger I, Tiger II, Ferdinand/Elephant, Sturmtiger and Jadgtiger. Not many people realize the Ferdinand/Elephant was built on the tiger chassis.

95) What is the last year that a version of the PzII was produced? The Lynchs version in 1944.

96) Where is the last Japanese soldier known to have surrendered? The Phillipines in 1974.

97) How many B-25's flew in the Doolittle Raid? 16

98) How many times did Japanese submarines shell the United States west coast?

13 February 1942 the I-17 under Commander Kozo Nishino shelled the oil tank farm at Goleta, California.

21 June 1942, I-25 fired it's cannon on Fort Stevens, Oregon. This was the first attack on a mainland U.S. military base in 130 years.

9 September 1942, I-25, under command of Meiji Tagami, launched a specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire. Nobuo Fujita was the pilot and is the only enemy combatant to ever bomb the United States.

29 September 1942, I-25 again launched Nobuo Fujita in his specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire.

11 October 1942, when I-25 was leaving to return to Japan they sunk the Soviet submarine L-16 northwest of Seattle.

99) "Tora, Tora, Tora", literally tranlated means, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger". What did it mean to the Japanese Navy?
That the Japanes strike force had attained surprise over the Americans at Pearl Harbor.

100) The British aircraft Tempest was used to destroy V-1 flying bombs, known as "Buzz Bombs". Why was the Tempest used to destroy these pilotless drones and how did it destroy them? The tempest was fast enough to catch the V-1 and would then put it's wingtip under the wing of the V-1 and flip it over, causing the V-1 to crash.

Good Hunting.


Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 10:12:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
98) How many times did Japanese submarines shell the United States west coast?

13 February 1942 the I-17 under Commander Taksichi Kinashi shelled the oil tank farm at Goleta, California.

21 June 1942, I-25 fired it's cannon on Fort Stevens, Oregon. This was the first attack on a mainland U.S. military base in 130 years.

9 September 1942, I-25, under command of Meiji Tagami, launched a specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire. Nobuo Fujita was the pilot and is the only enemy combatant to ever bomb the United States.

29 September 1942, I-25 again launched Nobuo Fujita in his specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire.

11 October 1942, when I-25 was leaving to return to Japan they sunk the Soviet submarine L-16 northwest of Seattle.

The first bombing is dated 23 February 1942 at Wikipedia. Are you sure it is 13 ?

Also, it says it was commanded by Kozo Nishino

ItBurns -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 4:56:42 PM)

The Baedeker raids were axis night bombings of cities in Britain that has no military significance but were listed in the Baedeker guide as sights to see. They were retaliation for British bombers hitting german cities that had no military significance but were know for their beauty.

micheljq -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 6:43:13 PM)



The Baedeker raids were axis night bombings of cities in Britain that has no military significance but were listed in the Baedeker guide as sights to see. They were retaliation for British bombers hitting german cities that had no military significance but were know for their beauty.

Sigh, this is so barbarian, bombing cities that have no military significance, regardless of the side your are in.

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 9:10:44 PM)




ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
98) How many times did Japanese submarines shell the United States west coast?

13 February 1942 the I-17 under Commander Taksichi Kinashi shelled the oil tank farm at Goleta, California.

21 June 1942, I-25 fired it's cannon on Fort Stevens, Oregon. This was the first attack on a mainland U.S. military base in 130 years.

9 September 1942, I-25, under command of Meiji Tagami, launched a specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire. Nobuo Fujita was the pilot and is the only enemy combatant to ever bomb the United States.

29 September 1942, I-25 again launched Nobuo Fujita in his specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire.

11 October 1942, when I-25 was leaving to return to Japan they sunk the Soviet submarine L-16 northwest of Seattle.

The first bombing is dated 23 February 1942 at Wikipedia. Are you sure it is 13 ?

The newspaper article quoted on Wiki was pretty clear about the date but was so poorly written it could still be a typo in either the book I have or that article.


Also, it says it was commanded by Kozo Nishino

I put the wrong name in, I looked at the sub commander for the next one when I was typing in the answer. Kozo Nishino is correct. I changed the answer in my list. Thanks for catching that one.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 9:16:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: micheljq



The Baedeker raids were axis night bombings of cities in Britain that has no military significance but were listed in the Baedeker guide as sights to see. They were retaliation for British bombers hitting german cities that had no military significance but were know for their beauty.

Sigh, this is so barbarian, bombing cities that have no military significance, regardless of the side your are in.

While I can sympathize with your sentiments you are looking at this emotionally and not rationally.

There is no such thing as a city of non military significance.

Nor is there a population base of any size of non military significance.

What city doesn't produce something of value to the war effort? Even if it's only 8,000 young men that are about to be of draft age within the next 3 months.

The population base alone is a very significant military target. Kill them in the city before they get to the battlefield.

Now, having said all that, attacking civilians has historically increased the resolve to fight in the military units for that nation and the support it gets from the civilian population. As well as increased resolve nationally to continue to fight at every level.

Good Hunting.


paulderynck -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 9:21:34 PM)




ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
98) How many times did Japanese submarines shell the United States west coast?

13 February 1942 the I-17 under Commander Taksichi Kinashi shelled the oil tank farm at Goleta, California.

21 June 1942, I-25 fired it's cannon on Fort Stevens, Oregon. This was the first attack on a mainland U.S. military base in 130 years.

9 September 1942, I-25, under command of Meiji Tagami, launched a specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire. Nobuo Fujita was the pilot and is the only enemy combatant to ever bomb the United States.

29 September 1942, I-25 again launched Nobuo Fujita in his specially designed aircraft against the forests of Oregon with the intention of setting them on fire.

11 October 1942, when I-25 was leaving to return to Japan they sunk the Soviet submarine L-16 northwest of Seattle.

The first bombing is dated 23 February 1942 at Wikipedia. Are you sure it is 13 ?

Also, it says it was commanded by Kozo Nishino

If the question had been about N. America, not just the USA, there was also a Japanese sub that shelled a lighthouse on Vancouver Island, I believe.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 11:34:54 PM)



The Baedeker raids were axis night bombings of cities in Britain that has no military significance but were listed in the Baedeker guide as sights to see. They were retaliation for British bombers hitting german cities that had no military significance but were know for their beauty.

To be more precise, they were in retaliation for this :

March 28, 1942 : Under the new tactical doctrine of area saturation bombing, introduced by Air Vice Marshal Harris, the RAF sends a monster incendiary attack (234 bombers) against Lübeck on the Baltic that devastates 265 acres of the city, destroying over 30% of the city, and 80% of the medieval centre. Hitler is outraged.

Hey, you googled that do you ? [:D] You can't do that ! (I was so sure no one would know ! ) [8D]

A German propagandist is reported to have said, following the first Baedeker Raid, “We shall go out and bomb every building in Britain marked with 3 stars in the Baedeker Guide”

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 11:36:54 PM)

Who said :

"It may almost be said, “Before xxxx we never had a victory. After xxxx we never had a defeat".

And what is xxxx ?

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 11:38:12 PM)

Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

sajbalk -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 11:38:48 PM)

Finally one I think I know: Winston Churchill speaking about El Alamein.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 11:39:52 PM)



I have another (it is so ridiculous) :

What is the first name of Montgomery ?

OK, it is Bernard.

I would rate this as the most ridiculous WW2 famous commander first name.

Auchinleck is quite ridiculous too.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/28/2009 11:41:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: sajbalk

Finally one I think I know: Winston Churchill speaking about El Alamein.

Wow, that's it. Congratulations !

I found this very poetic (especially because the British kept on loosing battles after this one, but it marks all the efforts the British did to beat the Afrika Korps quite well).

paulderynck -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 4:49:52 AM)



Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

I think it refers to the death of Balbo, but I don't know who said it, Churchill again?

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 5:53:06 AM)

Here is another set of questions for you students of WWII history:

101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?

102) What was the first Japanese ship sunk by the US Navy during the war?

103) Who was Hans Hilter and where did he fight?

104) What was the Gold Fish Club?

105) There were two pieces of equipment the Germans called Goliath. Can you name them both?

106) Where would you find "Coffin Corner"?

107) Which German city was the target for the RAF's first thousand plane raid?

108) Chips was the name of a German Shepherd dog. What is unique about him?

109) What was the US military talking about when they used the term Sky Pilot?

110) He was involved in German military aircraft development and visited Germany many times. He was decorated by Goering with a Nazi medal. He was a strong advocate of U.S. isolationism until Japan attacked the U.S. Was a civilian employee of the United Aircraft Corporation. He was a technical representative to the U.S. Army Air Force. He flew fifty missions in the Pacific and shot down several Japanese aircraft. One was shot down while he flew a P-38 while demonstrating the technique of fuel conservation for long flights.

Who is this man?

111) Which city did Hitler intend on making the new capital of the German Reich after the war was over?

112) Who were "Big Bill" and "Little Bill"?

113) Where was the "Little Maginot Line"?

114) Which was the only British destroyer in the German Navy?

115) What was the first enemy airfield captured by U.S. forces in WWII?

116) What was the airfield known as "Bull's Eye"?

117) Who were the members of the "Gun Club"?

118) The Ferdinand Magellan was sold to the U.S. Government for one dollar. What was it?

119) What does the term "Far Shore" refer to in Allied terms?

120) Which ship was known as the "Galloping Ghost of the Oahu Coast"?

121) What was the facility known as the "Virus House" used for?

122) What was the Japanese Destroyer Amagiri famous for?

123) What city was to be given the new name of Germania, by Hitler, after it had been modernized?

124) Which was the only IJN battleship to survive WWII?

125) The USN Iowa class battleships were built to fight the IJN Yamato class battleships. What mistake was made at the time the Iowa class ships were made?

126) Which member number of the Nazi Party was Adolf Hitler?

127) "The One Ship Fleet" was the nickname given to which USN ship?

128) What does the US military casualty abbreviation "PWOP" mean?

129) The term "Rock Happy" meant was to the US Marines?

130) "Roosevelt Sausage" was a nickname given to what?

Good Hunting.


paulderynck -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 8:34:17 AM)

107) Shweinfurt

109) a Chaplain

110) Charles Lindbergh

111) Liepzig

116) Henderson Field

122) Cutting PT109 in half

124) Nagato

Walloc -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 9:20:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

Here is another set of questions for you students of WWII history:

101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?

Several reasons.
The mark 14 torpedo ran lower than expected. Therefor the torpedo ran so far under the buttom of the ships. That the magnetic field didnt registrer on the magnetic detenators.
2ndly the detenator was made and tested in NE part of the USA. As much of the pacific war occured near the equator and since the earths magnetic field changes around the world. Neither was the original calibration useble near the equator. Assuming u had it at the correct dept.
3rdly. The contact detenator had a faulty primer so even with a direct hit a pin in the detenator could break, failing to set of the actual explosive of the torpedo.

104) What was the Gold Fish Club?


107) Which German city was the target for the RAF's first thousand plane raid?


117) Who were the members of the "Gun Club"?

Part of the navy officers corps trained and had doctrine based in Battleship/battlelines. See Mahan doctrine. As opposed to officers more inclined to naval aviation, aka carrier based naval warfare.

123) What city was to be given the new name of Germania, by Hitler, after it had been modernized?


Walloc -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 9:22:19 AM)





I have another (it is so ridiculous) :

What is the first name of Montgomery ?

OK, it is Bernard.

I would rate this as the most ridiculous WW2 famous commander first name.

Knew that one, but what was his full name at death. Titles included, tho not military ranks?

Kind regards,


Caquineur -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 9:27:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

126) Which member number of the Nazi Party was Adolf Hitler?


126/18 = 7 ?

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 10:57:03 AM)







I have another (it is so ridiculous) :

What is the first name of Montgomery ?

OK, it is Bernard.

I would rate this as the most ridiculous WW2 famous commander first name.

Knew that one, but what was his full name at death. Titles included, tho not military ranks?

Kind regards,


Bernard Law Montgomery. Title...Hmm did not he become Viscount? Viscount of Egypt perhaps?

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:33:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck



Who said, on December 1942 :

"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world"

and what does it means ?

I think it refers to the death of Balbo, but I don't know who said it, Churchill again?

Not Churchill, and not about Balbo.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:36:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
115) What was the first enemy airfield captured by U.S. forces in WWII?

Oran or Algiers ?
Unless you count Henderson Field as an airfield at the time it was captured (it was in construction).

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:38:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck

107) Shweinfurt

109) a Chaplain

110) Charles Lindbergh

111) Liepzig

116) Henderson Field

122) Cutting PT109 in half

124) Nagato

Wow Paul, I'm impressed, except Lindberg, for which I was not sure, I knew nothing about the others.

Though I think 107 is wrong.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:39:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
107) Which German city was the target for the RAF's first thousand plane raid?

It was Cologne.
And it started up again the Baedeker raids by the Luftwaffe.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:40:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
101) Why did American torpedoes fail in the first part of the submarine campaign?

Detonator problems ?

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:45:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
102) What was the first Japanese ship sunk by the US Navy during the war?

I suppose that the minisubs sunk on 7 December at Pearl Harbor don't count.

So I think this is one of the warships that tried the first invasion of Wake, in December 1941, but I can't remember which it is. I wonder suspect it is a light cruiser, sunk by bomb equipped Wildcats from the VMF squadron on the island.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/29/2009 11:46:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
125) The USN Iowa class battleships were built to fight the IJN Yamato class battleships. What mistake was made at the time the Iowa class ships were made?

Don't know the answer, but am really interested in knowing.

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