RE: OT - WWII quiz (Full Version)

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chacal83000 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 2:14:17 PM)

14) What is the largest successful military operation of all time? It was in the largest land theater of the war.
Operation Bagration ?

99) "Tora, Tora, Tora", literally tranlated means, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger". What did it mean to the Japanese Navy?
That Pearl Harbour bombing is successful ?

monkla -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 2:31:49 PM)

81) "Kilroy Was Here" is a famous US quote. Where did it originate?
A US Navy Shipyard?

92) What is the difference between an Elephant and a Ferdinand?
One had a machine gun, the other didn't?

99) "Tora, Tora, Tora", literally tranlated means, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger". What did it mean to the Japanese Navy?
Surprise had been achieved over Pearl Harbour

ItBurns -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 3:51:28 PM)

Hi, your quiz has finally forced me out of lurking status.

26) By the end of the war Canada was making 60% of which Allied machinegun?
I take a stab and say the Bren gun.

38) Which German Panzer Divisions used the Pz35(t) as their main equipment during the fighting in Russia? 6th Panzer is one of them...what are the others?
I remember that Rommel's 7th used them in France so I imagine they still had them in Russia. Going to guess that the 5th was the third as I remember that the 3 that used Czech equipment in France were consecutively numbered.

40) What was the single most effective weapon that airforces of all nations employed during WWII not counting the atomic bomb?
I'm hoping its not something as obvious as the gun.

48) Which Allied fighter is credited with destroying more Axis aircraft than any other?
I vaguely remember the P-38 being credited with shooting down the most Japanese planes so I'm going with that as a guess.

49) Which is the only unit to have fought at Normandy, Arnhem, Aachen, the Huertgen Forest, in the Ardennes offensive, at the Reichswald and in the Ruhr Pocket?
The British 1st Airbourne?

62) Who did the first combat assault of the Rhine River?
Its either the French in their half hearted 1939 invasion of Germany or the Germans themselves in the assault on the Maginot line.

75) What was the first enemy ship captured on the high seas, by the US Navy, since 1815?

80) The Electric Boat Company was the largest builder of what type of ship for the US Navy?
The liberty ships.

96) Where is the last Japanese soldier known to have surrendered?
He wandered out of the Jungle in 1975 in the Phillipines I beleive.

Here's a small one back at you - can you name the congressional medal of honor winner who only joined the army to avoid jail, did not get along well with his fellow air man and only ever flew one combat mission. When the brass arrived to award him his medal he couldn't be found at first because he ticked off the officers again and had been assigned to kp as punishment.

Plainian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 4:11:14 PM)

38) Which German Panzer Divisions used the Pz35(t) as their main equipment during the fighting in Russia? 6th Panzer is one of them...what are the others?
Well it will either be the 6th/7th or 8th? (ex Leichte Divs) One of the OOB's in the game WIR (War in Russia) shows the 6th as having 2 Bats of Pz35t's so I'll go for that.
42) Which German Panzer Division entered Russia by driving submerged under a river?
50/50 chance here. Its either the 3rd or 4th Pz Dv which crossed R.Bug south of Brest Litovsk. (Part of Guderians 2nd Pz Gruppe) I'll pick the 3rd. I think only some of the tanks were converted not the whole Division.
43) What does the term "cat fur" refer to when talking about German tanks?
Is it the Zimmermit paint?
46) The T-34 was the most produced vehicle by the Soviet Union. What was the Soviet Union's second most produced vehicle?
I'll go for the T-60 light tank.

brian brian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 4:22:07 PM)

I'll go backwards I guess (which is what a lot of these answers are)

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger meant Pearl Harbor had been located and attacked by the Japanese planes.

I think the Lutzow had it's stern blown off by a British submarine off Norway.

The Japanese had a radar set delivered to them from Germany via U-Boat.

The Electric Boat Company built US SUBmarines.

The US Navy sank it's first U-Boat by ramming it.

The Polish Parachute Brigade made a combat assault across the Rhine to link-up with the British 6th Para's bridgehead downstream from Arnhem. September 1944.

Reindeer were also used for transport animals on the Eastern Front.

Was the 'Backhand Manuever' Guderian's turn south to surround Kiev, done under extreme protest?

Kharkov changed hands the most times, but I can't count them.

I would think the Germans first encountered the T-34 on June 22, 1941.

Going back to the first set, it is difficult to recall exact divisions. I would guess either the 2nd or 10th Panzer was outfitted with Czech (t)-38 tanks....a Panzer division formed in the late spring of 1941 via promotions from existing divisions, and not used in June 1941 as it was still forming-up? (Jul/Aug reinforcement phase I guess). Possibly the 20th also. I am not surprised one is the 6th Panzer, which I think was regularly given experimental equipment, such as the little radio-controlled vehicles loaded with explosive charges, used in the assault of Sevastopol in 1942. This is why the 2nd German engineer unit in WiF, the motorized 2-5, is designated '6 Pz'. That could be a good trivia question....what was the first country to use a military robot in combat? Not even sure if that would qualify though.

A German division used the experimental "Schwimmpanzer" devices to cross the Bug River during the first week of Barbarossa. I would guess the 3rd Panzer. This has led to the creation of a WiF counter in the last counter sheet, one I very much look forward to toying with on some victorious German campaign racking up objective hexes in the Indian Ocean or something. Anyone get that thing across a beach yet?

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 10:04:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
61) Besides the horse what other animal was used for transportation on the Eastern Front?

Yak ?




91) What is a hornisse?

A Me410.

That's one. What is the other?


terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 10:55:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
83) Where did the Japanese get a radar unit to use as an example to help them develop their own radar sets?


94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?

Tiger 1 Ausf E
Tiger B (King Tiger)
Are the only real combat version I know about, but I know that there were a later "model" with a bigger engine, as well as some 50 or so Tigers built with the "Porsche"-turret (are those two different versions in this answer?)


95) What is the last year that a version of the PzII was produced?

1944, the Lynx version

97) How many B-25's flew in the Doolittle Raid?


Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 11:22:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: terje439


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?

Tiger 1 Ausf E
Tiger B (King Tiger)
Are the only real combat version I know about, but I know that there were a later "model" with a bigger engine, as well as some 50 or so Tigers built with the "Porsche"-turret (are those two different versions in this answer?)

Hey, there is also that dreaded JagdTiger, isn't it ?

Edit : Humm, there is also that bizarre hybrid with a Tiger hull and some kind of ugly mortar-like gun, isn't it ?
I'm not too much skilled in tanks. [:D] All the same, except the Panther, king of all Tanks !!! [:D]

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 11:28:52 PM)




ORIGINAL: terje439


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?

Tiger 1 Ausf E
Tiger B (King Tiger)
Are the only real combat version I know about, but I know that there were a later "model" with a bigger engine, as well as some 50 or so Tigers built with the "Porsche"-turret (are those two different versions in this answer?)

Hey, there is also that dreaded JagdTiger, isn't it ?

Edit : Humm, there is also that bizarre hybrid with a Tiger hull and some kind of ugly mortar-like gun, isn't it ?
I'm not too much skilled in tanks. [:D] All the same, except the Panther, king of all Tanks !!! [:D]

Ah, but the Jagdtiger is a tank-destroyer and not a tank [:D]
And a tank chassis with an artillery-piece mounted on it is a self propelled artillery [:D]

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 11:33:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: terje439
Ah, but the Jagdtiger is a tank-destroyer and not a tank [:D]
And a tank chassis with an artillery-piece mounted on it is a self propelled artillery [:D]

Ah, do you think that Mad Russian have excluded them from his question ? He is mad after all [:D].
Tank, TD, SPG, bah, all the same creeping crap [8D].
Tiny insects for aviators [8D].

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 11:39:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
35) What was Churchill referring to when he was talking about "the Beast"?

I'm guessing Communism

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/10/2009 11:41:16 PM)


Ah, do you think that Mad Russian have excluded them from his question ? He is mad after all [:D].
Tank, TD, SPG, bah, all the same creeping crap [8D].
Tiny insects for aviators [8D].

Well, we'll see, but he'd better [;)]

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 12:05:15 AM)

From JGN


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
91) What is a hornisse?



ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
(61) Besides the horse what other animal was used for transportation on the Eastern Front?


Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 12:27:07 AM)

61 - Mules were used extensively. Or is a mule considered a 'horse'?

warspite1 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 1:26:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

Warspite 1

60) Japanese

Yes, that's correct.


63) Patton`s FUSAG

Yes, that's correct.


73) Spitfires?

Yes, that's correct.


74) Starvation of the population

Yes, that's correct.


76) Indianapolis

Yes, that's correct.


77) 3 - the last of the three, Ted Briggs died not to long ago

Yes, that's correct.


79) Bob Hope

Yes, that's correct. Few Americans realize he was born in England.


84) Lutzow - courtesy of HM Submarine Spearfish

That's not the ship I'm looking for but I'll have to see if that ship qualifies. Sometimes there is more than one strange and similar incident.


88) Eagle Day - the first day of the Battle of Britain

Yes, that's correct.


90) The destruction of convoy PQ17

No, that's not correct.


99) The Japanese had approached Pearl Harbor safely

Not exactly. They knew when they launched the aircraft that they had reached Pearl Harbor safely. That's close but not exactly the right answer.


100) It tipped them over with its wings

Yes, that's correct. The Tempest was fast enough to catch the V-1 and then they flipped them over with their wingtips and made them crash.

Good Hunting.



84) Please let me know which ship you are referring to - Lutzow is the well known one.
90) I think you are wrong on Rosselsprung

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 1:56:05 AM)



38) Which German Panzer Divisions used the Pz35(t) as their main equipment during the fighting in Russia? 6th Panzer is one of them...what are the others?
Well it will either be the 6th/7th or 8th? (ex Leichte Divs) One of the OOB's in the game WIR (War in Russia) shows the 6th as having 2 Bats of Pz35t's so I'll go for that.
42) Which German Panzer Division entered Russia by driving submerged under a river?
50/50 chance here. Its either the 3rd or 4th Pz Dv which crossed R.Bug south of Brest Litovsk. (Part of Guderians 2nd Pz Gruppe) I'll pick the 3rd. I think only some of the tanks were converted not the whole Division.
43) What does the term "cat fur" refer to when talking about German tanks?
Is it the Zimmermit paint?
46) The T-34 was the most produced vehicle by the Soviet Union. What was the Soviet Union's second most produced vehicle?
I'll go for the T-60 light tank.


Well it will either be the 6th/7th or 8th? (ex Leichte Divs) One of the OOB's in the game WIR (War in Russia) shows the 6th as having 2 Bats of Pz35t's so I'll go for that.
42) Which German Panzer Division entered Russia by driving submerged under a river?
50/50 chance here. Its either the 3rd or 4th Pz Dv which crossed R.Bug south of Brest Litovsk. (Part of Guderians 2nd Pz Gruppe) I'll pick the 3rd. I think only some of the tanks were converted not the whole D

Okay then, let's talk Panzer Divisions.....

Fall Weiss (Case White - The Invasion of Poland)

1st Panzer Division
1st Panzer Brigade
1st Panzer Regiment - 39 PzI, 60 PzII, 20 PzIII(37mm), 28 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef
2nd Panzer Regiment - 54 PzI, 62 PzII, 6 PzIII(37mm), 28 PzIV(75mm short), 6 PzBef

2nd Panzer Division
2nd Panzer Brigade
3rd Panzer Regiment - 62 PzI, 78 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 8 PzIV(75mm short), 9 PzBef
4th Panzer Regiment - 62 PzI, 77 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 9 PzIV(75mm short), 11 PzBef

3rd Panzer Division
3rd Panzer Brigade
5th Panzer Regiment - 63 PzI, 77 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 9 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef
6th Panzer Regiment - 59 PzI, 79 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 9 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef
Panzer Lehr Battalion - 20 PzII, 37 PzIII(37mm), 14 PzIV(75mm short), 2 PzBef

4th Panzer Division
5th Panzer Brigade
35th Panzer Regiment - 99 PzI, 64 PzII, 6 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef
36th Panzer Regiment - 84 PzI, 66 PzII, 6 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef

5th Panzer Division
8th Panzer Brigade
15th Panzer Regiment - 72 PzI, 81 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 8 PzIV(75mm short), 11 PzBef
31st Panzer Regiment - 80 PzI, 63 PzII,6 PzIV(75mm short), 11 PzBef

10th Panzer Division
8th Panzer Regiment - 57 PzI, 74 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 7 PzIV(75mm short), 9 PzBef

Panzer Division Kempf
7th Panzer Regiment - 61 PzI, 81 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 9 PzIV(75mm short), 10 PzBef

1st Light Division
6th Panzer Brigade
11th Panzer Regiment - 45 PzI, 75 Pz35(t), 27 PzIV(75mm short), 6 PzBef35(t)
65th Panzer Battalion - 20 PzI, 37 Pz35(t), 14 PzIV(75mm short), 2 PzBef35(t)

2nd Light Division
66th Panzer Battalion - 41 PzI, 42 PzII, 2 PzBef

3rd Light Division
67th Panzer Battalion - 23 PzII, 55 Pz38(t), 2 PzBef38(t)

4th Light Division
33rd Panzer Battalion - 41 PzI, 23 PzII, 5 PzBef

25th Panzer Regiment - 78 PzI, 58 PzII, 6 PzIV(75mm short), 9 PzBef

1st Panzer Battalion/10th Panzer Regiment - 28 PzI, 34 PzII, 3 PzIII(37mm), 9 PzIV(75mm short), 10 PzBef

Fall Gelb (Case Yellow - The Invasion of France May 1940)

1st Panzer Division
1st Panzer Brigade
1st Panzer Regiment - 26 PzI, 49 PzII, 28 PzIII(37mm), 20 PzIV(75mm short), 4 PzBef
2nd Panzer Regiment - 28 PzI, 49 PzII, 30 PzIII(37mm), 20 PzIV(75mm short), 4 PzBef

2nd Panzer Division
2nd Panzer Brigade
3rd Panzer Regiment - 22 PzI, 55 PzII, 29 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef
4th Panzer Regiment - 23 PzI, 60 PzII, 29 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short), 8 PzBef

3rd Panzer Division
3rd Panzer Brigade - 117 PzI, 129 PzII, 42 PzIII(37mm), 26 PzIV(75mm short), 27 PzBef

4th Panzer Division
5th Panzer Brigade
35th Panzer Regiment - 69 PzI, 50 PzII, 20 PzIII(37mm), 12 PzIV(75mm short), 5 PzBef
36th Panzer Regiment - 66 PzI, 55 PzII, 20 PzIII(37mm), 12 PzIV(75mm short), 5 PzBef

5th Panzer Division
8th Panzer Brigade
15th Panzer Regiment - 51 PzI, 61 PzII, 24 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short), 15 PzBef
31st Panzer Regiment - 46 PzI, 59 PzII, 28 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short), 11 PzBef

6th Panzer Division
11th Panzer Regiment - 60 PzI, 118 Pz35(t), 31 PzIV(75mm short), 14 PzBef35(t)

7th Panzer Division
25th Panzer Regiment - 31 PzI, 68 PzII, 91 Pz38(t), 24 PzIV(75mm short) 8 PzBef38(t)

8th Panzer Division
10th Panzer Regiment - 58 PzII, 116 Pz38(t), 23 PzIV(75mm short) 15 PzBef38(t)

9th Panzer Division
10th Panzer Regiment - 30 PzI, 54 PzII, 41 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short) 12 PzBef

10th Panzer Division
4th Panzer Brigade
7th Panzer Regiment - 22 PzI, 58 PzII, 29 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short), 9 PzBef
8th Panzer Regiment - 22 PzI, 55 PzII, 29 PzIII(37mm), 16 PzIV(75mm short), 9 PzBef

Operation Barbarossa 22 June 1941

1 Panzer Division
1st Panzer Regt.
43 Pz II
71 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

3 Panzer Division
6th Panzer Regiment
58 Pz II
29 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
81 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
32 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

4 Panzer Division
35th Panzer Regiment
44 Pz II
31 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
74 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

6 Panzer Division
11th Panzer Regiment
47 Pz II
155 Pz35t
30 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

7 Panzer Division
25th Panzer Regiment
53 Pz II
167 Pz38t
30 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

8 Panzer Division
10th Panzer Regiment
49 Pz II
118 Pz38t
30 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

9 Panzer Division
33rd Panzer Regiment
8 Pz I
32 Pz II
11 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
60 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

10 Panzer Division
7th Panzer Regiment
45 Pz II
105 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

11 Panzer Division
15th Panzer Regiment
44 Pz II
24 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
47 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

12 Panzer Division
29th Panzer Regiment
8 Pz I
32 Pz II
109 Pz38t
30 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

13 Panzer Division
4th Panzer Regiment
45 Pz II
27 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
44 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H),
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

14 Panzer Division
36th Panzer Regiment
45 Pz II
15 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F& G)
56 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

16 Panzer Division
2nd Panzer Regiment
45 Pz II
23 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
48 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

17 Panzer Division
39th Panzer Regiment
12 Pz I
44 Pz II
106 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
30 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

18 Panzer Division
18th Panzer Regiment
6 Pz I
50 Pz II
99 Pz III (37mm gun, Models E & F & G)
15 Pz III (long barrel 50mm gun, Model G & H)
36 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

19 Panzer Division
27th Panzer Regiment
42 Pz I
35 Pz II
110 Pz38t
30 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

20 Panzer Division
21st Panzer Regiment
44 Pz I
31 Pz II
121 Pz38t
31 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

100 Flamm Panzer Battalion
25 Pz II
42 Flamm Panzers (Pz II models)
5 Pz III

101 Flamm Panzer Battalion
25 Pz II
42 Flamm Panzers (Pz II models)
5 Pz III

Panzer Divisions sent to Russia after Barbarossa started:

2 Panzer Division (arrived September 1941)
3rd Panzer Brigade
63 Pz II,
105 Pz III (long 50mm gun, Model J)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

5 Panzer Division (arrived September 1941)
31st Panzer Brigade
55 Pz II
105 Pz III (long 50mm gun, Model J)
20 Pz IV (short 75mm gun, Models D, E & F)

Good Hunting.


GI_Tom -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 2:41:40 AM)

62) Who did the first combat assault of the Rhine River?
7th Armored?

94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?
I think I can only get 4 of them, Tiger I, Tiger II, King Tiger, Jagdtiger

99) "Tora, Tora, Tora", literally tranlated means, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger". What did it mean to the Japanese Navy?
Surprise achieved and they could launch the second wave.

FrednBoise -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 5:13:26 AM)

The most manueverable plane in WWII was the Northrop P-61 Black Widow.  As a night fighter it had Northrop's "Flaperons" that gave the big plane amazing control.

paulderynck -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 9:02:39 AM)

97) 14

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 9:13:52 AM)


94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?
I think I can only get 4 of them, Tiger I, Tiger II, King Tiger, Jagdtiger

The 5th is the Sturmtiger.

Froonp -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 9:14:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: FrednBoise

The most manueverable plane in WWII was the Northrop P-61 Black Widow.  As a night fighter it had Northrop's "Flaperons" that gave the big plane amazing control.

Most manueverable plane in WWII or most manueverable US plane in WWII ?

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 2:05:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: terje439




ORIGINAL: terje439


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?

Tiger 1 Ausf E
Tiger B (King Tiger)
Are the only real combat version I know about, but I know that there were a later "model" with a bigger engine, as well as some 50 or so Tigers built with the "Porsche"-turret (are those two different versions in this answer?)

Hey, there is also that dreaded JagdTiger, isn't it ?

Edit : Humm, there is also that bizarre hybrid with a Tiger hull and some kind of ugly mortar-like gun, isn't it ?
I'm not too much skilled in tanks. [:D] All the same, except the Panther, king of all Tanks !!! [:D]

Ah, but the Jagdtiger is a tank-destroyer and not a tank [:D]
And a tank chassis with an artillery-piece mounted on it is a self propelled artillery [:D]

You're right. That question should read can you name the five members of the tiger family that were used in combat in the war?

Because only two Tiger tanks were used. The Tiger I and the Tiger II.

The rest are "variations" on a theme....[:D]

Good Hunting.


terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 2:07:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

You're right. That question should read can you name the five members of the tiger family that were used in combat in the war?

Because only two Tiger tanks were used. The Tiger I and the Tiger II.

The rest are "variations" on a theme....[:D]

Good Hunting.



That gives:
Tiger I
Tiger B/Tiger II/King Tiger
Sturmtiger/Sturmpanzer VI

The last one I'm not 100% on, but could it be the Elephant?

terje439 -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 2:23:17 PM)

Since MR did not reply to these, I'll repost:


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian
83) Where did the Japanese get a radar unit to use as an example to help them develop their own radar sets?



95) What is the last year that a version of the PzII was produced?

1944, the Lynx version


97) How many B-25's flew in the Doolittle Raid?


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 2:44:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: terje439


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

You're right. That question should read can you name the five members of the tiger family that were used in combat in the war?

Because only two Tiger tanks were used. The Tiger I and the Tiger II.

The rest are "variations" on a theme....[:D]

Good Hunting.



That gives:
Tiger I
Tiger B/Tiger II/King Tiger
Sturmtiger/Sturmpanzer VI

The last one I'm not 100% on, but could it be the Elephant?

Yes, that's correct.

Tiger I
Tiger II

Most people forget that the Elephant was made off of the Tiger chassis.

Good Hunting.


Stabilo -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/11/2009 10:51:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

22) Who in the German Army was simply known as "The Count"? Graf means count in German.

von Runstedt


50) Where was the Sherman tank first used in combat?



54) Where did the first armored battle between two fully formed tank units take place?

17.05.1940 Montcornet


59) What was the "Backhand Maneuver"?

Mannsteins counter offensive 1943 in the Ukraine


62) Who did the first combat assault of the Rhine River?



74) What was Hitler's plan for the capture of Lenningrad?

To starve its citizence to death


76) Which US Navy ship was used to deliver the two atomic bombs to Tinian?

The Indianapolis


91) What is a hornisse?

A German self propelled ATG


92) What is the difference between an Elephant and a Ferdinand?

The Elephant had a MG


93) Name the different theaters the Elephant served in.

Russia and Italy

Walloc -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/12/2009 12:21:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mad Russian

59) What was the "Backhand Maneuver"?

Just to be sure. You dont mean backhand blow?

61) Besides the horse what other animal was used for transportation on the Eastern Front?


66) Which US Division had it's first combat in the Battle of the Bulge?

Depence on what u define by combat. 106 ID arrive in the Ardennes on the 12 dec. Saw a few patrols, but no combat until the 16 dec aka start of the battle. Else 75 ID arrived in Rouen and Le Harve on the 13 dec and was rushed into combat on the 22 dec at Ourthe River.
9th Armored saw its first real combat in bulge too. Was in the line before, but no combat as such. 11th Armored was in UK on the 16th dec was rushed to france too and entered combat on xmas day.

67) What was the US 6th Armored Divisions nickname?

Super 6th

80) The Electric Boat Company was the largest builder of what type of ship for the US Navy?


91) What is a hornisse? The Me-410 is one....what is the other?

Tank destroyer / pz jgr. Sd kfz 164

94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?

Tiger I, Tiger 2(King tiger), Bergepanzer Tiger, Sturmtiger and Jagdtiger, "Ram Tiger"

97) How many B-25's flew in the Doolittle Raid?


99) "Tora, Tora, Tora", literally tranlated means, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger". What did it mean to the Japanese Navy?

Surprise achieved

Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/12/2009 5:06:03 AM)

Here are the answers to the original 50 questions.

1) Which Soviet tank during WWII caused Soviet infantry to flee from it in "tank terror"? The KV-2.

2) What was Patton's Headquarters known as? Lucky Forward.

3) What German vehicle was known as Guderian's Duck? JgPzIV

4) Which were the only two fighter planes in the IJN to fly off Japanese carriers? A4M Claude and A4M Zero.

5) What WWII AFV was known as the Land Battleship?  T-35 Soviet tank. Had five turrets and a ten man crew.

6) Which units used cricket makers for unit recognition? US Airborne Divisions during the D-Day night drop.

7) Which was the highest scoring American tanker? What was the name of the tank he rode in? SSG Lafayette Pool. His tank was named In the Mood, In the Mood II and In the Mood III.

As part of the 3rd Battalion, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division, Pool's tank crew destroyed 258 enemy armored vehicles during fighting from Normandy, to Aachen, Germany. He personally captured 250 prisoners and killed more than 1,000 enemy soldiers.

Pool lost his right leg when "In the Mood III" was shot out from under him and was sent back to the US.

8) Which Allied nation was cannibalizing and decommissioning divisions to keep it's armies fighting in the field to the end of the war? Britain. There was an extreme shortage of manpower in Britain by mid 1944.

9) What aircraft was know as String Bag? The British biplane torpedo bomber Swordfish.

10) During the night raid on the Scope, Moehne and Eder dams on the Ruhr River. special bombs were made that had to be dropped from an exact speed and height. How did the British determine the height of their aircraft off the water during the night raid? Two lights were placed on the aircraft pointing down at an angle. When the two lights merged into one on the water the aircraft was at the correct height.

11) What was the first IJN carrier sunk during the war? Shoho. The carrier was hit by thirteen bombs, seven torpedoes and an aircraft.

12) What are the two places known in WWII as the most bombed place on earth? One was bombed by the Axis, the other was bombed by the Allies. Malta is the place most bombed by the Axis. What is the place most bombed by the Allies? After Malta was Kirkenes, Norway.

13) Was the German tank force destroyed during the Battle of Kursk? No, it was barely affected. The Soviets told a lie about the damage done to the German tank force. They lost an entire tank army worth of tanks on the southern shoulder of the Kursk salient while only containing German armored thrusts.

14) What is the largest successful military operation of all time? The encirclement battle of Kiev. Known as the Battle of Kiev by the Germans it is the battle with the largest number of troops captured in world history.

15) What is the largest unsuccessful military operation of all time? Operation Barbarossa is the largest military operation in world history. It was however, unsuccessful in achieving it's goal of defeating the Soviet Union.

16) Which American general thought the 75mm gun armed Sherman was big enough to win the war without up-gunning it? Patton.

17) Which Allied tank was so successful that they tried to camouflage it's appearance. German gunners were ordered to fire at it first. The British Firefly. British tankers did everything possible to disguise the barrel, including planting it different colors and adding fake muzzle brakes 2/3 of the way down the barrel.

18) Which Allied AFV had the main gun pointing over the rear of the vehicle instead of facing forward? The British Archer tank destroyer.

19) Who recommended that the T-34 be sent back to Germany and put into production? Guderian

20) The US, British and German aces are all well known. What about some of the others though, who was Italy's highest scoring ace in WWII and what was his score? Capitano Franco Lucchini, whose score was 26, which included 5 in the Spanish Civil War.

21) What is the largest ship ever sunk by a submarine? IJN Carrier Shinano. This was the third Yamoto class battleship and was converted to a carrier. She was sent to sea without her bulkheads and watertight damage control systems working. Six torpedoes from Archerfish sealed the carriers doom.

22) Who in the German Army was simply known as "The Count"? Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz von Gross-Zuche und Camminetz.

23) Which country entered WWII with a rifle it thought too ineffective, stopped production of the weapon, then restarted it's production which then lasted to the end of the war? Italy.

24) How many Soviet Tank and Mechanized Corps were there from 1942 to the end of the war? Counting Guards units as well. There were 31 Tank Corps, 13 Mechanized Corps, 12 Guards Tank Corps and 9 Guards Mechanized Corps formed after January of 1942.

25) The United States had how many cavalry divisions during WWII? There were 2. The 1st Cavalry Division served in the Pacific theater. The 2nd Cavalry Division was sent to North Africa 9 March 1944.

26) By the end of the war Canada was making 60% of which Allied machinegun?
Bren Gun.

27) Where is Hangman's Hill?  Just to the southeast of the Abbey of Monte Cassino.

28) What did the Soviets call the M3 Lee tank supplied to them as Lend Lease? A Grave for Seven Brothers.

29) Which German fighter aircraft had an engine and propeller at both the front and the back of the aircraft? The Dornier 335 Pfeil.

30) Which American fighter was shown to be the most maneuverable during test trials at the end of the war? The P-61 Black Widow. Even thought it was the size of the B-25 medium bomber modern technology of the times made it extremely maneuverable.

31) What was the largest operational tank in WWII? Meaning, which was the largest tank ever ordered into combat in WWII.  Panzer Maus. There were two prototypes of the Maus at Kummersdorf to the southeast of Berlin. One was a vehicle mockup without a gun. The other was fully functional. The fully functional vehicle was ordered to move to Berlin and defend the capital. The Soviets claim to have knocked it out in combat and the Germans claim it broke down. Either way the Soviets have the vehicle at Koblinka Tank Museum I believe.

32) What German city did Eisenhower consider just a "geographic location"? Berlin. After the Yalta conference Berlin was in the Soviet zone and Eisenhower did not consider it an objective any longer.

33) What did the term "rock soup" mean? This was a method used by Patton to get fuel, ammunition and Suplies from SHAEF. You start with nothing more than water and add a rock. Then somebody sees you have only water and a rock and they give you something else to add until you eventually have a full fledged soup. Patton used this method to get supplies. He would start a fight that he would promote to larger and larger size until SHAEF coudn't ignore the threat and send him the supplies he wanted to do the offensive he blew all out of proportion in the first place.

34) What two hammer blows were triggered on the anniversary of Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union? They were the same year and were set to compliment each other. Operation Overlord to draw the Germans reinforcements to the west and then Operation Bagration to destroy Army Group Center. The destruction of Army Group Center was the largest defeat inflicted on German arms in WWII.

35) What was Churchill referring to when he was talking about "the Beast"? The German Battleship Tirpitz.

36) Who was Finland's highest scoring ace? Lentomestari Eino Ilmari Juutilainen whose score was 94 including 2 in the Finno-Russian war in 1940.

37) What does the word Currahee mean and who used it as a battlecry? During their training, the US 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne were ordered to climb Mt Currahee (Cherokee for "We Stand Alone"); the name of this mountain became their battlecry.

38) Which German Panzer Divisions used the Pz35(t) as their main equipment during the fighting in Russia?
6th Panzer was the only Panzer Division used in Russia that was equipped with the Pz35(t).

39) What American piece of equipment soon came to be feared by Allied tankers after it's introduction into combat? The Panzerschrek was a copy of the American bazooka which the Germans captured in Tunisia.

40) What was the single most effective weapon that airforces of all nations employed during WWII not counting the atomic bomb? The incendiary bomb. More damage was done by fire than any other air delivered weapons system.

41) Who was the first foreign soldier to capture an intact Soviet T-34 tank and drive it? Lauri A. Heino  a Finnish soldier.

42) Which German Panzer Division entered Russia by driving submerged under a river? The 18th Panzer Division. When it crossed the Bug River, with submersible tanks, underwater on 22 June, it was the first time in World War II that submersible tanks were used in combat.

43) What does the term "cat fur" refer to when talking about German tanks? Guderian was referring to the fact that when German tank crews fought in Tigers and Panthers they didn't use good tactics. They considered the big tanks invincible. Guderians comment was that "cat fur" didn't stop Allied AT rounds.

44) When called a "Lucky Bastard" which American general replied, "I'd rather be lucky than good. Good will only take you so far but luck will take you all the way." Patton

45) Which country used dogs to attack tanks? Russia. The mine dogs were trained to run under tanks to get fed. The Soviets then strapped an antitank mine to their back. When they ran under a tank the mine was detonated. In combat though the dogs got confused and scared when shot at and ran back to Soviet lines. Then they went and hid....under Soviet tanks.

46) The T-34 was the most produced vehicle by the Soviet Union. What was the Soviet Union's second most produced vehicle? The SU-76, which the Soviet crews affectionately called "The Bitch" because of it's unpopularity with it's crews.

47) The British tried to deploy the Mosquito aircraft to the Pacific theater. Why was it called back? The glue that held the wooden plane togeher wouldn't stay setup as it did in the colder climates of NWE. The plane literally fell apart in the Pacific theater.

48) Which Allied fighter is credited with destroying more Axis aircraft than any other? The P-38. I'm surprised that it took so long for a right answer on this one. The P-38 is one of only two fighters that fought in North Africa, the Med, Italy and North West Europe. The other being the P-40. The P-38 is credited with both the most Japanese planes destroyed and the most Axis planes destroyed. Which isn't suprising considering the theaters it served in. The top two American aces both flew P-38's. Major Richard Bong with 40 kills and Major Thomas (Tommy) B. McGuire with 38 kills.

49) Which is the only unit to have fought at Normandy, Arnhem, Aachen, the Huertgen Forest, in the Ardennes offensive, at the Reichswald and in the Ruhr Pocket? The anxwer could never be an Allied unit. The Huertgen Forest forest was an American battleground and the Reichswald was a 21st Army Group battleground. The answer to this is the 116th Panzer Division.

50) What plane did the Japanese call the "Whistling Death"? The F4U Corsiar.

Thanks to all those that participated in the quiz.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/12/2009 5:48:22 AM)

Here is another set of questions for those that are tired of the first set.

50) Where was the Sherman tank first used in combat?

51) What were the 3 Yankee Pilots that fought with British Eighth Army in North Africa in May 1942.

52) When was the T-34 first encountered in combat by the Germans?

53) How many PzI tanks were in the attack on Russia?

54) Where did the first armored battle between two fully formed tank units take place?

55) How many times did the Germans use biological weapons during WWII?

56) How many times did the Allies use biological weapons during WWII?

57) What was Staff Sergeant Curtis "Bud" Cullin famous for?

58) Which major Soviet city changed hands the most times? How many times did the city change hands? Kharkov is the correct city but how many times did it change hands?

59) What was the "Backhand Maneuver"? Manstein's leaving and returning to Kharkov in the 3rd Battle for Kharkov in the Spring of 1943.

60) Which nation made the largest operational submarine?

61) Besides the horse what other animal was used for transportation on the Eastern Front?

62) Who did the first combat assault of the Rhine River?

63) Which Allied General convinced Hitler that Operation Overlord was a diversion? Patton. Hitler was sure that no serious attack would be launched without Patton in command of troops.

64) What did the Allied code word Eclipse mean?

65) What did the term "Death Traps" mean to the Americans?

66) Which US Division had it's first combat in the Battle of the Bulge?

67) What was the US 6th Armored Divisions nickname? Super Sixth.

68) Who was in command of American forces during the Battle of Singling?

69) Which was the only American General officer, of Jewish faith, killed in combat by the Germans?

70) What was the name of the Japanese Air Force jet fighter?
The Kikka.

71) Was the German Me-262 the only jet fighter to be used operationally in the war? No. The British Meteor was also operational during  the war.

72) 1 March 1942, the first German U-Boat (U-656) destroyed in the war, by the United States, was sunk off Newfoundland by Ensign Tepuni. What weapons system was the Ensign using to destroy the U-Boat.

73) During the Battle of Britian, according to German pilots, what were all German planes shot down by? The Spitfire.

74) What was Hitler's plan for the capture of Lenningrad? He planned on straving the Russians to death.

75) What was the first enemy ship captured on the high seas, by the US Navy, since 1815? U-505.

76) Which US Navy ship was used to deliver the two atomic bombs to Tinian? The cruiser Indianapolis. The ship had just set a world speed record and was considered too fast to be attacked by a submarine. On it's way back from delivering the two bombs it was sunk by a Japanese submarine.

77) How many Royal Navy survivors were there when the Bismark sunk the HMS Hood? Three.

78) Which London born actor traveled over a million miles to entertain Allied troops? Bob Hope. Many Americans don't realize that Bob Hope was born in England.

79) Which US Navy carrier, launched in 1943, was never damaged by the Japanese but was severely damaged by a typhoon?

80) The Electric Boat Company was the largest builder of what type of ship for the US Navy?

81) "Kilroy Was Here" is a famous US quote. Where did it originate? In a US Naval yard making Liberty Ships. The inspector put Kilroy Was Here as a way of knowing what he had inspected. The term went around the world as the war progressed.

82) Which was the first nation to use parachute forces in combat from 1939-1940? The Soviet Union in the Finno-Russian War. They dropped paratroopers on Petsamo in northern Finland.

83) Where did the Japanese get a radar unit to use as an example to help them develop their own radar sets?

84) Which German ship had twenty feet of the stern blown off and yet survived?

85) What is the name of the first US aircraft to complete the 25 mission requirement to be retired from combat? Memphis Belle.

86) Which was the first American Ace to win the Congressional Medal of Honor?

87) How did "Iron Bottom Sound" get it's name? There were so many ships sunk in the sound that it was said to have an iron bottom.

88) What was "Adler Tag"? The Luftwaffe code name for the opening day of the Battle of Britain. It means "Eagle Day".

89) What was an Eagle Squadron? There were three Eagle Squadrons in the RAF. they were made up of American pilots before America was officially in the war.

90) What was the objective of the two Operation Knight's Move?

There are actually two Operation Rosselsprung (Knight's Move) and first one is to attack Arctic convoys. What was the second one's mission?

91) What is a hornisse? The Me-410 and the tank destroyer better known as the Nashorn.

92) What is the difference between an Elephant and a Ferdinand?

93) Name the different theaters the Elephant served in.

94) Can you name the five different types of tiger tanks that were used in combat in the war?  Tiger I, Tiger II, Ferdinand/Elephant, Sturmtiger and Jadgtiger. Not many people realize the Ferdinand/Elephant was built on the tiger chassis.

95) What is the last year that a version of the PzII was produced? The Lynchs version in 1944.

96) Where is the last Japanese soldier known to have surrendered? The Phillipines in 1974.

97) How many B-25's flew in the Doolittle Raid? 16

98) How many times did Japanese submarines shell the United States west coast?

99) "Tora, Tora, Tora", literally tranlated means, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger". What did it mean to the Japanese Navy?
That the Japanes strike force had attained surprise over the Americans at Pearl Harbor.

100) The British aircraft Tempest was used to destroy V-1 flying bombs, known as "Buzz Bombs". Why was the Tempest used to destroy these pilotless drones and how did it destroy them? The tempest was fast enough to catch the V-1 and would then put it's wingtip under the wing of the V-1 and flip it over, causing the V-1 to crash.

Good Hunting.


Mad Russian -> RE: OT - WWII quiz (4/12/2009 6:05:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

90) The destruction of convoy PQ17

No, that's not correct



90) I think you are wrong on Rosselsprung

There are actually two Operation Rosselsprung (Knight's Move) and first one is to attack Arctic convoys. What was the second one's mission?

Good Hunting.


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