RE: World War III players (Full Version)

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Grymme -> RE: World War III players (8/25/2008 2:47:51 PM)

Its fun that the sabotage action was tough for you though. It really adds flavor i think. It was thought to inhibit a USSR invasion though.

At least its a one time event so you dont have to worry about it more.

GrumpyMel -> RE: World War III players (8/25/2008 3:35:05 PM)

I've started a solo game where i am playing all sides, just to get a better feel for each sides the situation... and I can't say that I'm really noticing any shortage of troops as the USSR. NATO getting the initiative allows them a good chance at a first strike to kill off some exposed Pact formations and open the road to Berlin. It allows them a local advantage (actualy closer to parity) in Central Europe for a few turns at the very start.

I think if they don't take advantadge of this , they are pretty much toast. The Pact has a significant numerical and production advantage, that can grind away at NATO. The Pact does have more territory to defend.... and a fair number of thier troops are positioned away from the front.... which is what allows NATO to grab a little local advantage at start.

NATO doesn't have the luxury of a vast hinterland with fairly well protected production centers like the PACT. So if they get pushed back much in the beggining, it's going to go very quickly downhill from there.

From looking at things, it strikes me that the default strategy for the western powers would be for NATO to be aggressive in the beggining, in order to buy some time for the U.S. to position itself to help out somewhere. If it doesn't do this... I think it's going to get into trouble real quick.

It's a very cool scenerio.... has to be well played by NATO I there is not alot of margin for error. Anyway... it'll be interesting to see how it goes a few more turns into the game.

Grymme -> RE: World War III players (8/25/2008 7:53:32 PM)

In any case its a very interesting discussion. Here are some figures on strenght to take in to the discussion.


INF 2 328 2 484 4812
TRK 104 77 181
ART 45 50 95
ARM 46 55 101
SHP 33 85 118
SUB 7 10 17
FGT 48 94 142
BMB 38 60 98


INF 4 545 1 243 5788
TRK 222 35 257
ART 106 26 132
ARM 101 17 118
SHP 37 24 61
SUB 31 4 35
FGT 61 26 87
BMB 60 20 80


INF NATO & US -966

Grymme -> RE: World War III players (8/25/2008 8:17:21 PM)

I made a really thourough count of the USSR forces commited in Africa, Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan & Vladivostok. However the effin message timed out.

In total it was like this though.

935 INF
24 TRK
15 ARM
15 FGT
16 BMB.

Now, realisticly USSR could transfer a little forces from afghan and far east fronts, but not much. So these could possibly be deducted from any USSR/NATO comparison.

GrumpyMel -> RE: World War III players (8/26/2008 5:44:02 AM)

NATO Turn 3 done and sent on to Warsaw Pact.

Turn #3 Highlights   (P.S. A few turns done the road we should really do an AAR for this)

- South African Airforce Strat bombed Nambia to little effect, and lost a strategic bomber to a lucky strike by a Nambian SAM battery

- In the Arctic Sea, a Norwegian sub picket spotted and withstood an attack by the Soviet Arctic Fleet. Naval and Air assets were dispacted to intercept and in a brief battle 5 Pact Submarines, 2 Frigates and 1 Destroyer were knocked out at the cost of only 1 freindly submarine.

- In Finland, Helsinki is under seige fromsizable Soviet forces and has withstood bombardment by air, land and sea. 

- On the Southern Front Turkish forces lost a minor air battle, but managed to capture Sofia after heavy fighting.

- In Central Europe Pact forces abandon Prague and 3rd Army walks into the city without resistance.

- 2nd Army presses forward, capturing Budepest and knocking out several Pact formations, almost destroying the N.Balkan District HQ in the process.

- 1st Army raids across the Elbe striking at Pact formations weakend by air strikes.

Total Losses for Turn = 52 Rifle
                        4 Scouts
                        3 Machinegun
                        2 AT Infantry
                        3 Fighter
                        1 Strategic Bomber
                        1 Submarine

Total Kills = 96 Rifle
              3 SMG
              8 Scouts
             13 Machineguns
              6 AT Infantry
              5 Mortars
             55 Staff
              2 Flak
              5 Light Tanks
              3 Medium Tanks
              7 Trucks
              5 Submarine
              2 Frigates
              1 DDG Destroyer

GrumpyMel -> RE: World War III players (8/26/2008 5:48:41 AM)

Finaly grand total of casualties as of end of NATO Turn #3

          NATO                              Pact
Losses - 333 Rifles                       626 Rifles
          5 Truck                            39 Truck
          3 Fighters                          1 Fighter
          -                                      2 Frigates
          4 Light Tank                     19 Light Tank
          -                                     9 Artillery
         49 SMG                            47 SMG
          1 Engineer                       29 Engineer
          1 AT Gun                          1 AT Gun
          1 Medium Tank                 10 Medium Tank
          1 Submarine                     10 Submarine
          1 Strategic Bomber               -
          -                                      1 Paratrooper
          1 Flak                                3 Flak
         26 Machinegun                   66 Machinegun
         25 Scout                           34 Scout
         11 Mortar                          50 Mortar
         17 AT Infantry                   48 AT Infantry
          3 Staff                            55 Staff
          2 APC                               4 APC
          -                                     1 Destroyer
          1 Tactical Bomber               4 Tactical Bomber
          3 Halftrack                         5 Halftrack
          1 Carrier Air                         -
         40 Special Forces Infantry        -

Herode_2 -> RE: World War III players (8/26/2008 8:46:03 PM)

Turn sent to China.
Some more notes on the fly. In the following posts, I'll write VP for Varsaw Pact, out of lazziness.

- the 74th corps near Tirana cannot join other VP units : Yugoslavia is neutral hence the unit is forbidden to croos this territory. Other lines of communication are controlled by NATO. This unit is therefore quickly unsupplied, wich makes it useless. Air supply can be granted. If not granted, the Albanian unit is lost. As usual, if it's intentional for the scenario, that's also OK for me. If not, maybe a slow supply flow from Tirana (500PP max) may patch the situation. Same remark for the sSndinist brigade near Managua, except it's much more difficult to air supply it (Cuba has to build transporters and to hope Fascist Yankees won't intercept humanitarian air convoys ^^)
- Damascus, Cairo, Addis Abeba are "universal". They should be "arabs".

About arty range, I'm still not sure it is mandatory - although I would like it as VP player - to increase the range. I'll give more thoughts about this for a few turns and give you my humble opinion later.

Right now, the situation is still very difficult for VP in Central Europe, but rather correct, when not (seemingly) favourable, in other strategic blocs.

I'll see in the very next turns if the production power of VP is able to help stoping NATO offensive in Europe. As far as I play it, of course, and I'm just an average, not an elite player [8|]

As for my personal taste, I'd like to see more action cards in this game. Of course, WWIII didn't happened (yet... [:D]). But in the 80's, when it was still for a few people something that may happen, some interesting and essential features were also in place, mainly :
- political "5th columns" in Europe in favour of VP
- heavy spying/sabotaging/propagandist activity for both sides.

Also, it has been suspected later that VP forces were indeed far less powerful than they (and NATO) said. But this point would lead to a weak VP vs. strong NATO scenario really unbalanced. If we forget this last point, the political situation should invite us to use many action cards during the game. Sabotages, propaganda, comitting neutral countries, the threat of Nuke Extermination leading to a general (and radioactive) stale mate, pacifists, the SS20/Pershing crisis, etc. All these events could be modelled via action cards and events. I know it's a lot of job, of course. Just a suggestion  and a personnal wish for the 80's Cold War flavour.

That being said, I'm still having a lot of fun with the VP "as is". [:)]

Grymme -> RE: World War III players (8/26/2008 9:11:16 PM)

fk... timed out a long reply again ;(

Chinas turn in short.

- After the north corean republic decides to join PDRC forces the combined armies smash down on S. corea. After heavy shelling, and bombarding Seul is assaulted and taken. Heavy losses on both sides. 44 INF for PDRC.
- PDRC incites maoist uprising in Burma. Burmese government responds by joining USA. Assault in the country difficult because of horrible terrain though.
- Help granted to USSR. 2000 supply and 20 PP should arrive. Can you check this Herode2?
- US fleet is spotted passing the Singapore straight.
- Some fighting over Taiwan.


General comments

- Will change Damascus and Cairo. Addis Adeba might be some other people. Sudanese or Ethiopian (dont remember, although sudan is largely inhabited by arabs).
- Sandinists and Albanians dont have supply. Basicly they are to small to warrant whole supply and HQ chain. USA has some of these hard to supply units also. As for the albanians i was thinking that they would possibly link up to USSR if their offensive. But i do think that it is atleast semirealistic that they lose strenght. Will think about it though.
- Might agree with you about arty. Maybe less realistic, but more fun. What do other people think?
- We could mess a little with balance after testgame is finished. If it seems unbalanced USSR could get small boost since 900 INF commited on other fronts. But well wait and see.

- Regarding events, actioncards etc. I totally agree with you. More events= more fun. Any concrete help with suggestions and help with coding is very much welcomed. It is a lot of work though. As it is there is almost 30 actioncard events now and they probably amount to several hundred lines of code. Divided between 4 nations they dont seem so many though.

Propaganda&Sabotage could probably be implemented with small readiness loss events. The bridge sabotage event was a pain to write :)

Any more suggestions?

Some questions?

-What is happening in Cuba?
- Have you tried out the soviet special unit? I think paras can be landed in cities in this scenario :)'

Glad that you are having fun :)

mavnb -> wrong turn sent to me. (8/27/2008 3:31:13 AM)

I received the turn for ussr but I can't open. where do I need to send

Grymme -> RE: wrong turn sent to me. (8/27/2008 8:35:50 AM)

Sorry. Turn was for you. Will resend later tonight.

mavnb -> email of players (8/29/2008 1:59:19 AM)

could we get the emails of all player so that I can send the turn to the right person?
I have russia turn here (I am usa) and don't know where to send it.

GrumpyMel -> RE: email of players (8/29/2008 2:58:33 AM)

Mavnb, when you are done with your (USA) turn you can send it to me (NATO) at

I believe Grymme sent you the wrong turn, by accident.... he was supposed to send you the correct turn last night so you can play it.

When he sends you the turn that you can play (USA).... then you can send me the turn when done with it.

I believe Herode2 (Russia) already played the Russian turn and sent it to Grymme (China)...and Grymme sent it to you by accident rather then sending you your turn.

Grymme -> RE: email of players (8/29/2008 6:28:43 AM)


I already played t3 for the chinese so if Mavn got the t3 russian turn he shouldnt send it anywhere. It has already been played. I did send it to Mavn again yesterday, have you checked Mavn? Otherwise it must be that i named the turn wrong and sent it to you.

It seems i probably sent the wrong file. Should have sent the correct one now, sorry for the delay.

How is the war going USA?

GrumpyMel -> RE: email of players (8/30/2008 8:58:51 PM)

NATO Turn 4 done and sent to USSR.

Highlights from the turn:

- Helsinki has fallen to heavy Soviet assault.

- In the South, Pact forces push Westward along the Northern Turkish coast and fresh Pact reserves appear in the Balkans. Inconclusive fighting occurs on the outskirts of Sofia with heavy casualties on both sides.

- In Central Europe, Pact airpower begins to make an appearance but suffers losses for relatively minor damage inflicted. Pact ground forces appear to be in general retreat. 1st & 3rd NATO armies take Poznan and Breslau unopposed and catch a couple of retreating Pact formations as they push further east. 2nd Army attempts to push into the Carpathians but is stopped by the remnants of the North Balkan District who put up an heroic defense. Heavy casualties occur on both sides.

- In South Africa, Nambian rebels seize the township of Bloemfontain but are driven out and destroyed by South African mobile forces.

Total Losses for Turn = 109 Rifle
                         1 SMG
                         7 Engineer
                        14 Machinegun
                         9 AT Infantry
                         1 Mortar
                         1 Light Tank

Total Kills for Turn = 214 Rifle
                        6 SMG
                        6 Scout
                       16 Machinegun
                       14 AT Infantry
                        9 Mortar
                        3 Staff
                        3 Long Range Artillery
                        2 Light Tank
                        1 Medium Tank
                        8 Truck

Herode_2 -> News from the front (8/31/2008 11:30:13 PM)

Turn sent to China.

USSR is still supporting heavy losses against NATO in Europe and withdrawing its troops (where it can do it ^^). Arab Nations are badly beaten by Israeli airstrikes and ennemy land superiority.
Otherwise, the combats are even, or at our advantage.
Many air combats this turn to the advantage of USSR (lost 2 planes, destroyed 12). A convoy has been sunk with the loaded troops in Tokyo and the Japanese Air Force is reduced to a few survivors.
Ankara has been liberated.
Rejoice. [sm=tank2-39.gif]

Grymme -> RE: News from the front (9/2/2008 5:52:07 AM)

A quick report from Beijing. Turn sent to the US.

This is obviously the power that should be played by the person who wants a little slower start than the others.
- In Korea the army was mopping up the survivors of the western armies. Only small remains remain.
- In japan the red airforces conducted an airstrike against a US fleet spotted. The airstrike failed miserably and we lost some 6 aircraft against 1 by the US.
- In Thailand rebels assaulted a lone aircorps in Bangkok and destroyed it.
- In Burma our forces continue to arrive in strenght in the north of the country. Terrain conditions still to rough to deploy armour though. Do we need more than 300 EP?
- In afghanistan the strong Taliban forces guarding the chinese border suddenly retreated. Chinese 4th army was quick to follow. An engineer unit might have to be deployed if we are to fight a mountain campaign though.
- 2 trains with material sent to the USSR.

Interesting to see that NATO has the offensive on the central front although USSR are advancing on both flanks. Will USSR be able to help the poor arabs before they get mangled?

Herode_2 -> RE: News from the front (9/3/2008 3:53:41 PM)

Quite a quiet turn.
Some air combats. Heavy losses due to ennemy DCA (5 bombers), thus making our bombing campaign not very efficient.
As usual, defending in Europe and Egypt, some attacks on the other fronts. Constantinople is besieged, Tokyo bombed again. A Kapitalist group of transporters has been sunk near Panama but they managed to land their troops before. Nothing more around Cuba. We alse made some progress towards Kabul.

I didn't try yet the specials units for VP but I will for sure, when the situation calls for it. I'm not sure they are very useful in defense.

Notes on the scenario :
- I've been trying for 2-3 turns to build bridges around Varsaw, the former one have been destroyed by sabotage. I have engineer units with plenty of AP and EP around but it's impossible to trigger the "build road/bridge" action between Varsaw and the surrounding hexes : (60,18), (61,18), (61,19).

Herode_2 -> RE: News from the front (9/3/2008 4:07:25 PM)

See also :
Strange formation
The unit is the 149th Corps, Artillery under Stavka HQ (starts in Moscow)

GrumpyMel -> RE: News from the front (9/4/2008 3:16:37 PM)


You sure about that bridge thing? It looked like you built one last turn... cause I knocked it out with an air-strike on my turn.

GrumpyMel -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 9:23:24 AM)

NATO Turn 6 Done and sent on to PACT.

Another quiet turn, forces in Europe mostly concentrated on improving thier positions....PACT and NATO armies staring at each other across a narrow strip of no-mans land in Poland. Some ineffective air-battles (NATO looses 3 Fighter II's,  PACT suffers no loses even though I had better planes and more numbers- ouch).

In Turkey, a counter-attack by Turkish forces seems to have blunted one of the spearheads encroaching on Istanbul.

P.S. Had a power outage near the start of my I had to replay it. Only 1 minor combat upto that point, an airstrike against Nambian forces, replayed it same as first time....not sure if the results of the combat were better or worse the second time around... only a handfull of infantry losses from the strike either way though... I apologize about the problem.

Herode_2 -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 11:28:21 AM)




You sure about that bridge thing? It looked like you built one last turn... cause I knocked it out with an air-strike on my turn.

No bridges around Varsaw but after checking once again, I was wrong about the rules : I checked the AP of my unit and not its EP... (needed : 100, saved : 81). My bad... [8|]

Herode_2 -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 11:44:44 AM)

Checked again with the new file & no, I was not wrong, there's really something I don't understand : engineers with 80AP + 103 EP  can move across the river (enough AP) but are still unable to build a bridge. Maybe the cost for this action has been increased in the scenario ?? (not mentionned in the briefing, although).

NB1 : all hexes are plains
NB2 : another unit with 180 EP is able to build a bridge => either the cost has been increased, either the manual is wrong or out of date :

5.6.13 Build Road/Bridge
A unit must have subformations with Engineer Points to build a road. You need 25 Engineer Points to build a road. If you click Build Road, all hexes that you can build to are highlighted. If the target hex is beyond a river, a bridge will also have to be built. This is more expensive. Building a road and a bridge over a small river (stream) costs 50 Engineer Points and building a road and bridge over a big river costs 100 Engineer Points.

Grymme -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 11:54:34 AM)


I dont think the price of bridges has been increased. Scenario is based on WAW originaly so if there is a change in the cost there it should follow.

- In chinese turn the chinese navy made an catastrophal attack on the US navy in Japan and lost a lot of strenght.
- Forces poring into burma. Mostly scouts and paratroppers.
- Otherwise not much action. Aid sent to USSR.

Also have problems building bridges towards Burma. Has full supply and some 400 EP but cant build bridge. Will check this out.

Herode_2 -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 12:55:19 PM)

More notes on the turn :

- many air combats, heavy losses for VP against defending/intercepting NATO fighters
- few land attacks, mainly around Ankara,but nothing impressive : not enough troops and some supply issues forces VP to keep on a general defensive posture.
- Cuba is KO without any US attack : the island just doesn't have enough supplies to feed his army => all cuban units are starving. I will have either to disband navy & air units, thus making Cuba a defensive only position, either to reaffect air & naval units to a Societ HQ but I'm not sure the supply flow will reach Cuba...
- on secondary front, our vietnameese freedom fighters bombed Taiwan, opening the road for our chinese allies. Most of the renegade airforce and many troops have been destroyed.
- japanese seem stuck in their island. Some more transport ships have been sunk just for fun.
- tried the same operation in South Africa but m subs made some bad encounters [8|]

Turn sent to China !

Grymme -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 2:28:01 PM)

Chinas turn sent.

Herode: Since we started playing i did some changes to the scenario. Among other things i changed production some. Among those things was making Havanna a 4000K city. So you shouldnt have this problem next time. Also fixed the 0 rifle corps.

- Chinese troops capture Rangoon and kill of some american military advisors. The resource in Mandalaya is surrounded and will most likely fall next turn.
- China is building up its navy and airforce since we suffered large losses in previus turns. 1-2 turns and we should be on the offensive again though.

Checked the engineer bridge issue. EP cost for building bridge is 150EP. Does anyone know what it is in the vanilla game?

GrumpyMel -> RE: News from the front (9/6/2008 11:04:07 PM)

NATO Turn 7 done and sent to Warsaw Pact.

A fairly significant turn:

- South African ground forces cross the Nambian border for the first time. Minor air strikes against Nambian formations continue.

- Southern Command attempts spoiler attacks against Pact Forces encroaching on Istanbul. These attacks are repulsed with heavy losses. However Pact forces do suffer some damage as well. Istanbul and the Turkish straights remain under threat.

- In Central Europe, Pact interceptors remain grounded after thier heavy losses last turn. NATO conducts large air strikes against several PACT positions, doing signifcant damage and eroding the PACT air defence grid further.

- After artillery and airiel bombardment, NATO 3rd Army stages an all out assualt against Warsaw. Casualties are heavy but NATO 92nd Infantry, 90th Infantry and 4th Armored drive out the PACT defenders and take the city by storm. Polish citizens rejoice as thier historic capital is liberated from the communist opressors after over 40 years of occupation.

Total Losses for Turn = 82 Rifle
                        1 Scout
                        9 Machinegun
                        3 AT Infantry
                        1 Mortar
                        2 Medium Tanks
                        1 Tank Destroyer
                        1 Carrier Air
                        1 Tactical Bomber

Total Kills for Turn = 90 Rifle
                       1 SMG
                       6 Scout
                       6 Engineers
                      10 Machinegun
                       3 AT Infantry
                       1 Mortar
                       3 Flak
                       4 Artillery
                       1 Light Tank
                       1 Medium Tank
                       3 Halftrack
                       5 Truck

Grand Totals as of Turn 7
          NATO                              Pact
Losses - 776 Rifles                      1107 Rifles
         21 Truck                         64 Truck
         10 Fighters                      20 Fighter
          -                                2 Frigates
          9 Light Tank                    26 Light Tank
          8 Artillery                     14 Artillery
         80 SMG                           77 SMG
         21 Engineer                      35 Engineer
          1 AT Gun                         1 AT Gun
          4 Medium Tank                   14 Medium Tank
          1 Submarine                     13 Submarine
          1 Strategic Bomber               2 Strategic Bomber
          6 Horses                         -
          -                                1 Transporter
          -                                1 Paratrooper
          3 Flak                           7 Flak
         78 Machinegun                   116 Machinegun
         28 Scout                         54 Scout
         27 Mortar                        69 Mortar
         54 AT Infantry                   84 AT Infantry
         57 Staff                         81 Staff
          2 APC                            4 APC
          3 Tank Destroyer                 -
          -                                1 Destroyer
          3 Tactical Bomber               11 Tactical Bomber
         11 Fighter II                     -
          4 Halftrack                      8 Halftrack
          2 Carrier Air                     -
          1 Rocket Artillery              -
          -                                   4 Long Range Artillery
         40 Special Forces Infantry        -

GrumpyMel -> RE: News from the front (9/10/2008 3:09:06 PM)

NATO Turn 8 Done and sent to Warsaw Pact.

A mixed turn:

- In the South, Pact formations have captured both the Turkish straights and Galipoli. Istanbul is under siege and an attempt by forces there to breakout has failed. Heavy casualties.

- In Central Europe, Pact interceptors remain grounded and NATO strike craft pound enemy positions, inflicting heavy losses.

- In the North, the Soviet Arctic front is on the move again, however thier lead formations were hit by NATO aircraft and suffered significant casualties.

- A Soviet submarine pack was spotted cruising the North Sea. The British Royal Navy was dispacted and destroyed the enemy naval formation with no loss to itself.

Grymme -> RE: News from the front (9/10/2008 9:25:56 PM)

Hmm... seems Sofia might be threatened again then?

Btw Grumpy do you have any ideas for further development of the scenario?

Also. Do you have any opinion about changes i made after the start of the game?

GrumpyMel -> RE: News from the front (9/10/2008 11:02:22 PM)

Hmm... well, like I already mentioned, I don't think the PACT is neccesarly short on troops...or even the positioning of them is that bad.

As I mentioned before, I started a solo game where I was playing all sides...and I was able to not get pushed back as PACT and even pushed a bit forward.

One of the interesting things that happaned at the start of this game is that the PACT never commited thier reserves... the 15th GDS Tank Army still hasn't made any real appearance in the war.... nor have I seen the Central Asian forces show up anywhere. Meanwhile I threw the kitchen sink into the battle early on.
Also Herode was a bit slow in building up his air-defences.... which allowed my airforce initialy a bit of a free ride at tank busting. 

This caused his forces to be alot more pressed then if the reserves had come in. After this he chose to abandon a few important Production cities without a fight.... which has given my Production base a much needed boost...and has helped offset the initial disparty in the size of our starting forces.

However, we haven't been able to capitalize on this particulary well.... as the USA hasn't yet found a good vector of attack.

BTW, none of these are bad things... it actualy makes for a very fun and interesting game so far.

I don't think PACT should be too strong in Central Europe at start or they really will steam-roll NATO very quickly. The big thing is that NATO doesn't have much of a backfield like the PACT does... so if it gets pushed back much it's Production is going to plummet the front-line isn't all that far away from the heart of it's industry.

An interesting idea might be to give the USA Denmark instead of Antwerp and a bit of the North German coast as well.... and possibly Give NATO Canada in return. This would allow the USA to get involved in the action in Europe right from the start.....and also help to give NATO some "safe" Production, that they don't have to worry about loosing if they make one wrong step. Just a thought, I'm not even sold on it myself.

NATO is a very tense position to play in this Scenerio. The begining 3 turns or so definately feel very much as a Do or Die situation..... even now I still feel like I'm one wrong move away from disaster. Just because I have such a shallow backfield, stacked with so much of my important Prod Centers vulnerable to attack.

However, it is very fun....I'm having a blast.

Herode_2 -> RE: News from the front (9/11/2008 4:46:28 PM)


After this he chose to abandon a few important Production cities without a fight...

Hey, I DID fight ! [:)]
I lost 1 entire Army Corps and 2 other Corps were badly attritioned. But I agree that being outnumbered on the European Front I eventually retreated (where I could) to use the Vistula as a defensive line.

Also, don't worry about my reserves : I don't forget them, they are just waiting for the good opportunity [:D]

As a general feeling, I still can't say if the initial forces have to be balanced again. The game has to go on. Right now I feel hardly pressured, but not lost. Of course, if NATO has commited all his reserves, this explains the local superiority in numbers and confirms I have chances for a counterattack. I'll do my best not to mess them and to keep the position tense for the Fascistoid Kapital-NATOnist !

PS : I have the file, I won't have any time to play it this evening. I'll try to send the turn to Grymme tomorrow.

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