marcpennington -> RE: Schwerpunkt Games (1/15/2015 1:31:46 AM)
I've said this earlier in the thread, but bears repeating as it seems like a lot of people are jumping into the system at moment---- the auto-scrolling is hopeless, just disable it and save a lot of woe. Instead, zoom up one level, left click (easy to forget), and zoom down for long moves. Cursor keys for short moves. Also, there is now the control left click feature to move the lowest level map to that hex which helps a lot. And also, again, experiment with turning off cursor assisted moves, which was a huge improvement for me. As far as the distribution of new scenarios asked about above as well, they are from Drop Box (so save your initial link.) It also appears that each time Ron releases a patch, he re-compiles the initial download file with all the latest scenarios---- which is actually a lot more convenient to download then all the modified/ new scenarios individually.