JastaV -> RE: Philadelphia affair (2/5/2009 6:48:02 PM)
Got reply from AGeod Support: quote:
Wayne's Army was already assigned move to Princeton. This increased probability of retreat path to that location for Lee's Army, to consolidate forces and reinforce Wayne's attack. Caryell Ferry has 'low interest'. See parameters in "Control&Retreat.opt" under \Settings Princeton has City, Fort, Depot, creating high interest. American's didn't retreat into structure because a garrison exists there. Also were not set to 'retreat inside', as that is often suicidal. Americans took 26 hits while retreating. [see report line after battle report line] British were set to attack, not assault, so after inflicting hits during retreat, no further battle. Siege started. British assaulted across a river, so were at reduced cohesion at start of battle. You are lucky any battle was even fought, and lucky to get a draw, as low cohesion will stop battles now. You are lucky that a poor commander [Charles Lee] was your opponent. In summary, it appears fully explainable, and to me acceptable. The retreat choices are not an AI issue, as same calculations will result with human player. Could these parameters be tweaked? Yes, but to what? And to what effect on other situations. Great explanation, very logic in game term, as militiry operations! Guess no need for tweeks! Very apreciated the so quick reply! I'll go on with the game! Notice I'm now in a very advantageus position: I'm sitting in front of the almost ungarrisoned enemy capital ready to assault it. We can move "critics" to the AI decision of leaving Philadelphia ungarrisoned: A mistake! But military history pages are full with mistakes that decided battles and wars. I can trust all that!