Vietnam War AAR (Full Version)

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Grymme -> Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 5:58:52 PM)

This will be an AAR to showcase a game i am playing against Lunaticus.

The scenario is Vietnam war - 1964-1975. It is a strategic game covering the entire scene of the indochine war from Laos and Cambodia to the Chinese border. The scenario it is not yet released, but it is more or less finished.

To show some of the features of the scenario i will first post a map of the playing area. This scenario is one in a series of scenarios i am constructing. The other ones are; Battle of An Loc, Operation MacArthur, Battle for Hue and Brothers in Arms - Vietnam invasion of Democratic Kampuchea.

This game is a a 2 regime human vs human game. There is however 2 AIs of some importance (Laos and Cambodia). I am playing North Vietnam (DRVN) and the Front National Liberte (FNL). Lunaticus is playing US and the Republic of Vietnam (RVN). Each round is 2 months long and the game starts in january 1964.

Unfortunatly i have lost the screenshots from the first 1-3 rounds or so. But i will try to piece it together with general screenshots.

Map overview


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 6:09:07 PM)

I will include a scenario description before the AAR begins. This to clarify some of the units, events etc that are happening in the scenario


The Vietnam War 1964-1975


1 Background
2 Changes in the rules
2.1 Scenario options
3  Research and Technology
3.1  North vietnamese research
3.2 South vietnamese research
4 Peoples and Regimes
5  Unit changes and special units
6  Special terrain, areas, locations etc
7  Special events
8  How to win!
9  Reinforcements
10 Map with provinces marked


PP = Political points
EP = Engineer points
BP = Build points

This scenario strives to simulate the war betwen the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRVN) together with the forces of the south vietnamese guerilla Front Nationale Liberation (FNL) fighting against forces of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) supported by the US government. The open part of the conflict lasted roughly between 1964 and 1975.
Other regimes/countries involved that are or can be involved in the conflict on different levels are Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Peoples Democratic Republic of China.
Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea, USSR, The Phillipines, Australia & New Zealand (ANZAC) and South Korea also can be involved in some degree by sending troops to either party.
Each turn is 60 days. Each strengthpoint of infantry represents 100-500 men. Each strenghtpoint of vehicles or airplanes 5-30 vehicles an/or airplanes. Each capitol ship is one capitol ship. Each destroyer, PT-boat or cargoship 3-10 ships.
This scenario builds on and changes a lot of the rules of the original Advanced Tactics – World War II. To understand the scenario and this briefing a good knowledge of the original game is probably required. Some occurences of the Vietnam war is simulated in a more abstracted fashion and some  are not simulated for lack of strategic importance in the war (for example the use of Agent Orange, according to the author).
This scenario is not recommended to play against the AI. Especially not against an DRVN AI since that player needs to use a lot of actioncards.
HQs cost 10PPs to create and new units cost 5PP to produce for the US/RVN player. For the DRVN player and for the AI players the cost is 5PPs for HQ and 1PP for other formations.
Airdrop defense bonus changed from 3 to 0.8 to encourage para & helidrops. (Defender defends with 80 % strenght instead of 300%). Paradrops can take place in any landscape except high mountains.
Stack limit 80 powerpoints. This means that crowding penalties appear faster than in the normal game.
Normal roads cannott be constructed. Dirt trail can be constructed  Dirt road flows supply quickly but doesnt speed up the movement of units to any other degree, other than irregular units..
2.1 Scenario options
DRVN/RVN political advantage
Choosing any of this options can balance the game. Giving a side a political advantage gives it 10 extra PP each round.
Local Guerilla
Turning of this option removes the chances that local guerillas arrive at random in south vietnam. This doesnt stop the DRVN players options of assaulting cities through rebellions.
Increased US suport
The option increased US support can be used to balance the game. It gives the DRVN/US player an extra depot outside Hue.
US/RVN AI option
This is an atempt to at least make an US/RVN AI game playable. It changes the goals of the AI and triggers a 10 % chance of a strategic bombardment campaign each round.
Smuggled recruits through Cambodia
This option gives the DRVN/FNL player the possibility to add 10 SMG FNLs to the HQ closest to the Cambodia supply hex (se special locations) by playing a actioncard and paying 3PP. Unchecking this option will mean a tougher war for the DRVN/FNL player.
Cost of research is doubled compared to the normal game.
3.1 The north vietnamese government doesnt have the tecnological ability or the industrial facilities to build or research the following units and/or technologies.
Strategic Bombers
3.2 The US and south vietnamese government will not or cannot for politcal reasons research or use the following units and/or technologies.
Pack animals & Bikes
Guerilla Warfare.
Note that some other units (ex special forces) cannot be built at all.
Vietnamese will fight with 80 % and produce at 50 % efficency for Western Regime. This means that the cities in south vietnam produce only half as efficient for the RVN as for the DRVN.
Americans will fight with 100 % efficiency against Vietnamese
Australian/NZ will fight with 120 % effiency against Vietnamese
Montagnards will fight with 120 % efficiency against Vietnamese.
Strategic Bombers who are marked with the people “american bomber” are the only ones that are affected by the “diplomatic pressure” events.
Laos and Cambodia cities produce at 10 % capacity  if they are captured by RVN. If captured by the forces of DRVN they produce at 25 % capacity. Cambodian and laoitian people fight at 60 % capacity towards Vietnamese and produce at 50 % efficiency for themselves.
The DMZ (demilitarized zone)  is impossible for any nation to enter.
Flak I-II has range of II. Flak III range of 3. Flak IV range of IV.
FNL Guerilla units (marked with the designation FNL)
These special variants of the SMG, Machinegun, Mortars and Staff SFTs generally have small supply demands, can carry up to 14 turns of supply. They have good hide and recon points and move fast in bad terrain. They can only be built by the DRVN in villages.
 These small amphibius units cost 1 000 BPs each to build. They have aproximatly half the strenght of a destroyer. Each patrolboat can carry 3 inf (as integral part of unit). They move 10 hexes in sea and 4 hexes in swamp.
Special forces. These are american equivalent of guerillas. These units cannot be produced. They are good fighters that move fast in all terrain, can carry lots of supply and paradrop. They have a recon value of 20.
 These faststriking airunits cost 2 000 BPs each to build. They move just seven hexes but have good reconenabilities. They can carry and airdrop 5 inf and have the strikecapability of a tactical bomber. They cannot move over high mountains.
Smuggle Freighters.
 These ships are small and extremely fast and cost 500 BPs each to build. They can also hide quite well. They do have some guns but are not very good neither on attack or the defence. Each one can carry up to 500 supply and 10 weigh of units. (Ed note: They move at a speed of 100 hex/round. This is an atempt to simulate smuggling of arms and men into south vietnam. Not a statement that a smuggler moves at 5 times the speed of a US destroyer)
Mortar (para)
This is a Mortar unit that is capable of paradrops. It costs 1 000 BPs.
Pack Animals & Bikes
This SFT has the same characteristics as the horse. Can only be produced by the DRVN.
Strategic bombers
Strategic bombers move almost twice the distance of other airunits. Otherwise they function like levelbombers.
ARVN units
These units fight like generic lvl 1 SFTs but cannot be upgraded to lvl 2.
Military Advisors/Political officers
These SFTs represent seasoned staff (staffII) that can help pacify a province (Military advisors) or cause rebellions in the province (Political officers). Each round there is a rebellion check in each province and if there are more political officers than military advisors present in that province then there is a chance that there could be a rebellion in that province. Political officers have a high hidepoint and move like irregulars. They also have a recon value of 50. Political officers cost 500BPs. Military advisors cost 1000BPs.
Military advisors have a chance of performing intelligence operations in a province. If the US has a military advisor in a province there is a 30 % chance that the military advisor will be able to perform Intelligence operations in that province through a free actioncard. The intelligence operation have a 75 % chance of success and will then report the total number of enemy powerpoints in the province. If unsuccessfull it will report a false number.
Trains can only move on rail. They have a slightly higher landcap than trucks.
South Vietnam is divided into 9 provinces, se attached map. Provinces have some importance when it comes to the chance of rebellions since the ratio of Military advisors vs Political officers is checked in each province. Provinces are also separated for the purpose of intelligence operations.
Villages can only produce infantry, non combat units and irregulars. S Vietnamese villages produce ARVN infantry instead of normal infantry. Village autorecover value is changed from 50 to 100. They have a production value of 1000BPs.
Towns, regional capitals and capitols can produce every type of units. S. Vietnamese Towns cities and capitol are limited to producing ARVN infantry, vehicles and artillery. The autorecover value of towns regional capitals are changed to 200.
Khmer Rouge Bases function like South Vietnames villages but have a productionn value of 2000BPs.
Jungle is the equivalent of heavy forrest.
Hexes marked with an X marks the original Laos or Cambodia borders. The hexes are marked so that the players can calculate certain area effects (decsribed under events)
The DRVN territorial waters are a special area. If the US enters these waters with capitol ships it might cause an international incident. The border is not intentionaly marked but stretches some 3-4 hexes out from the DRVN coast. It is intentionally not marked.
Tunnel Systems
Tunnels are like fortifications and can only be built by the DRVN/FNL. They can be built on forrest, mountain and swamp hexes. Forest tunnels cost 100EP, tunnels in mountains and in swamps cost 200 EP. FNL starts with 2 tunnel systems west of Pleiku and one west of Chau Phu.
Fortifications and Fortresses cant be built. Airfields and Makeshift ports cost 400 EPs to build.
Ho Chi Minh Trail
This type of road (dirt trail, can only be enlarged in heavy forrest terrain. It can mainly be used to transfer irregular units, supply and pack animals. All other units have more or less the same movement as in default terrain.
Dirt trail is expensive to expand. (50 EPs). Default road is not possible to expand.
Chinese and American support is simulated in part by the placement of Depots at special hexes. These locations can produce equipment and non combat units but not infantry. Depots come and go as the war goes on.
Supply hex on the border of Cambodia X14Y88. The DRVN player can play an actioncard to pay 2PPs to give the HQ closest to this hex 333 supply points. This simuales smuggling into Vietnam from Cambodia. He can also recruit 10 SMG FNLs by playing another actioncard and paying 1PP (if this game option is selected).
Support the Khmer Rouge
After DRVN has infiltrated Cambodia they get an actioncard that cost 10PPs and that joins an alliance between the Khmer rouge and the FNL. This causes all Khmer Rouge units and 2 Khmer Rouge bases to join the DRVN/FNL regime.
Local FNL Battalions
South Vietnam is divided into 9 provinces, se map for boundries. Each round there is a check in each province. If there are more political officers than military advisors present there then there is a 2% chance of a FNL Battalion appearing in each hex of that province that belongs to that particular province and is controlled by the DRVN/FNL player..
Chinese support
Mao Tse Tung decides to send expand Chinas support to DRVN in 1966. Chinese equipment is sent to Hanoi. A chinese depot location is erected outside of Hanoi. The depot recieves 2 000 Buildpoints of units each turn. These can be vehicles, airunits or artillery. A second depot is established in 1967 and a third in 1970 outside of Haiphong.
US increased support & Vietnamization
Lyndon Jonhnsson pledges increased support for Vietnam in 1965. American support is flowing into south Vietnam. An american depot location is erected outside of Saigon. The depot recieves 2 000 Buildpoints of units each turn. These can be vehicles, airunits or artillery. A second depot is established by Nixon in 1968.
In 1969 the support for the vietnamese governmetn is decreased as a part of the Vietnamization process. Both depots are removed.
Sabotage in major cities
The DRVN player can play actioncards to try and sabotage the cities Saigon, Nha Drang and Hue. There is a 50 % chance for a 1 000 points of structural damage. Each card cost 4PP to play.
Strategic bombing campaigns
The RVN/US player recieves two strategic bombing cards during the game (cost 5PP). When played 20 levelbombers appear in Guam. Each round there is a 10 % chance that the bombers are removed and the campaign stopped through natural diplomatic pressure. When the campaign starts the DRVN player gets access to a forced diplomatic pressure card. Playing this card gives an extra 30 % chance to stop the bombing campaign and remove all the bombers from the map. (cost 10PP).
War in Laos/Cambodia (against the AI)
Both DRVN and RVN/US can play actioncards to declare war or peace on Laos and/or Cambodia. Each change of diplomacy cost 5PPs for DRVN and 10PPs for USA/RVN.
Rebellion in South Vietnam cities
The DRVN player has a 8 % chance each turn of getting an actioncard (2PP) for each city in South Vietnam. There is an actioncard for each city except Saigon/Hue/Nha Drang. Playing the actioncard creates a rebellion in the city. A divison of FNL attack the city.
Territorial Waters
If the US ends a round in the territorial waters of North Vietnam (aproximatly 3 hexes from the coast) with a Carrier, Battleship or Cruiser there is international outrage. The DRVN governement get 5PPs for each time this happens.
American presence in southern Laos
For each turn that US/RVN have more than 60 powerpoints in Laos international pressure causes the DRVN regime to receve 4PPs. The invasion also hurts the morale of the vietnamese elements of the RVN. This affects units in forest and/or swamp terrain extra hard.
American presence in Cambodia.
For each turn that US/RVN have more than 100 powerpoints in Cambodia international pressure causes the DRVN regime to receve 4PPs. The invasion also hurts the morale of the vietnamese elements of the RVN. All units in forest and/or swamp terrain lose 50 % morale each turn. All other vietnamese force lose 25 % morale each turn.
US support to Lao Govermnent
When the DRVN starts to infiltrate Laos the US/RVN player can support the Lao government by paying thai mercenaries. The US/RVN player gets an actioncard  (3PPs) that can be used repeatedly to pay thai mercenaries that enter in Vientienne. Each battalion of mercenaries consists of 8 SMGs, 1 MG and 1 Mortar.
The DRVN/FNL side wins if they control 26VPs. This means that they have to take 13VPs from the RVN/US side. Each village and town is worth 1VP. Saigon and Hue is worth 5VPs.
The RVN/US side wins if there are less than 50 powerpoints of DRVN/FNL units in RVN territory.
US/ARVN (arrive in Saigon if not otherwise noted)
R2 US 1st Marine Division
      US gets 1st  strategic bombing card.
R4 US 4th US Infantry Division
R5 US 11th US Mechanized Cavalry Regiment
      US 1st US Airborne Cavalry division with attached Air Transport
R6 ANZAC SAS regiment
      1st US Depot established
R7  Thai Military Assistance Group
R8 Phillipino Expeditionary Corps
R10 ANZAC Mechanized regimental group
R13 Korean 1st Infantry Division (arrive in Hue)
      US gets 2nd strategic bombing card.
R15 Korean 9th Infantry Division with attached Engineer Regiment (arrive in Hue)
R18 US 25th Infantry Division
       2nd US depot established.
R24 US gets 3rd strategic bombing card.
R25 Vietnamization. US depots withdrawn.
DRVN/FNL (arrive in Hanoi if not otherwise noted)
R6    1st Chinese Depot established
R8     USSR Military advisory group
R11   North Korean fighter squadron.
R12   2nd Chinese Depot established
R24   3rd Chinese Depot established

Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 6:14:59 PM)

Hanoi Area - Round 1

During my first turn i was producing a lot of Political Points. They are needed to sabotage RVN production, incite riots in southern cities, apply diplomatic pressure etc.

I was also producing some flak, trains, Pack animals and Infantry. And a lot of engineers.

Screenshot shows Hanoi area at the start of the game.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 6:19:21 PM)

Khe Sanh Province Round 1-2

On the first turns i infiltrated Laos and started linking up North Vietnam with the units in south Vietnam. The Ho Chi Minh HQ moved into South Vietnam through Laos and i also took Tchepone in Laos to establish a base there.

Screenshot shows this area.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 6:24:15 PM)

Pleikku Province Round 1-2


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 6:29:11 PM)

Mekong Delta and Rash Gia province Round 1-2

The South. Except for the slim production in this area most of my forces here were supplied through smuggling from Cambodia and reinforced by freight smugglers whom transfered some artillery, flak etc down all the way from North Vietnam.


SSFSX17 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 7:51:07 PM)

Let's see if the saying, "You can kill 10 of my men for every 1 that I kill of yours, and I will still win," holds true! I really looking forward to see how this game progresses!

Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:11:35 PM)

Thanks SSFSX17. I am quite sure at least the first part of the statement will ring true.

Here is an overview picture of turn 3. My frontline is marked red.

Round 2
- On turn 2 i used an actioncard to start a rebellion in Qua ng Ngai (by the sea). I also moved forward quickly to surround Tcherepone in Laos.
- I have tried cutting of the City of Bhan Me thuot, south of Pleikku. It seems guarded by an ARVN division with a regional HQ.
- In the Mekong delta in the south i cut the road between Quan Long and Can Tho. An american unit of some kind is guarding the road to Quan Long.
- An ARVN Ranger Division is guarding Khe Sanh. I am watching it closely.

Unfortunatly the US unleashed hell on me by starting an strategic bombing campaign on me on turn 2. This event creates 30 strategic bombers in Guam. They quickly started to bomb my villages in the Delta. They were also joined by the majority of the 7th fleet. I tried unsuccessfully during turn 2 to put an end to the campaign through diplomatic pressure. Unfortunatly this didnt succeed until turn 3.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:22:21 PM)

Khe Sanh Province Round 3


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:26:05 PM)

Pleikku province Round 3

Actually this is an ongoing game. We are on turn 21 now. So lets just see how it goes.

Overview of what is happening in the Pleikku and surrounding provinces. A couple of tunnel systems can be seen to the immediate west of Pleikku.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:31:54 PM)

Mekong Delta & Rash Gia province - Round 3

The south with the Mekong delta.

Not shown on the maps are 6 freight smugglers that carried around 20-30 infantry/artillery that landed around Rash Gia each round.

Also i used the proud North vietnamese navy as pirates trying to cut supply from Guam. (this because the US stubbornly used almost all of its fleet anchored outside Rash Gia as gun platforms).


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:39:37 PM)

Overview - at the start of Round 4

- The first thing i noticed was that the insulent americans had taken back Quang Ngai supported by the febleminded ARVN.
- Near Ban Me thuot reinforcement can be seen.
- In the south an US infantry division is pushing towards Can Tho through the marches.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:48:02 PM)

Khe Sanh Province and Laos - Round 4

US presence in Laos
The reason that the original border between Laos and Vietnam is marked with yellow Xs is that there is a special rule about US/ARVN forces in Laos. If more than 60 or so Powerpoints of US/ARVN forces enter the original Lao territory this causes an international incident.

During each turn that this happens the DRVN gains political points and all ARVN forces suffers lower morale. ARVN units in jungle, mountains and swamps are affected extra hard.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 8:54:18 PM)

Mekong Delta & Rash Gia provinces - Round 4

Nothing exciting happened around Pleikku and Khotum during the round so a screenshot of the south will end this round.

During this time i was still mainly producing infantry, trucks, flak and political points. The flak and some inf guns i was smuggling to Rash Gia.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 9:45:06 PM)

Round 5 overview

The unit in the south that was trying to rescue my poor engineers was blown to bits.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 9:48:49 PM)

Round 5 Khe Sanh Province


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 9:54:16 PM)

Round 5 Pleikku and Kontum province


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/21/2009 10:00:01 PM)

Mekong Delta round 5

Cambodian Supply hex

The DRVN/FNL player can use PPs to buy supply that arrive at the HQ closest to hex that is marked "supply". It can also pay to get reinforcements there (altough this second event was not in place when this AAR was played)


82ndtrooper -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 12:03:19 AM)

very interesting scenario

Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 7:17:05 AM)

Overview - Round 6

- During the US/ARVN turn the infantry division i had cornered near Can Tho in the delta cut down the blocking FNL division and managed to escape.
- Another ARVN division closes in on Kontum through the highlands province from the east.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 7:27:32 AM)

Khe Sanh & Hue Province - Round 6

Also noteworthy is that i have decided to go all out and move my one armoured division through the Ho chi Minh trail down to fight in south vietnam.

Tonkin incident event & territorial water
If any US capitol ships (cruisers, battleships, carriers) or cargo ships end their movement in DRVN territorial waters this causes international outcry. For each round this happens the DRVN government gain international good will (Political points). The US is free to move destroyers, patrol boats and submarines in DRVN territorial waters.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 7:32:37 AM)

Pleikku & Quang Ngai provinces - Round 6

Guerilla units
The FNL can produce guerilla units in villages only. These special versions of SMGs, MGs, Staff and Mortars move very quickly through all sorts of terrain (10APs/hex in all terrain). They can also carry a lot of supply (14 rounds). Villages can also produce Political officers which move as irregulars. More about their special abilities later.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 7:42:48 AM)

Rash Gia and Mekong Delta provinces - Round 6

Patrol Boats
These are amphibious units that have aproximatly half the strenght of destroyers. They move on water and in swamps only. They cost 500 BPs. They move half the speed of other naval units (10 hexes/round, 6 in swamp). Each patrol boat can carry 3 infantry.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 7:47:24 AM)

Overview - Round 7

- The US have not moved from Khe Sanh.
- In Quang Ngai province the US Marine division in Quang Ngai have moved to link up supply with the ARVN division in the highlands.
- In the south the ARVN division encirled outside Rash Gia managed to half escape. Another ARVN infantry division is pushing on towards Can Tho.
- In the south east corner of the map the Guam Military base can be seen.

- Continually during these rounds i had been producing infantry. Also i was saving up on PPs because the US will get a second strategic bombardment action card in a year or so (6 rounds). And i wanted a lot of political pressure to get rid of the bombers imediatly.
- On round 7 i was getting severly pounded in the south. In an atempt to bolster up support for the Communist cause i decided to infiltrate Cambodia and to join an alliance with the Khmer Rouge. This would add their bases and units to mine, but also mean war with Cambodia.
- I had also used some PP to sabotage the production in Saigon and Hue. For 4PPs the FNL can try (50 % chance of success) to damage production in one of the major cities in South vietnam through the use of car bombs or more or less suicidal attacks by FNL sapper. If successfull the city would take 1 000 structural points in damage (sabotage action cards).


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 8:00:55 AM)

Khe Sanh & Hue provinces - Round 7

The first battle of Khe Sanh does not go well for the FNL/NVA. Lack of experience and coordination between units from the regular army and FNL guerilla means that the assault is bloodily repulsed.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 8:17:52 AM)

Pleikku & Quang Ngai provinces - Round 7


seille -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 8:54:20 AM)

Could you give us some detailled informations about production and losses ?

Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 9:04:34 AM)

Rash Gia and Mekong Delta provinces - Round 7 - Jan/feb 1965

Aside from the disasters described in the screenshot the following also happened.
- I was foolish enough to leave my artillery division in the open. It was slaughtered by enemy airbombardment.
- My Flak unit that had been hiding in the swamps was picked up by a passing by freight smuggler who will transport it to my new base area in Cambodia.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 9:16:02 AM)

DRVN/FNL production capabilities (at the start of the game)

Hi Seille: Sadly i did not take any screenshots of the game while in progress. I regret this now, but had no thought of making an AAR at the time. What i can give you is an overview of the production in general with some comments. I will do the same for the RVN/US side.

EDIT: From Round 7 i lost Rash Gia so deduct 1K production from the calculation below.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (2/22/2009 9:34:31 AM)

Overview of RVN/US production at the start of the game


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