RE: Vietnam War AAR (Full Version)

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Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/8/2009 11:43:20 AM)

Hue province - Round 17


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/8/2009 11:49:43 AM)

Pleikku province - Round 17


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/8/2009 11:56:51 AM)

Cambodian border - Round 17

What i should have done in this region. If i had played it over again would have been to load up on political officers and fortify them on the border region. Then they could have propagated through the provinces and caused uprisings. Since my political officers are cheaper (500Bps) than his Military advisors (1 000BPs) he could never had won such a military buildup. Unfortunaly i never though about this idea. and instead continued to sacrifice weak rifle units against his very strong US infantry divisions.

Military Advisors/Political officers

These SFTs represent seasoned staff (staffII) that can help pacify a province (Military advisors) or cause rebellions in the province (Political officers). Each round there is a rebellion check in each province and if there are more political officers than military advisors present in that province then there is a chance that there could be a rebellion in that province. Political officers have a high hidepoint and move like irregulars. They also have a recon value of 50. Political officers cost 500BPs. Military advisors cost 1000BPs.

Military advisors have a chance of performing intelligence operations in a province. If the US has a military advisor in a province there is a 30 % chance that the military advisor will be able to perform Intelligence operations in that province through a free actioncard. The intelligence operation have a 75 % chance of success and will then report the total number of enemy powerpoints in the province. If unsuccessfull it will report a false number.


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/8/2009 3:40:54 PM)

US Turn 17:
After the news has reached the public anyway: The US saw the need to demolish military targets of value to the enemy in the concerted "Rolling Thunder" bomber campaign. Hit were military production facilities in Kontum and Pleiku. These were military targets in occupied South Vietnamese cities, no attacks on North Vietnam were flown although we reserve the right to do so if aggression from there against US allies continue.
After their mission were accomplished the bombers were transferred out of South Vietnam again to not give the commies any more excuse of diplomatic accusations.
And all reports that the US is planning to build up a secret strategic bombing strike force in Quang Ngai are greatly exaggerated.
On the ground the 9th division continues chasing the retreating enemy North without making contact. The Thai military assistance group and the ANZAC mech regiment provide support. The 3rd Marines provide cover in the East. All of these units move very slowly due to the terrain. The Anzac Special forces is the only unit that manages to cope with the terrain. They run into some retreating North Vietnamese. Near Qui Nhon the Philippines Division (some more auxiliaries!) tries to find some better terrain to move towards Kontum.


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/8/2009 3:45:15 PM)

US Turn 17:
In the North we make the surprising realization "they are not coming over the river".
However even so US and allies feel strong enough to defend against enemy attacks, if needs be the US 7th fleet will divert its strike potential North instead of supporting the troops advancing on Pleiku.


Silicor -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/8/2009 4:12:16 PM)

What are the victory conditions for this scenario?

Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/12/2009 12:19:14 PM)

Overview - Round 18

Silicor. At the time i am not sure any victory conditions were finalized. The ones that are added now is that the DRVN/FNL side wins if it captures 13 VPs from the south. Hue and Saigon is worth 5VPs. All other cities 1VP. The RVN /US wins if no locations in south vietnam are in enemy hands or if 100 or less powerpoints of units exist in southern vietnam.

On the Northwest of DRVN i mop up most of the Lao units. My forces here are now more or less strong enough to deal wit any invading Lao forces.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/12/2009 12:25:58 PM)

Hue & Highlands province - Round 18


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/12/2009 12:30:34 PM)

Pleikku province and Cambodian border - Round 18


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/12/2009 12:34:31 PM)

Cambodian border - Round 18


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/12/2009 6:29:20 PM)

US turn 18:
During the whole war the US navy has been a great asset to support the bombing campaign, however the Vietnamese navy has inflicted heavy supply losses and has been very elusive.
So frustrated US Admirals are quite astonished to find a freightsmuggler anchored directly next to the cruisers who had been looking for them in vain for several turns. They discuss the threat of a booby-trap but sink the boats nevertheless...


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/12/2009 6:37:59 PM)

US turn 18:
In the center offensive the troops continue their march through the jungle towards Pleiku. Although the ground troop strength would not warrant an offensive here our air and artillery power does.
With airstrikes from 12 fighters, 4 helicopters, 24 tactical bombers we soften up the occupiers of Pleiku so that the ground divisions will just need to take over the management of the city soon...


wmcalpine -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/13/2009 2:06:54 AM)

Just caught up on this AAR. Great scenario and a great AAR. I am definately interested in the outcome of this game.

Best Regards


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 2:19:43 PM)

Overview - Round 19

- My forces are being harassed by both Lao and Cambodian forces, but are well up to the task. Also the Cambodians seem to be scouting my base area in the south.
- The US seem to have started some sort of offensive in the nortj towards Khe Sanh.
- Lost 2 freight smugglers whom got careless and travelled to close to the coast. A valuable cargo of 2 artillery batteries go to the bottom with the crew.

Thanks Wmcalpine. Some of the mechanics of the scenario are changed since the game. And the event engine is more developed. The airgame is somewhat changed.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 2:34:26 PM)

Pleikku province - Round 19


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 2:41:18 PM)

Pleikku province - Round 19


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 2:46:11 PM)

Cambodian border - Round 19


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 4:39:44 PM)

US round 19:
On the Northern Front in Khe Sanh we drop our normal strategic restraint and mount a parallel attack also in the Northern sector to try to retake Khe Sanh. The hope here is, that Charly is weak and occupied on the other fronts. The 11th Mechanized Cavalry charges and takes Khe Sanh in a bid to end the American involvement in this war quickly and to hand the defense of South Vietnam back to Saigon.


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 4:47:39 PM)

US turn 19:
In the center the focussed US air campaign against Northern units continues to reduce enemy resistance. The 9th Division takes Pleiku with nearly no losses. The supporting 1st Airborne and 3rd Marines throw back some small units which the commies had thrown in the path of the advance. The HQ slowly crawls through the jungle to cheer on the advancing frontline troops. In the East we exchange the badly hit Special Forces with the Philippino auxiliaries which finally seem to have managed to find some maps on how to get to Kontum


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 4:56:02 PM)

US turn 19:
In the Southern Valley we are badly surprised and ambushed. Our strategy was to be able to hold the area here with limited forces. Now we are disengaging from the enemy and regrouping near Chau Phu. However as a surprise for Charly US Air Force flies in lots of tactical bombers. The nice thing here is that air range of the tactical bombers is a very satisfying 20 hex. If N Vietnames units come close to Chau Phu this will allow our bombers a lot of very nice bombing runs each turn.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/15/2009 6:32:01 PM)

Aaah,, i forget that i actually struck at the US in the south. I was actually playing better than i remember :)

Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/19/2009 8:14:03 PM)

Overview - Round 20

- My naval forces are starting to withdraw from the south to load up on supplies.
- My bombing offensive against the major south vietnam cities continue. Through infiltration of saboteurs i keep Hue constantly structurally damaged.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/19/2009 8:22:19 PM)

Hue province - Round 20


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/19/2009 8:25:53 PM)

Pleikku province - round 20

Irregular movement
The FNL can produce guerilla units in the villages of Vietnam. These variants of SMGs, Staff, Mortars and MGs and political officers move at an irregular movement speed. This means that they move in all terrain at 10APs/hex. Using such units the FNL forces can move at a much faster pace than the ARVN/US forces and frequently cut of them from supply. The only US/ARVN forces that can match the guerilla in speed is the special forces and the Montagnard guerilla units that the US can employ to conduct guerilla warfare in North Vietnam.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/19/2009 8:30:51 PM)

Cambodian border & Rash Gia province - Round 20


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/20/2009 12:08:44 AM)

US turn 20:
In the North we pay for the blunder of deviating from the planned strategy as the North Vietnamese throw us out of Khe Sanh again with heavy losses. However I think we taught our enemy not to park units on the coast in range of US warships.
US forces move back to defensive positions. These however are still quite secure and supported by air and artillery.
Offensive operations will only resume once all other fronts are secured.


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/20/2009 12:16:16 AM)

US turn 20:
In the center we continue to advance. While 9th Division together with the Thais hold Pleiku, we move also against Kontum supported by strong air forces. We will see how long the enemy will occupy the Jungle around the center. We are thinking if there is a way to transform the Jungle into a Plains hex...


Tufkal2 -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/20/2009 12:20:20 AM)

US Turn 20:
In the South US forces need to try to come to terms with the invading Charly. Rash Gia is surrounded and the supply lines are cut, however the GIs there are strong and deeply entrenched. From the North we do the usual: Drop a lot of bombs and advance slowly again. This will become a close race against time...


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/22/2009 11:49:08 AM)

Overview - Round 21

During the US/RVN turn the forces outside Khe Sanh retreat, brushing aside the FNL forces blocking them.

At this point the my outlook of the war was pretty bleak. I was however thinking that if i might hold a stronghold or 2 in south vietnam i could wait things out untill the political situation would change. With the policy of Vietnamization coming into place somewhere on round 24-25 US support to south vietnam would drop drasticly (the US depots will be recalled). At the same time i would recieve a third Chinese depot and this support would not dissapear. This would mean 2k*3 for me and -2k*3 for the ARVN. This strategy would however only work if i actually had some fighting forces left in south vietnam.

So if i could just hold out in Khe Sanh and maybe in Kontum then maybe i could make a comeback.


Grymme -> RE: Vietnam War AAR (3/22/2009 11:56:34 AM)

Hue province - Round 21

At this time i was producing some tanks and armoured cars since i felt that my forces needed some punch in them.


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