JWE -> RE: Navy commemorating 1944 Pearl Harbor disaster (5/22/2009 8:35:35 PM)
Speaking of toes, got my first assignment to the 319th, and one of my section chiefs was this gigantic 5’ 5” fellow from Athens Georgia, Richard (Buddy), Carter Vaughn. We shared a hootch, me being a newly, and one time after a gnarly slog thru the delta, we were drying our feet. We were exhausted and sharing a Bao Dia, and there was our naked feet side by side on the post. Next thing I hear is “Eltee, where’d you get them skinny peckerwood toes anyway?” Buddy was at my wedding. I’m godfather to his third daughter. I was at his funeral at Arlington. I wept for a true friend and comrade. Funny how toes work sometimes, yeah?