Kingmaker -> RE: 1792 No frills PBEM (6/19/2009 4:25:23 PM)
HiHi Here you go 1792, 23yrs, Advanced Econ, No glory highest at the end wins, 10% attrition (Wellington) Montesaurus = Turkey IW = Russia Andrew = Sweden Timurlain = Prussia Mus = Austria Franck = Spain Kingmaker = England B2 = france IW is the france expert, but I would asume you set up using the above (your call re Combat difficulty level) as you would for a solo game, ie france = human, the above criteria, do your turn, 'End turn', then send a copy of your files ***TurDone.sve & ***TurDone.rep off to everybody listed, thats it, you only do it once. Then Spain takes over, we all do our turn, 'End turn' and send our ***TurDone files to Franck who merges them via 'Combine PBEM files', does his turn, 'End turn' and sends the new, Turn***All.sve & Turn***.rep files back out to everybody. All the Best Peter